my '95 got stolen! can you believe? from a party at my house, right off the wall in my room, along with my big poster with all the little posters on it (which I wasn't so sentimentally attatched to) do ya know the one I mean i wonder
if you are out there poster stealer it is VERY bad karma to steal a PJ poster off a girl who went to the bloody gig. bet they didn't even go!! grrr
and I must say I've never seen another one around
sometimes I have rats luck like that - I also scored LOTL on vinyl and it got stolen before I even had the pleasure of holding it...boohoo man
My now hubby had a poster of Anna Kournikova serving in tennis and you could see her undies. At my 21st a mate scrawled "Jase you're a perv" all over Anna's butt in nikko. Jase has never forgiven her. Nowhere near the same thing as someone souveniring a PJ poster, but it just goes to show how dodgy friends get whend runk and let loose in your house!!!!!
My mates would never do that to my posters cause they know i'd unlease helll on anyone who fucks with my music shit. I'm such a cock when it comes to my personal stuff.
And yes that's helll with 3 l's. Worse than hell with 2 l's. Not a typo...honest..very bad place
New Zealand,95 Auckland 1 & 2, 98 Auckland & Wellington,
Canada, Vancouver 2000
Auckland & Christchurch 2009
Melbourne 1&2 EV Solo 2011
what kind of arseface steals someones vinyl?? apart from me taking the incredibly lame records my parents had...
i stole all my older brothers' vinyl .....
that's not stealing - i prefer to think of it as shopping in their rooms. i did that to my brothers CDs once. he never noticed so i can only assume he also doesn't give a shit. besides, the second i became interested in anything, his interest would STOP. he used to love pearl jam. not once i fell in love with them. heh.
what kind of arseface steals someones vinyl?? apart from me taking the incredibly lame records my parents had...
Someone broke into my house when i was 18, punched holes in the walls and trashed my house, the only thing missing was my Pearl Jam vinyls!!! I have slowly got my collection back up to scratch over the years, bar one or two, and they are nicely hidden where no horrible person can steal again!......................and if they do...........*shakes fist* :evil:
Dream the dreams of others then,... You will be no ones rival,...
what kind of arseface steals someones vinyl?? apart from me taking the incredibly lame records my parents had...
i stole all my older brothers' vinyl .....
that's not stealing - i prefer to think of it as shopping in their rooms. i did that to my brothers CDs once. he never noticed so i can only assume he also doesn't give a shit. besides, the second i became interested in anything, his interest would STOP. he used to love pearl jam. not once i fell in love with them. heh.
all my bros are many years older than me ... the closest is 7 years ... which means i got a lot of kiss and deep purple and eagles and fleetwood mac and elton john and suchlike :roll:
that's not stealing - i prefer to think of it as shopping in their rooms. i did that to my brothers CDs once. he never noticed so i can only assume he also doesn't give a shit. besides, the second i became interested in anything, his interest would STOP. he used to love pearl jam. not once i fell in love with them. heh.
all my bros are many years older than me ... the closest is 7 years ... which means i got a lot of kiss and deep purple and eagles and fleetwood mac and elton john and suchlike :roll:
my brother actually had arse taste in music when i was interested in stealing. i think i got a smashing pumpkins cd and that was it... oh, actually, i took the collective soul stuff and never listened to it. arse.
my parents vinyls were slim pickins too.. my friends' parents had BADASS collections. mine had the morman tabernacle choir and olivia newton-john. the best score was a 60s pop compilation.
all my bros are many years older than me ... the closest is 7 years ... which means i got a lot of kiss and deep purple and eagles and fleetwood mac and elton john and suchlike :roll:
Jesus what a really hideous story. That person has bought some seriously bad fucken karma on themselves.
I bet there balls fall off in a really embarassing way.
he he you know that actually makes me feel kinda better
and na mans it wasn't the zebra one (luckily, by the sounds) it was a black and white photo of Ed in the classic microphone pose with the writing in gold over the top, maybe just the budget little NZ version of a 'real' PJ poster
BUT nonetheless I loved it! grrrr!
climb_high_nz you better be getting that vinyl back! Now! you never, ever lend out any vinyl ever again, ya hear? actually sometimes I wonder if i should insure my PJ vinyl. serious! i dunno. should I??
seriously dude unless it's Jesus himself you're lending it to, just don't do it
all my bros are many years older than me ... the closest is 7 years ... which means i got a lot of kiss and deep purple and eagles and fleetwood mac and elton john and suchlike :roll:
i'll give you $10 for the lot.
one day our kids friends will say the same over our pj collections .....
one day our kids friends will say the same over our pj collections .....
yup, i've been considering a bit lately about dumping the lot while it's still worth a bit and highly sort after, cause you know in ten years it will probably be worth less, not more. it's only the true greats that hold their value, like Beatles, Elvis ect. i know you all probably think that pearl jam are the greatest, but sadly it's just not true, they were the greatest of a time, the early 90s, but they are not the type that will span generations like the beatles and elvis, the whole music industry is not like that any more.
that cost something like $2 or $5 or something at the show ... its like $500ish now
one day .... one day ....
i sold mine for way less then it was worth but i knew it was going to a good home so i didn't care.
the closest ive got was a laminated (i know, huh???) one that has come up twice on ebay - sold and then sold again .... both times it went for just under $100!!!! ... but both times i missed it ...
one day our kids friends will say the same over our pj collections .....
yup, i've been considering a bit lately about dumping the lot while it's still worth a bit and highly sort after, cause you know in ten years it will probably be worth less, not more. it's only the true greats that hold their value, like Beatles, Elvis ect. i know you all probably think that pearl jam are the greatest, but sadly it's just not true, they were the greatest of a time, the early 90s, but they are not the type that will span generations like the beatles and elvis, the whole music industry is not like that any more.
yea but, why are you buying it? as an investment? or for enjoyment? you'll love it when your older for the memories associated with each piece.
i love having vinyls - even though i hardly ever get to listen to them - i like pulling them out and looking at them... and certain friends insist on pawing them and requesting certain tracks. it's much more fun listening with friends like that than it is to hit play on itunes or whatever
the closest ive got was a laminated (i know, huh???) one that has come up twice on ebay - sold and then sold again .... both times it went for just under $100!!!! ... but both times i missed it ...
although the average on ebeans is about $300
did that one actually sell, or did they just keep re-listing it? like if you are gonna frame it no one is really gonna know it's laminated. like if you only want it for personal use, and ain't gonna trade it or sell it, does it really matter. some people get to precious about these posters.
i'd hate to think what i got in tubes round the house, some of these poster freaks would probably cry. i know not long ago i took a few out to lay flat but that was only cause i was thinking of framing them.
yea but, why are you buying it? as an investment? or for enjoyment? you'll love it when your older for the memories associated with each piece.
PJ have made plenty of money from me, time to make a little in return .
but seriously, i'd rather they go to someone how will enjoy them as much as i have, and not just go on to my kids who will probably say "look at this crap" and throw it out or sell it with my ashes in a garage sale for $2.50.
the closest ive got was a laminated (i know, huh???) one that has come up twice on ebay - sold and then sold again .... both times it went for just under $100!!!! ... but both times i missed it ...
although the average on ebeans is about $300
did that one actually sell, or did they just keep re-listing it? like if you are gonna frame it no one is really gonna know it's laminated. like if you only want it for personal use, and ain't gonna trade it or sell it, does it really matter. some people get to precious about these posters.
i'd hate to think what i got in tubes round the house, some of these poster freaks would probably cry. i know not long ago i took a few out to lay flat but that was only cause i was thinking of framing them.
no it was the buyer of the first auction that then relisted it themselves ... still had it bookmarked from the first sale, so i checked - and yea, i figured id be framing it anyway, not making money out of it. i only wanted it because it was my first pj show, for sentimental reasons.
precious ... none of my posters have uv glass or anything like that. they are just framed myself. and yea, ive still got some rolled up in tubes. and after this round of shows, a couple will no doubt get re-rolled and replaced by a newer print
All my 98's got the UV treatment. Jumped through hoops of fire naked whilst chewing on tin foil to secure those bastards many years ago. I just love them.
New Zealand,95 Auckland 1 & 2, 98 Auckland & Wellington,
Canada, Vancouver 2000
Auckland & Christchurch 2009
Melbourne 1&2 EV Solo 2011
if yes you'll die when you realise what that thing is worth these days.
i stole all my older brothers' vinyl .....
i want that poster so bad .... its like my 'i will own this before i die' item
and i stood looking at the merch desk at the show ... nahhh ... i wont worry about that ... later maybe ....
My mates would never do that to my posters cause they know i'd unlease helll on anyone who fucks with my music shit. I'm such a cock when it comes to my personal stuff.
And yes that's helll with 3 l's. Worse than hell with 2 l's. Not a typo...honest..very bad place
Canada, Vancouver 2000
Auckland & Christchurch 2009
Melbourne 1&2 EV Solo 2011
That bastards worth alot of money if and when it comes up for sale. Haven't seen it in ages
Canada, Vancouver 2000
Auckland & Christchurch 2009
Melbourne 1&2 EV Solo 2011
that's not stealing - i prefer to think of it as shopping in their rooms. i did that to my brothers CDs once. he never noticed so i can only assume he also doesn't give a shit. besides, the second i became interested in anything, his interest would STOP. he used to love pearl jam. not once i fell in love with them. heh.
cmon guys... cmon...
Someone broke into my house when i was 18, punched holes in the walls and trashed my house, the only thing missing was my Pearl Jam vinyls!!! I have slowly got my collection back up to scratch over the years, bar one or two, and they are nicely hidden where no horrible person can steal again!......................and if they do...........*shakes fist* :evil:
all my bros are many years older than me ... the closest is 7 years ... which means i got a lot of kiss and deep purple and eagles and fleetwood mac and elton john and suchlike :roll:
that cost something like $2 or $5 or something at the show ... its like $500ish now
one day .... one day ....
my brother actually had arse taste in music when i was interested in stealing. i think i got a smashing pumpkins cd and that was it... oh, actually, i took the collective soul stuff and never listened to it. arse.
my parents vinyls were slim pickins too.. my friends' parents had BADASS collections. mine had the morman tabernacle choir and olivia newton-john. the best score was a 60s pop compilation.
i'll give you $10 for the lot.
i sold mine for way less then it was worth but i knew it was going to a good home so i didn't care.
he he you know that actually makes me feel kinda better
and na mans it wasn't the zebra one (luckily, by the sounds) it was a black and white photo of Ed in the classic microphone pose with the writing in gold over the top, maybe just the budget little NZ version of a 'real' PJ poster
BUT nonetheless I loved it! grrrr!
climb_high_nz you better be getting that vinyl back! Now! you never, ever lend out any vinyl ever again, ya hear? actually sometimes I wonder if i should insure my PJ vinyl. serious! i dunno. should I??
seriously dude unless it's Jesus himself you're lending it to, just don't do it
one day our kids friends will say the same over our pj collections .....
yup, i've been considering a bit lately about dumping the lot while it's still worth a bit and highly sort after, cause you know in ten years it will probably be worth less, not more. it's only the true greats that hold their value, like Beatles, Elvis ect. i know you all probably think that pearl jam are the greatest, but sadly it's just not true, they were the greatest of a time, the early 90s, but they are not the type that will span generations like the beatles and elvis, the whole music industry is not like that any more.
the closest ive got was a laminated (i know, huh???) one that has come up twice on ebay - sold and then sold again .... both times it went for just under $100!!!! ... but both times i missed it ...
although the average on ebeans is about $300
yea but, why are you buying it? as an investment? or for enjoyment? you'll love it when your older for the memories associated with each piece.
did that one actually sell, or did they just keep re-listing it? like if you are gonna frame it no one is really gonna know it's laminated. like if you only want it for personal use, and ain't gonna trade it or sell it, does it really matter. some people get to precious about these posters.
i'd hate to think what i got in tubes round the house, some of these poster freaks would probably cry. i know not long ago i took a few out to lay flat but that was only cause i was thinking of framing them.
PJ have made plenty of money from me, time to make a little in return
but seriously, i'd rather they go to someone how will enjoy them as much as i have, and not just go on to my kids who will probably say "look at this crap" and throw it out or sell it with my ashes in a garage sale for $2.50.
no it was the buyer of the first auction that then relisted it themselves ... still had it bookmarked from the first sale, so i checked - and yea, i figured id be framing it anyway, not making money out of it. i only wanted it because it was my first pj show, for sentimental reasons.
precious ... none of my posters have uv glass or anything like that. they are just framed myself. and yea, ive still got some rolled up in tubes. and after this round of shows, a couple will no doubt get re-rolled and replaced by a newer print
Glenn Close
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
perhaps .... ill be laughing in any case ....
Canada, Vancouver 2000
Auckland & Christchurch 2009
Melbourne 1&2 EV Solo 2011
I'll either be laughing or cowering in a corner absolutely shitting my pants! :?
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
ahhh, youll be ok ... just no taking a rabbit ... or, actually, anything hairy for that matter
ahem ...
Mental note: Full body wax before I go.... :shock:
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★