I have to say I don't often write on forums for one reason and another, but on this occassion after reading several negative reviews of concert I felt i had to put my 2 pence worth in.
Tuesday night for me was a dream come true, seeing a band i have idolised since i was 13 years old in such a small venue was a surreal and uplifting experience I'll never forget for the rest of my life. Missing the Astoria gig broke my heart but this was an oppertunity to repair the damage, and it did and then some.
From queuing outside and listening with my ear press upagainst the fire exit door with several other fans to the band warming up (rats sounded great) to final chords of yellow ledbetter, it was a superb night. I've already framed the poster and it's taken pride of place in my staircase.
My brother and I got to Shepherds Bush at about 4.30, went in the walkabout pub next door to SBE and had a couple of pints and something to eat then got in the queue about five. We entered the venue at 6:30, quickly got our posters, took position at the front (poster tube in hand) and waited......and waited. I actually enjoyed the wait, we were speaking to a couple of Aussies and a Canadian about past PJ gigs and music in genral.
Then at 08:45 the band came on and all hell broke loose.
It was the fifth time I've seen to band and I've loved it each and everything time, but SBE was different, being that close to the band on stage was something very special, making eye contact with Eddie during SOLAT while singing along and getting a nod meant the world (maybe it was all head, but hey thats my story). Its was like one big party hosted by the boys and they rocked out, everyone was smiling and having a great time.
Some people have bemoaned the set-list, what do they want a great hits set-list night after night ? I for one like the fact you never know what songs your going to get a PJ gig and each set-list is like a work of art, each one unique and personal to everyone that attends THAT show. I thought the set-list was great, containing a number of songs I'd never heard live before as well as some suprisies.
Sure I've got a few favourites of my own I'd of like them to play, hey i've heard them play them before and i'm sure they'll play them again.
Roll on the O2 and please please please please if anyone who reads has any say , bring out a bootleg of this gig.
I'd just like to say thank you for an absolutely amazing night. I even discovered an absolute gem I'd never paid much attention to despite listening to No Code for years. Present Tense was sublime, I'm listening to it as I write this actually. How did this tune ever get under my radar? And to reiterate another fan earlier in the thread, how mind blowing was Alive? Yes we've all heard or seen it before, but this is what this band are able to do, give you a new perspective every time. Looking forward now to see what they have in store for us on Tuesday at The O2.
Well I've finally got through all these pages...jaysus you mofos can go on
What a fuckin night! Meself and thierry Henry had a nightmare journey To the gig and just got there in enough time for a quick pint and catch up with some good friends (you know who you are!).
Hats off to jennytree for queuing all day and getting me right up front on mikes side! Chatted with loads of cool people before the gig, which was nice and chilled out, which I found odd but surprisingly enjoyable...strolling to the unpacked bar was sweet as a badgers snatch :shock:
The gig itself was sooooo intense (don't know how demon cleaner reckons we were not rockin out...as anyone down the front and they'd tell a very different story! Ed was havin a ball, mike and Matt were on fire, stone was rockin hard and Jeff was his usual interactive self
Highlights were defo present tense, inside job, the fixer, and last exit actually the whole thing was amazing. For me PJ shows are not just about what songs I hear but about the whole experience of meeting up with old and new friends all there for the same love and enjoyment of the most amazing band, I will never complain about a set because I take the whole concert experience as one and this is what makes each one special in ts own right, I don't give a shit if I have objectivity or am blindly following the band, I love this band and will support them for as long as I can.
Tuesday night also provded me with THE most special of moments...afterhagin great craic with wash, babs, Jody, Chris and my man pat, I got to meet stone, boom and Ed! I always thought I'd freezeif I met Ed and make a total tit of myself but it was amazing! I remember reading someone once saying when Ed looked at them it was so intense it was like he was looking at their soul. At he time I thought "really???" but it is so true. The man as a gent and well worth only getting 2 hours Kip for.
I know MEN and the 02 are going to be just as enjoyable fr different reason but Tuesday night was something special that I will treasure for life....I'm still buzzin and so are me ears!!
Just (found out how to actually) banged some pics on Flickr. The second to last one is my favourite. I took these with my phone so they are not overly clear.
Well I've finally got through all these pages...jaysus you mofos can go on
What a fuckin night! Meself and thierry Henry had a nightmare journey To the gig and just got there in enough time for a quick pint and catch up with some good friends (you know who you are!).
Hats off to jennytree for queuing all day and getting me right up front on mikes side! Chatted with loads of cool people before the gig, which was nice and chilled out, which I found odd but surprisingly enjoyable...strolling to the unpacked bar was sweet as a badgers snatch :shock:
The gig itself was sooooo intense (don't know how demon cleaner reckons we were not rockin out...as anyone down the front and they'd tell a very different story! Ed was havin a ball, mike and Matt were on fire, stone was rockin hard and Jeff was his usual interactive self
Highlights were defo present tense, inside job, the fixer, and last exit actually the whole thing was amazing. For me PJ shows are not just about what songs I hear but about the whole experience of meeting up with old and new friends all there for the same love and enjoyment of the most amazing band, I will never complain about a set because I take the whole concert experience as one and this is what makes each one special in ts own right, I don't give a shit if I have objectivity or am blindly following the band, I love this band and will support them for as long as I can.
Tuesday night also provded me with THE most special of moments...afterhagin great craic with wash, babs, Jody, Chris and my man pat, I got to meet stone, boom and Ed! I always thought I'd freezeif I met Ed and make a total tit of myself but it was amazing! I remember reading someone once saying when Ed looked at them it was so intense it was like he was looking at their soul. At he time I thought "really???" but it is so true. The man as a gent and well worth only getting 2 hours Kip for.
I know MEN and the 02 are going to be just as enjoyable fr different reason but Tuesday night was something special that I will treasure for life....I'm still buzzin and so are me ears!!
I am not usually great at remembering song titles. I know the words and everything just forget the song titles. I saw Last Exit on the NME site (by the way an article about PJ in this week, the cover has Julian Casablancas from the Strokes, good piece but way too much about being against Nirvana, being grunge and being still, ahem, alive) and played it on my ipod. Idiots!
Rock on!!!!
Seen Pearl Jam 4 times in London, once in Manchester, as well as an Eddie show at Hammersmith.
i cant imagine there being a better gig than this.
i would like to thank i shit and i stink and the phil the hip, two very nice people.
and ames, i dont think i couldve given my ticket to a better guy, i felt bad when you bought me that tshirt lol
i went to this gig with sky high expectations, and they blew them outve the water.....
and i was really impressed with that scottish family, i thought i was young being 18, there daughter was 14 and the son was 16, and they rocked so hard it was amazing
It has taken me a while to find the time but I just had to get something down about how great Tuesday night was. For me that gig will live long in the memory for the journey getting there as much as the show itself. The endless sales and lotteries. As one door closed another would open, getting into that show became a month-long obsession. In the end I had to beg for a ticket outside, but did eventually get one from a fan and didn't have to resort to a tout
I was lucky in that I live close by, I really feel for those outside London who couldn't take a chance as I did. Without that struggle I wouldn't have met so many great people that I talked to like Icemanap so it all worked out for the best. After missing the Astoria I just couldn't live with missing this gig.
The show itself was fantastic, The band seemed more energetic and into it than the arena shows I've seen. I have no complaints on the set list; they basically picked one or two of the best tracks from every album, what more could you want?
What really made it though was the close proximity of the theatre, and being surrounded by so many fans who knew the words as well as I did and couldn't help but sing along all night. The sound of the crowd merged with that of the band, and when that happens it lifts songs like Elderly Woman and especially Alive to a totally new level. That feeling of collective, positive energy is just awesome.
I loved All Along the Watchtower. I know some people have knocked Ronnie but he's hardly the leading light of the Stones corporate jugganaut. He was even considered a proper member of the band for 25 years! He also seemed really sincere and happy to be there. When he came on stage, I noticed that all the Pearl Jam members slowly moved to the edge of the stage as if to say, this moment is all about you. I think that's genuine respect and says a lot about the band.
When Watchtower finished I thought maybe the show would peak to soon, but they just cracked straight into Why Go which was the song I really wanted them to play, and I knew there would be no let off
Best bits: Present Tense, Inside Job, The End. All incredible.
An amaaaaazing gig! Even trying to look objectively and taking the £4 for a can of beer into account I really can't see a downside to any of it. I've not seen the band live since the 2nd Wembley night in 1996 when I was a wee lad of 18 and seeing them at SBE has prompted me to a) finally join Ten Club, b) buy a triple vinyl Billy Childish anthology and to c) grow my hair long again (well I mean intend to anyway - it hasn't just grown back since Tuesday or anything like that!)
For me the ratio of hits to rarities was spot on. As far as I'm concerned (and amongst others) Sometimes, Lowlight, Down and my favourite ever Who song are rare but I guess to the expert level fan that may not be the same. Either way I'm happy. And the view from the middle of row 2 level 3 was ideal. I was a bit worried as I don't like heights but it was a totally unobstructed view of the band and great to be able to see all levels of the crowd going for it. Really nice folk in the place too, and a quick hello to the guy I was sat next to and chatted to for the couple of hours before the gig - if you're reading, thanks again for whiling away the time with entertaining muso talk and for saving my spot while I went to get a t-shirt!
Dr Ollie - I was at that 2nd night in 1996 - my first Pearl Jam gig and I was 17. I was sat at the wrong end of Wembley Arena, approximately 4 miles from the stage. What a contrast with Tuesday when I could see everything perfectly. I was also on Level 3 and although I always prefer standing, it really didn't matter that much for this one.
Dr Ollie - I was at that 2nd night in 1996 - my first Pearl Jam gig and I was 17. I was sat at the wrong end of Wembley Arena, approximately 4 miles from the stage. What a contrast with Tuesday when I could see everything perfectly. I was also on Level 3 and although I always prefer standing, it really didn't matter that much for this one.
I know what you mean - pretty much the whole of SBE was standing as soon as the band came out anyway! I was quite near the front standing at Wembley and as soon as they started Release I remember suddenly standing at 45 degrees with all the crowd movements! I was with some friends, one of whom was short and she was getting to see nothing but the back of someone else while being shoved from side to side so compared to that it was nice to just be able to take it all in without having to worry about losing a shoe etc. Maybe I'm just sounding old now but Level 3 rules!
I was lucky in that I live close by, I really feel for those outside London who couldn't take a chance as I did. Without that struggle I wouldn't have met so many great people that I talked to like Icemanap so it all worked out for the best. After missing the Astoria I just couldn't live with missing this gig.
When Watchtower finished I thought maybe the show would peak to soon, but they just cracked straight into Why Go which was the song I really wanted them to play, and I knew there would be no let off
Best bits: Present Tense, Inside Job, The End. All incredible.
A pleasure dude, absolute pleasure. I was delighted you got in and when you texted me about 45minutes from the start, it really made my night. I know you were trying as hard as I was to get a ticket, and glad it all worked out.
I remember before Ed came on he said something about saving the best until last apart from now. Watchtower was brilliant and despite not being a Stones fan, to see one of the great names in music strut his stuff was remarkable. A night of many highlights. It's just a shame the tubes finish at a certain time otherwise we would have had more beers!!!!
Rock on!!!!
Seen Pearl Jam 4 times in London, once in Manchester, as well as an Eddie show at Hammersmith.
Dr Ollie - I was at that 2nd night in 1996 - my first Pearl Jam gig and I was 17. I was sat at the wrong end of Wembley Arena, approximately 4 miles from the stage. What a contrast with Tuesday when I could see everything perfectly. I was also on Level 3 and although I always prefer standing, it really didn't matter that much for this one.
that was my first PJ gig too, although I was standing!
Now it all comes down to numbers, now I'm glad that I have quit
Folks these days just don't do nothing simple for the love of it
Finally got some time, just to say that it was an amazing gig, enjoy meeting people outside and inside the venue, great set list... specially Dissident, Present Tense, Brother, Alive ( great singing from the crowd )...
I loved the show, much like I did Astoria. I even loved the fact that I was surrounded by people almost crying, elated by the pure joy of seeing them in such a small venue.
I have to say that it drives me a little bit bonkers when I read negative things about a show like this. An intimate show, special guests, new songs, some rare, a floor full of 10clubbers.. what is not to love about this?
I loved the show, much like I did Astoria. I even loved the fact that I was surrounded by people almost crying, elated by the pure joy of seeing them in such a small venue.
I have to say that it drives me a little bit bonkers when I read negative things about a show like this. An intimate show, special guests, new songs, some rare, a floor full of 10clubbers.. what is not to love about this?
Hey girl. You got me out of hiding. Glad you were in attendance. Respect. This tour is starting to resemble 'the gathering'!. Seattle?
Cancel my subscription to the Ressurection
Send my credentials to the house of detention
Hey girl. You got me out of hiding. Glad you were in attendance. Respect. This tour is starting to resemble 'the gathering'!. Seattle?
Hello you!
No Seattle for me. One day..
Glad you were there too. I still have the cd you did me after the 2000 tour.
Thanks for your posts on this show. A pleasure to read.
Hey girl. You got me out of hiding. Glad you were in attendance. Respect. This tour is starting to resemble 'the gathering'!. Seattle?
Hello you!
No Seattle for me. One day..
Glad you were there too. I still have the cd you did me after the 2000 tour.
Thanks for your posts on this show. A pleasure to read.
Did you know there was a second cd you never received? I never made, cos I got too drained in the end and thought one was better than none. I'm not sure I have the tracklisting cos my old HD wiped. It may exist in the annals of synergy - would have to ask tenclub or I may have made a printout. It was part 2 of our choices, different peeps.
Am just listening to this bootleg streaming, the sound is sweeeet! by the way ed's using his voice softly so that he is within the crowd I believe - the boot I'm listening to sounds very finely balanced! This is how I like it.
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I've been stopped in my tracks. Helpfully. Time to come down to earth. Sometimes you just have to sit still again and be normal. Quite refreshing for me. Almost like before I was forced into discovering pearl jam. Am just sitting quiet with my vinyl (a backstop) and looking at the everyday walls. Trying not to think of the twilights I have seen or the daylights others have. Nobody can possibly know what I have seen. Same for you. Same for them. At least they give us a glimpse, so it's probably a little easier for us.
love you everybody. enjoy the show!
Cancel my subscription to the Ressurection
Send my credentials to the house of detention
Tuesday night for me was a dream come true, seeing a band i have idolised since i was 13 years old in such a small venue was a surreal and uplifting experience I'll never forget for the rest of my life. Missing the Astoria gig broke my heart but this was an oppertunity to repair the damage, and it did and then some.
From queuing outside and listening with my ear press upagainst the fire exit door with several other fans to the band warming up (rats sounded great) to final chords of yellow ledbetter, it was a superb night. I've already framed the poster and it's taken pride of place in my staircase.
My brother and I got to Shepherds Bush at about 4.30, went in the walkabout pub next door to SBE and had a couple of pints and something to eat then got in the queue about five. We entered the venue at 6:30, quickly got our posters, took position at the front (poster tube in hand) and waited......and waited. I actually enjoyed the wait, we were speaking to a couple of Aussies and a Canadian about past PJ gigs and music in genral.
Then at 08:45 the band came on and all hell broke loose.
It was the fifth time I've seen to band and I've loved it each and everything time, but SBE was different, being that close to the band on stage was something very special, making eye contact with Eddie during SOLAT while singing along and getting a nod meant the world (maybe it was all head, but hey thats my story). Its was like one big party hosted by the boys and they rocked out, everyone was smiling and having a great time.
Some people have bemoaned the set-list, what do they want a great hits set-list night after night ? I for one like the fact you never know what songs your going to get a PJ gig and each set-list is like a work of art, each one unique and personal to everyone that attends THAT show. I thought the set-list was great, containing a number of songs I'd never heard live before as well as some suprisies.
Sure I've got a few favourites of my own I'd of like them to play, hey i've heard them play them before and i'm sure they'll play them again.
Roll on the O2 and please please please please if anyone who reads has any say , bring out a bootleg of this gig.
'06 - London, Dublin, Reading
'07 - Katowice, Wembley, Dusseldorf, Copenhagen, Nijmegen
'09 - London, Manchester, London
'12 - Manchester, Manchester, Berlin, Stockholm, Copenhagen
What a fuckin night! Meself and thierry Henry had a nightmare journey To the gig and just got there in enough time for a quick pint and catch up with some good friends (you know who you are!).
Hats off to jennytree for queuing all day and getting me right up front on mikes side! Chatted with loads of cool people before the gig, which was nice and chilled out, which I found odd but surprisingly enjoyable...strolling to the unpacked bar was sweet as a badgers snatch :shock:
The gig itself was sooooo intense (don't know how demon cleaner reckons we were not rockin out...as anyone down the front and they'd tell a very different story! Ed was havin a ball, mike and Matt were on fire, stone was rockin hard and Jeff was his usual interactive self
Highlights were defo present tense, inside job, the fixer, and last exit
Tuesday night also provded me with THE most special of moments...afterhagin great craic with wash, babs, Jody, Chris and my man pat, I got to meet stone, boom and Ed! I always thought I'd freezeif I met Ed and make a total tit of myself but it was amazing! I remember reading someone once saying when Ed looked at them it was so intense it was like he was looking at their soul. At he time I thought "really???" but it is so true. The man as a gent and well worth only getting 2 hours Kip for.
I know MEN and the 02 are going to be just as enjoyable fr different reason but Tuesday night was something special that I will treasure for life....I'm still buzzin and so are me ears!!
See you all next week
Great pictures FrankJam
Thank you to everyone for the reviews. I am
http://www.flickr.com/photos/41137700@N ... otostream/
http://www.flickr.com/photos/41137700@N ... otostream/
http://www.flickr.com/photos/41137700@N ... otostream/
http://www.flickr.com/photos/41137700@N ... otostream/
Seen Pearl Jam 4 times in London, once in Manchester, as well as an Eddie show at Hammersmith.
Seen Pearl Jam 4 times in London, once in Manchester, as well as an Eddie show at Hammersmith.
i would like to thank i shit and i stink and the phil the hip, two very nice people.
and ames, i dont think i couldve given my ticket to a better guy, i felt bad when you bought me that tshirt lol
i went to this gig with sky high expectations, and they blew them outve the water.....
and i was really impressed with that scottish family, i thought i was young being 18, there daughter was 14 and the son was 16, and they rocked so hard it was amazing
I was lucky in that I live close by, I really feel for those outside London who couldn't take a chance as I did. Without that struggle I wouldn't have met so many great people that I talked to like Icemanap so it all worked out for the best. After missing the Astoria I just couldn't live with missing this gig.
The show itself was fantastic, The band seemed more energetic and into it than the arena shows I've seen. I have no complaints on the set list; they basically picked one or two of the best tracks from every album, what more could you want?
What really made it though was the close proximity of the theatre, and being surrounded by so many fans who knew the words as well as I did and couldn't help but sing along all night. The sound of the crowd merged with that of the band, and when that happens it lifts songs like Elderly Woman and especially Alive to a totally new level. That feeling of collective, positive energy is just awesome.
I loved All Along the Watchtower. I know some people have knocked Ronnie but he's hardly the leading light of the Stones corporate jugganaut. He was even considered a proper member of the band for 25 years! He also seemed really sincere and happy to be there. When he came on stage, I noticed that all the Pearl Jam members slowly moved to the edge of the stage as if to say, this moment is all about you. I think that's genuine respect and says a lot about the band.
When Watchtower finished I thought maybe the show would peak to soon, but they just cracked straight into Why Go which was the song I really wanted them to play, and I knew there would be no let off
Best bits: Present Tense, Inside Job, The End. All incredible.
For me the ratio of hits to rarities was spot on. As far as I'm concerned (and amongst others) Sometimes, Lowlight, Down and my favourite ever Who song are rare but I guess to the expert level fan that may not be the same. Either way I'm happy. And the view from the middle of row 2 level 3 was ideal. I was a bit worried as I don't like heights but it was a totally unobstructed view of the band and great to be able to see all levels of the crowd going for it. Really nice folk in the place too, and a quick hello to the guy I was sat next to and chatted to for the couple of hours before the gig - if you're reading, thanks again for whiling away the time with entertaining muso talk and for saving my spot while I went to get a t-shirt!
Great band, great venue, great fans, great night!
Thanks a lot,
I know what you mean - pretty much the whole of SBE was standing as soon as the band came out anyway! I was quite near the front standing at Wembley and as soon as they started Release I remember suddenly standing at 45 degrees with all the crowd movements! I was with some friends, one of whom was short and she was getting to see nothing but the back of someone else while being shoved from side to side so compared to that it was nice to just be able to take it all in without having to worry about losing a shoe etc. Maybe I'm just sounding old now but Level 3 rules!
A pleasure dude, absolute pleasure. I was delighted you got in and when you texted me about 45minutes from the start, it really made my night. I know you were trying as hard as I was to get a ticket, and glad it all worked out.
I remember before Ed came on he said something about saving the best until last apart from now. Watchtower was brilliant and despite not being a Stones fan, to see one of the great names in music strut his stuff was remarkable. A night of many highlights. It's just a shame the tubes finish at a certain time otherwise we would have had more beers!!!!
Seen Pearl Jam 4 times in London, once in Manchester, as well as an Eddie show at Hammersmith.
that was my first PJ gig too, although I was standing!
Folks these days just don't do nothing simple for the love of it
See you at the O2
I have to say that it drives me a little bit bonkers when I read negative things about a show like this. An intimate show, special guests, new songs, some rare, a floor full of 10clubbers.. what is not to love about this?
28/Oct/96, 29/May/00, 04/Jun/00, 28/Jun/00, 30/Jun/00, 02/Jul/03, 03/Jul/03, 05/Jul/03, 08/Jul/03, 09/Jul/03, 20/Apr/06, 27/Aug/06, 09/Sep/06, 13/Sep/06, 12/Jun/07, 13/Jun/07, 18/Jun/07, 26/Jun/07, 28/Jun/07, 02/Apr/08 (Ed), 03/Apr/08 (Ed), 11/Aug09, 13/Aug/09, 17/Aug/09, 18/Aug/09, 25/Jun/10
Hey girl. You got me out of hiding. Glad you were in attendance. Respect. This tour is starting to resemble 'the gathering'!. Seattle?
Send my credentials to the house of detention
Hello you!
No Seattle for me. One day..
Glad you were there too. I still have the cd you did me after the 2000 tour.
Thanks for your posts on this show. A pleasure to read.
28/Oct/96, 29/May/00, 04/Jun/00, 28/Jun/00, 30/Jun/00, 02/Jul/03, 03/Jul/03, 05/Jul/03, 08/Jul/03, 09/Jul/03, 20/Apr/06, 27/Aug/06, 09/Sep/06, 13/Sep/06, 12/Jun/07, 13/Jun/07, 18/Jun/07, 26/Jun/07, 28/Jun/07, 02/Apr/08 (Ed), 03/Apr/08 (Ed), 11/Aug09, 13/Aug/09, 17/Aug/09, 18/Aug/09, 25/Jun/10
Did you know there was a second cd you never received? I never made, cos I got too drained in the end and thought one was better than none. I'm not sure I have the tracklisting cos my old HD wiped. It may exist in the annals of synergy - would have to ask tenclub or I may have made a printout. It was part 2 of our choices, different peeps.
Am just listening to this bootleg streaming, the sound is sweeeet! by the way ed's using his voice softly so that he is within the crowd I believe - the boot I'm listening to sounds very finely balanced! This is how I like it.
Send my credentials to the house of detention
love you everybody. enjoy the show!
Send my credentials to the house of detention
Cool! There's some excellent shots in there! Thanks for sharing!
(Jeff Tweedy, Sydney 2007)
“Put yer good money on the sunrise”
(Tim Rogers)