what do you guys think of duncan jones' movies (whistle, moon, source code)? i think he's the best up-and-coming sci-fi director/writer around.
whistle had a unique premise, though i wish it had been fleshed out into full motion picture.
though slow-paced, i feel that moon is among the best sci-fi mindbenders out there.
and source code was a beauty, and a perfect first-big-budget flick from the young dude.
i'm glad i didn't realize he was bowie's son til after i became a fan (post-moon). if i had known prior, my bowie-bias would have destroyed the validity of this post.
I've only seen Moon but i thought that was really good. Sam Rockwell is the man.
Charlotte 00 Charlotte 03 Asheville 04 Atlanta 12 Greenville 16, Columbia 16 Seattle 18 Nashville 22 Ohana Festival 24 x2
I just read the first book in Asimov's Foundation trilogy and it was pretty cool.
I think like many classics it was slightly disapointing beause it was built up so much as this pillar of science fiction lit but i like how he spans such a long time frame and keeps you interested in the characters you are reading about. I'll finish the orginal trilogy for sure.
Plus at 300 pages it was nice to read a short book compared to the 1,000 page tomes it seems i've been reading lately.
Charlotte 00 Charlotte 03 Asheville 04 Atlanta 12 Greenville 16, Columbia 16 Seattle 18 Nashville 22 Ohana Festival 24 x2
For my fellow Trekkies out there, Deep Space Nine (The best Star Trek show ) is now available on Netflix instant streaming!!!
2003: San Antonio, Houston, Dallas, Seattle; 2005: Monterrey; 2006: Chicago 1 & 2, Grand Rapids, Cleveland, Detroit; 2008: West Palm Beach, Tampa; 2009: Austin, LA 3 & 4, San Diego; 2010: Kansas City, St. Louis, Columbus, Indianapolis; 2011: PJ20 1 & 2; 2012: Missoula; 2013: Dallas, Oklahoma City, Seattle; 2014: Tulsa; 2016: Columbia, New York City 1 & 2; 2018: London, Seattle 1 & 2; 2021: Ohana; 2022: Oklahoma City
Just ordered all the dvd's of Babylon 5 from Amazon.
i hope its good :?
They were on sale for 14-17 dollars a season so i dove in
it's more than good, it's amazing. the first season is a lot of set-up, and i don't think the actors knew exactly what was important to the show's mythology at first (hint: EVERYTHING). some parts of that season may not be excellent, but by the time you make it through to the next season, the pace will pick up and you'll be hooked. Everything is in place by episode 209 (31st of the series), "The Coming of Shadows", and the show will kick into high gear through the end of the fourth season. Season five is alright, but feels a tad disjointed at times.
If you want an analysis of each episode, without spoilers for those which follow, check out http://www.midwinter.com/lurk/countries/us/eplist.html - a site which I frequented during the show's original run and my later rewatches.
I'm a big fan of old sci-fi movies like Logan's run, Soylent Green, Phase IV (unfortunately, I only know the cut version, the uncut one is very hard to come by :( ) or even older stuff like Plan 9 from Outer Space. And I loved the first two Terminator movies, Stargate, Gattaca, The Matrix, and of course the Back to the future series! I think a good sci-fi story for me also has to include some emotions.
When I thought about this post, I noticed, that I rarely read sci-fi novels, though. I love scenarios that are set in the future, but are still believable and not too scientific. Generation A and Girlfriend in a Coma by Douglas Coupland were great, and I loved Atomised /The elementary Particles by Michel Houellebeq, and of course Brave New World.
Please, Pearl Jam, consider a Benaroya Hall vinyl reissue!
Just ordered all the dvd's of Babylon 5 from Amazon.
i hope its good :?
They were on sale for 14-17 dollars a season so i dove in
it's more than good, it's amazing. the first season is a lot of set-up, and i don't think the actors knew exactly what was important to the show's mythology at first (hint: EVERYTHING). some parts of that season may not be excellent, but by the time you make it through to the next season, the pace will pick up and you'll be hooked. Everything is in place by episode 209 (31st of the series), "The Coming of Shadows", and the show will kick into high gear through the end of the fourth season. Season five is alright, but feels a tad disjointed at times.
If you want an analysis of each episode, without spoilers for those which follow, check out http://www.midwinter.com/lurk/countries/us/eplist.html - a site which I frequented during the show's original run and my later rewatches.
I'll second uninnocent's comments. Babylon 5 is a great show...Season 1 has a lot of standalone episiodes and kind of just sets up the show's universe. I'm not going to lie, some episodes this season are weak, but there are some strong ones as well..just be patient and stay with it. You will be more than rewarded in Seasons 2-4. First half of season 5 is somewhat disjoined as the series had originally been canceled after season 4 and the writer had already wrapped up most of the major story lines, but the second half of season 5 is awesome. Great series finale as well!
2003: San Antonio, Houston, Dallas, Seattle; 2005: Monterrey; 2006: Chicago 1 & 2, Grand Rapids, Cleveland, Detroit; 2008: West Palm Beach, Tampa; 2009: Austin, LA 3 & 4, San Diego; 2010: Kansas City, St. Louis, Columbus, Indianapolis; 2011: PJ20 1 & 2; 2012: Missoula; 2013: Dallas, Oklahoma City, Seattle; 2014: Tulsa; 2016: Columbia, New York City 1 & 2; 2018: London, Seattle 1 & 2; 2021: Ohana; 2022: Oklahoma City
For my fellow Trekkies out there, Deep Space Nine (The best Star Trek show ) is now available on Netflix instant streaming!!!
Deep Space Nine = Best Star Trek show???
Here we go
I'm biting my tongue. I know where DS9 stands in my books, and it ain't at the top.
I really like all Treks except Voyager, but DS9 stands above and beyond for me. Especially seasons 4-7, which were really strong with the Klingon War, and then later the Dominion War. It's the only Treks how that made an attempt at having a serialized story and it did pretty good with its arcs, primarily the station occupation arc, and the last half of the final season was pretty much one big arc wrapping everything up.
TNG is also a very close second as it had some great standalone episodes and ToS' first 2 seasons were good. Actually, TNG is the show that got me into sci fi when I was a kid.
Post edited by Better Dan on
2003: San Antonio, Houston, Dallas, Seattle; 2005: Monterrey; 2006: Chicago 1 & 2, Grand Rapids, Cleveland, Detroit; 2008: West Palm Beach, Tampa; 2009: Austin, LA 3 & 4, San Diego; 2010: Kansas City, St. Louis, Columbus, Indianapolis; 2011: PJ20 1 & 2; 2012: Missoula; 2013: Dallas, Oklahoma City, Seattle; 2014: Tulsa; 2016: Columbia, New York City 1 & 2; 2018: London, Seattle 1 & 2; 2021: Ohana; 2022: Oklahoma City
For my fellow Trekkies out there, Deep Space Nine (The best Star Trek show ) is now available on Netflix instant streaming!!!
Already own all seasons on DVD....Sisko kicks ass!!!!
All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
For my fellow Trekkies out there, Deep Space Nine (The best Star Trek show ) is now available on Netflix instant streaming!!!
Deep Space Nine = Best Star Trek show???
Here we go
Yes....like Q noted....Sisko was quite different from Picard, who was cut from the same cloth as Kirk. DS9 cast the spotlight on an imperfect United Federation....showed us what was hiding the dark corners of space and the human heart. It also touched on the metaphysical far more than any other Star Trek series.
All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
I really like all Treks except Voyager, but DS9 stands above and beyond for me. Especially seasons 4-7, which were really strong with the Klingon War, and then later the Dominion War. It's the only Treks how that made an attempt at having a serialized story and it did pretty good with its arcs, primarily the station occupation arc, and the last half of the final season was pretty much one big arc wrapping everything up.
TNG is also a very close second as it had some great standalone episodes and ToS' first 2 seasons were good. Actually, TNG is the show that got me into sci fi when I was a kid.
I do agree that the show gained a lot of speed when the wars began/escalated. However there was a lot of crap early on during the series that turned me off during its original airing, and the later seasons just didn't make up for it. Don't get me wrong though, I like the show, it's just not among my favourite Star Treks.
Lately I've been rewatching Voyager, and I feel that it received a lot of unmerited hostility from the fans and I feel as a whole it slightly edges DS9. Just to stir the pot, I wholly enjoyed Enterprise more than DS9 and Voyager; it doesn't get nearly the credit it deserves, especially with the introduction of the temporal cold war.
I'll second uninnocent's comments. Babylon 5 is a great show...Season 1 has a lot of standalone episiodes and kind of just sets up the show's universe. I'm not going to lie, some episodes this season are weak, but there are some strong ones as well..just be patient and stay with it. You will be more than rewarded in Seasons 2-4. First half of season 5 is somewhat disjoined as the series had originally been canceled after season 4 and the writer had already wrapped up most of the major story lines, but the second half of season 5 is awesome. Great series finale as well!
I couldn't agree more, that finale is among the best I've ever seen in sci-fi, and I'm glad they filmed it during the fourth season so that the show would have ended the same way. The season 4 finale ("The Deconstruction of Falling Stars") also works quite well, and would have been up there as well if it served as a series finale.
Lately I've been rewatching Voyager, and I feel that it received a lot of unmerited hostility from the fans and I feel as a whole it slightly edges DS9. Just to stir the pot, I wholly enjoyed Enterprise more than DS9 and Voyager; it doesn't get nearly the credit it deserves, especially with the introduction of the temporal cold war.
Been trying to catch some "Enterprise" episodes when I can...other than the opening theme....it really was a solid show
All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
Lately I've been rewatching Voyager, and I feel that it received a lot of unmerited hostility from the fans and I feel as a whole it slightly edges DS9. Just to stir the pot, I wholly enjoyed Enterprise more than DS9 and Voyager; it doesn't get nearly the credit it deserves, especially with the introduction of the temporal cold war.
Been trying to catch some "Enterprise" episodes when I can...other than the opening theme....it really was a solid show
I've been watching Enterprise on Netflix lately as well as I gave up on it after a few episodes of the show's original run I'm in early season 3 and I''ve been enjoying it so far. I'll probably give Voyager another shot eventually. I had a plan to try to watch the star trek shows and movies in "timeline order" but it hasn't gone so well so far.
2003: San Antonio, Houston, Dallas, Seattle; 2005: Monterrey; 2006: Chicago 1 & 2, Grand Rapids, Cleveland, Detroit; 2008: West Palm Beach, Tampa; 2009: Austin, LA 3 & 4, San Diego; 2010: Kansas City, St. Louis, Columbus, Indianapolis; 2011: PJ20 1 & 2; 2012: Missoula; 2013: Dallas, Oklahoma City, Seattle; 2014: Tulsa; 2016: Columbia, New York City 1 & 2; 2018: London, Seattle 1 & 2; 2021: Ohana; 2022: Oklahoma City
i have 3 star wars tattoos (rebel alliance symbol on left forearm, imperial symbol on right forearm...mandolorian mammoth skull on left shoulder - right where boba fett has his)... i am currently sitting on a bed with star wars sheets from pottery barn. just bought my gf (who also has rebel alliance tattoo) yoda and r2 holiday/xmas tree lights. Her dad has an entire room dedicated to star wars :ugeek:
love comic books... batman is one of my favorites. my gf and i argue all the time about this. her favorite superhero is superman (she also has the superman symbol tattooed on her thigh ). my favorite superhero is indiana jones...she says indie isnt a superhero. FUCK THAT!
i love philip k dick. do androids dream of electric sheet is SOOOO cool. i LOVE Ender's Game. However the Hobbit (i know its fantasy, but im geeking out here) is my favorite book of all time.
my gf, when we get married, wants to name our first kid anakin.
Big Bang Theory is one of the coolest shows ever. Beats, Bears, and Battlestar Gallacatica!!! Metropolis, Tron, Alien, Dune, Mad Max, Stargate...mother fuckin X-Files!!!
Klatu, Verata, Nikto!
r2 and 3p0 are based on the two lowliest characters in Kurosawa's Hidden Fortress. Jay and Silent Bob, in turn, are based on r2 and 3p0 :ugeek:
it's largely due to eddie that i liked to jump off of things as a child...
Lately I've been rewatching Voyager, and I feel that it received a lot of unmerited hostility from the fans and I feel as a whole it slightly edges DS9. Just to stir the pot, I wholly enjoyed Enterprise more than DS9 and Voyager; it doesn't get nearly the credit it deserves, especially with the introduction of the temporal cold war.
Been trying to catch some "Enterprise" episodes when I can...other than the opening theme....it really was a solid show
I've been watching Enterprise on Netflix lately as well as I gave up on it after a few episodes of the show's original run I'm in early season 3 and I''ve been enjoying it so far. I'll probably give Voyager another shot eventually. I had a plan to try to watch the star trek shows and movies in "timeline order" but it hasn't gone so well so far.
There are a lot of clunkers in the series, but generally speaking everything involving time travel, contact with the Federation and the Borg is good. I actually think the time travel in Voyager is unparalleled amongst Star Treks... save for Enterprise.
Lately I've been rewatching Voyager, and I feel that it received a lot of unmerited hostility from the fans and I feel as a whole it slightly edges DS9. Just to stir the pot, I wholly enjoyed Enterprise more than DS9 and Voyager; it doesn't get nearly the credit it deserves, especially with the introduction of the temporal cold war.
Been trying to catch some "Enterprise" episodes when I can...other than the opening theme....it really was a solid show
It was good because it actually had an overarching story throughout, and the Temporal Cold War was different than anything Star Trek had offered in the past.
Just ordered all the dvd's of Babylon 5 from Amazon.
i hope its good :?
They were on sale for 14-17 dollars a season so i dove in
it's more than good, it's amazing. the first season is a lot of set-up, and i don't think the actors knew exactly what was important to the show's mythology at first (hint: EVERYTHING). some parts of that season may not be excellent, but by the time you make it through to the next season, the pace will pick up and you'll be hooked. Everything is in place by episode 209 (31st of the series), "The Coming of Shadows", and the show will kick into high gear through the end of the fourth season. Season five is alright, but feels a tad disjointed at times.
If you want an analysis of each episode, without spoilers for those which follow, check out http://www.midwinter.com/lurk/countries/us/eplist.html - a site which I frequented during the show's original run and my later rewatches.
I'll second uninnocent's comments. Babylon 5 is a great show...Season 1 has a lot of standalone episiodes and kind of just sets up the show's universe. I'm not going to lie, some episodes this season are weak, but there are some strong ones as well..just be patient and stay with it. You will be more than rewarded in Seasons 2-4. First half of season 5 is somewhat disjoined as the series had originally been canceled after season 4 and the writer had already wrapped up most of the major story lines, but the second half of season 5 is awesome. Great series finale as well!
I read a few reveiws and many warned you have to make it through season one. I thought by buying all of them this would force my hand not to stop
Charlotte 00 Charlotte 03 Asheville 04 Atlanta 12 Greenville 16, Columbia 16 Seattle 18 Nashville 22 Ohana Festival 24 x2
i have 3 star wars tattoos (rebel alliance symbol on left forearm, imperial symbol on right forearm...mandolorian mammoth skull on left shoulder - right where boba fett has his)... i am currently sitting on a bed with star wars sheets from pottery barn. just bought my gf (who also has rebel alliance tattoo) yoda and r2 holiday/xmas tree lights. Her dad has an entire room dedicated to star wars :ugeek:
love comic books... batman is one of my favorites. my gf and i argue all the time about this. her favorite superhero is superman (she also has the superman symbol tattooed on her thigh ). my favorite superhero is indiana jones...she says indie isnt a superhero. FUCK THAT!
i love philip k dick. do androids dream of electric sheet is SOOOO cool. i LOVE Ender's Game. However the Hobbit (i know its fantasy, but im geeking out here) is my favorite book of all time.
my gf, when we get married, wants to name our first kid anakin.
Big Bang Theory is one of the coolest shows ever. Beats, Bears, and Battlestar Gallacatica!!! Metropolis, Tron, Alien, Dune, Mad Max, Stargate...mother fuckin X-Files!!!
Klatu, Verata, Nikto!
r2 and 3p0 are based on the two lowliest characters in Kurosawa's Hidden Fortress. Jay and Silent Bob, in turn, are based on r2 and 3p0 :ugeek:
That is pretty awesome.
you mentioned Dune i just got done reading it for the first time. I was pertty impressed.
Charlotte 00 Charlotte 03 Asheville 04 Atlanta 12 Greenville 16, Columbia 16 Seattle 18 Nashville 22 Ohana Festival 24 x2
I'm finally watching Firefly after years of procrastination. Only a couple more episodes left. Its cancellation was such a shame! Can't wait to rewatch Serenity. I've somehow seen it twice - in theatres and on TV - but never got around to watching the fantastic series that preceeded it.
Next on the docket is Battlestar Galactica. I borrowed this off a buddy and he told me that I should get ready to call in "sick" for work just to watch it.
I'm finally watching Firefly after years of procrastination. Only a couple more episodes left. Its cancellation was such a shame! Can't wait to rewatch Serenity. I've somehow seen it twice - in theatres and on TV - but never got around to watching the fantastic series that preceeded it.
Next on the docket is Battlestar Galactica. I borrowed this off a buddy and he told me that I should get ready to call in "sick" for work just to watch it.
Man i loved Firefly! Great stuff. It's a shame it ended but i hope they never try to do anything else with it. I think it woudl kind of ruin it.
I loved battlestar! Some of it was a little uneven, but overall it was pretty damn good.
I still have Babylon 5 to watch. I purchased all the dvd's last fall and have not got around to startign it.
I did watch all of Eureka and it was okay nothing special. I liked it because i coudl watch it at the gym on the bike while i worked out i did not need to concentrate hard on it.
Charlotte 00 Charlotte 03 Asheville 04 Atlanta 12 Greenville 16, Columbia 16 Seattle 18 Nashville 22 Ohana Festival 24 x2
I'm finally watching Firefly after years of procrastination. Only a couple more episodes left. Its cancellation was such a shame! Can't wait to rewatch Serenity. I've somehow seen it twice - in theatres and on TV - but never got around to watching the fantastic series that preceeded it.
Next on the docket is Battlestar Galactica. I borrowed this off a buddy and he told me that I should get ready to call in "sick" for work just to watch it.
Man i loved Firefly! Great stuff. It's a shame it ended but i hope they never try to do anything else with it. I think it woudl kind of ruin it.
I loved battlestar! Some of it was a little uneven, but overall it was pretty damn good.
I still have Babylon 5 to watch. I purchased all the dvd's last fall and have not got around to startign it.
I did watch all of Eureka and it was okay nothing special. I liked it because i coudl watch it at the gym on the bike while i worked out i did not need to concentrate hard on it.
You really need to be in the right mood for the first season and half of B5.
I'm finally watching Firefly after years of procrastination. Only a couple more episodes left. Its cancellation was such a shame! Can't wait to rewatch Serenity. I've somehow seen it twice - in theatres and on TV - but never got around to watching the fantastic series that preceeded it.
Next on the docket is Battlestar Galactica. I borrowed this off a buddy and he told me that I should get ready to call in "sick" for work just to watch it.
Man i loved Firefly! Great stuff. It's a shame it ended but i hope they never try to do anything else with it. I think it woudl kind of ruin it.
I loved battlestar! Some of it was a little uneven, but overall it was pretty damn good.
I still have Babylon 5 to watch. I purchased all the dvd's last fall and have not got around to startign it.
I did watch all of Eureka and it was okay nothing special. I liked it because i coudl watch it at the gym on the bike while i worked out i did not need to concentrate hard on it.
Agree with Battlestar..Seasons 1, 2 and parts of 3 were great and it got a little uneven after that, IMO but still a very strong show. I think I brought up Farscape back when this thread was newer, but that show is so good I need to bring it up again I definitely recommend Farscape if you haven't seen it yet. Again, season 1 starts off a little iffy but it gets good after a few episodes..and then it gets REALLY really good by the last 4 episodes of season 1.
2003: San Antonio, Houston, Dallas, Seattle; 2005: Monterrey; 2006: Chicago 1 & 2, Grand Rapids, Cleveland, Detroit; 2008: West Palm Beach, Tampa; 2009: Austin, LA 3 & 4, San Diego; 2010: Kansas City, St. Louis, Columbus, Indianapolis; 2011: PJ20 1 & 2; 2012: Missoula; 2013: Dallas, Oklahoma City, Seattle; 2014: Tulsa; 2016: Columbia, New York City 1 & 2; 2018: London, Seattle 1 & 2; 2021: Ohana; 2022: Oklahoma City
I'm watching Star Trek TNG from the start 2 episodes daily and I'm having a blast, sorry that I just jumped in the thread out of nowhere but is pretty long to read
"The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it"
Neil deGrasse Tyson
I'm watching Star Trek TNG from the start 2 episodes daily and I'm having a blast, sorry that I just jumped in the thread out of nowhere but is pretty long to read
I haven't watched it in chronological order probably since its original airing. Have fun with that.
I'm watching Star Trek TNG from the start 2 episodes daily and I'm having a blast, sorry that I just jumped in the thread out of nowhere but is pretty long to read
They are working on converting the film to the blu ray format. There is a 4 episode sampler blu ray out now and the quality is supposed to be excellent. They went back to the original film and re-edited all the episodes in high definition. :ugeek:
2003: San Antonio, Houston, Dallas, Seattle; 2005: Monterrey; 2006: Chicago 1 & 2, Grand Rapids, Cleveland, Detroit; 2008: West Palm Beach, Tampa; 2009: Austin, LA 3 & 4, San Diego; 2010: Kansas City, St. Louis, Columbus, Indianapolis; 2011: PJ20 1 & 2; 2012: Missoula; 2013: Dallas, Oklahoma City, Seattle; 2014: Tulsa; 2016: Columbia, New York City 1 & 2; 2018: London, Seattle 1 & 2; 2021: Ohana; 2022: Oklahoma City
I've only seen Moon but i thought that was really good. Sam Rockwell is the man.
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
I think like many classics it was slightly disapointing beause it was built up so much as this pillar of science fiction lit but i like how he spans such a long time frame and keeps you interested in the characters you are reading about. I'll finish the orginal trilogy for sure.
Plus at 300 pages it was nice to read a short book compared to the 1,000 page tomes it seems i've been reading lately.
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
i hope its good :?
They were on sale for 14-17 dollars a season so i dove in
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
I had a freind back in the day who swore by this, Yes he did smoke Crack, but still all his other judgement was pretty good, let us know..
it's more than good, it's amazing. the first season is a lot of set-up, and i don't think the actors knew exactly what was important to the show's mythology at first (hint: EVERYTHING). some parts of that season may not be excellent, but by the time you make it through to the next season, the pace will pick up and you'll be hooked. Everything is in place by episode 209 (31st of the series), "The Coming of Shadows", and the show will kick into high gear through the end of the fourth season. Season five is alright, but feels a tad disjointed at times.
If you want an analysis of each episode, without spoilers for those which follow, check out http://www.midwinter.com/lurk/countries/us/eplist.html - a site which I frequented during the show's original run and my later rewatches.
When I thought about this post, I noticed, that I rarely read sci-fi novels, though. I love scenarios that are set in the future, but are still believable and not too scientific. Generation A and Girlfriend in a Coma by Douglas Coupland were great, and I loved Atomised /The elementary Particles by Michel Houellebeq, and of course Brave New World.
Here we go
I'm biting my tongue. I know where DS9 stands in my books, and it ain't at the top.
I'll second uninnocent's comments. Babylon 5 is a great show...Season 1 has a lot of standalone episiodes and kind of just sets up the show's universe. I'm not going to lie, some episodes this season are weak, but there are some strong ones as well..just be patient and stay with it. You will be more than rewarded in Seasons 2-4. First half of season 5 is somewhat disjoined as the series had originally been canceled after season 4 and the writer had already wrapped up most of the major story lines, but the second half of season 5 is awesome. Great series finale as well!
TNG is also a very close second as it had some great standalone episodes and ToS' first 2 seasons were good. Actually, TNG is the show that got me into sci fi when I was a kid.
I do agree that the show gained a lot of speed when the wars began/escalated. However there was a lot of crap early on during the series that turned me off during its original airing, and the later seasons just didn't make up for it. Don't get me wrong though, I like the show, it's just not among my favourite Star Treks.
Lately I've been rewatching Voyager, and I feel that it received a lot of unmerited hostility from the fans and I feel as a whole it slightly edges DS9. Just to stir the pot, I wholly enjoyed Enterprise more than DS9 and Voyager; it doesn't get nearly the credit it deserves, especially with the introduction of the temporal cold war.
I couldn't agree more, that finale is among the best I've ever seen in sci-fi, and I'm glad they filmed it during the fourth season so that the show would have ended the same way. The season 4 finale ("The Deconstruction of Falling Stars") also works quite well, and would have been up there as well if it served as a series finale.
I've been watching Enterprise on Netflix lately as well as I gave up on it after a few episodes of the show's original run I'm in early season 3 and I''ve been enjoying it so far. I'll probably give Voyager another shot eventually. I had a plan to try to watch the star trek shows and movies in "timeline order" but it hasn't gone so well so far.
love comic books... batman is one of my favorites. my gf and i argue all the time about this. her favorite superhero is superman (she also has the superman symbol tattooed on her thigh
i love philip k dick. do androids dream of electric sheet is SOOOO cool. i LOVE Ender's Game. However the Hobbit (i know its fantasy, but im geeking out here) is my favorite book of all time.
my gf, when we get married, wants to name our first kid anakin.
Big Bang Theory is one of the coolest shows ever. Beats, Bears, and Battlestar Gallacatica!!! Metropolis, Tron, Alien, Dune, Mad Max, Stargate...mother fuckin X-Files!!!
Klatu, Verata, Nikto!
r2 and 3p0 are based on the two lowliest characters in Kurosawa's Hidden Fortress. Jay and Silent Bob, in turn, are based on r2 and 3p0 :ugeek:
There are a lot of clunkers in the series, but generally speaking everything involving time travel, contact with the Federation and the Borg is good. I actually think the time travel in Voyager is unparalleled amongst Star Treks... save for Enterprise.
It was good because it actually had an overarching story throughout, and the Temporal Cold War was different than anything Star Trek had offered in the past.
I read a few reveiws and many warned you have to make it through season one. I thought by buying all of them this would force my hand not to stop
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
you mentioned Dune i just got done reading it for the first time. I was pertty impressed.
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
Next on the docket is Battlestar Galactica. I borrowed this off a buddy and he told me that I should get ready to call in "sick" for work just to watch it.
I loved battlestar! Some of it was a little uneven, but overall it was pretty damn good.
I still have Babylon 5 to watch. I purchased all the dvd's last fall and have not got around to startign it.
I did watch all of Eureka and it was okay nothing special. I liked it because i coudl watch it at the gym on the bike while i worked out i did not need to concentrate hard on it.
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
You really need to be in the right mood for the first season and half of B5.
Agree with Battlestar..Seasons 1, 2 and parts of 3 were great and it got a little uneven after that, IMO but still a very strong show. I think I brought up Farscape back when this thread was newer, but that show is so good I need to bring it up again
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Why not (V) (°,,,,°) (V) ?
I haven't watched it in chronological order probably since its original airing. Have fun with that.
They are working on converting the film to the blu ray format. There is a 4 episode sampler blu ray out now and the quality is supposed to be excellent. They went back to the original film and re-edited all the episodes in high definition. :ugeek: