Painting Contest Entries



  • zenithzenith Posts: 3,191
    zenith wrote:
    i recognised it from this thread straight away too - well done :):):) - what the plans for the prize?? the wall, or - in the words of Mr Vedder - are you going to play the fucker

    thanks all!

    wish i could tell ya about the prize... called the 10C and they told me to "hang tight"... literally gave me no clues about what kind of guitar or a time frame... so god knows when I'll actually hear back about it... the wait is KILLING ME!

    definitely gonna frame it though... I'm a pretty good carpenter so I'll make a custom shadow box... thinking of using some stickers and fliers for a backdrop... it'll be the centerpiece of my future office/memorabilia room :mrgreen:

    anyone here ever win one of these contests before? how long does it usually take?

    if its anything like the deep/xmas single trend - id say you'll get it early 2011 :lol:

    and please play it just once before it goes in the frame!!
    impatience is a gift ........
  • Flutter GirlFlutter Girl Posts: 548
    Dude I'm so glad I sent the box asking them to return mine! Not only did they return it, but Ed signed it :D
  • FifthelementFifthelement Lotusland Posts: 6,963
    Dude I'm so glad I sent the box asking them to return mine! Not only did they return it, but Ed signed it :D

    Awesome :mrgreen:
    "What the CANUCK happened?!? - Esquimalt Barber Shop
  • Cinnamon GirlCinnamon Girl Posts: 1,854
    Dude I'm so glad I sent the box asking them to return mine! Not only did they return it, but Ed signed it :D

    amazing!! pic please? :)
    05-10-06, 08-05-07, 06-14-08 , 08-12-08(EV), 06-11-09(EV), 06-12-09(EV), 08-21-09, 05-10-10, 09-11-11, 09-12-11, 07-16-13, 07-19-13, 10-12-13, 10-21-13, 10-22-13,
  • zenithzenith Posts: 3,191
    Dude I'm so glad I sent the box asking them to return mine! Not only did they return it, but Ed signed it :D

    :o :shock: its never ever occured to me to do that!!! Ive always wondered who really actually looks at them!!!

    wow - congrats - and great idea!! 8-)
    impatience is a gift ........
  • Flutter GirlFlutter Girl Posts: 548
    LoL..well now we know they actually do see our stuff :D
    It's nothing mind blowing, but an autograph, none the less..
  • FifthelementFifthelement Lotusland Posts: 6,963
    ^^^ Very cool 8-) Congrats :D
    "What the CANUCK happened?!? - Esquimalt Barber Shop
  • Cinnamon GirlCinnamon Girl Posts: 1,854
    That is so amazing! You must have been thrilled.

    (Lets see the front!! ;) )
    05-10-06, 08-05-07, 06-14-08 , 08-12-08(EV), 06-11-09(EV), 06-12-09(EV), 08-21-09, 05-10-10, 09-11-11, 09-12-11, 07-16-13, 07-19-13, 10-12-13, 10-21-13, 10-22-13,
  • Flutter GirlFlutter Girl Posts: 548
    Yea, I was in a downer at the time, it was a nice lift when I got that :)
    I prolly should ave kept this to myself, watch next time we all try the same stunt, and none of us get ours back lmao.. :?

    I posted a pic of the front on the first page, but this one shows the colours better-
  • Kilgore_TroutKilgore_Trout Posts: 7,334





    "Senza speme vivemo in disio"
  • Cinnamon GirlCinnamon Girl Posts: 1,854
    HOLY CRAP! You must be smiling ear-to-ear!! :D

    And FlutterGirl, I love the painting! :thumbup:
    05-10-06, 08-05-07, 06-14-08 , 08-12-08(EV), 06-11-09(EV), 06-12-09(EV), 08-21-09, 05-10-10, 09-11-11, 09-12-11, 07-16-13, 07-19-13, 10-12-13, 10-21-13, 10-22-13,
  • Kilgore_TroutKilgore_Trout Posts: 7,334
    HOLY CRAP! You must be smiling ear-to-ear!! :D

    And FlutterGirl, I love the painting! :thumbup:
    cant wait to get a case built so i can safely stare at it all day :mrgreen:

    "Senza speme vivemo in disio"
  • fireladiefireladie Posts: 36
    hey people.

    congrats on that amazing guitar win! wow! nice one....

    I didn't get around to posting pixs on this thread, try to ration myself, gotta keep feet on the ground which is difficult with PJ related stuff..

    so imagine how I bounced off the statosphere where I received this through the post !!!


    looks like he did this for his top ten favorites,

    Damn it! cast out the anchors, I'm floating off again..... I think I will vaporise with excitement at Belfast in a couple of weeks.

    keep creating everyone. X
  • yellowporchyellowporch Posts: 510
    all of these paintings are awesome! nice work everyone and it's amazing to see the band pay so much attention to everyones work, cool beans!
  • FifthelementFifthelement Lotusland Posts: 6,963
    :o :shock: :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: Wow, Kilgore_Trout that is an awesome prize. Congrats again :D

    Congrats also to fireladie on receiving that amazing polaroid. The artwork submitted was really impressive :D
    "What the CANUCK happened?!? - Esquimalt Barber Shop
  • brokenarrowbrokenarrow Posts: 478
    :D Congratulations Kilgore! And many congrats to the other people who entered, it's so wonderful to see everyone's creative process. Even if folks didn't win, I'd still like to see the other work that folks haven't put up here! ;)
  • SpokenSpoken Posts: 1,489
    fireladie - Obviously "In My Tree"?
    I would love to see a close up of the painting.
  • fireladiefireladie Posts: 36
    spoken is that your entry that was in the magazine there on your profile pic ? excellent work! the cliffs remind me of the 'kilt rock' on North Skye ? love the figure.

    heres what I sent in,
    'Breakerfall'. My & my daughter, personal stuff.

    'You are', self explanatory, works on a few levels for me. KaboooM!

    'Given to Fly' , similar themes in painting I've started today....

    I found the board really hard to work on, but always fun to try something new.

    now then, everyone else please! inspire us !
  • Kilgore_TroutKilgore_Trout Posts: 7,334
    thanks all!

    great work all around!

    has anyone started a thread for the comic contest yet? cant wait to see those :D
    "Senza speme vivemo in disio"
  • How does one find out if they recieved your entry? I didn't recieve the latest issue of Deep because my membership expired,...wondering if mine even made to the Ten Club offices,...i just put so much effort and time into it,...i'm pretty bummed, name is Juan Pablo Sanchez,...i quit my job for art,...i thought art was my meaning,...not so sure now,...wish i could take it back,...i really like my 3 paintings,...i binded them into a notebook looking package with abstract expressionistic art inside,...
  • Flutter GirlFlutter Girl Posts: 548
    I am severely jealous, that guitar is awesome, Congrats!

    And thank you Cinnamon Girl :D
  • Flutter GirlFlutter Girl Posts: 548
    creamjeans wrote:
    How does one find out if they recieved your entry? I didn't recieve the latest issue of Deep because my membership expired,...wondering if mine even made to the Ten Club offices,...i just put so much effort and time into it,...i'm pretty bummed, name is Juan Pablo Sanchez,...i quit my job for art,...i thought art was my meaning,...not so sure now,...wish i could take it back,...i really like my 3 paintings,...i binded them into a notebook looking package with abstract expressionistic art inside,...

    Have you tried emailing staff?
    Can we see your entries? :)

    I know how you feel, I get that all or nothing feeling too. Didn't win and another awesome painting got Eddie saying it was gorgeous work unprompted, while mine just got a great, like a pat on the back for a nice try, makes me question if I'm good enough. You just gotta keep in mind everyone has different taste. You can't make everyone adore your work.
  • skyeriverwinterskyeriverwinter Posts: 1,894
    edited June 2010
    well I didn't get I feel even less...if that is at all possible....beneath dirt...beneath substance... :lol:
    Post edited by skyeriverwinter on
  • fireladiefireladie Posts: 36
    BUt they are fantastic paintings !

    This thread has gone all the wrong way for me! art is not for applause, art simply is itself, a creative person will always feel pain, be sensitive, BUT the act of creating is its own reward, arrgH! I don't know what to say to further not hurt peoples feelings, I love to share, to see other peoples work, its not about good or bad, about judgment or prizes, its an expression, communication, getting something inside outside it is what it is... Enid Blyton used rejection letters as wallpaper, I use them as sticks to spur me on, I am pleased if an editor takes time to write a rejection letter, it means the work is worth their time ripping to shreds, how can what you do be good or bad ? it is just what you do, take comments & filter them to your own use but never ever stop. never be afraid to create, or to share.

    I usually enter competitions as its a chance to do something difficult or unusual, to keep one step ahead of the comfort zone. I entered this one to say thanks for what the music gives me. I read somewhere that Pearl Jam keep everything fans send, to me that was awesome enough, 20 years & thousands and thousands of stories, or snapshots, moments colours feelings & love all poured out into one place, what an incredible archive, all of us pieces in some wonderful positive jigsaw, a creative jigsaw made with heart & mind & love. Everyone who sent something in is part of that picture now.

    right thats my Matriachal motivational speeching over, I'm off to paint, I'd love to see some more of yours people.
  • Kilgore_TroutKilgore_Trout Posts: 7,334
    right on fireladie! lots of self-depricating talk around here... thats not what arts about! save that shit for the snooty art historians and the curators

    this was always meant to be a fun contest... hell, ed was the judge! it's not like hes much of a painter (from what i can tell)... so why should his opinion of your work matter from an artistic viewpoint?? I think it sucks that he couldnt take the time to do a signed polaroid for everyone, but theres no telling how many entries there were

    juan, i found your stuff on myspace and its impressive... it sounds like you made a leap of faith to pursue art and i think it'll pay off... a lot of my art school friends are failing right out of school because they don't put enough faith into their work... you have to remember that realistically the rest of the world doesnt give a SHIT... as soon as you start questioning yourself, you've lost your strongest (and sometimes only) ally

    I'm a cynic and a harsh critic in my art circle of friends, but this thread totally deserves a little positive energy :mrgreen:

    just submitted my comic... I'll be sure to start a thread for entries after the July 1st deadline
    "Senza speme vivemo in disio"
  • fireladiefireladie Posts: 36

    don't get me wrong I hate everything I do, but thats another driver 'must do better', & I find myself dragged off by what other people think I should do...urg, painting by numbers chocolate box scenes & pet portraits, tis hard to find your own path.

    I am slow on uptake for comic idea, trying to find funny story thread amid all the heartfelt floaty imagery that comes to mind..

    back to paintings, I wonder what percentage featured the sea !?? & how many tubes of delicious blues & turquoises were used ?
  • Kilgore_TroutKilgore_Trout Posts: 7,334
    fireladie wrote:

    don't get me wrong I hate everything I do, but thats another driver 'must do better', & I find myself dragged off by what other people think I should do...urg, painting by numbers chocolate box scenes & pet portraits, tis hard to find your own path.

    I am slow on uptake for comic idea, trying to find funny story thread amid all the heartfelt floaty imagery that comes to mind..

    back to paintings, I wonder what percentage featured the sea !?? & how many tubes of delicious blues & turquoises were used ?
    have you tried other media, fireladie? i wasnt a big fan of what i was doing as a painter so i switched to sculpture and video and drawing etc. etc. and found that i love pretty much everything except painting :lol:

    no point in wasting time doing things ya hate... as much as its valid to keep at something til you're good, you're sometimes better off doing whatever comes most naturally - atleast with something as personal as art... too often people feel that painting is the only "legitimate" form of art

    i ended up just making up a character and scenario for the comic thing... loosely based on some fans i've encountered before :? i found it really hard to choose the right cartoon "style" out of all the stuff out there... i'm sure there'll be some pretty entertaining stuff when alls said and done

    and YES... back to the paintings... i bet the majority took the ocean motif... its such a big part of who ed is and what his lyrics/music are about... plus its just nice visually
    "Senza speme vivemo in disio"
  • fireladiefireladie Posts: 36
    Hi Trout..

    have done Tonnes of other media! Its a long story & I don't want to hog the thread... but I do a bit of everything, whatever turns a coin, I have to, from giant recycled sculptures with children to digital colouring to graphic design to landscape paintings, etc etc. I used to run a pottery, painting is a new thing, my frustration is painting to other peoples demands/expectations rather than the media itself. I wish I could just do my own thing, but I gotta eat. I wish I'd stuck with comics & fantasy stuff before college 20 years ago, but they hammered it out of me, now full and a very very long circle I'm back, albeit in a crude & clumsy way.

    I find it surreal talking art to someone so far far away ! how cool ! how much does our environments influence us ? here in the mountains...a lot!
  • Flutter GirlFlutter Girl Posts: 548
    I think the main reason I'm hating on my ability is cos I have a condition called pseudotumor cerebri, and the medication for it has me so severely blocked..Like the thought of even touching a paintbrush, or even charcoals, my favourite medium, is a strain. I used to be able to draw and paint so freely. Now I see these beautiful peices by others and can see the flow in the brush strokes, and get so frustrated. And when I do somehow manage to force something out, I go over the top with sending the box and asking for it back and just questioning if he signed it just to be nice, or he actually liked it, with the effort it took just to hold a brush again. He may not be a painter, but he is a creative mind, and we thrive off of other creative minds..I hate the self doubt, but moreso, I hate hate hate PTC. What I'd give to be free with my art again!

    I shoulda done something with an ocean theme. LoL
  • fireladiefireladie Posts: 36
    Sorry to hear about your frustrations Flutter-Girl, not being able to do things that once came easy sucks. could you put those frustrations & feelings into a comic strip? photos even instead of drawings or stick figures, sometimes less is more & its good to get things out there.
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