I'll dig around and see what I might have to raffle.
Do you think anyone would be interested in the older bootlegs? My daughter works at a used cd/game/dvd store and they have a bunch and she can get them for cheap. If you think they would be good ,we can get what they have.
And I am looking up hotels today, what is a nice and close one? Also is there just the one airport? I don't want to pick the wrong one.
Whatever you would like to donate sounds good.
Thank you
Yes we just have one Airport Mitchell Internationl Airport. Hotels there are many downtown. I'm updating thread very soon with that info. Pm me with any questions.
Since we can't pick up tickets until 4:30 can someone give me a ride to the venue to get them? I will be helping at the party and want to get there early, like around 2, and then will have to leave, to get my tickets and come back. Of course if the party is within walking distance I can just walk.
Just thought if everyone was going to go get them during the party, we could carpool over.
We will be in walking distance from the venue. We should all be good with walking over and picking up tickets.
hey patrick
about how far of a drive from chicago to milwaukee?
2 1/2 hours? i seem to remember it being that
i ask because i'll most likely be driving back after the show instead of staying overnight in milwaukee
Get it now, get enough, before its gone, let's everybody carry on, carry on....
join the street team http://wishlistfoundation.fancorps.com
"headphones are highly recommended...." Jeff Ament
From where you are about 2 hrs maybe. Of course you might have to stop for some cheese bread. lol
oh hells yes!!!!
i'll be stopping for the cheesebread on the way in
MARS cheese castle is like the highlight of every drive into wisconsin for me
Get it now, get enough, before its gone, let's everybody carry on, carry on....
join the street team http://wishlistfoundation.fancorps.com
"headphones are highly recommended...." Jeff Ament
i've even made trips to WI
JUST to go to the cheese castle, mind you i WAS preggers during those trips
there and the sprecher brewery are two of my favorite places to go in WI
Alpine being my most favorite
Get it now, get enough, before its gone, let's everybody carry on, carry on....
join the street team http://wishlistfoundation.fancorps.com
"headphones are highly recommended...." Jeff Ament
Patrick, I'm in!
I'll be there with my buddy paul, BOTH of my brothers, and probably a lot of family and at least 10-100 other friends...
We'll have to hit Sams club for industrial size chips and dip...
Can't wait!!!
Jack Johnson right before at red rocks, although I still need tickets!
and PJ tomorrow night... with the WHO???? Oh man, I am really lucky!
I have some vinyl I might be able to donate...gotta make sure the floods didn't get them (in storage).
I only managed to get two seperate tix (for my wife and myself)...if anyone has extras and wants to trade two together for two apart, PM me. Long shot I know...but what the heck.
Patrick, I'm in!
I'll be there with my buddy paul, BOTH of my brothers, and probably a lot of family and at least 10-100 other friends...
We'll have to hit Sams club for industrial size chips and dip...
Can't wait!!!
Jack Johnson right before at red rocks, although I still need tickets!
and PJ tomorrow night... with the WHO???? Oh man, I am really lucky!
We did get 2 restricted view, not together seats for Chicago 2 so we are going to help Laura out there! There are a couple of gals I know coming from up here that helped us with the 2006 St. Paul party so I will let them know about your party and I'm sure they will try to attend.
We did get 2 restricted view, not together seats for Chicago 2 so we are going to help Laura out there! There are a couple of gals I know coming from up here that helped us with the 2006 St. Paul party so I will let them know about your party and I'm sure they will try to attend.
That would be me! You ended up getting tickets to Chicago? Happy for you!
We (my daughter and I) will be in Milwaukee and would be happy to help out if you still need helpers. We will also rustle up a few items to donate. We did not get 10C tix, got them today in the public on sale - we are in the balcony. I am just happy that we will be there! I will keep you posted on our donations. CAN'T WAIT! Also looking forward to the Milwaukee hotel info. We have never been to Milwaukee!
some words when spoken can't be taken back
Minneapolis 6/30/98; East Troy 10/08/00; Seattle 12/8/02; St. Paul 6/16/03; East Troy 6/21/03; Toledo 10/2/04; London, Ontario 9/12/05; Chicago 5/16/06; St. Paul 6/26/06; St. Paul 6/27/06; Milwaukee 8/19/08
That would be me! You ended up getting tickets to Chicago? Happy for you!
We (my daughter and I) will be in Milwaukee and would be happy to help out if you still need helpers. We will also rustle up a few items to donate. We did not get 10C tix, got them today in the public on sale - we are in the balcony. I am just happy that we will be there! I will keep you posted on our donations. CAN'T WAIT! Also looking forward to the Milwaukee hotel info. We have never been to Milwaukee!
How old is your daughter? I am bringing one of my daughters too. Probably will be my 20 year old, but my 10 year old and even my 5 year old want to come so bad!
It's our first time to Milwaukee too!
To 10c; "Your PJ tshirt should be tight enough to show you're a woman and loose enough to show you're a lady." - bionicamy
How old is your daughter? I am bringing one of my daughters too. Probably will be my 20 year old, but my 10 year old and even my 5 year old want to come so bad!
It's our first time to Milwaukee too!
My daughter is 28. We have both been PJ fans since 1994-95. She has an 11 month old son now and we will be sure that he is a PJ fan as well. Oops, I just let it slip that I am a grandma! But he is the cutest baby EVER, and I am very proud to be his grandma. We will be coming from Mpls. Where are you coming from?
some words when spoken can't be taken back
Minneapolis 6/30/98; East Troy 10/08/00; Seattle 12/8/02; St. Paul 6/16/03; East Troy 6/21/03; Toledo 10/2/04; London, Ontario 9/12/05; Chicago 5/16/06; St. Paul 6/26/06; St. Paul 6/27/06; Milwaukee 8/19/08
My daughter is 28. We have both been PJ fans since 1994-95. She has an 11 month old son now and we will be sure that he is a PJ fan as well. Oops, I just let it slip that I am a grandma! But he is the cutest baby EVER, and I am very proud to be his grandma. We will be coming from Mpls. Where are you coming from?
Hi Buttermint!!!! Yes we got Chicago 2. Will chat with you Monday. Good to see you on the board!
Whatever you would like to donate sounds good.
Thank you
Yes we just have one Airport Mitchell Internationl Airport. Hotels there are many downtown. I'm updating thread very soon with that info. Pm me with any questions.
That was my first PJ show in 1995.
You can always try tomorrow for tickets. I hope to see you there. Just be safe man.
We need to find bob for the party. And bring some chips and salsa.
OMG!!!!! we could have the official ''Chips and Dip/Salsa party''. hehehe I'll get in touch with Mic about that.
We will be in walking distance from the venue. We should all be good with walking over and picking up tickets.
Summerfest 95, 06 Alpine 92, 98, 00, 03 Chicago 95, 98, 00, 03, 06, 07 Grand Rapids 04, St. John's 05 Milwaukee 08
about how far of a drive from chicago to milwaukee?
2 1/2 hours? i seem to remember it being that
i ask because i'll most likely be driving back after the show instead of staying overnight in milwaukee
Get it now, get enough, before its gone, let's everybody carry on, carry on....
join the street team
"headphones are highly recommended...." Jeff Ament
Summerfest 95, 06 Alpine 92, 98, 00, 03 Chicago 95, 98, 00, 03, 06, 07 Grand Rapids 04, St. John's 05 Milwaukee 08
From where you are about 2 hrs maybe. Of course you might have to stop for some cheese bread. lol
i'll be stopping for the cheesebread on the way in
MARS cheese castle is like the highlight of every drive into wisconsin for me
Get it now, get enough, before its gone, let's everybody carry on, carry on....
join the street team
"headphones are highly recommended...." Jeff Ament
That's really sad.
i've even made trips to WI
JUST to go to the cheese castle, mind you i WAS preggers during those trips
there and the sprecher brewery are two of my favorite places to go in WI
Alpine being my most favorite
Get it now, get enough, before its gone, let's everybody carry on, carry on....
join the street team
"headphones are highly recommended...." Jeff Ament
You know that makes me smile.
But yea the cheese castle and brewery tours rock up here.
Need help? You know where to find us
~Wild is my love~
A blast from the past. I'll add you both now. So many helpers I'll be able to have a couple/few drinks. hehehe
Jon can stand by the door making sure nobody walks off with any of the ladies purses. He knows what I'm talking about.
Serious Kate glad that your both coming.
About time you all drive up here for a show. LOL
Summerfest 95, 06 Alpine 92, 98, 00, 03 Chicago 95, 98, 00, 03, 06, 07 Grand Rapids 04, St. John's 05 Milwaukee 08
I have a very good idea for that. I will hear from the person in the morning. Details to follow very soon.
I'll keep you all posted.
Also give me your ideas as well.
I'll give you a hint. It's a place for our four legged friends.
Patrick, I'm in!
I'll be there with my buddy paul, BOTH of my brothers, and probably a lot of family and at least 10-100 other friends...
We'll have to hit Sams club for industrial size chips and dip...
Can't wait!!!
Jack Johnson right before at red rocks, although I still need tickets!
and PJ tomorrow night... with the WHO???? Oh man, I am really lucky!
I only managed to get two seperate tix (for my wife and myself)...if anyone has extras and wants to trade two together for two apart, PM me. Long shot I know...but what the heck.
Chips and Dip
Keep looking to may find tickets still.
Thanks for bumping the thread.
But I want you at the show too.
well....maybe not
can't wait to see everyone there
Summerfest 95, 06 Alpine 92, 98, 00, 03 Chicago 95, 98, 00, 03, 06, 07 Grand Rapids 04, St. John's 05 Milwaukee 08
Location is almost set and also the charity. Details to follow.
I can't wait.
That would be me! You ended up getting tickets to Chicago? Happy for you!
We (my daughter and I) will be in Milwaukee and would be happy to help out if you still need helpers. We will also rustle up a few items to donate. We did not get 10C tix, got them today in the public on sale - we are in the balcony. I am just happy that we will be there! I will keep you posted on our donations. CAN'T WAIT! Also looking forward to the Milwaukee hotel info. We have never been to Milwaukee!
Minneapolis 6/30/98; East Troy 10/08/00; Seattle 12/8/02; St. Paul 6/16/03; East Troy 6/21/03; Toledo 10/2/04; London, Ontario 9/12/05; Chicago 5/16/06; St. Paul 6/26/06; St. Paul 6/27/06; Milwaukee 8/19/08
It's our first time to Milwaukee too!
My daughter is 28. We have both been PJ fans since 1994-95. She has an 11 month old son now and we will be sure that he is a PJ fan as well. Oops, I just let it slip that I am a grandma! But he is the cutest baby EVER, and I am very proud to be his grandma. We will be coming from Mpls. Where are you coming from?
Minneapolis 6/30/98; East Troy 10/08/00; Seattle 12/8/02; St. Paul 6/16/03; East Troy 6/21/03; Toledo 10/2/04; London, Ontario 9/12/05; Chicago 5/16/06; St. Paul 6/26/06; St. Paul 6/27/06; Milwaukee 8/19/08
Hi Buttermint!!!! Yes we got Chicago 2. Will chat with you Monday. Good to see you on the board!