Religious faith deserves our utmost respect ... ayer_death
Daughter's dying of diabetes? Fuck medicine, let's just pray for her. Yet these people throw a shit fit over their perception that people that accept abortion have no respect for human life.
Clearly, faith and religion are eminently reasonable, rational things to buy into. Pull the plug on Terri Schaivo and you're a sick murdering monster playing God. Refuse to treat her in the first place so you can all hold hands and sing fucking kum-bay-a and you're just devoutly expressing your faith. When we will get over this primitive bullshit and let these inbred superstitions die the death they deserve?
Daughter's dying of diabetes? Fuck medicine, let's just pray for her. Yet these people throw a shit fit over their perception that people that accept abortion have no respect for human life.
Clearly, faith and religion are eminently reasonable, rational things to buy into. Pull the plug on Terri Schaivo and you're a sick murdering monster playing God. Refuse to treat her in the first place so you can all hold hands and sing fucking kum-bay-a and you're just devoutly expressing your faith. When we will get over this primitive bullshit and let these inbred superstitions die the death they deserve?
Post edited by Unknown User on
Like, if my circular saw were to grab, kick back and bite me in the forearm... I'm calling 9-11 and getting some paramedics on the scene instead of praying that Jesus comes down to heal my wound. Common sense... yeah?
Hail, Hail!!!
It's one thing if you are an adult and you "believe" that god will cure you and you can skip the trip to the doctors, feel free to let yourself die... But people who do this to their kids are no better than the sick parents who starve their children to death or lock them in their basement or whatever.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
I just read this post and the words that came to my mind was some common sense is what was needed IF that father really cared. Sometimes you can't wait around for faith you gotta do what you have to immediately, faith can come later.
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
They do believe the same nonsense. That God is sitting up there listening to prayers all day and answering them. Do you agree that it is nuts for these guys to opt to pray for his daughter rather than take her to a doctor? Of course. Yet religious faith always involves this process... I want or need something, so I pray for it. Is God some sort of insurance agent up there, deciding which prayer procedures he'll cover and which ones you're on your own for? It doesn't matter what you're praying for, praying to the great big management office in the sky is always irrational. If any prayer is reasonable, then this prayer is reasonable. Because it's all about God's plan right?
There was an old man sitting on his porch watching the rain fall. Pretty soon the water was coming over the porch and into the house.
The old man was still sitting there when a rescue boat came and the people on board said, "You can't stay here you have to come with us."
The old man replied, "No, God will save me." So the boat left. A little while later the water was up to the second floor, and another rescue boat came, and again told the old man he had to come with them.
The old man again replied, "God will save me." So the boat left him again.
An hour later the water was up to the roof and a third rescue boat approached the old man, and tried to get him to come with them.
Again the old man refused to leave stating that, "God will save him." So the boat left him again.
Soon after, the man drowns and goes to heaven, and when he sees God he asks him, "Why didn't you save me?"
God replied, "You dummy! I tried. I sent three boats after you!!"
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
about 9 years ago i was covering a youth football camp. i am a certified athletic trainer so part of my job at that time was to sit out at football practice and camps and sporting events and take care of any injuries that may occur to the athletes. some days i did not have to do anything other than read my book or whatever then some days i had 2 or 3 emergency situations that required an ambulance transport.
this particular day was my first day on this job. it was a non-contact no pad football camp for kids aged 9-12 or something like that. i was thinking "this is gonna be a piece of cake, who gets hurt in non contact camp?" i just got to the field and 10 minutes into warm ups i hear "TRAINER!!!!!!". i ran over to one of the fields and this 10 year old kid was just jogging and he tripped and fell and landed on an outstreched hand. he had an obvious Colles fracture (both ulna and radius) that was open (aka compound). he had significant angulation and displacement. i calmed the kid down and covered it so he would not see it. the mom was in a van about 100 yards away from me so i had the coach call the mom and have her come over to us while i was treating the wound and trying to splint the fractures. as luck would have it, Barnes-Jewish hospital was about 700 yards away and i told the mom to take him there. i could see it at the end of the fields at the athletic complex. it was an emergency and the kid was falling into shock. she said "we can't go to the hospital, we are chrisitan scientists". i tried to explain to the mom that this is a surgical issue, it needed reduction under anesthesia, he had loss of feeling, and the kid was bleeding, and he was going into shock. i said "that is not a cut, that is where the BONES WENT THROUGH THE SKIN..."the mom thanked me and said she would take care of it and was pretty dismissive of me. i got frustrated and was like "look lady, this can become life threatening in a very short time". she was like "we have a healer, i will just take him over there". the coach was familiar with this "healer" since some of the kids on another team he coached were christian scientist as well. he said to me "that guy is a prayer healer". i pleaded with the mom, "look, you have barnes hospital, one of the best trauma centers in the midwest right there. the kid is going into shock and this is an emergency situation". another coach saw this going on and called 911. the ambulance showed up in about 90 seconds since the hospital was so close and she refused care. the coach said something like "look lady you can go pray over that arm all week but god is not going to straighten those bones out." with that she carried the kid to her minivan and they left. i asked the paramedics if this happens very often and the one was like "actually yes. legally we can not treat someone wthout consent. we are not allowed to infringe on their religious faith, even in emergency situations." i am never going to forget that day.
about 3 weeks later i received a letter in the mail. it was from that kid's mom. she had gotten my name and address from the coach. she told me that they went to the healer and they prayed over him for 12 hours. he had lost consciousness some time before that and they kept praying over him. after 12 hours the healer said to take him to the hospital. he ended up having surgery that night to reduce and plate the fractures and he had some decreased nerve function of his hand. she thanked me "for caring for our son. your medical advice was greatly appreciated. i understand that you were doing your job. we completely appreciate your understanding and for not infringing upon or judging my family's religious faith." she included a $25 best buy gift card. i was speechless. i felt like what she had done was child abuse. i still do not know what to think about all of that. especially if he has permanent nerve damage, something that was so preventable if they had sought medical attention much sooner than they did. i am all for freedom of religion, freedom from religion, whatever you want. but someting like this should have had proper medical attention and definitely should not have waited 12 hours.... by the way i gave the gift card away to a friend. after this nightmare situation i did not want her money. my silent form of protest i guess.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
It doesn't matter if it interferes with common sense or not, as the story shows, nobody's listening. You're talking to yourself.
Sorry, but you're absolutely wrong in this. Your argument is like if I were to link to an article that shows a black person stealing and say "all black people steal." It's that stupid.
Touched a nerve have I? You keep your inane superstitions. This guy thought prayer did something, so he kept praying. Nobody listened. Because nobody's listening. It doesn't matter if you're prayer for a miracle healing, for your team to make the playoffs, for world peace, or for some sort of personal enlightenment. You're just talking to an imaginary friend and any "insight" or "value" you get from it comes from within and only seems to come from above due to self-delusion and wishful thinking.
I do have to say, though: Any time I can't find something - like my keys - I stop and say a prayer and they're always in the next place I look. Call me superstitious if you want, but it seems like more than just a coincidence to me.
Faith has it place in our lives... but, so does common sense and modern medicine. God didn't invent common sense and modern medicine for no reason, you know?
Hail, Hail!!!
I've tried to respect religion, but what's the point? Do you respect creationists for their loony beliefs? Do we respect scientologists for the lunacy of the alien theories? How about the reptile people? Then why do we respect other religions which are no different? It's a bunch of absurd stories and crazy myths, it just so happened to get put together a few thousand years before the two I mentioned so somehow we deem them legitimate and worthy of respect. Fuck that, all religions are equally absurd and pick whatever one you want to think of right now... in 2000 years it will seem as quaint and goofy to the people then looking back as Roman mythology seems to us now. And those people will probably all be scientologists or something and claim that it is utterly rational and we should all respect that. The religion delusion is innate to humanity. I just wish we could evolve past it. We wouldn't respect someone that claims to still be part of the flat earth society, why should we respect people for clinging to beliefs that are even older and more out of touch with the realities of the world?
perhaps he was repairing one of the many fault lines that the earth 's crust has... cos he's been feeling guilty about that tsunami a couple of years back in which one of his poorly designed and crafted fault lines created a giant wave that indiscriminately killed thousands of people...
-1 to what?
Probably to your critique of the earth's crust, since you seem to think you can do better. Well, why don't you put on your wetsuit and PUT A LITTLE FIXIN' ON IT!!!
not saying i could do better but if i was a supreme being and i would take a bit longer than 6 days to create a world and then rest forevermore... very sloppy workmanship... he cant complain about man being rapists and killers when he cant even build a fucking globe properly.
-1 to that
I sometimes think that everyone is right about what happens to them after they die. I do think everyone has a soul, that can and will survive any natural disaster, any disease, anything period-- however, if you have believed yourself, including your divine self (the soul) into being wormfood and nothing else after you die, this will be the case. After all, life is seeking the truth-- if your true being finds the truth to be nothingness after spending years on this planet in a flesh machine, why wouldn't it be that way for you? But who can truly say 100% positively that they absolutely do not believe in a life after this one, or that there isn't a completely parallel "place" in which your soul lives? I think if there is any inkling of doubt for anyone at their time of death, meaning, not knowing "truth" through themselves, it will be revealed. I'm sure many atheists are about as "pure in lack of spirit" as say, many Christians are "pure in spirit." That is, not even close to 'pure.' One thing is for certain though, life is pretty extraordinary. Maybe "Hell" as we know it might just be this nothingness that people actively achieve through their own beliefs...? It's not a fiery, torturous place as depicted in the Bible as much as it is absence from being part of a great, infinite web of love, or God, that interconnects us all. It's missing out, by choice?
so its your fault that genuine victims die... if god wasnt so busy helping people find their lost stuff then he could help AIDS victims, diabetic children of the metally ill and lepers and suchlike... but all day long he hears prayers about lost keys, about PJ tickets being available for their hometown, for cheese to be in the fridge and lotto numbers....
you should be ashamed of yourself.