DTE is this song even good?
okay before you all freak, just read the whole comment:
I was watching storytellers for the 30th time and then in the spare time after it ends DTE video comes on. I think it was the first time this ever happened, but I sat there and said to myself this isn't that great of a song and video. It seemed slow, the video just came off as lame(what the hell is going on with that dumb chick dancing??), and Ed's voice/howl just wasn't working for me. Then today Black(UPL) came on my shuffle and I hit skip after half of it....
WTF is wrong with me? Can I be Eddie'd out after 17 years of totally biased love for the band? black unplugged is one of my favortie live tracks ever and I hit advance. I did eat breakfast this monring for the first time in seriously 12 years, could te oatmeal be affecting my brain?
anyways DTE Great/OK/sucks IYHO
I was watching storytellers for the 30th time and then in the spare time after it ends DTE video comes on. I think it was the first time this ever happened, but I sat there and said to myself this isn't that great of a song and video. It seemed slow, the video just came off as lame(what the hell is going on with that dumb chick dancing??), and Ed's voice/howl just wasn't working for me. Then today Black(UPL) came on my shuffle and I hit skip after half of it....
WTF is wrong with me? Can I be Eddie'd out after 17 years of totally biased love for the band? black unplugged is one of my favortie live tracks ever and I hit advance. I did eat breakfast this monring for the first time in seriously 12 years, could te oatmeal be affecting my brain?
anyways DTE Great/OK/sucks IYHO
Post edited by Unknown User on
I think the song has some interesting parts. The part where Stone does his little guitar thing before Eddie comes in to sing "admire me, admire my home, my song, my clothes" is really cool! Easily the bets part of the song! The verses and the chorus is nothing special if you ask me. It one of the songs I am tired of hearing when they perform and I kinda hang around for it to finish.
"Call me Ishmael. Some years ago- never mind how long precisely- having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world." Herman Melville : Moby Dick
never would have thought it steph!!
note to all - steer clear of this girl at a show when DTE comes on!
she might be short but she packs some punch!!!!
I wave to all my Friends... Yeah!
now it seems to be MFC that i can't stand...
but yeah we all go through phases with songs/albums......
not sure why....
love it now though!
I wave to all my Friends... Yeah!
perhaps if DTE was played at the necessary time i could have cleared out all those ruddy leenkiingk park fans and we wouldnt have gotten separated!
na, i liked it before that!!
I wave to all my Friends... Yeah!
DTE lo2l oh man
isnt it sacreligious to skip black unplugged?
So why be satisfied?
leave this message board and never come back. I mean really, I'm all for people voicing opinions both postive and negative about the band and it's music but if you're hating on the Evolution video.......you're just fucking clueless
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
I hated "Even Flow" for about a year in like 2000. I gave it a break, and now I just love it.
They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
when i am in a bad mood and turn this song up LOUD there is nothing like that opening scream. i feel like i release all of my frustrations with ed when i hear that.
and that second 'hallelujah"....when ed's deep voice joins in... *sigh* ... might be my favorite moment in any song. still gives me chills, all these years later.
Very true. I love PJ, but I don't listen to only them by any means - you have to have variety. No one entity, music, person, what have you, can fill all needs all the time.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
C'mon...C'mon C'mon!!
And the video is tits!
I thought the world...Turns out the world thought me
If you're anywhere in the world and you hear that opening riff by Stoney, you know it's time to boogie