Me thinks Team Mueller knows who Donny Boy was talking to for four minutes between calls to/from the Russians, Russians, Russians after the Team Trump Treason Tower meeting with the Russians, Russians, Russians. Connecting dots is so very much fun!
Decent people, including Christians, do not pick and choose horrible, abusive, lying sexual predators to spread the good word. So yes, I agree some Christians do indeed go with the "by any means necessary" tactic. When that includes facilitating the likes of Trump, that tells me they are Christians who actively go against everything their so-called faith stands for to get there. I see no reason to just accept that and let them off the hook "because they're human" - everyone is, and lots and lots of them don't compromise their morals as they drive towards impinging their beliefs on others (via politics in this case). Why should I be cool with them doing it just because they claim to be Christian? To me, that is kind of like calling someone a good vegan even though they raise veal in their backyard. It doesn't make sense to me. IMO, there is nothing wrong with holding people up to their self-declared moral standards.
Yeah, I have a hard core Born Again cousin, and she is absolutely appalled by Trump... She would also never in a million years tell me I'm going to Hell for my Atheism. She's a very good Christian.
I would imagine their justification is that he will enact policies that fall in line with their religious philosophies, and that he is merely a vessel.
again, I'm not defending trump or his supporters, I just find it incredibly naive to just say "all of them are horrible people".
I've stopped treating people like they are on some pedestal when they've put themselves there. that seems odd to me. a religious leader? sure.
our version of good christian and their versions can be very different. there are many christians that take the bible literally, and that you aren't a good christian if you aren't trying to convert every last soul, and yes, that includes conversion by fear.
Right, that is their justification... Them wanting their religious philosophies embedded into government and law is not sweetening the deal for me, lol. Fuck that. That they are willing to make a deal with the Devil just makes it that much worse, and that is why I'm so critical of it. I'm not putting anyone on a pedestal. I don't think expecting people not to support and facilitate and sexual predator who can't go 24 hours without lying through his teeth while in the most powerful position on the face of the planet is very much to ask at all. Not a pedestal. A totally basic level of decency is where I'm placing my expectations. No amount of "yeah, but it will help my cause"ing will change my view of that. It's not naivety IMO. It's simply having basic standards of morality, and mine aren't even particularly high in the scheme of things - certainly not in the scheme of Jesus's teachings! Holding Christians and non-Christians alike up to that is hardly unreasonable IMO. But yes, when people do it while they claim to have Jesus in their court as well, it certainly puts a spotlight on them! I'm not a fan of not walking the talk, and I don't that's naivety at all. I'm not prepared to lower my standards to what often appears to be the new normal.
(BTW, when I say "good Christian" I am simply talking about abiding by the basic rules of decency that Christian believe are the basic teachings of Jesus and the simple behavioural expectations for a kind, moral person. I think it's fair to say that helping to raise a sexual predator who sexualizes his daughter and who lies and cheats regularly and who literally causes harm to needy people and who supports racists to be leader of a nation "under God" does not apply)
calling him the Devil is the same as 30 calling Trudeau "little boy", btw.
I'm not saying your expectations are too much to ask. the point here is being missed. I'm saying your have grander expectations of some because of the pedestal they put themselves on, which, in effect, legitimizes that pedestal.
Lol, it is not the same at all. I was using a well-known figure of speech that was completely appropriate to the topic of conversation. That isn't what's going on with someone calling Trudeau "little boy".
lol. ok.
You’re joking, right?
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
There's no way that micro managing #fatass wasn't FULLY aware of (if not completely involved in via SPEAKERPHONE or in PERSON) in that Trump Tower DIRT on Hillary Clintonmeeting. No fucking way.
And must he always sit as if he’s sitting to shart a sack of Big Macs? Now tell me how handsome he is.
”Something moved, Jarrod, something moved. Jarrod Dear Boy, get me my paper. You know, the soft one.
This, my friends, is what a strong core strength program results in: posture of a champion. He's showing off- especially by thrusting his jaw forward to tighten up the slack underneath his chin and pursing his lips to be excessively sexy.
Decent people, including Christians, do not pick and choose horrible, abusive, lying sexual predators to spread the good word. So yes, I agree some Christians do indeed go with the "by any means necessary" tactic. When that includes facilitating the likes of Trump, that tells me they are Christians who actively go against everything their so-called faith stands for to get there. I see no reason to just accept that and let them off the hook "because they're human" - everyone is, and lots and lots of them don't compromise their morals as they drive towards impinging their beliefs on others (via politics in this case). Why should I be cool with them doing it just because they claim to be Christian? To me, that is kind of like calling someone a good vegan even though they raise veal in their backyard. It doesn't make sense to me. IMO, there is nothing wrong with holding people up to their self-declared moral standards.
Yeah, I have a hard core Born Again cousin, and she is absolutely appalled by Trump... She would also never in a million years tell me I'm going to Hell for my Atheism. She's a very good Christian.
I would imagine their justification is that he will enact policies that fall in line with their religious philosophies, and that he is merely a vessel.
again, I'm not defending trump or his supporters, I just find it incredibly naive to just say "all of them are horrible people".
I've stopped treating people like they are on some pedestal when they've put themselves there. that seems odd to me. a religious leader? sure.
our version of good christian and their versions can be very different. there are many christians that take the bible literally, and that you aren't a good christian if you aren't trying to convert every last soul, and yes, that includes conversion by fear.
Right, that is their justification... Them wanting their religious philosophies embedded into government and law is not sweetening the deal for me, lol. Fuck that. That they are willing to make a deal with the Devil just makes it that much worse, and that is why I'm so critical of it. I'm not putting anyone on a pedestal. I don't think expecting people not to support and facilitate and sexual predator who can't go 24 hours without lying through his teeth while in the most powerful position on the face of the planet is very much to ask at all. Not a pedestal. A totally basic level of decency is where I'm placing my expectations. No amount of "yeah, but it will help my cause"ing will change my view of that. It's not naivety IMO. It's simply having basic standards of morality, and mine aren't even particularly high in the scheme of things - certainly not in the scheme of Jesus's teachings! Holding Christians and non-Christians alike up to that is hardly unreasonable IMO. But yes, when people do it while they claim to have Jesus in their court as well, it certainly puts a spotlight on them! I'm not a fan of not walking the talk, and I don't that's naivety at all. I'm not prepared to lower my standards to what often appears to be the new normal.
(BTW, when I say "good Christian" I am simply talking about abiding by the basic rules of decency that Christian believe are the basic teachings of Jesus and the simple behavioural expectations for a kind, moral person. I think it's fair to say that helping to raise a sexual predator who sexualizes his daughter and who lies and cheats regularly and who literally causes harm to needy people and who supports racists to be leader of a nation "under God" does not apply)
calling him the Devil is the same as 30 calling Trudeau "little boy", btw.
I'm not saying your expectations are too much to ask. the point here is being missed. I'm saying your have grander expectations of some because of the pedestal they put themselves on, which, in effect, legitimizes that pedestal.
Lol, it is not the same at all. I was using a well-known figure of speech that was completely appropriate to the topic of conversation. That isn't what's going on with someone calling Trudeau "little boy".
lol. ok.
You’re joking, right?
Not joking?
Well, then I'll just say that equating using a phrase that's been around since, well, Faust, with actually calling someone "The Devil", is an unusually concrete interpretation.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
"You wouldn't believe how bad these people are. These aren't people. They're animals."
Absolutely! MS-13 gang members are animals. Actually that is an insult to animals. That's my only hanguph with what he said. Get the full context Tiki. He was responding to a question about MS-13 gang but the news outlets chose edit out the question, and just play the sound bite, with the intention of getting people all riled up again. Trump calls all immigrants animals b*******.
"You wouldn't believe how bad these people are. These aren't people. They're animals."
Absolutely! MS-13 gang members are animals. Actually that is an insult to animals. That's my only hanguph with what he said. Get the full context Tiki. He was responding to a question about MS-13 gang but the news outlets chose edit out the question, and just play the sound bite, with the intention of getting people all riled up again. Trump calls all immigrants animals b*******.
interesting when shown in context, most of the reports and even other videos dont show the entire question.
"You wouldn't believe how bad these people are. These aren't people. They're animals."
Absolutely! MS-13 gang members are animals. Actually that is an insult to animals. That's my only hanguph with what he said. Get the full context Tiki. He was responding to a question about MS-13 gang but the news outlets chose edit out the question, and just play the sound bite, with the intention of getting people all riled up again. Trump calls all immigrants animals b*******.
Hmmm, even if that is the inference people are supposed to be making on his statement, that is not how he stated it. He made a general sweeping statement when he should have been specific, much like the statement made by the person on the other end of the back and forth. Conveniently you've found a way to link the two parts together. I don't think that is what he meant. When communicating, the words you choose to use shouldn't leave room for misconception. His did.
McDonald serves up plenty which he can be criticized for. I think this 'animal' comment is a reach by haters after viewing the entire context. MS-13 gang members should be targeted by officials.
The problem is his administration isn't just deporting the 'animals'... it is deporting good people who deserve far better (people who have even actively served the country in the military).
Congratulations America, we are now into the second year of the greatest Witch Hunt in American History...and there is still No Collusion and No Obstruction. The only Collusion was that done by Democrats who were unable to win an Election despite the spending of far more money!
Part of one of Trump's crazy tweets this morning: "Congratulations America, we are now into the second year of the greatest Witch Hunt in American History..."
Ummm... I wonder if knows that term came to be because of the Salem witch trials? I'd say that still comes in at #1 in the American witch hunt rankings, lol (interesting that he capitalized "Witch Hunt." I guess that shows us how strongly he's feelin' it. ).
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
Part of one of Trump's crazy tweets this morning: "Congratulations America, we are now into the second year of the greatest Witch Hunt in American History..."
Ummm... I wonder if knows that term came to be because of the Salem witch trials? I'd say that still comes in at #1 in the American witch hunt rankings, lol (interesting that he capitalized "Witch Hunt." I guess that shows us how strongly he's feelin' it. ).
Can we tie a stone around his neck and throw him in a pond to see if he floats? Some reporter should ask if he’s up to the challenge.
Congratulations America, we are now into the second year of the greatest Witch Hunt in American History...and there is still No Collusion and No Obstruction. The only Collusion was that done by Democrats who were unable to win an Election despite the spending of far more money!
I thought this was a joke at first. That trump gets me every time!
"You wouldn't believe how bad these people are. These aren't people. They're animals."
Absolutely! MS-13 gang members are animals. Actually that is an insult to animals. That's my only hanguph with what he said. Get the full context Tiki. He was responding to a question about MS-13 gang but the news outlets chose edit out the question, and just play the sound bite, with the intention of getting people all riled up again. Trump calls all immigrants animals b*******.
Hmmm, even if that is the inference people are supposed to be making on his statement, that is not how he stated it. He made a general sweeping statement when he should have been specific, much like the statement made by the person on the other end of the back and forth. Conveniently you've found a way to link the two parts together. I don't think that is what he meant. When communicating, the words you choose to use shouldn't leave room for misconception. His did.
Yup, that's the problem. Trump is shit at communications. He can't string together a cogent thought. If I knew for sure that he was specifically referring to M13 gang members here illegally, I would have no problem with referring to them as animals. I refer to child molesters, gang bangers, etc... as detritus, animals, scum, fecal matter, etc... and would agree with Trump on this. But given Trump's lengthy and storied career as a racist, I'm not going to give him the benefit of the doubt. He threw out animals in a non-specific way which could easily be embraced by his low-information supporters as a reference to all illegals. The benefit of the doubt goes to someone who earns it when they do something out of character. Trump hasn't earned it and it wouldn't be out of character for him to utter something racist or support racist policies.
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
And just yesterday some here were talking about how trump supporters follow along blindly.
Who here is following blindly? Refer to my earlier post. It isn't clear he is referencing gang members. This is the problem with "off the cuff" commentary as a leader. He lacks the understanding of words. Worst communicator to ever be president.
I have no problem with MS13 GANG members getting deported i say if your in a gang and here illegally you should be tossed out and if your here legally and a gang member you should be in Jail , To me baffoon is an animal the way he behaves and acts so him caling people animals is hipocritical at best ....
And just yesterday some here were talking about how trump supporters follow along blindly.
That was me. You can watch the unedited clip if you want and make your own determination. People will either say he was referencing ms13 specifically or broader immigrants or illegal immigrants. No media source guided my interpretation. I do see the people who claim trump’s not a racist really work hard at telling us what he really meant. Over and over again in these situations.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
-EV 8/14/93
Jesus Christ.
Collusion? CONSPIRACY.
This, my friends, is what a strong core strength program results in: posture of a champion. He's showing off- especially by thrusting his jaw forward to tighten up the slack underneath his chin and pursing his lips to be excessively sexy.
Stud. Pure freaking American stud.
Well, then I'll just say that equating using a phrase that's been around since, well, Faust, with actually calling someone "The Devil", is an unusually concrete interpretation.
MS-13 gang members are animals. Actually that is an insult to animals. That's my only hanguph with what he said.
Get the full context Tiki.
He was responding to a question about MS-13 gang but the news outlets chose edit out the question, and just play the sound bite, with the intention of getting people all riled up again. Trump calls all immigrants animals b*******.
Lightning strikes more people.
Donny had so many real problems with MS-13 looking down from Trump Tower...just like YOU do in Wisconsin
The problem is his administration isn't just deporting the 'animals'... it is deporting good people who deserve far better (people who have even actively served the country in the military).
Ummm... I wonder if knows that term came to be because of the Salem witch trials? I'd say that still comes in at #1 in the American witch hunt rankings, lol (interesting that he capitalized "Witch Hunt." I guess that shows us how strongly he's feelin' it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Just a summary of the issue:
SHOW COUNT: (164) 1990's=3, 2000's=53, 2010/20's=108, US=118, CAN=15, Europe=20 ,New Zealand=4, Australia=5
Mexico=1, Colombia=1