U.S. marshals to protect abortion clinics and doctors

What did you people think would happen!!! You have become no better than any other radical, extremist group who murder in the name of their religious beliefs.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/05/3 ... 09504.html
***UPDATE*** US Attorney General Eric Holder is dispatching US Marshals to protect abortion clinic and doctors around the country.
Holder issued the following statement:
The murder of Doctor George Tiller is an abhorrent act of violence, and his family is in our thoughts and prayers at this tragic moment. Federal law enforcement is coordinating with local law enforcement officials in Kansas on the investigation of this crime, and I have directed the United States Marshals Service to offer protection to other appropriate people and facilities around the nation. The Department of Justice will work to bring the perpetrator of this crime to justice. As a precautionary measure, we will also take appropriate steps to help prevent any related acts of violence from occurring.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/05/3 ... 09504.html
***UPDATE*** US Attorney General Eric Holder is dispatching US Marshals to protect abortion clinic and doctors around the country.
Holder issued the following statement:
The murder of Doctor George Tiller is an abhorrent act of violence, and his family is in our thoughts and prayers at this tragic moment. Federal law enforcement is coordinating with local law enforcement officials in Kansas on the investigation of this crime, and I have directed the United States Marshals Service to offer protection to other appropriate people and facilities around the nation. The Department of Justice will work to bring the perpetrator of this crime to justice. As a precautionary measure, we will also take appropriate steps to help prevent any related acts of violence from occurring.
SIN EATERS--We take the moral excrement we find in this equation and we bury it down deep inside of us so that the rest of our case can stay pure. That is the job. We are morally indefensible and absolutely necessary.
Post edited by Unknown User on
No. murder committed in the name of American Christian extermists.
Thanks so much you ignorant religious freaks! Stop the madness. This type of action never works in furthering your cause. Damn, it pisses me off how stupid people are.
I think that's what he meant... American Christian extremists are no different from the groups we've started wars all over the world to stop.
i've been saying that america is becoming an extremist nation but that generally doesn't go over too well on this board and no matter how you explain it - people just get too defensive ...
because that is completely baseless and insulting. this is the first "extremist" act by one of these Christian nutjobs in the past 8 years. talk to me when we have Death To Islam marches in the streets.
There's a huge difference between an "extremist nation" and a nation of 300 million people with a tiny number of wingnuts who the media loves to give a higher profile to.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
case in point ...
i know a sikh who lives in NYC who won't wear his turban anymore ... i could list many examples to substantiate my case but really - what's the point? people just get defensive - even now, instead of asking me what i base my opinion on - you simply brush it off ...
I think we flirted with it under Bush, but I think overall that's not really accurate. We definitely have a sizable fundamentalist extremist contingent, but they're nowhere near a majority. They just managed to dupe the majority into electing their guys for a few years. I think we've wised up a bit.
WOW you know a guy!!!! that makes America an extremists nation? yea, like I said, completely baseless and insulting.
hey ... i'm just glad someone was able to at least be open to what i'm saying and realize what i'm talking about ...
define sizable fundamentalist extremist? did we have an increase in car bombs during the bush years? and increase in abortion doctors being killed? (actually I read there were none). the only time American's go a little crazy was immediately after 9/11 when a few Arabs were harassed. big deal.
in your eyes, anyone who goes to church on a consistent basis is probably a fundamentalist extremist
Whether or not this constitutes a nation of extremists, it is a big deal. This comment is about as insensitve as me saying something like, "oh a few guys raped your mother - big deal." :roll:
wow, just wow. you are equating a few NYC cab drivers getting yelled at to someone's mother getting raped. what a fucking joke
I'm comparing statements that conveniently minimalize victims' experiences.
a Arab being told to fuck off and a woman being raped are vastly different " victims' experiences"
but I'm sure you knew that :roll:
There was no need, they thought their guy was in office fighting the good fight. Was it the other thread that pointed out the discrepancy between such acts of violence under Clinton vs Bush? When they think they've got the upper hand, they don't need to get violent. And Bush's rhetoric and behavior in the international arena sure as hell alarmed me. Now he's out and the godless lib is in and in no time we get our first clinic assassination in years? Maybe it is coincidence, but it's certainly an alarming one.
I define fundamentalist extremists as anyone that does not recognize the RIGHT of others to practice their own religion and makes an effort to establish only one acceptable faith and impose it on all. It doesn't necessarily have to be violent... Phelps, for instance, has never killed anyone that I'm aware of, but I consider him a fundamentalist extremist. I think it was such people that put Bush back into office in 2004, based on things like his constant yammering about how Jesus tells him who to invade and when and the stem cell/global gag rules he adopted. It seemed for a little bit there that they had the numbers and influence to run the country. I think the last election allayed my fears, but I think the revelation that they don't may lead to more "extreme" measures than abuse of executive power in the years ahead. We shall see.
As to the last comment, don't be ridiculous. My mother goes to her Catholic mass weekly and I hardly consider her, or most of my other religious acquaintances extremist. My brother is involved in all kinds of young life religious conversion ministry, and while I think he's a Bible-thumping weirdo trying to suck kids into a cult, I don't think he's a fundamentalist extremist. Extremists can be as dramatically dangerous as this abortion shooter, or as subtly corrosive as the minority whiner parents that raise such a vocal stink that they manage to shout down the majority enough to get harmless books like Harry Potter banned from public schools and libraries for all based on their belief that it is Satanic.
The Denver Post
Posted: 06/01/2009 09:09:41 AM MDT
Updated: 06/01/2009 09:11:39 AM MDT
George Tiller, my friend and colleague, was assassinated by an anti-abortion fanatic this morning as he was acting as an usher at his Lutheran Church in Wichita, Kansas. It is an unspeakable and horrible tragedy for Dr. Tiller's family and friends, but it is the inevitable and predictable consequence of decades of anti-abortion hate speech, violence, intimidation, and harassment of women and their doctors.
Dr. Tiller is the fifth American abortion doctor who has been assassinated since 1993. Other clinic workers have also been murdered by anti-abortion fanatics.
Dr. Tiller was a dedicated and courageous physician who continued to help women in spite of thousands of anti-abortion demonstrations at his office, home, and church, thousands of death threats, one previous assassination attempt when he was shot in both arms in 1993, mindless legislative and official persecution by Kansas authorities, and innumerable legal attacks on his critical medical service for women.
The people of this country need to know that we do not need to invade other countries to find terrorists: they are right here killing abortion doctors. The American anti-abortion movement is the face of fascism in America. It exploits and is exploited by the darkest right-wing political forces in this country.
Dr. Tiller's assassination is not the lone and inexplicable action of one deranged killer. This was a political assassination in a historic pattern of antiabortion political violence. It was terrorism. It was about power.
Dr. Tiller was assassinated because he represented an idea: freedom. He helped women. We must ask: what is the difference between this terrorism and the Taliban?
What happened to Tiller was awful and wrong. But seriously, must we use the "T" word? There's no quicker way to put this whole country on lockdown than to start calling people "terrorists." I'd rather we string 20 absolutely obscene words together, in a row, everytime we describe the guy who killed Tiller, rather than call him a "terrorist" which is only going to fuck us all in the end.
Maybe Dr. Hern is a little more sensitive about it than most people since he's next on the hit list.
....and knee-jerk reactions.
Yup. Hence my problem with calling Tiller's murderer a "terrorist." Nothing good can come out of any of this.
I wouldn't consider Dr. Tiller's murder a knee-jerk reaction though. He has been on anti-choice hit lists and received death threats from people within this movement for many, many years. He had been shot before and lived. His clinic has been bombed, etc.
The guy who killed him was a clinic protester and had vandalized abortion clinics in the past, including gluing the locks on another local clinic the day before the murder and earlier in the week. He had been convicted (although it was overturned due to an "illegal search") in the past of having materials to make home-made bombs. He had posted on anti-choice websites about how Dr. Tiller should be paid a visit at church.
I think we need to recognize that this happened within the larger context of the anti-abortion movement. Just because not every member of this movement condones every action of every other member doesn't mean there's not a bigger picture. It wasn't just an isolated, impulsive incident.
Estimated 60,000