The sound of a page turning during Bee Girl. I guess it's not too unusual, though, since the spontaneity of the song's conception left zero time for Eddie to memorize his own lyrics!
And so "The Whale Song" also falls victim to the mighty E-bow.
u got a point
"...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
New album- more sounds, eh…
Violin, cello, viola- “Just Breathe” & “The End”
French Horn- “The End”
Any others? I am going to omit any piano or other keyed instruments. Just because once I list a few of the songs, I’ll be forced to find every single one. And I can’t handle that!
Now to try and compile all of the previous entries posted in this thread into one expansive checklist:
Viola & cello- "Parting Ways"
’Dakota’ the dog- "Rival"
Fire extinguisher & pepper shaker- "Oceans"
Programming thru the keyboard- "Master/Slave"
Audio clips from TV show- "Stupid Mop"
Sampler- "Wishlist" & "Push me, Pull me"
Guitar fed thru drum machine- "You Are"
Sitar- Hidden thingy after "Inside Job", “Who You Are”
Vocoder- "Help Help"
Ah uja & fake human head (technically not heard, rather used as P.A. system and micorophone)- scattered throughout 'Binaural'
Octoban, tambourine, & sleigh bell thing- "W.M.A."
Accordian- "Bugs" (duh)
Ukulele- "Soon Forget" (double duh)
Typewriter- Hidden whatever after "Parting Ways"
Stone- "Mankind, "Don't Gimme No Lip", "Gremmie out of Control", etc.
Guitar upon impact- "Go" & "Brain of J.F.K."
'Coins' on impact- "Of the Girl"
Drumsticks on impact- “RVM”
Page turning- “Bee Girl”
Boiling kettle- “Not For You”
Whip (?)- “Satan’s Bed”
Rewinding tape reel (?)- “Nothingman”
Hand claps- "Get Right"
E Bow- “Wishlist”, “Worldwide Suicide”, “No Way”, “Whale Song”
In addition to the vocoder Eddie uses on “Help Help”, he has shifted his vocals in other unusual ways. Does anyone know what possible equipment he employed for the following?
Whale sounds- “Whale Song” (Similarly heard during the Daughter tag on ‘Live on Two Legs’)
Eerie ghost sounds- “Sleight of Hand (before last verse)” & “In My Tree (1:50 mark)”
Also listen with your headphones during the last verse of Faithfull, to hear him speaking the same words before he sings them.
I know there has got to be more, so what's missing?
I dunno but I def hear some weird noises during some songs on Binaural... it could be spoons lol... it sounds like heavy chains being gently lifted and dropped from a few inches off the ground... i think of the girl and insignificance are the two tracks I def hear those sounds on... I've never brought it up here though...
I used to walk around campus getting stoned and listening to binaural and that always threw me cos i kept thinking i was dropping change while i walked
am i the only one that has never been able to hear the sound of the neurtron bomb they talk about in wishlist on SVT?
There's a strange beep on Given to Fly during the line "Sometimes is seen a strange spot in the sky" during the word sometimes. There are other such beeps on Yield, but I'm not recalling them at the moment.
Pay attention to the end of Sometimes(No Code)....if you listen very well, It is possible to listen to water going out of a shin....!
And this is one of the reasons that I love this band: A lot of songs have hidden noises, and I´m not talking about musical instruments, I´m talking about things like we all have in our homes...really, I am surprised of how it was happened to them to put those sounds in the songs and that they happen as subliminal sounds that can give body to the songs...
Why isnt anyone mentioning that sound at the end of Breakerfall? I still dont know what it is! Really sounds like the gameboy sound.
It's gotta be the Gameboy powerup sound. I've listened and relistened. It would probably be easy enough to create that sound with a guitar, but it sounds too much like the Gameboy sound to be anything else, imo.
The sound of a page turning during Bee Girl. I guess it's not too unusual, though, since the spontaneity of the song's conception left zero time for Eddie to memorize his own lyrics!
You nearly stole my thunder! I was thinking it was unusual when Ed started to laugh (but managed to contain himself) just after Jeff farted!
Add "Gone" to the Ebow list (also demo of "Speed of Sound"). The intro to "Better Man" is Ebow also, I think.
And sitar on "Who You Are". Also, I may be wrong - it's a long time since I've seen it - but I seem to remember that Single Video Theory shows Ed using the Ebow on the sitar on "No Way"
Also, the chimes at the end of "Not for You" are picking the strings at the headstock of the guitar, even if that's not what the coda to "Inside Job" is. (I discovered this accidentally when I did it myself, & realised it sounds exactly like "Not for You" - I used to think it was bells.)
I could swear I hear the fade-out of a rotary phone ring under the cymbals at 2:42 of "Of the Girl". Maybe it is just the cymbals, but that's what I always hear....
(and while I was looking for the time reference, I just heard the change hit the deck for the first time! )
93: Slane
96: Cork, Dublin
00: Dublin
06: London, Dublin
07: London, Copenhagen, Nijmegen
09: Manchester, London
10: Dublin, Belfast, London & Berlin
11: San José
12: Isle of Wight, Copenhagen, Ed in Manchester & London x2
And so "The Whale Song" also falls victim to the mighty E-bow.
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
Violin, cello, viola- “Just Breathe” & “The End”
French Horn- “The End”
Any others? I am going to omit any piano or other keyed instruments. Just because once I list a few of the songs, I’ll be forced to find every single one. And I can’t handle that!
Now to try and compile all of the previous entries posted in this thread into one expansive checklist:
Viola & cello- "Parting Ways"
’Dakota’ the dog- "Rival"
Fire extinguisher & pepper shaker- "Oceans"
Programming thru the keyboard- "Master/Slave"
Audio clips from TV show- "Stupid Mop"
Sampler- "Wishlist" & "Push me, Pull me"
Guitar fed thru drum machine- "You Are"
Sitar- Hidden thingy after "Inside Job", “Who You Are”
Vocoder- "Help Help"
Ah uja & fake human head (technically not heard, rather used as P.A. system and micorophone)- scattered throughout 'Binaural'
Octoban, tambourine, & sleigh bell thing- "W.M.A."
Accordian- "Bugs" (duh)
Ukulele- "Soon Forget" (double duh)
Typewriter- Hidden whatever after "Parting Ways"
Stone- "Mankind, "Don't Gimme No Lip", "Gremmie out of Control", etc.
Guitar upon impact- "Go" & "Brain of J.F.K."
'Coins' on impact- "Of the Girl"
Drumsticks on impact- “RVM”
Page turning- “Bee Girl”
Boiling kettle- “Not For You”
Whip (?)- “Satan’s Bed”
Rewinding tape reel (?)- “Nothingman”
Hand claps- "Get Right"
E Bow- “Wishlist”, “Worldwide Suicide”, “No Way”, “Whale Song”
In addition to the vocoder Eddie uses on “Help Help”, he has shifted his vocals in other unusual ways. Does anyone know what possible equipment he employed for the following?
Whale sounds- “Whale Song” (Similarly heard during the Daughter tag on ‘Live on Two Legs’)
Eerie ghost sounds- “Sleight of Hand (before last verse)” & “In My Tree (1:50 mark)”
Also listen with your headphones during the last verse of Faithfull, to hear him speaking the same words before he sings them.
I know there has got to be more, so what's missing?
I used to walk around campus getting stoned and listening to binaural and that always threw me cos i kept thinking i was dropping change while i walked
am i the only one that has never been able to hear the sound of the neurtron bomb they talk about in wishlist on SVT?
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
38+6 shows at the age of 27 and counting...but still no Undone
My podcast: Hotel Manager Talk- Dedicated to Hotel Employees, tell your friends.
is that the ebow?...
Pay attention to the end of Sometimes(No Code)....if you listen very well, It is possible to listen to water going out of a shin....!
And this is one of the reasons that I love this band: A lot of songs have hidden noises, and I´m not talking about musical instruments, I´m talking about things like we all have in our homes...really, I am surprised of how it was happened to them to put those sounds in the songs and that they happen as subliminal sounds that can give body to the songs...
It's gotta be the Gameboy powerup sound. I've listened and relistened. It would probably be easy enough to create that sound with a guitar, but it sounds too much like the Gameboy sound to be anything else, imo.
love it
You nearly stole my thunder! I was thinking it was unusual when Ed started to laugh (but managed to contain himself) just after Jeff farted!
And sitar on "Who You Are". Also, I may be wrong - it's a long time since I've seen it - but I seem to remember that Single Video Theory shows Ed using the Ebow on the sitar on "No Way"
Also, the chimes at the end of "Not for You" are picking the strings at the headstock of the guitar, even if that's not what the coda to "Inside Job" is. (I discovered this accidentally when I did it myself, & realised it sounds exactly like "Not for You" - I used to think it was bells.)
I could swear I hear the fade-out of a rotary phone ring under the cymbals at 2:42 of "Of the Girl". Maybe it is just the cymbals, but that's what I always hear....
(and while I was looking for the time reference, I just heard the change hit the deck for the first time!
96: Cork, Dublin
00: Dublin
06: London, Dublin
07: London, Copenhagen, Nijmegen
09: Manchester, London
10: Dublin, Belfast, London & Berlin
11: San José
12: Isle of Wight, Copenhagen, Ed in Manchester & London x2