The vision: #ICANHELP started when a student made a fake social media page about a teacher. The page gained over 1000 followers and was the center of school drama for two weeks. Finally, at the end of that two weeks, a student turned in the person who made the page and it was taken down.
A year later, a different student made another fake page about the same teacher. This time, the page had zero followers and we had over 30 students go online and comment in support of the teacher. In working with the students, they knew how to respond to online negativity.
As educators, we experienced the rapid increase in social media use and the stress and anxiety that negative online behavior puts on school cultures.
We wanted to empower teens with a common sense approach and not just protect them.
To date, #ICANHELP has worked with students to take down over 800 pages dealing with harassment, impersonation, bullying, and more. We work closely with schools in training students on how to respond to cyber issues.
You can find out more by going to www.icanhelpdeletenegativity.org. You can also follow their social media @icanhelp on both twitter and IG. Let's help to spread a wave of positivity not just online but everywhere! THINK before you post (is it True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary, Kind), let's set an example for our children Thanks for taking the time to read! XOXO
1994 - Bridge School Benefit, Shoreline Mountain View CA
*** 1995 - 2015 High School, College, Broke, Having Kids***
2016 - Temple of the Dog, Bill Graham Civic Center Auditorium, San Francisco CA
2017 - Eddie Vedder, Bourbon and Beyond, Louisville KY
2018 - The Home Shows, Show 2, Seattle WA
2019 - Eddie Vedder, Ohana Fest, Dana Point CA
2020- Oakland Nights 1 and 2
2020 - Ohana Fest
2021 - Ohana Fest
2022 - Oakland 1 and 2
"Watch out for music. It should come with a health warning. It can be dangerous. It can make you feel so alive, so connected to the people around you, and connected to what you really are inside. And it can make you think that the world should, and could, be a much better place. And just occasionally, it can make you very, very happy." -Peter Gabriel