The first 10 or 11 years of one's life is enough time to figure out what a vagina is. I didn't even have one (still don't), and I knew what a vagina was. Puberty is kind of a big hint that something is different is happening with your body. It's only natural to ask questions about what's happening to you, if you can't quite figure it out yourself. If people are getting pregnant without even knowing what their vagina is (however that happens?), the problem is worse than any of us think.
You're all over this topic-- I must say you've really dedicated yourself to it. Do you work in a related field to women's health?
Yes, this is the subject about which I'm most passionate. Sorry if that makes me a pain in the ass on a message board. To answer your question, I have a bachelor's in women studies, run a maternal, child, & reproductive health program at a medical school/university hospital (we train doctors, see patients, and do research), and am working on a master's in public health.
Oh, man. I feel like I need to use the Emergency Broadcast System again: (in my best low-fi bullhorn voice) "People of earth: You have penises and vaginas. Men, you have penises. Women, you have vaginas. Michael Jackson---- we'll get back to you. Look down. They're located right between your legs. Touch them. Feels good? Ok. Now... Understand, they make babies when you use them together. If you don't want babies, check out "abstinence" and "contraception." Figure out a healthy combination of both, until you and your lover can decide that you want children. If your head is still up your ass, please remove it, and replay this message. Thank you."
Your passion on this subject is helpful. It's good debate. I'll never see it your way 100%, but you do a really good job of making people realize that it's not such a black and white issue.
I'm pretty sure that the pregnant 12 year old who doesn't know what her vagina is is an extremely small %. I'm sure we can find all kinds of one of examples to share.
People who don't think that the vast majority of kids that have sex actually understand that it could lead to pregnancy are just kidding themselves. This does not mean that education isn't needed though. They need to be educated on birth control so they feel comfortable about using it and using it properly. They also need to have the severity of the consequences shown to them often...very often. Otherwise the "it won't happen to me" mentality creeps in. They need to have that feedback often, because the more they have sex and don't end up with a negative outcome (pregnancy...std...etc) the more it seems like "it won't happen to me".
I'm not saying kids don't have a basic understanding that sex can lead to pregnancy, but they just don't inherently know all they need to know about sex & their bodies by the time they are physically of age to procreate. You have to learn it from somewhere, and the mentality that 12-year-olds are too young to learn about sex plays out at home as well as in schools. This lack of knowledge is dangerous, and leaves girls at the mercy of the guys who want to sleep with them when it comes to getting more detailed information about sex and pregnancy. I really believe that comprehensive sex ed in the schools - from the onset of of puberty at least - is essential for the well-being of our children.
it sounds all so simple...b/c it really is. sadly, too many on the 'pro-life' side of the issue are NOT in support of education, nor access to birth control....and far too many make it all or none.....abstinence only and that simply does NOT work as an educational or BC method. (and this is not say all pro-lifers are this way, not at all....)
I can see where people are against "education." Education = spending money. Seriously, how much money should really be spent on explaining to people that having sex makes babies? Anyone who is of age to procreate knows this. This, to me is just another area where everyone just needs to collectively pull their heads out of their asses and realize this one basic fact of life...
NOW, I do think that education about STDs is necessary-- and if parents can't whack their kid upside the head once and say, "don't get pregnant-- use a condom and pull out! (or for the ladies, don't let him go in bare, and don't let him bust it in ya" then their should be time dedicated to this topic as part of the education for STDs.
But seriously, without MEN pulling their heads out (multiple meanings here) we're never going to get anywhere.
education is the WHOLE picture....not simply 'penis and vagina' much more to the discussion, as you begin even thinking of STDs, and sure.....just educating about the MISinformation out there too.
as far as a 'money issue' goes tho......dontcha think it's a HELLUVA lot cheaper to educate, provide access to BC and all that involves.....rather than unwanted pregnancy, abortion, prenatal care, infant care, and all that encompasses?
i think education and access are probably FAR cheaper, and healthier, in the long-run...but some people cannot seperate their own beliefs (such as abstinence-only before marriage, some no use of BC ever, etc) from that of the rest of the population and therefore want to push their OWN way of life onto others. THAT, to me, is the biggest issue.
and i know, i know, i know...there are many who believe life begins at conception....and sure 'a life' of a cluster of cells absolutely does....but without implantation, which takes place over the next 72? hours i believe....the body can and often naturally expels it, doesn't properly implant, etc, cmon........can't we at least all support the morning after pill? i mean, imo, that could definitely take care of a LOT of those "oops!" situations where BC is thought to have failed, wasn't used, whatever......and if access and also removal of social stigmas for such were in place......could vastly impact abortion numbers. just one of many 'issues' within this issue.
Oh, man. I feel like I need to use the Emergency Broadcast System again: (in my best low-fi bullhorn voice) "People of earth: You have penises and vaginas. Men, you have penises. Women, you have vaginas. Michael Jackson---- we'll get back to you. Look down. They're located right between your legs. Touch them. Feels good? Ok. Now... Understand, they make babies when you use them together. If you don't want babies, check out "abstinence" and "contraception." Figure out a healthy combination of both, until you and your lover can decide that you want children. If your head is still up your ass, please remove it, and replay this message. Thank you."
Your passion on this subject is helpful. It's good debate. I'll never see it your way 100%, but you do a really good job of making people realize that it's not such a black and white issue.
I'm not saying kids don't have a basic understanding that sex can lead to pregnancy, but they just don't inherently know all they need to know about sex & their bodies by the time they are physically of age to procreate. You have to learn it from somewhere, and the mentality that 12-year-olds are too young to learn about sex plays out at home as well as in schools. This lack of knowledge is dangerous, and leaves girls at the mercy of the guys who want to sleep with them when it comes to getting more detailed information about sex and pregnancy. I really believe that comprehensive sex ed in the schools - from the onset of of puberty at least - is essential for the well-being of our children.
Ladies & gentlemen, my work here is done...
education is the WHOLE picture....not simply 'penis and vagina' much more to the discussion, as you begin even thinking of STDs, and sure.....just educating about the MISinformation out there too.
as far as a 'money issue' goes tho......dontcha think it's a HELLUVA lot cheaper to educate, provide access to BC and all that involves.....rather than unwanted pregnancy, abortion, prenatal care, infant care, and all that encompasses?
i think education and access are probably FAR cheaper, and healthier, in the long-run...but some people cannot seperate their own beliefs (such as abstinence-only before marriage, some no use of BC ever, etc) from that of the rest of the population and therefore want to push their OWN way of life onto others. THAT, to me, is the biggest issue.
and i know, i know, i know...there are many who believe life begins at conception....and sure 'a life' of a cluster of cells absolutely does....but without implantation, which takes place over the next 72? hours i believe....the body can and often naturally expels it, doesn't properly implant, etc, cmon........can't we at least all support the morning after pill? i mean, imo, that could definitely take care of a LOT of those "oops!" situations where BC is thought to have failed, wasn't used, whatever......and if access and also removal of social stigmas for such were in place......could vastly impact abortion numbers. just one of many 'issues' within this issue.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow