What are your top 5 concerns regarding current events today?

By "current events" I mean anything related to social issues, environment, politics, international affairs, economics, and such.
In order of importance to you, what are your top 5 concerns?
Mine currently are:
1. Environmental issues, particularly climate change/severe weather events, and the decline of our oceans. Nothing else seems more important to me right now.
2. Over-population of our species. Add to that my concern for children being born today. They have a hugely tough road ahead of them.
3. International tensions. Wars, strife between nations, competition for resources, threat of nuclear war. Not just one event like war in the Ukraine- all of the international strife going on.
4. Human Behavior. This might sound like an odd one (and kind of a cheat because it encompasses several issues), but I am very concerns with how people treat each other and express anger toward each other (exacerbated by social media), how people treat the environment (look at Tahoe), road rage, etc.
5. The decline of the Republican Party in the U.S. Republicans in large numbers continue to support a radical and unhinged right. Politically, this is unhealthy for everyone.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
-Jim Acosta
2 - the economy/inflation
3 - that there are still millions of people who will vote for lying cheating piece of shit Trump
4 - the environment - although I think the damage is done and might not be salvageable
5 - social media and what it does to us in general but mostly what it does to younger children and teens - it's horrible
Good list, thanks for posting!
2. Wokesters
3. Going woke
4. The Woke Mind Virus
5. The change in spelling from "Turkey" to "Turkiye." Seems kinda woke.
OK... more seriousness, off the top of my head.
2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin
2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
2. Buying groceries
3.saving for a home
4. saving for a car
5. paying student loans
There are no kings inside the gates of eden
Health care
housing prices
Water use (this one I see getting a lot of traction here in the next few months)
Political correctness. Watch After Class movie and you'll see what I mean
Ranking my top 5 would be tough, but the # of Americans embracing fascism / authoritarianism would definitely make the list.
For sure.
1. Our economic future. This can be several things. Inflation, housing, cost of living going up with a shrinking middle class. The national debt sky rocketing - just like any bill, there will come a time to pay up or the economy is going to crash. Unreliable retirement systems for current employees. I think my generation will see a lot more working longer and earning less in retirement than my parents' generation who retired 15 years ago.
2. Global and national population - We can't continue to grow at the rate we are both globally and nationally. I will lump in immigration into this. Our resources, fuel, water, power, etc can't keep up with this growth forever. Probably not much longer.
3. I like Brian's Human Behavior. But I will also focus on local crime and violence. One reason we left the Denver area almost 2 years ago was increasing crime and violence. Witnessing shoplifters in stores without any fear of being caught. Had someone try to break into our house at about 10 AM one morning, found out he stole a car and crashed into the fence 2 houses down from us and ditched some drugs in our yard. Police had little interest because it was considered a low level crime and he would have just been released anyway. Violence in schools was insane. Fights breaking out regularly and kids going unpunished for them. Unless a kid was seriously injured and needed outside medical care, they'd basically just make them apologize and send them back to class. Low-level crime basically goes unchecked. I lump all that into Human Behavior, or the decline of.
4. Environment. I don't think were at a point of no return. But with population growth and declining resources, the gap between lower, middle and upper classes will only get bigger as the environment continues to change.
5. The hate. I guess part of human behavior, but sees like the general hate for someone who doesn't;t agree with you, vote like you, look like you, worship like you, etc has gotten so strong I'll list it separate.
astoria 06
albany 06
hartford 06
reading 06
barcelona 06
paris 06
wembley 07
dusseldorf 07
nijmegen 07
this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -