
  • LoujoeLoujoe Posts: 8,960
    Then by all means stop buying tickets...leaves more for the rest of us
    True. I stopped. Sorry PJ. Sure they miss me. Still want to chase them down for picks and autographs.
  • Weston1283Weston1283 Fredericksburg, VA Posts: 4,807
    edited May 14
    I think a bunch of us are excited for the shows we are going to this year, and seeing these sets we already know what’s coming for future shows. We’ve never had this experience before as fans. No one on here who’s got issues with the set list has ever said “must be a bad show”; our critique is solely on the songs played and in what order.
    We’re getting excited over a flubbed Faithful and Garden, the latter which was a staple a year ago. Just refresh your memory and look at the 2023 set lists, they were perfect after all the bitching about shorter shows. I mean fuck, we got Tremor and Marker in the same main set.
    I’m going to Vegas and I’m excited for the first 4 songs and the 1 or 2 songs mid-set that change. Otherwise I already know what to expect. Never had that feeling before, but still going to give my 110% in the crowd as a fan. 
    This is very much where I am at. I have been to 3.5 hour, nearly 40 song shows, and honestly some of the best shows I have been to were in 2022 and 23. Saint Paul 2 main set could stand up to any show I have been to (the encore was a little basic), and Fort Worth 1, while had circumstances, was honestly amazing. The shorter shows in a way made them better. I got so many songs I have never heard live before last year. Now I'm not really counting on any.

    Every new year they tour I say, I am going to control myself this year. Then I get six shows. I am really trying to keep an open mind on knowing where about a quarter of the songs are going to be and what they are, but I am having a tough time wrapping my mind around it. I know we are spoiled in that sense, but that not knowing is such a huge part of the draw and traveling and spending money. I have a kid who is a huge Taylor Swift fan and he would see her any chance he got, and he dies for those two surprise songs and knows all the rest. I told my wife last night if Swift fans can do that, we can handle knowing a quarter of the set and hopefully be surprised by the rest.

    I do like some things they are doing. Porch and Smile before the end for example are interesting. But after all these experiences still can't wrap my head around the rest. Even the Dark Matter stuff, I want to hear it all, but having the same four songs in a row every night limits that tremendously. 

    I have both Vegas too and I am greatly looking forward to it. But I am looking forward to Vegas as much as anything, and in the past Pearl Jam has been more of the focus. I still know I will enjoy the crap out of these shows, though. After that I have Chicago and Ohana. I am totally on the fence about Chicago at this point. I want to see where it goes and maybe the stadium shows will be different. This is a lot of complaining and I have said several times I want to see where it goes and how I feel. Hopefully Vegas blows me away and that's that. 
    Yeah, I am going to Vegas more than I am going to Pearl Jam this week.  After the Indy show cancellation last year, I decided that I am generally only traveling to shows where I am OK getting stranded if the show cancels lol.  If Vegas shows weren't happening, I would be holding out for the drive-able shows this fall only.
    2010: Cleveland
    2012: Atlanta
    2013: London ONT / Wrigley Field / Pittsburgh / Buffalo / San Diego / Los Angeles I / Los Angeles II
    2014: Cincinnati / St. Louis / Tulsa / Lincoln / Detroit / Denver
    2015: New York City
    2016: Ft. Lauderdale / Miami / Jacksonville / Greenville / Hampton / Columbia / Lexington / Philly II / New York City II / Toronto II / Bonnaroo / Telluride / Fenway I / Wrigley I / Wrigley - II / TOTD - Philadelphia, San Francisco
    2017: Ohana Fest (EV)
    2018: Amsterdam I / Amsterdam II / Seattle I / Seattle II / Boston I / Boston II
    2021: Asbury Park / Ohana Encore 1 / Ohana Encore 2
    2022: Phoenix / LA I / LA II / Quebec City / Ottawa / New York City / Camden / Nashville / St. Louis / Denver
    2023: St. Paul II
    2024: Las Vegas I / Las Vegas II / New York City I / New York City II / Philly I / Philly II / Baltimore
  • I think a bunch of us are excited for the shows we are going to this year, and seeing these sets we already know what’s coming for future shows. We’ve never had this experience before as fans. No one on here who’s got issues with the set list has ever said “must be a bad show”; our critique is solely on the songs played and in what order.
    We’re getting excited over a flubbed Faithful and Garden, the latter which was a staple a year ago. Just refresh your memory and look at the 2023 set lists, they were perfect after all the bitching about shorter shows. I mean fuck, we got Tremor and Marker in the same main set.
    I’m going to Vegas and I’m excited for the first 4 songs and the 1 or 2 songs mid-set that change. Otherwise I already know what to expect. Never had that feeling before, but still going to give my 110% in the crowd as a fan. 
    This is very much where I am at. I have been to 3.5 hour, nearly 40 song shows, and honestly some of the best shows I have been to were in 2022 and 23. Saint Paul 2 main set could stand up to any show I have been to (the encore was a little basic), and Fort Worth 1, while had circumstances, was honestly amazing. The shorter shows in a way made them better. I got so many songs I have never heard live before last year. Now I'm not really counting on any.

    Every new year they tour I say, I am going to control myself this year. Then I get six shows. I am really trying to keep an open mind on knowing where about a quarter of the songs are going to be and what they are, but I am having a tough time wrapping my mind around it. I know we are spoiled in that sense, but that not knowing is such a huge part of the draw and traveling and spending money. I have a kid who is a huge Taylor Swift fan and he would see her any chance he got, and he dies for those two surprise songs and knows all the rest. I told my wife last night if Swift fans can do that, we can handle knowing a quarter of the set and hopefully be surprised by the rest.

    I do like some things they are doing. Porch and Smile before the end for example are interesting. But after all these experiences still can't wrap my head around the rest. Even the Dark Matter stuff, I want to hear it all, but having the same four songs in a row every night limits that tremendously. 

    I have both Vegas too and I am greatly looking forward to it. But I am looking forward to Vegas as much as anything, and in the past Pearl Jam has been more of the focus. I still know I will enjoy the crap out of these shows, though. After that I have Chicago and Ohana. I am totally on the fence about Chicago at this point. I want to see where it goes and maybe the stadium shows will be different. This is a lot of complaining and I have said several times I want to see where it goes and how I feel. Hopefully Vegas blows me away and that's that. 
    Yeah, I am going to Vegas more than I am going to Pearl Jam this week.  After the Indy show cancellation last year, I decided that I am generally only traveling to shows where I am OK getting stranded if the show cancels lol.  If Vegas shows weren't happening, I would be holding out for the drive-able shows this fall only.
    I worried about that with the Fort Worth shows immediately after last year. Still went, and honestly Fort Worth was a pretty fun place, and obviously the shows happened. I had Vegas two years ago and found out at the airport. But it was Vegas. All that definitely impacted where I tried this year. All three are worth traveling to outside of PJ. 
  • vedpunkvedpunk Posts: 888
    edited May 14
    Opinions and judgment should really be reserved for people that actually went to the show.  The rest is just noise. Nobody cares if you decided to not buy tickets to future shows based on what you read on the setlist thread. Lol
    Post edited by vedpunk on
  • JimmyVJimmyV Posts: 19,123
    vedpunk said:
    Opinions and judgment should really be reserved for people that actually went to the show.  The rest is just noise.
    This is a setlist thread. It is specifically for people who aren't at the show. The fan view thread is there for people who were. 

    "...I changed by not changing at all..."
  • Indifference71Indifference71 Posts: 14,822
    I think a bunch of us are excited for the shows we are going to this year, and seeing these sets we already know what’s coming for future shows. We’ve never had this experience before as fans. No one on here who’s got issues with the set list has ever said “must be a bad show”; our critique is solely on the songs played and in what order.
    We’re getting excited over a flubbed Faithful and Garden, the latter which was a staple a year ago. Just refresh your memory and look at the 2023 set lists, they were perfect after all the bitching about shorter shows. I mean fuck, we got Tremor and Marker in the same main set.
    I’m going to Vegas and I’m excited for the first 4 songs and the 1 or 2 songs mid-set that change. Otherwise I already know what to expect. Never had that feeling before, but still going to give my 110% in the crowd as a fan. 
    Well said.  PJ becoming predictable isn't something I ever expected to see.  Knowing exactly what to expect at certain points in the set is definitely going to be strange but I'm still going to have a great time Saturday night in Vegas.
  • jimjam1982jimjam1982 Posts: 1,397
    edited May 14
    4 shows in the formula is set at least for the rest of leg 1...

    4 slots at the start for a chance at some slower/rarer songs.  Even then it's more often then not the same 20 songs on rotation/mixed up. You can damn well bet Vegas has openers like HTI/Sometimes/Of The Girl.  They only do so many openers lately.  So the fact you can narrow down the next two shows to 5 or less possible songs is sad.

    You have potentially 2 slots in the rest of the set for a lost dog or deep cut from a studio track that is more mid-tempo / faster.  One in the encore and one after Dark Matter.  At half the shows they aren't even doing this and you just get more of the usual. These are just potential slots.

    9 DM slots.
    1 DTE slot

    2 slots for some of the medium tempo / popular songs that aren't necessarily hits - you know your Garden/Red Mosquito variety

    7 slots for the usual suspects

    If this is what they want to do that is fine, bands choice. 

    Show 1 showed a lot of promise, and each setlist is progressively less exciting.  

    I'm looking forward to wrapping up Leg1 in Las Vegas. Mainly because I think 5/18 has a lot of potential for something for Chris. At this point it's just an expense that I can't get out of. Fucking sad they are doing this shit after 33 years of mixing it up.  All that talk about wanting to play different stuff and mixing it up on Sirius XM - that's just basically a paid advertisement to drum up hype and sell tickets and not back it up.

    I'm on the fence of dumping my Philly/Chicago tickets and just wrapping up with Fenway for the pure fact that I need to see Fenway.

    Maybe it's just the west coast treatment.  They did this shit in 2022 for the first leg out west.  When they finally got to Europe and the East Coast they finally played some great shows.  If so it really sucks that the west coast cities get all the greatest hits shows. They can't even sell tickets to casual fans out west (exception probably will be Seattle) as none of these have been sold out with plenty of tickets on ticketmaster day of. Maybe they should be catering to actual fans. It kind of forces anyone who lives out west to travel east to get some variety and that is a tough pill to swallow.
    Post edited by jimjam1982 on
  • bootlegbootleg Posts: 674
    On the positive side sets are averaging 25 songs.  That seems like pretty good number at this stage.  And the new album is great, and songs are sounding great from what I can tell so far.  But the set list predictability is a bit of a disappointment.  That was always part of the PJ magic is that show to show, song to song you never knew what you were going to get.  And it’s not really that the same songs from Dark Matter are being played at every show, I would expect 6-7 DM songs a night.  That’s why people hit multiple shows so there’s a better chance that over all of the shows that you catch hopefully all of the album.  But at least mix up the order and to some extent which songs a little bit. The set list predictability I think will ultimately start to have an impact on how many shows people decide to attend.  I’m pumped to be seeing PJ in Seattle.  I want to hear the DM songs and I don’t care if I hear most of them twice, but after that and Baltimore I may be less inclined to travel to see more shows on top of that because the chances of seeing something unique will start to diminish.
  • vedpunkvedpunk Posts: 888
    edited May 14
      This is a setlist thread. It is specifically for people who aren't at the show. The fan view thread is there for people who were. 
    Fair enough.  I just think it's difficult to criticize a setlist without actually being at the concert to actually hear the songs and see how they were performed, especially with all the new visuals and production.  
  • PJNBPJNB Posts: 13,425
    vedpunk said:
      This is a setlist thread. It is specifically for people who aren't at the show. The fan view thread is there for people who were. 
    Fair enough.  I just think it's difficult to criticize a setlist without actually being at the concert to actually hear the songs and see how they were performed, especially with all the new visuals and production.  
    If so then the same should be said about talking positively about it. Which seems a bit crazy right? 
  • aisleseatsaisleseats Posts: 1,403
    vedpunk said:
      This is a setlist thread. It is specifically for people who aren't at the show. The fan view thread is there for people who were. 
    Fair enough.  I just think it's difficult to criticize a setlist without actually being at the concert to actually hear the songs and see how they were performed, especially with all the new visuals and production.  
    But a lot of us have watched the livestreams of all these sows so far. So we have seen and heard the songs.

    Look, I'm not complaining. I like the new album, and don't mind getting a lot of those songs every night. But the predictability does take some of the fun out of these shows. And the excuse that it's because of the new screen and visuals doesn't carry a lot of weight with me. There are multiple examples of bands that use screens and visuals to enhance their shows, and still mix up the sets every night. Hell, they don't even use the same visuals for the same songs when they're played.

    I originally chose the LA shows because they were back-to-back nights, and figured it was my best chance of getting something like Austin last year, where we got only one repeat over two nights. Once these setlists started coming out, I realized there's no chance of that happening. But I'm still holding out hope that they do mix it up a bit more than they have been so far.
  • LiftedLifted Posts: 1,833
    My only major gripe with the setlists to this point is that Got to Give has only been played once. It might be my favorite track on the new album, and I thought it had the potential to be a live staple for the remaining years of the band's existence. So far, that doesn't seem to be the case. 
  • mcgruff10mcgruff10 Posts: 28,391
    edited May 14
    I don't mind the new songs at all but I have a problem with the constant repeat of the closing song and songs 5-8.  That's 20% of a setlist. 
    I'll ride the wave where it takes me......
  • jimjam1982jimjam1982 Posts: 1,397
    mcgruff10 said:
    I don't mind the new songs at all but I have a problem with the constant repeat of the closing song and songs 5-8.  That's 20% of a setlist. 
    And song 7 is a buzzkill in that spot.  Ruining a great flow with a debbie downer song that's all bummin you out.
  • vedpunkvedpunk Posts: 888
    PJNB said:
    vedpunk said:
      This is a setlist thread. It is specifically for people who aren't at the show. The fan view thread is there for people who were. 
    Fair enough.  I just think it's difficult to criticize a setlist without actually being at the concert to actually hear the songs and see how they were performed, especially with all the new visuals and production.  
    If so then the same should be said about talking positively about it. Which seems a bit crazy right? 
    No it goes both ways and listening to a livestream is not the same as being there in the flesh to get your face melted by Mike 🤘🏼😁
  • cutzcutz Posts: 11,759
    cutz said:
    This did not go well. 
    Funny enough, it didn't but it did? Like if you know the song like anyone here does. yes. But if you had never heard it before, whoever was off, the rest adjusted to it and even Ed changed the melody to match, so much though that a newbie to the song would have no real idea it wasn't supposed to be like that. So it wasn't right...but they adjusted to it pretty beautifully in a way. haha
    Yeah, that question(stayement too?) makes sense("funny enough, it didn't but it did?)

    Yes, we noticed they tried a different type of version(slow?) of Faithful. It still sounded a little off to my ears and lacked that punch. Maybe that's what they were trying to do? Will be interesting how the song is played next time they play it.

     I do  like they try to experiment with a different type of version of a older song. 
  • JimmyVJimmyV Posts: 19,123
    DTE in the encore every night is a waste. 

    "...I changed by not changing at all..."
  • JojoRiceJojoRice Posts: 4,204
    I've been checking the setlists each night but I've purposely been avoiding any videos posted from the tour.  Looking forward to Seattle!
    "I got memories, I got shit"

    ISO 2016 Greenville shirt. Size medium. PM me if you have one for sale/trade.
  • Johnny AbruzzoJohnny Abruzzo Posts: 11,311
    I really got to hear this Faithfull version...

    (Please Please Please use 2 "l's" spelling this song!)
    Spectrum 10/27/09; New Orleans JazzFest 5/1/10; Made in America 9/2/12; WF Center 10/21/13; WF Center 10/22/13; Baltimore 10/27/13;
    WF Center 4/28/16; WF Center 4/29/16; Fenway Park 8/7/16; Fenway Park 9/2/18; Asbury Park 9/18/21; Camden 9/14/22;
    Las Vegas 5/16/24; Las Vegas 5/18/24; WF Center 9/7/24; WF Center 9/9/24; Baltimore Arena 9/12/24

    Tres Mtns - TLA 3/23/11; EV - Tower Theatre 6/25/11; Temple of the Dog - Tower Theatre 11/5/16
  • marumarukomarumaruko Posts: 212
    edited May 14
    Then by all means stop buying tickets...leaves more for the rest of us

    The whole point is that majority of this community is seeing many many shows each tour, myself included, because of the unknown set lists. For example, using the band as an excuse to go to Europe or Australia. The incentive now to travel to get uniqueness has dwindled….which eventually leads to the band losing money. 

    Oh wow, the entitlement of the traveling fans. Sure, complaining is an option, but not going is also. No one asks you guys to go out of your way to buy tickets to all the shows. 
    Every show will give you something different, but they really like this record and that's why they are playing the hell out of it. It's great to see. Think the last time this really happened was during the Avocado tour. 
    Overall, I think if it comes to the point that you as a person see yourself as a vital part of a live concert when you are not part of the band, then you are taking it too far. People will go, people will enjoy, you going and not enjoying because of setlist variety is doing yourself more of a disservice than to the band. 
    Damn, I know groupies were a thing a few decades ago, but Pearl Jam seem to have the worst kind of groupies.
    Post edited by marumaruko on
  • PJNBPJNB Posts: 13,425
    vedpunk said:
    PJNB said:
    vedpunk said:
      This is a setlist thread. It is specifically for people who aren't at the show. The fan view thread is there for people who were. 
    Fair enough.  I just think it's difficult to criticize a setlist without actually being at the concert to actually hear the songs and see how they were performed, especially with all the new visuals and production.  
    If so then the same should be said about talking positively about it. Which seems a bit crazy right? 
    No it goes both ways and listening to a livestream is not the same as being there in the flesh to get your face melted by Mike 🤘🏼😁
    I can agree with that. 

    Still we have always had this place to whine and praise the setlists. Its a lot of fun in the past. This year feels a bit different. 
  • iOnlyownMymindiOnlyownMymind Posts: 2,725
    cutz said:
    cutz said:
    This did not go well. 
    Funny enough, it didn't but it did? Like if you know the song like anyone here does. yes. But if you had never heard it before, whoever was off, the rest adjusted to it and even Ed changed the melody to match, so much though that a newbie to the song would have no real idea it wasn't supposed to be like that. So it wasn't right...but they adjusted to it pretty beautifully in a way. haha
    Yeah, that question(stayement too?) makes sense("funny enough, it didn't but it did?)

    Yes, we noticed they tried a different type of version(slow?) of Faithful. It still sounded a little off to my ears and lacked that punch. Maybe that's what they were trying to do? Will be interesting how the song is played next time they play it.

     I do  like they try to experiment with a different type of version of a older song. 
    IMO they don't play the song enough to even warrant doing something different if that was the intent.  I think it was the Mike guitar issue as previously mentioned and they just decided to go with it which was too bad. Basically the only nonregular song of the night...
  • nicknyr15nicknyr15 Posts: 8,301
    Setlist variation became bigger than the performances and the band. The fact that people get so butthurt about fans dissecting and criticizing the setlist, like it somehow ruins their experience , is hilarious. You had fun? GREAT! We like to discuss the sets. Setlist variation keeps the entire fan base engaged for the whole tour instead of just the people going that night. They can play whatever they want!!! Be grateful!!! Jeez. Lighten up. These sets have been subpar ON PAPER. The same people (me included) will have the time of our lives at the actual show. Until then, don’t let our discussions bring you down. 
  • vedpunkvedpunk Posts: 888
    Then by all means stop buying tickets...leaves more for the rest of us

    The whole point is that majority of this community is seeing many many shows each tour, myself included, because of the unknown set lists. For example, using the band as an excuse to go to Europe or Australia. The incentive now to travel to get uniqueness has dwindled….which eventually leads to the band losing money. 

    Oh wow, the entitlement of the traveling fans. Sure, complaining is an option, but not going is also. No one asks you guys to go out of your way to buy tickets to all the shows. 
    Every show will give you something different, but they really like this record and that's why they are playing the hell out of it. It's great to see. Think the last time this really happened was during the Avocado tour. 
    Overall, I think if it comes to the point that you as a person see yourself as a vital part of a live concert when you are not part of the band, then you are taking it too far. People will go, people will enjoy, you going and not enjoying because of setlist variety is doing yourself more of a disservice than to the band. 
    Damn, I know groupies were a thing a few decades ago, but Pearl Jam seem to have the worst kind of groupies.
    💯 so true
  • MS4677MS4677 Posts: 65
    I certainly would NOT recommend going to a U2 show then with only 2 rotating songs each tour over the past 3 decades.  Maybe Eddie going to the sphere show and one too many convesations with Bono contaminated him? Video sceens, bells and whistles, more predictable setlists!? 
  • nicknyr15nicknyr15 Posts: 8,301
    MS4677 said:
    I certainly would NOT recommend going to a U2 show then with only 2 rotating songs each tour over the past 3 decades.  Maybe Eddie going to the sphere show and one too many convesations with Bono contaminated him? Video sceens, bells and whistles, more predictable setlists!? 
    It’s about expectations. I saw all 8 shows at msg in 2015 knowing u2 doesn’t mix up sets. I had the time of my life. Pearl have set a certain expectation so when there’s a huge change you should expect fans to discuss it respectfully 
  • jimjam1982jimjam1982 Posts: 1,397
    MS4677 said:
    I certainly would NOT recommend going to a U2 show then with only 2 rotating songs each tour over the past 3 decades.  Maybe Eddie going to the sphere show and one too many convesations with Bono contaminated him? Video sceens, bells and whistles, more predictable setlists!? 
    Just like tool, or green day, or metallica, or guns n roses, or foo fighters it's a one show per tour band.  Pearl Jam is not a one show per tour band, has never been, I would have said never will be but here we are.
  • JBob87JBob87 Posts: 457
    Setlist variety is IMO a huge part of what makes PJ the best touring band still going in 2024. 

    Fucking with that at this juncture is a bit of a dangerous game. But the shows last Fall make me think this is mostly a DM thing and not something the band necessarily will maintain moving forward. 

    That said if it even is 1% to do with a video screen that is lame as hell. That is the exact opposite of everything PJ has stood for as a touring band. 
  • MS4677 said:
    I certainly would NOT recommend going to a U2 show then with only 2 rotating songs each tour over the past 3 decades.  Maybe Eddie going to the sphere show and one too many convesations with Bono contaminated him? Video sceens, bells and whistles, more predictable setlists!? 
    Here's the thing, most bands do this. I love seeing a handful of other bands of the same era when they come through my town, but I am not looking at setlists beforehand because I know they will be the same and I still want to be surprised, and I am not going to see them more than once, even if they are playing back-to-back nights. Some of these have been the best shows I have ever seen on an individual basis.

    The allure of Pearl Jam has been the variety. It is why a lot of us travel and see them a lot to see all the different songs they'll play and what little surprises they will throw in there for us. It has been a lot of fun doing it. There are plenty of traveling fans that are entitled, as mentioned above, while spoiled I am not sure I am that. If this is the track they want to take, so be it. Then I have to decide if I want to keep traveling to see it. As I have said I am kind of in wait and see mode if I do a few other shows I have planned this year or if I will spend to do it in the future. Wait to see how much I like Vegas, wait and see if it changes some.

    These are reasonable concerns and choices. It doesn't take away from the individual show, which have gotten tons of positive reviews so far. I have no doubt I will have a blast this weekend. 

  • vedpunkvedpunk Posts: 888
    edited May 14
    It’s another case of PJ First World Problems.  How dare they only play 12-15 unique songs from one show to another.  That was not my expectations! Lol
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