Need recommendation for interface works with Mac

And GarageBand any help appreciated I know I can go to guitar center and ask but I want opinions on best ones form any who would like to help thanks guys.
Macbook Pro 2011 GarageBand: Electric Guitar and Bass were plugged in using a a Mac friendly instrument cable running out of my Fender Princeton straight into the Mac and using GarageBand effects
Mackie VLZ with XLRs to these mics:
Ev Cobalt mics for the main guitar and drums
Shure SM78 for main guitar and drums
Shure Vocal Mic for all vocals
*Mixed and mastered using GarageBand controls. All me, no help.
Having the mixer as DAW control surface is a game changer and SQ is great.
My cousin has an extra interface for me that I'm going to try, but I'm a dummy when it comes to this stuff.