I completely agree with you, its not like I’m getting bent outta shape because someone is cursing, using the word gay to describe something as lame or stupid is wrong, there is really no excuse for it.
Unfortunately it’s widely accepted for people to say “this is so gay” or “I feel so gay” … I guess under the premise that we should be able to use whatever word we please then I guess it should be ok to throw around the “N” word when talking something down. The argument that we should be able to use whatever word we want and the rest should ignore it is not a valid argument, no matter where you are (message board, party, school or at home) we should be respectful to others and care about not offending people.
Every time I see that term I make a comment (not only on the message board) because it is wrong, and maybe one of my comments will make someone else think before they speak or type the next time.
I hear rappers use the N word all the time, so I guess it is not offensive. And I agree and respect that you have every right to verbally disagree if it is something that bothers you. But like another person said gay also means happy. Well it also can mean lame or not cool. Not saying gay people are lame or not cool.
If people were more concerned with the context of what people are saying rather than the words they choose to use, alot less people would so easily offended.
it's just that... the more someone tries to explain that using 'gay' to mean 'stupid' isn't offensive or worth being upset about... the more they are actually illustrating that they are an asshole. lock the thread, it makes me sad to think of a gay PJ fan stumbling across a bunch of other fans being douchebags.
If a gay PJ fan stumbled upon my group of friends they'd be handed a beer (or wine) and welcomed...so for you to generalize and think that just because the word "gay" is used that that person is a homophobe or is prejudice is also offensive and ALSO shows what an asshole THEY are.I could care LESS what someones sexual preference is. And for the record...I just asked someone whom perfers men if he was offended reading that and he laughed and said no
For the record..I understand the argument...Im making light of it because as this point it had been beaten to death..and if you couldnt see that then thats unfortunate.
it's just that... the more someone tries to explain that using 'gay' to mean 'stupid' isn't offensive or worth being upset about... the more they are actually illustrating that they are an asshole. lock the thread, it makes me sad to think of a gay PJ fan stumbling across a bunch of other fans being douchebags.
If a gay PJ fan stumbled upon my group of friends they'd be handed a beer (or wine) and welcomed...so for you to generalize and think that just because the word "gay" is used that that person is a homophobe or is prejudice is also offensive and ALSO shows what an asshole THEY are.I could care LESS what someones sexual preference is. And for the record...I just asked someone whom perfers men if he was offended reading that and he laughed and said no
So if I use the “n” word you shouldn’t assume either that I’m an ignorant bitch right?
"Without the album covers, where do you clean your pot?" - EV
it's just that... the more someone tries to explain that using 'gay' to mean 'stupid' isn't offensive or worth being upset about... the more they are actually illustrating that they are an asshole. lock the thread, it makes me sad to think of a gay PJ fan stumbling across a bunch of other fans being douchebags.
If a gay PJ fan stumbled upon my group of friends they'd be handed a beer (or wine) and welcomed...so for you to generalize and think that just because the word "gay" is used that that person is a homophobe or is prejudice is also offensive and ALSO shows what an asshole THEY are.I could care LESS what someones sexual preference is. And for the record...I just asked someone whom perfers men if he was offended reading that and he laughed and said no
there is a difference between overt and covert homophobia. i'm not saying you, or anyone on this board, would actually gay-bash someone... but i do think the use of certain words perpetuates homophobia. that is all.
I completely agree with you, its not like I’m getting bent outta shape because someone is cursing, using the word gay to describe something as lame or stupid is wrong, there is really no excuse for it.
Unfortunately it’s widely accepted for people to say “this is so gay” or “I feel so gay” … I guess under the premise that we should be able to use whatever word we please then I guess it should be ok to throw around the “N” word when talking something down. The argument that we should be able to use whatever word we want and the rest should ignore it is not a valid argument, no matter where you are (message board, party, school or at home) we should be respectful to others and care about not offending people.
Every time I see that term I make a comment (not only on the message board) because it is wrong, and maybe one of my comments will make someone else think before they speak or type the next time.
I hear rappers use the N word all the time, so I guess it is not offensive. And I agree and respect that you have every right to verbally disagree if it is something that bothers you. But like another person said gay also means happy. Well it also can mean lame or not cool. Not saying gay people are lame or not cool.
If people were more concerned with the context of what people are saying rather than the words they choose to use, alot less people would so easily offended.
rappers use it among them, try sending a white boy over to a black guy and calling him a N___ (insert the rest) and you'll see how that goes :shock:
I guess I already made my point, like said when I see someone use that expression so lightly I feel I should say something, you are welcome to disagree with me.
And just to clarify I don't think original comment came from a homophobe, I have nothing to base that on, I just think he chose his words poorly, that's all.
"Without the album covers, where do you clean your pot?" - EV
it's just that... the more someone tries to explain that using 'gay' to mean 'stupid' isn't offensive or worth being upset about... the more they are actually illustrating that they are an asshole. lock the thread, it makes me sad to think of a gay PJ fan stumbling across a bunch of other fans being douchebags.
If a gay PJ fan stumbled upon my group of friends they'd be handed a beer (or wine) and welcomed...so for you to generalize and think that just because the word "gay" is used that that person is a homophobe or is prejudice is also offensive and ALSO shows what an asshole THEY are.I could care LESS what someones sexual preference is. And for the record...I just asked someone whom perfers men if he was offended reading that and he laughed and said no
So if I use the “n” word you shouldn’t assume either that I’m an ignorant bitch right?
I would have to see the context that you use it in.
it's just that... the more someone tries to explain that using 'gay' to mean 'stupid' isn't offensive or worth being upset about... the more they are actually illustrating that they are an asshole. lock the thread, it makes me sad to think of a gay PJ fan stumbling across a bunch of other fans being douchebags.
If a gay PJ fan stumbled upon my group of friends they'd be handed a beer (or wine) and welcomed...so for you to generalize and think that just because the word "gay" is used that that person is a homophobe or is prejudice is also offensive and ALSO shows what an asshole THEY are.I could care LESS what someones sexual preference is. And for the record...I just asked someone whom perfers men if he was offended reading that and he laughed and said no
So if I use the “n” word you shouldn’t assume either that I’m an ignorant bitch right?
did you just read what I said...I understand your argument..if its offensive to you thats unfortunate...but youre not going to change some peoples vocabulary..if they use it they use it that way...its been used in negative context in movies and music..so if you were watching a movie and they said "thats so gay" you're going to stop watching the movie, demand your money back, and write a letter to the movie producer? i mean seriously
it's just that... the more someone tries to explain that using 'gay' to mean 'stupid' isn't offensive or worth being upset about... the more they are actually illustrating that they are an asshole. lock the thread, it makes me sad to think of a gay PJ fan stumbling across a bunch of other fans being douchebags.
If a gay PJ fan stumbled upon my group of friends they'd be handed a beer (or wine) and welcomed...so for you to generalize and think that just because the word "gay" is used that that person is a homophobe or is prejudice is also offensive and ALSO shows what an asshole THEY are.I could care LESS what someones sexual preference is. And for the record...I just asked someone whom perfers men if he was offended reading that and he laughed and said no
there is a difference between overt and covert homophobia. i'm not saying you, or anyone on this board, would actually gay-bash someone... but i do think the use of certain words perpetuates homophobia. that is all.
and I see what youre saying but was it really necessary to call someone out on a board in a thread not pertaining to said subject of homophobia and make THIS BIG A DEAL out of it? I say no..and that was my point of making light of it..jesus...I cant even count the number of times Ive been called Dego..you think I take so much offense? come on
Let's say you WERE African American (which I assume you're not, given your avatar)..... I come up to you and say "Listen to the stupid thing so and so just said to me, that's so BLACK of them to say that..."
Wouldn't you be offended by my use of BLACK to suggest STUPID?
Every time I see that term I make a comment (not only on the message board) because it is wrong, and maybe one of my comments will make someone else think before they speak or type the next time.
Well the analogy doesnt really apply, becasue people cant choose to be black or white, but people surely can choose to be gay. You cant choose to be a fag, some people just are. However, there is no question it is a choice to make the leap to fuck the same sex.
If a gay PJ fan stumbled upon my group of friends they'd be handed a beer (or wine) and welcomed...so for you to generalize and think that just because the word "gay" is used that that person is a homophobe or is prejudice is also offensive and ALSO shows what an asshole THEY are.I could care LESS what someones sexual preference is. And for the record...I just asked someone whom perfers men if he was offended reading that and he laughed and said no[/quote]
So if I use the “n” word you shouldn’t assume either that I’m an ignorant bitch right?[/quote]
sigh... sadly, it's a lost cause.... we look like self-rightous, preachy a$$holes for trying to educate people that some people ARE offended by their use of a word. i'm not gay myself, but i have several gay friends that all share my/our stance on this subject. however, many of them no longer want to fight the fight because they are sick of the "oh, i don't mean it like that" excuse from the ones who perpetrate the mis-use.
it's not the fact that using the word in that context makes you a homo-phobe.... it does not. what it does do is it empowers homo-phobes to re-affirm their beliefs.... "see, gay does mean bad/lame/stupid..... gays are so stupid/wrong."
and i highly doubt this thread will get locked by the admin for veering off course because i'm sure one of them is reading this right now and wishing the mis-use of the word had been abolished years ago.... hello to you! : )
there is a difference between overt and covert homophobia. i'm not saying you, or anyone on this board, would actually gay-bash someone... but i do think the use of certain words perpetuates homophobia. that is all.
and I see what youre saying but was it really necessary to call someone out on a board in a thread not pertaining to said subject of homophobia and make THIS BIG A DEAL out of it? I say no..and that was my point of making light of it..jesus...I cant even count the number of times Ive been called Dego..you think I take so much offense? come on
i don't see a problem with someone pointing out that something another person said was potentially offensive. it's become a snowball because so many people said it wasn't a big deal. i know what your point was... it's just that there are people reading this board who do not take it lightly, because slurs are thrown at them all the time and those slurs are often accompanied by threats of actual violence.
and I see what youre saying but was it really necessary to call someone out on a board in a thread not pertaining to said subject of homophobia and make THIS BIG A DEAL out of it? I say no..and that was my point of making light of it..jesus...I cant even count the number of times Ive been called Dego..you think I take so much offense? come on
No one accused anyone of homophobia, I’m sure the guy that said it is not a homophobe, it’s just a matter of thinking before you speak or type.
But I see now that in your opinion people should use whatever word they chose without any regard, I don’t agree with that, I would feel ashamed if I heard any of my kids use that word in that context and I wouldn’t assume that they are homophobes just that they didn’t know better.
Would I walk out of a movie because of it? Probably not but I would definitely think it’s wrong.
A lot of young people use that word without meaning to offend anyone, without meaning any harm, it doesn’t make it right though, that’s all I’m saying.
"Without the album covers, where do you clean your pot?" - EV
it's not the fact that using the word in that context makes you a homo-phobe.... it does not. what it does do is it empowers homo-phobes to re-affirm their beliefs.... "see, gay does mean bad/lame/stupid..... gays are so stupid/wrong."
and i highly doubt this thread will get locked by the admin for veering off course because i'm sure one of them is reading this right now and wishing the mis-use of the word had been abolished years ago.... hello to you! : )
there is a difference between overt and covert homophobia. i'm not saying you, or anyone on this board, would actually gay-bash someone... but i do think the use of certain words perpetuates homophobia. that is all.
and I see what youre saying but was it really necessary to call someone out on a board in a thread not pertaining to said subject of homophobia and make THIS BIG A DEAL out of it? I say no..and that was my point of making light of it..jesus...I cant even count the number of times Ive been called Dego..you think I take so much offense? come on
i don't see a problem with someone pointing out that something another person said was potentially offensive. it's become a snowball because so many people said it wasn't a big deal. i know what your point was... it's just that there are people reading this board who do not take it lightly, because slurs are thrown at them all the time and those slurs are often accompanied by threats of actual violence.
Im sorry..maybe I missed something...are we really arguing of the use of the word "gay"?
God...thats so heterosexual!.. :shock:
KIDDING! dont get your panties..spandex..thongs...boxer briefs..in a bunch
i don't see a problem with someone pointing out that something another person said was potentially offensive. it's become a snowball because so many people said it wasn't a big deal. i know what your point was... it's just that there are people reading this board who do not take it lightly, because slurs are thrown at them all the time and those slurs are often accompanied by threats of actual violence.
Im sorry..maybe I missed something...are we really arguing of the use of the word "gay"?
God...thats so heterosexual!.. :shock:
KIDDING! dont get your panties..spandex..thongs...boxer briefs..in a bunch
The bigger question i have is , do we buy the cd the day it comes out at Target, or preorder it and hope that 10C comes through on its promise to "hopefully" have it to us by the release date?
"Some people think it makes a difference...I think it's the difference that makes it"
03 - Mansfield 3
04 - Asheville
06 - Hartford
08 - Columbia, MSG 1, MSG 2, Hartford
10 - Kansas City, Hartford
12 - Atlanta
13 - Charlotte
16 - Columbia 18 - Boston 2
The bigger question i have is , do we buy the cd the day it comes out at Target, or preorder it and hope that 10C comes through on its promise to "hopefully" have it to us by the release date?
I think we will get a few days early
...got a mind full of questions and a teacher in my soul...
and I see what youre saying but was it really necessary to call someone out on a board in a thread not pertaining to said subject of homophobia and make THIS BIG A DEAL out of it? I say no..and that was my point of making light of it..jesus...I cant even count the number of times Ive been called Dego..you think I take so much offense? come on
No one accused anyone of homophobia, I’m sure the guy that said it is not a homophobe, it’s just a matter of thinking before you speak or type.
But I see now that in your opinion people should use whatever word they chose without any regard, I don’t agree with that, I would feel ashamed if I heard any of my kids use that word in that context and I wouldn’t assume that they are homophobes just that they didn’t know better.
Would I walk out of a movie because of it? Probably not but I would definitely think it’s wrong.
A lot of young people use that word without meaning to offend anyone, without meaning any harm, it doesn’t make it right though, that’s all I’m saying.
Like I said...I GET your point...and would I ever speak that way? not really...Ill raise my children to respect and love everyone no matter who they are. Me? Im an equal opportunity insulter..:D
The bigger question i have is , do we buy the cd the day it comes out at Target, or preorder it and hope that 10C comes through on its promise to "hopefully" have it to us by the release date?
I think we will get a few days early
Lets be happy the album isn't called "Christmas Single" or "deep"
"Some people think it makes a difference...I think it's the difference that makes it"
03 - Mansfield 3
04 - Asheville
06 - Hartford
08 - Columbia, MSG 1, MSG 2, Hartford
10 - Kansas City, Hartford
12 - Atlanta
13 - Charlotte
16 - Columbia 18 - Boston 2
Ok lets ban the N word (although the term the "n-word" should be equally offensive since we all know what you are saying) and lets ban the word gay. Lets also ban the word hetero and straight, because I am sure people could be offended by that. We should also ban the word Northerner because all people from the north are not the same. And lets stop labeling people as repub or dems because I find offense in that.
you see where this is going? I have the freedom of speech, you do not have the right to be not offended. That is just how it is.
Ok lets ban the N word (although the term the "n-word" should be equally offensive since we all know what you are saying) and lets ban the word gay. Lets also ban the word hetero and straight, because I am sure people could be offended by that. We should also ban the word Northerner because all people from the north are not the same. And lets stop labeling people as repub or dems because I find offense in that.
you see where this is going? I have the freedom of speech, you do not have the right to be not offended. That is just how it is.
OK You are missing my point but ok. I’ll leave it at that.
"Without the album covers, where do you clean your pot?" - EV
Are you gay? Its ok if you are...
Philly-8/28/98, 8/29/98, 9/1/00, 9/2/00, 4/28/03, 7/5/03, 7/6/03, 10/3/05, 5/27/06, 5/28/06, 6/19/08, 6/20/08, 10/27/09, 10/28/09, 10/30/09, 10/31/09, 10/21/13, 10/22/13, 4/28/16, 4/29/16
Jones Beach-8/25/00
San Diego-6/5/03
The Gorge-9/1/05
E. Rutherford, NJ-6/1/06,6/3/06
VA Beach-6/17/08
Baltimore 10/27/13
I hear rappers use the N word all the time, so I guess it is not offensive. And I agree and respect that you have every right to verbally disagree if it is something that bothers you. But like another person said gay also means happy. Well it also can mean lame or not cool. Not saying gay people are lame or not cool.
If people were more concerned with the context of what people are saying rather than the words they choose to use, alot less people would so easily offended.
"We're running out of beer, too?" EV 6/19/08
If a gay PJ fan stumbled upon my group of friends they'd be handed a beer (or wine) and welcomed...so for you to generalize and think that just because the word "gay" is used that that person is a homophobe or is prejudice is also offensive and ALSO shows what an asshole THEY are.I could care LESS what someones sexual preference is. And for the record...I just asked someone whom perfers men if he was offended reading that and he laughed and said no
9/24/96 MD. 9/28/96 Randalls. 8/28-29/98 Camden. 9/8/98 NJ. 9/18/98 MD. 9/1-2/00 Camden. 9/4/00 MD. 4/28/03 Philly. 7/5-6/03 Camden. 9/30/05 AC.
10/3/05 Philly. 5/27-28/06 Camden. 6/23/06 Pitt. 6/19-20/08 Camden. 6/24/08 MSG. 8/7/08 EV Newark, NJ. 6/11-12/09 EV Philly, PA. 10/27-28-30-31/09 Philly, PA., 5/15/10 Hartford,5/17/10 Boston, 5/18/10 Newark, 5/20-21/10 MSG
9/24/96 MD. 9/28/96 Randalls. 8/28-29/98 Camden. 9/8/98 NJ. 9/18/98 MD. 9/1-2/00 Camden. 9/4/00 MD. 4/28/03 Philly. 7/5-6/03 Camden. 9/30/05 AC.
10/3/05 Philly. 5/27-28/06 Camden. 6/23/06 Pitt. 6/19-20/08 Camden. 6/24/08 MSG. 8/7/08 EV Newark, NJ. 6/11-12/09 EV Philly, PA. 10/27-28-30-31/09 Philly, PA., 5/15/10 Hartford,5/17/10 Boston, 5/18/10 Newark, 5/20-21/10 MSG
So if I use the “n” word you shouldn’t assume either that I’m an ignorant bitch right?
there is a difference between overt and covert homophobia. i'm not saying you, or anyone on this board, would actually gay-bash someone... but i do think the use of certain words perpetuates homophobia. that is all.
rappers use it among them, try sending a white boy over to a black guy and calling him a N___ (insert the rest) and you'll see how that goes :shock:
I guess I already made my point, like said when I see someone use that expression so lightly I feel I should say something, you are welcome to disagree with me.
And just to clarify I don't think original comment came from a homophobe, I have nothing to base that on, I just think he chose his words poorly, that's all.
I would have to see the context that you use it in.
"We're running out of beer, too?" EV 6/19/08
did you just read what I said...I understand your argument..if its offensive to you thats unfortunate...but youre not going to change some peoples vocabulary..if they use it they use it that way...its been used in negative context in movies and music..so if you were watching a movie and they said "thats so gay" you're going to stop watching the movie, demand your money back, and write a letter to the movie producer? i mean seriously
9/24/96 MD. 9/28/96 Randalls. 8/28-29/98 Camden. 9/8/98 NJ. 9/18/98 MD. 9/1-2/00 Camden. 9/4/00 MD. 4/28/03 Philly. 7/5-6/03 Camden. 9/30/05 AC.
10/3/05 Philly. 5/27-28/06 Camden. 6/23/06 Pitt. 6/19-20/08 Camden. 6/24/08 MSG. 8/7/08 EV Newark, NJ. 6/11-12/09 EV Philly, PA. 10/27-28-30-31/09 Philly, PA., 5/15/10 Hartford,5/17/10 Boston, 5/18/10 Newark, 5/20-21/10 MSG
and I see what youre saying but was it really necessary to call someone out on a board in a thread not pertaining to said subject of homophobia and make THIS BIG A DEAL out of it? I say no..and that was my point of making light of it..jesus...I cant even count the number of times Ive been called Dego..you think I take so much offense? come on
9/24/96 MD. 9/28/96 Randalls. 8/28-29/98 Camden. 9/8/98 NJ. 9/18/98 MD. 9/1-2/00 Camden. 9/4/00 MD. 4/28/03 Philly. 7/5-6/03 Camden. 9/30/05 AC.
10/3/05 Philly. 5/27-28/06 Camden. 6/23/06 Pitt. 6/19-20/08 Camden. 6/24/08 MSG. 8/7/08 EV Newark, NJ. 6/11-12/09 EV Philly, PA. 10/27-28-30-31/09 Philly, PA., 5/15/10 Hartford,5/17/10 Boston, 5/18/10 Newark, 5/20-21/10 MSG
Well the analogy doesnt really apply, becasue people cant choose to be black or white, but people surely can choose to be gay. You cant choose to be a fag, some people just are. However, there is no question it is a choice to make the leap to fuck the same sex.
So if I use the “n” word you shouldn’t assume either that I’m an ignorant bitch right?[/quote]
sigh... sadly, it's a lost cause.... we look like self-rightous, preachy a$$holes for trying to educate people that some people ARE offended by their use of a word. i'm not gay myself, but i have several gay friends that all share my/our stance on this subject. however, many of them no longer want to fight the fight because they are sick of the "oh, i don't mean it like that" excuse from the ones who perpetrate the mis-use.
it's not the fact that using the word in that context makes you a homo-phobe.... it does not. what it does do is it empowers homo-phobes to re-affirm their beliefs.... "see, gay does mean bad/lame/stupid..... gays are so stupid/wrong."
and i highly doubt this thread will get locked by the admin for veering off course because i'm sure one of them is reading this right now and wishing the mis-use of the word had been abolished years ago.... hello to you! : )
i don't see a problem with someone pointing out that something another person said was potentially offensive. it's become a snowball because so many people said it wasn't a big deal. i know what your point was... it's just that there are people reading this board who do not take it lightly, because slurs are thrown at them all the time and those slurs are often accompanied by threats of actual violence.
No one accused anyone of homophobia, I’m sure the guy that said it is not a homophobe, it’s just a matter of thinking before you speak or type.
But I see now that in your opinion people should use whatever word they chose without any regard, I don’t agree with that, I would feel ashamed if I heard any of my kids use that word in that context and I wouldn’t assume that they are homophobes just that they didn’t know better.
Would I walk out of a movie because of it? Probably not but I would definitely think it’s wrong.
A lot of young people use that word without meaning to offend anyone, without meaning any harm, it doesn’t make it right though, that’s all I’m saying.
Im sorry..maybe I missed something...are we really arguing of the use of the word "gay"?
God...thats so heterosexual!..
KIDDING! dont get your panties..spandex..thongs...boxer briefs..in a bunch
There..is that better
9/24/96 MD. 9/28/96 Randalls. 8/28-29/98 Camden. 9/8/98 NJ. 9/18/98 MD. 9/1-2/00 Camden. 9/4/00 MD. 4/28/03 Philly. 7/5-6/03 Camden. 9/30/05 AC.
10/3/05 Philly. 5/27-28/06 Camden. 6/23/06 Pitt. 6/19-20/08 Camden. 6/24/08 MSG. 8/7/08 EV Newark, NJ. 6/11-12/09 EV Philly, PA. 10/27-28-30-31/09 Philly, PA., 5/15/10 Hartford,5/17/10 Boston, 5/18/10 Newark, 5/20-21/10 MSG
i don't wear panties.
The bigger question i have is , do we buy the cd the day it comes out at Target, or preorder it and hope that 10C comes through on its promise to "hopefully" have it to us by the release date?
03 - Mansfield 3
04 - Asheville
06 - Hartford
08 - Columbia, MSG 1, MSG 2, Hartford
10 - Kansas City, Hartford
12 - Atlanta
13 - Charlotte
16 - Columbia
18 - Boston 2
I think we will get a few days early
Like I said...I GET your point...and would I ever speak that way? not really...Ill raise my children to respect and love everyone no matter who they are. Me? Im an equal opportunity insulter..:D
9/24/96 MD. 9/28/96 Randalls. 8/28-29/98 Camden. 9/8/98 NJ. 9/18/98 MD. 9/1-2/00 Camden. 9/4/00 MD. 4/28/03 Philly. 7/5-6/03 Camden. 9/30/05 AC.
10/3/05 Philly. 5/27-28/06 Camden. 6/23/06 Pitt. 6/19-20/08 Camden. 6/24/08 MSG. 8/7/08 EV Newark, NJ. 6/11-12/09 EV Philly, PA. 10/27-28-30-31/09 Philly, PA., 5/15/10 Hartford,5/17/10 Boston, 5/18/10 Newark, 5/20-21/10 MSG
Lets be happy the album isn't called "Christmas Single" or "deep"
03 - Mansfield 3
04 - Asheville
06 - Hartford
08 - Columbia, MSG 1, MSG 2, Hartford
10 - Kansas City, Hartford
12 - Atlanta
13 - Charlotte
16 - Columbia
18 - Boston 2
take that, pearl jam!!! ; )
you see where this is going? I have the freedom of speech, you do not have the right to be not offended. That is just how it is.
"We're running out of beer, too?" EV 6/19/08
I think the 10c members will get the option of the downloads too
OK You are missing my point but ok. I’ll leave it at that.