Well, when I'll go to the US to see PJ I may pick you up on that (and vice versa of course). We can start a global community. Sort of couch (sp?) searching PJ style ;-). Seriously, your husband and you are welcome. I can show you Amsterdam
You're on!
See...we made something good out of bad here...
Hubby would be a great host in showing you cool places.. jesus I was born here and hubby comes here from FL and knows just about every place... I'm still surprised to find some places I've never known my entire life. :-/
Cool beans - I'll hold you onto that... and vice versa!
*high fives*
High fives back... And I always wanted to see Detroit
why do people over 30 take things on the internet so personally/seriously?
Man, give us a break. They invented Atari when I was fourteen!!!
I was an Atari freak as a child.... funny we just talked about that recently - my sister said, "I remember being so mad because it was eight hours and you still didn't die in Spade Invaders!"
I was 8 when I kicked everyone's asses... but now these days... forget it. I am not into games... World of Warcraft? Guitar Heroes? Club Penguin? Those dancing games on TV? My kids can have those!
I just don't find the thrill in those kinds of games anymore... but I'd love to own Wii game where I can actually move around and pretend I am actually good at something in real life!
We gotta bring back the Atari! :twisted:
JA: Why do I get the Ticketmaster question?
EV: It's your band.
~Q Magazine
"Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
I'm going to go with the others on this board that suggest you take up your grievences with Eddie, himself.
I mean... really... we can't do shit about it because we have no say in the matter, right? So, really... complaining to us doesn't do you much good.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Getting back to the original point, I know some of you deep down, have to feel
the same as I do. What ever happened to affordable ticket prices ?
Million dollar question of the year, right there.
It's called inflation, but dont get me wrong the feeling is mutual. :?
Some of you may be curious to know how inexpensive Green Day tickets are. Whether you are a fan or not, I am sure that Green Day is probably a more popular act these days than Pearl Jam. Green Day tickets are substantially less expensive than Pearl Jam tickets.
"I'll end up alone like I began..."
"You need the patience of like a National Geographic photographer sitting underneath the bush in a tent, trying to get a picture of zebras fucking or something for the first time." -Eddie Vedder
So just outta curiosity, you bought this through the 10C? you had a friend pick it up? Or did you buy it at the show?
You flippin' that poster so that you ca afford the inflated tkt prices? :?
So just outta curiosity, you bought this through the 10C? you had a friend pick it up? Or did you buy it at the show?
You flippin' that poster so that you ca afford the inflated tkt prices? :?
So just outta curiosity, you bought this through the 10C? you had a friend pick it up? Or did you buy it at the show?
You flippin' that poster so that you ca afford the inflated tkt prices? :?
So just outta curiosity, you bought this through the 10C? you had a friend pick it up? Or did you buy it at the show?
You flippin' that poster so that you ca afford the inflated tkt prices? :?
So just outta curiosity, you bought this through the 10C? you had a friend pick it up? Or did you buy it at the show?
You flippin' that poster so that you ca afford the inflated tkt prices? :?
Getting back to the original point, I know some of you deep down, have to feel
the same as I do. What ever happened to affordable ticket prices ?
Million dollar question of the year, right there.
the tm monopoly, but not so much because there are bands that sell tickets to arenas and ampitheaters for less (foos, MMJ, green day etc)-but those are acts that may not fill an arena if the prices are too high they have to price the tickets in a way that will get the seats filled
Music piracy-I wont begrudge bands for charging under $100 when people are freely copying and trading their music
I think PJs prices are also a bit higher because they give a lot away to charity/causes
So just outta curiosity, you bought this through the 10C? you had a friend pick it up? Or did you buy it at the show?
You flippin' that poster so that you ca afford the inflated tkt prices? :?
So just outta curiosity, you bought this through the 10C? you had a friend pick it up? Or did you buy it at the show?
You flippin' that poster so that you ca afford the inflated tkt prices? :?
So just outta curiosity, you bought this through the 10C? you had a friend pick it up? Or did you buy it at the show?
You flippin' that poster so that you ca afford the inflated tkt prices? :?
So just outta curiosity, you bought this through the 10C? you had a friend pick it up? Or did you buy it at the show?
You flippin' that poster so that you ca afford the inflated tkt prices? :?
This is like having your mom catch you jerking off.
"I'll end up alone like I began..."
"You need the patience of like a National Geographic photographer sitting underneath the bush in a tent, trying to get a picture of zebras fucking or something for the first time." -Eddie Vedder
So just outta curiosity, you bought this through the 10C? you had a friend pick it up? Or did you buy it at the show?
You flippin' that poster so that you ca afford the inflated tkt prices? :?
Ticket prices are so high because Ed and the boys like to wear diamond encrusted underwear. I know this because my dog impregnated Ed's dog, and he told me.
And by "he" I mean the dog.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
I originally spoke with Eddie in October 1993 over the telephone.
If you're able to listen to the Rockline interview from back then,
you'll see that he gave out his home telephone number because he
was buzzed and didn't realize the radio show was over. After about an hour,
I called his house and he answered. I spoke with him for about 10 minutes.
Most of the conversation was of a humorous note. He talked about the thickness
of a rhino's skin and about the Church of Latter Day Saints. At the end of our converstaion,
he said we were friends and he'd talk to me again.
I got to meet him personally for about 5 minutes on April 7, 1994.
It was right after the Rochester, NY show. I asked him if he remembered
our conversation from Rockline, 6 months earlier. He smiled and said "we're
still friends, right ? "
I met him again at the Toronto show on 5/9/06 with the
whole band. They signed my 'Binaural' album and I also got
to meet Doug Gilmour, one of the best hockey players ever.
He was there with the band hanging out after the show.
In 2005, I hung out with Wintersleep who were the opening
band for 2 shows in St. John's, Newfoundland. We got to go to
the bands hotel room at the Delta and see Mike get "screeched-in" which
is an old Newfoundland tradition where you kiss a dead cod fish.
Mike gave me a guitar pick. Jeff was stoned and playing Playstation.
Eddie was real mellow and didn't say much, except for the fact that
he wanted to see the ocean.
It's obvious that I don't have an influence on the guy to
suggest who opens for them, or how to make ticket prices affordable,
or to keep my posts from being locked on this forum.
I only go by his words, and I will always consider him a friend.
Cool story.
Don't know if the word friend as you used it, would be how I would define it, but as you mentioned everyone is different. More power to you, you are definitely more 'friends' with Ed than I will ever be.
+1.. my definition of friend clearly is different than yours, but at the same time, it is definitely possible to have few intense meetings and have it feel like a friendship, and I can completely understand that.
I'm pretty sure Kathy Bates considered James Caan a "friend" in Misery.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
So just outta curiosity, you bought this through the 10C? you had a friend pick it up? Or did you buy it at the show?
You flippin' that poster so that you ca afford the inflated tkt prices? :?
High fives back... And I always wanted to see Detroit
I was an Atari freak as a child.... funny we just talked about that recently - my sister said, "I remember being so mad because it was eight hours and you still didn't die in Spade Invaders!"
I was 8 when I kicked everyone's asses... but now these days... forget it. I am not into games... World of Warcraft? Guitar Heroes? Club Penguin? Those dancing games on TV? My kids can have those!
I just don't find the thrill in those kinds of games anymore... but I'd love to own Wii game where I can actually move around and pretend I am actually good at something in real life!
We gotta bring back the Atari! :twisted:
EV: It's your band.
~Q Magazine
"Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
Luckily, it will now since I just posted.
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
Ik ben droevig ik u vroeger beledigde
Warmoesstraat 47hs
1012 HW Amsterdam
The Globe
Oudezijds Voorburgwal 3
1012 EH Amsterdam
Mmmm, will check them out. And you didn't insult me...
Lizard, I guess the thread is not dying yet...
I mean... really... we can't do shit about it because we have no say in the matter, right? So, really... complaining to us doesn't do you much good.
Hail, Hail!!!
"You need the patience of like a National Geographic photographer sitting underneath the bush in a tent, trying to get a picture of zebras fucking or something for the first time." -Eddie Vedder
You flippin' that poster so that you ca afford the inflated tkt prices? :?
http://cgi.ebay.com/PEARL-JAM-CALGARY-A ... 286.c0.m14
oh snap.
*high fives Mrs. Vedder78*
Guess he couldn't get EV to loan him some money. :P
EV: It's your band.
~Q Magazine
"Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
shit, meet fan...
the tm monopoly, but not so much because there are bands that sell tickets to arenas and ampitheaters for less (foos, MMJ, green day etc)-but those are acts that may not fill an arena if the prices are too high they have to price the tickets in a way that will get the seats filled
Music piracy-I wont begrudge bands for charging under $100 when people are freely copying and trading their music
I think PJs prices are also a bit higher because they give a lot away to charity/causes
nice find
add secondary ticket market to the list of reasons why ticket prices have gone up
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
true.. true... could have been Snoopy Died For Our Sins for all we know... *shrugs*
EV: It's your band.
~Q Magazine
"Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
"You need the patience of like a National Geographic photographer sitting underneath the bush in a tent, trying to get a picture of zebras fucking or something for the first time." -Eddie Vedder
personal experience?
And by "he" I mean the dog.
for the least they could possibly do
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
I'm pretty sure Kathy Bates considered James Caan a "friend" in Misery.
for the least they could possibly do
Not a direct link.... but check out number 11 down.
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me