Ainda não acredito que, depois de 12 anos, finalmente vi os caras de perto. Faço aniversário no dia 06/12, foi o melhor presente que ganhei.
Muito obrigada por terem vindo, espero vê-los brevemente.
Stone messed up the notes for one of the songs, can´t remember now which one. They stopped playing and started laughing. Ed offered him a bottle of wine.
It was Small Town. Then Eddie said: "Uno, dos, tres, cartorce" like in beginning of Vertigo (U2)... and they started Small Town with the usual "one two three four two"
Well... I was in all 5 PJ's concerts in Brazil. Amazing, especially this one, Sao Paulo 12/3!!!
Present Tense was a great surprise as well as You've Got To Hide your Love Away and Sad. And the crowd... WOW, it was really beatiful!!! I'm downloading this boot now. It looks like that a Brazillian TV channel (Band) will broadcast this concert in the end of December, but I don't the exactly dates...
Thanks PJ, we're waiting for you... maybe next year!
you guys are very for me, i still have to see them's on top of my must-to-do list...but i guess the possibility of seeing them live is pretty far-fetched...when are they coming back here in the philippines?
this can't be fuck'n true. you're from the philippines!!!??? look at my hometown. a very big smile from me to you!
"The Day of Redemption is at hand! Repent, and thou shall be saved..." - A. Ventura
"I always tell the truth. Even when I lie" - T. Montana
"Yeah i know... sounds stupid." Aldrin said.
we went from buenos aires to brazil and it was really amazing shows!
we shout and scream all the show whit an argentinian's flag, so at finally eddie came to our zone and bring his tambourine to us.
thanks eddie, i have this UNBELIEVABLE present in my room's wall!
Today is tuesday and I'm still thrilled of last saturday's show! I'd like to congratulate Eddie Veder for caring to speak in Portuguese when communicating to the crowd. Everybody is saying how nice that was and it shows that he really cares about PJ's fans all over the world!
I had not bought a boot until reading the fanviews and seeing the setlist for this show. One of my favorites from 2000 was San Sebastian when the crowd was just SO loud and into it...I hope this one is the same for me. I'm off to a private listening complete.....chk ya later!
Make sure the fortune that you seek
Is the fortune that you need ~ BenHarper
Talking about Crazy Mary, I noticed there's a glitch in the MP3 from that song in São Paulo 12/03's bootleg. It is around 3'14... Have anyone noticed? Is there a new archive available? (Sorry if this is not the appropriate place to post this comment.)
no....I sure do wish!! I was just happy to see PT on a setlist. Hope you're loving it!!!!
dude... I TOTALLY loved it, omg...
Present Tense was awesome, for sure, for sure. They were exhausted and it shows in the setlist... but still... it was... they were all beautiful nights. Unforgettable, each and every one.
Talking about Crazy Mary, I noticed there's a glitch in the MP3 from that song in São Paulo 12/03's bootleg. It is around 3'14... Have anyone noticed? Is there a new archive available? (Sorry if this is not the appropriate place to post this comment.)
Yes, I was in this show.
Yes, I loved this show.
And yes, Eddie makes an own show too, speaking portuguese!!! lol
I want to say thanks to everyone that was there, and share this important day of my life with me. I had waited for 10 years to see this show, don´t have money to go to all, but if I have....
Thank you Eddie, Mike, Stone, Jeff and Matt to make all those people happy all night long, and we hope that they are happy too, more then us.
I was there and I coudn't control myself... an explosion of feelings... I shout, I cried, I laughed... was perfect!!!
The best moment was when they played "Better Men" and "Black" on sequence... "Crazy Mary" was perfectly too.
It was the best show I went In my Whole life... each moment is gonna to remain in my memory...
I hope they come soon!
BRAZIL LOVE PEARL JAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COME BACK SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’ll tell a little story about my life and some other people’s life.
I’m 29 yrs, a common person. Nothing more, nothing less. I’m not famous, not rich, middle class girl, with friends, family, work.
I went to the college, and there I could meet people that, like me, have ideals, dreams of working hard to change the country we live in, make other people’s life better. How hard! What a tuff work. A few days ago I was with some college friends and I realized that all of them are living a disillusion. This is sad.
Right now I find myself lost. Working hard for people who don’t give a dam if you work 6 or 14 hours a day, as long as they have their bank account filled with money. At the end of a year of to much work, I see people around me with no more energy to give. They have already given their personal life, their time with family and friends, their time to entertain their selves. But no. This is not enough. They want more, and more and more. And with the smallest problem they explode! You will always be lazy, employees will always be lazy, with no commitment at all.
At work, I’m surrounded by good will people. They’re all younger than me (which is cheaper), and they believe in so many things. They talk to me like friends, with no second thoughts (intentions). They would never put you down. They are really concerned about doing a better job. It’s authentic.
And the point is, when I started it was so good. I used to work with my heart, with love. Maybe I was like the young boys, and I had the bright their eyes still have. Maybe I saw too much, what I was not meant to see. I lost my focus, completely depressive. I just don’t consider this carrier anymore. I think my dreams where just impossible dreams. I feel I’ll have to start my life again, try another thing to do in life, but I just don’t know where to go.
And than the concert. It came to me like: wow they are alive, they are really coming, and I can’t believe I’ll be there.
It was like a dream turning true. But, I mean the biggest dream. The one I dreamt 15 years ago. This dream was in a box named IMPOSSIBLE-WAKE UP, it was beside the Become a diplomat, or a singer, or a big star dream.
I couldn’t believe I was there, till you start singing Even Flow. At that time I woke up. I thought: jump Lucianne, scream out loud, they are really here.
It was like a big shower, a big rain. It took away from me all those bad feelings that I had inside my head.
The energy was so intense, you could put your hands in the air and feel it (really touch it), coming into your fingers, cleaning or reactivating your soul.
And sometimes during the concert Eddie laughed (because of a broken holder, or a missing breath, or a crazy promise), and that laugh was like a call: hey, I’m here, I’m real, this is real, enjoy it..
It was fantastic!
The next day was like, wow, was like an ecstasy day. Downloaded the concert from the website, just to hear all the voices again. Amazed I was.
But than some days passed by, and I started thinking about my life. My whole life and what I have made of it. And what I really want for it, what I want my children to remember from me.
By now, all I know is that this is not what I dreamtd. On the last years I started feeling like a looser. In fact, I’m still looking for where to begin, where to find strength, trying to figure what is the better way (if there is one), feeling completely insecure. But at least one thing I’m sure: it can take a long time, or it can come with a blink of an eye, but things will happen. Pearl Jams will come and play, and I will be happy. Nothing is impossible. I saw them on the stage, clear, near, I saw them, I heard them, I felt the music, uau (the smile came on my face). Nothing is impossible!
Right now, the fear of changes are taking my head, trying to panic me. People try to put you down, they always do.
You’re drinking juice today, cause you don’t want to get fat, or because you had a medicine, they look at you like you’re a monster.
And you go on vacation, and when you come back they say: - How come? You didn’t have sex?
How come? The society with their stupid rules.
Stupid things that make you look for better choices, better friends (real ones), better job, better food, and better body to take your soul for more 50 years.
Thank you for coming, thank you for sharing this energy. Hope you come back soon.
“And the feeling, it gets left behind
All the innocence lost at one time
Significant behind the eyes
There’s no need to hide
We’re safe tonight”
Present Tense was awesome, for sure, for sure. They were exhausted and it shows in the setlist... but still... it was... they were all beautiful nights. Unforgettable, each and every one.
hey Pasta!! I was there!!
Too bad we did not meet up, I was also at the Rio show
So here I'm back to made that show review I promissed.
MUDHONEY have played for around 30 minutes in the daylight (PJ could only
play in Sao Paulo if the show finishes before 9h45 pm or the neighborhood,
which is very powerful, would not alow it to happens). Most of people did
not know Mark Arm and his band so the crown was not so excited. I personaly
love their show! Mark has an amazing voice and strong songs. Their show made me decide to buy their last CD!!
At the end of MUDHONEY show everyone wait another 30 minutes (that looks
like 30 hours) to the beginning of PJ show.
Right before performing the first song Eddy says in a very rough voice:
"one, two, one, two, three, four"!! And the crown went nuts with the first
riffs of BREAKERFALL. Everyone were jumping higher than ever and you could
only goes with the flow. I shold have move something like 5 meters from the
position I was in the beginning....
The second song was CORDUROY... the phrase "The waiting drove me mad... you finally here and I'm a mess" let me thing how messy I was in the middle of
all that crazy and beautiful crown and how hard it was to wait for the PJ to
come to Brazil.
After this we have SAVE YOU and ANIMAL. The crown keep on jumping, unstopable!! And singing together in a transe....
Then Ed say his first words in PORTUGUESE which makes everyone confortable
and more simpatized with the PJ vocalist, even who did not know PJ well. He said: "So I'm in a saturday night in Sao Paulo! Finally we are in Brazil. And there are so many of you. Thanks for waiting. Now we were thinking why we haven't met before. What the fuck we were thinking?!?!" and we listened the beginning of GIVEN TO FLY.... imagine how we felt when Vedder says "fuck" in portuguese...... and then again in the middle of the song he sings "He made it to SAO PAULO had a smoke in a tree" and we were nuts again...... it was so nice.... every time a listen to this part of the I get excited......
On EVEN FLOW... everyone sang with their hearts.... it was wonderfull....
In the beggining of I AM MINE, Vedder talks again with the crown in portuguese.....
Then we have LUKIN and SAD (a very welcome surprise)
On PRESENT TENSE, most people did not know the song so they were quiety. I sang it completelly but nobody around me did the same. Before its end one guy I had never seen before asked me what was the name of that song.... I answered and say that it was from NO CODE... he said he was going to find it.... you could easialy notice that everyone was so united... all those 40 thousand people were just one..... the passion and energy PJ brings is so high that could reach the sky.... touchs everyone souls.....
In DAUGHTER end one part of the crown started singing oh, oh-oh-oh,
oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh (stays better when you listen!!) and the
another part singing it's OK.... at the end Vedder said it was the first
time they made it in two parts!! Awesone!!
NOT FOR YOU makes everyone jumps and scream again.....
Vedder sayd after that: "Yesterday (the show in the day before) were very special, also. But you are better" and most of people starts screaming!! Then he asked us to help him singing JEREMY. He also says the he and Matt did not sleep last night.... because they were so excited with the show in the night before.....
the song BLEED FOR ME from Dead Kennedys I personally did not know neighter most of the people there I think....
STATE OF LOVE AND TRUST was incredible.... I love this song since the first time I listened it on MTV Acoustic.... Vedder changed the lyrics a little in the chorus... but nothing that mess it up..... its one of my favorites!!
Stone Gossard just missed the first notes of ELDERLY WOMAN and Vedder just give him the bottle of wine..... then he could play well.... As always everyone screams as louder as possible the "HELLO!!!"
Vedder starts saying in portuguese: "The first time I've been in Brasil was
seven years ago with Ramones. The Ramones" Most of people starts saying Hey, Ho, Let's Go!! as Ed keeps reading "We miss Diddy, Joe and Jonny.... We know they loved Brazil".... Then we have the beggining of I BELIEVE IN MIRACLES.... lots of energy from the crown here!!
DO THE EVOLUTION lets everyone crazy.... Stone's riffs are perfect.....
In the first encore the crown starts singing: "I, oh, I'm still alive eh..."
and Vedder apears and said: "Yes, you are". Then he performed alone the
Beatles song YOU GOT TO HIDE YOUR LOVE AWAY. In the end, his holder (of that instrument you put on your mouth, forget its name in english) just breaks and he started laughting!!! Very funny!!
But it was in BETTER MAN that the crown sings louder than in the whole show.... everyone were singing.... it was beautiful.... As Vedder guitar is not so loud in the beginning of this song so we could hear our voices perfectly....
just perfect.....
BLACK has one of the longest end solos ever.... the crown did not stop
making the backing vocals of the end of black and Mike performed guitar
solos and then it ecoes.... and the crown didn't stop... we could see that
Vedder were touched by the people's pacion and sings with us (instead of we singing with him, WONDERFUL!!!)... the same verses.... it was a moment of delirium.... never felt like this before.....
With Mark Arm and Steve Tuner on the stage Vedder says again in portuguese while reading his paper: "I would like to present two members of the big MUDHONEY. Mister Steve Tuner... and Mister Mark Arm. Doctor Mark Arm. They would like to read something for you".... Then Mark said: "Right now..... right now, Sao Paulo.... it's time to KICK OUT THE JAMS, MOTHERSFUCKERS!!!!" and we just went insane......
Then, in the secound encore, we have the WHIPPING.... before it Vedders asked us in spanish + portuguese how many songs we still wanted.... one more, two more..... everyone scream a lot of diferent numbers!! But we could definally feel everyone wanted so much more..... all that have passed so fast......
On CRAZY MARY.... some people on the crown were saying this song name and suddenly Vedder stars playing it..... incredible.... Boom Gaspar did a beautiful solo in the end as usual!! Then Vedder said lots of "THANKS" in portuguese and Stone started the first riffs of ALIVE.... everyone were waiting for this one.... looks like we all saved some extra energy to jump like never...... It really rocks..... and when we though it was the end.... we listened the first riffs of the incredible KEEP ON ROCKIN' IN THE FREE WORLD..... I love this song... I'm a bigger fan of Neil Young work and attitute... and it was my dream to see PJ playing this music alive....... I screamed like never.... I could not even find my voice any more.....
And then they said thanks together... and had to go.... it was more than 9h30 pm..... Vedder still says: "thanks for the neighberhood for let us play loud.... thank you for being loud for let us play in the neighborhood.... we'll see you soon.... see you next year!! hahaha" then we have screams everywere.... in the last day show Vedder says PJ would come back in two or three years.... now we listened only one... incredible!!
I hope that with this review I could show you 1 of the 100 emotions I felt
that night.... I really did not though it were going to be so AMAZING.....
And I beg you... don't you loose the opportunity to be in a PJ show..... you
will never have such a good experience in your whole life.....
Even the guys who were there just because they were a famous rock band (not really fans) leaved the show amazed.... imagine us.... big and loyal fans.... who knows every PJ song.... have all DVD's and CD's..... and could finally feel the energy of their show....... I have no more word to describe..... it was perfect.... more than perfect.....
Nadie grabo el concierto que pasaron en TV BAND EL domingo 25 de dic?????
Mi maldito sistema de cable no tiene BAND y me quize morir cuando vi por internet que el domingo a las 14 pasaron lo mejor del show en SAU PAULO que ''vai virar DVD'' filmado con no se cuantas camaras, etc. (segun
Saludos y felices fiestas!!!
Aguante PEARL JAM, aguante Paraguay, aguante SUDAMERICA UNIDA!
Hey guys, I taped all of it and was ready to make a DVD for trading, BUT, from the Band website:
Band exibe show de Pearl Jam em São Paulo
Uma das mais influentes e respeitadas bandas dos anos 90, fenômeno de vendagem e de crítica em todo o mundo, o Pearl Jam chega finalmente ao Brasil. No final de novembro e início de dezembro o grupo desembarcou pela primeira vez no país para uma esperada turnê que passou por quatro capitais: Porto Alegre, Curitiba, São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro.
Nos dias dois e três de dezembro, a Band gravou a tão esperada (e complicada) apresentação do Pearl Jam no Pacaembu, em São Paulo. A emissora contou com 13 câmeras espalhadas pelo estádio, 4 gruas e um trilho com 25 metros de extensão. O megashow será exibido no Natal (25/12) como parte da programação especial de fim de ano. As imagens captadas pela Band serão cedidas para o novo DVD da banda.
Or, in clear english: The images captured by Band will be given for the band's new dvd - there'll be an oficial release for this one, or at least for a part/song of it.
Muito obrigada por terem vindo, espero vê-los brevemente.
It was Small Town. Then Eddie said: "Uno, dos, tres, cartorce" like in beginning of Vertigo (U2)... and they started Small Town with the usual "one two three four two"
Well... I was in all 5 PJ's concerts in Brazil. Amazing, especially this one, Sao Paulo 12/3!!!
Present Tense was a great surprise as well as You've Got To Hide your Love Away and Sad. And the crowd... WOW, it was really beatiful!!! I'm downloading this boot now. It looks like that a Brazillian TV channel (Band) will broadcast this concert in the end of December, but I don't the exactly dates...
Thanks PJ, we're waiting for you... maybe next year!
this can't be fuck'n true. you're from the philippines!!!??? look at my hometown. a very big smile from me to you!
"I always tell the truth. Even when I lie" - T. Montana
"Yeah i know... sounds stupid." Aldrin said.
#18 INC forever
we shout and scream all the show whit an argentinian's flag, so at finally eddie came to our zone and bring his tambourine to us.
thanks eddie, i have this UNBELIEVABLE present in my room's wall!
Please do come back next year!!!
Best wishes to everybody from the pit!
Ivan JR
Is the fortune that you need ~ BenHarper
that i´ve just drunk Eddie´s Wine in that night while
playing Crazy Mary !!! wooohooo
dude... I TOTALLY loved it, omg...
Present Tense was awesome, for sure, for sure. They were exhausted and it shows in the setlist... but still... it was... they were all beautiful nights. Unforgettable, each and every one.
Yes, I noticed that too...
Yes, I loved this show.
And yes, Eddie makes an own show too, speaking portuguese!!! lol
I want to say thanks to everyone that was there, and share this important day of my life with me. I had waited for 10 years to see this show, don´t have money to go to all, but if I have....
Thank you Eddie, Mike, Stone, Jeff and Matt to make all those people happy all night long, and we hope that they are happy too, more then us.
Daniel, from São Paulo - Brasil
The TV channel Band will have a Chrystmas special with the shows from PJ on 25th December (Sunday) at 14h00. Don't you dare loosing it!!!
Soon I will post my comments about this show, the only one I could be present, and a review about every song and Vedder quotes!!
See ya!
Sao Paulo, Brasil
The best moment was when they played "Better Men" and "Black" on sequence... "Crazy Mary" was perfectly too.
It was the best show I went In my Whole life... each moment is gonna to remain in my memory...
I hope they come soon!
BRAZIL LOVE PEARL JAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COME BACK SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m 29 yrs, a common person. Nothing more, nothing less. I’m not famous, not rich, middle class girl, with friends, family, work.
I went to the college, and there I could meet people that, like me, have ideals, dreams of working hard to change the country we live in, make other people’s life better. How hard! What a tuff work. A few days ago I was with some college friends and I realized that all of them are living a disillusion. This is sad.
Right now I find myself lost. Working hard for people who don’t give a dam if you work 6 or 14 hours a day, as long as they have their bank account filled with money. At the end of a year of to much work, I see people around me with no more energy to give. They have already given their personal life, their time with family and friends, their time to entertain their selves. But no. This is not enough. They want more, and more and more. And with the smallest problem they explode! You will always be lazy, employees will always be lazy, with no commitment at all.
At work, I’m surrounded by good will people. They’re all younger than me (which is cheaper), and they believe in so many things. They talk to me like friends, with no second thoughts (intentions). They would never put you down. They are really concerned about doing a better job. It’s authentic.
And the point is, when I started it was so good. I used to work with my heart, with love. Maybe I was like the young boys, and I had the bright their eyes still have. Maybe I saw too much, what I was not meant to see. I lost my focus, completely depressive. I just don’t consider this carrier anymore. I think my dreams where just impossible dreams. I feel I’ll have to start my life again, try another thing to do in life, but I just don’t know where to go.
And than the concert. It came to me like: wow they are alive, they are really coming, and I can’t believe I’ll be there.
It was like a dream turning true. But, I mean the biggest dream. The one I dreamt 15 years ago. This dream was in a box named IMPOSSIBLE-WAKE UP, it was beside the Become a diplomat, or a singer, or a big star dream.
I couldn’t believe I was there, till you start singing Even Flow. At that time I woke up. I thought: jump Lucianne, scream out loud, they are really here.
It was like a big shower, a big rain. It took away from me all those bad feelings that I had inside my head.
The energy was so intense, you could put your hands in the air and feel it (really touch it), coming into your fingers, cleaning or reactivating your soul.
And sometimes during the concert Eddie laughed (because of a broken holder, or a missing breath, or a crazy promise), and that laugh was like a call: hey, I’m here, I’m real, this is real, enjoy it..
It was fantastic!
The next day was like, wow, was like an ecstasy day. Downloaded the concert from the website, just to hear all the voices again. Amazed I was.
But than some days passed by, and I started thinking about my life. My whole life and what I have made of it. And what I really want for it, what I want my children to remember from me.
By now, all I know is that this is not what I dreamtd. On the last years I started feeling like a looser. In fact, I’m still looking for where to begin, where to find strength, trying to figure what is the better way (if there is one), feeling completely insecure. But at least one thing I’m sure: it can take a long time, or it can come with a blink of an eye, but things will happen. Pearl Jams will come and play, and I will be happy. Nothing is impossible. I saw them on the stage, clear, near, I saw them, I heard them, I felt the music, uau (the smile came on my face). Nothing is impossible!
Right now, the fear of changes are taking my head, trying to panic me. People try to put you down, they always do.
You’re drinking juice today, cause you don’t want to get fat, or because you had a medicine, they look at you like you’re a monster.
And you go on vacation, and when you come back they say: - How come? You didn’t have sex?
How come? The society with their stupid rules.
Stupid things that make you look for better choices, better friends (real ones), better job, better food, and better body to take your soul for more 50 years.
Thank you for coming, thank you for sharing this energy. Hope you come back soon.
“And the feeling, it gets left behind
All the innocence lost at one time
Significant behind the eyes
There’s no need to hide
We’re safe tonight”
a hi to the lovely people from Restless Souls I met
hey Pasta!! I was there!!
Too bad we did not meet up, I was also at the Rio show
This is like sex, the more you have, the more you want!
MUDHONEY have played for around 30 minutes in the daylight (PJ could only
play in Sao Paulo if the show finishes before 9h45 pm or the neighborhood,
which is very powerful, would not alow it to happens). Most of people did
not know Mark Arm and his band so the crown was not so excited. I personaly
love their show! Mark has an amazing voice and strong songs. Their show made me decide to buy their last CD!!
At the end of MUDHONEY show everyone wait another 30 minutes (that looks
like 30 hours) to the beginning of PJ show.
Right before performing the first song Eddy says in a very rough voice:
"one, two, one, two, three, four"!! And the crown went nuts with the first
riffs of BREAKERFALL. Everyone were jumping higher than ever and you could
only goes with the flow. I shold have move something like 5 meters from the
position I was in the beginning....
The second song was CORDUROY... the phrase "The waiting drove me mad... you finally here and I'm a mess" let me thing how messy I was in the middle of
all that crazy and beautiful crown and how hard it was to wait for the PJ to
come to Brazil.
After this we have SAVE YOU and ANIMAL. The crown keep on jumping, unstopable!! And singing together in a transe....
Then Ed say his first words in PORTUGUESE which makes everyone confortable
and more simpatized with the PJ vocalist, even who did not know PJ well. He said: "So I'm in a saturday night in Sao Paulo! Finally we are in Brazil. And there are so many of you. Thanks for waiting. Now we were thinking why we haven't met before. What the fuck we were thinking?!?!" and we listened the beginning of GIVEN TO FLY.... imagine how we felt when Vedder says "fuck" in portuguese...... and then again in the middle of the song he sings "He made it to SAO PAULO had a smoke in a tree" and we were nuts again...... it was so nice.... every time a listen to this part of the I get excited......
On EVEN FLOW... everyone sang with their hearts.... it was wonderfull....
In the beggining of I AM MINE, Vedder talks again with the crown in portuguese.....
Then we have LUKIN and SAD (a very welcome surprise)
On PRESENT TENSE, most people did not know the song so they were quiety. I sang it completelly but nobody around me did the same. Before its end one guy I had never seen before asked me what was the name of that song.... I answered and say that it was from NO CODE... he said he was going to find it.... you could easialy notice that everyone was so united... all those 40 thousand people were just one..... the passion and energy PJ brings is so high that could reach the sky.... touchs everyone souls.....
In DAUGHTER end one part of the crown started singing oh, oh-oh-oh,
oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh (stays better when you listen!!) and the
another part singing it's OK.... at the end Vedder said it was the first
time they made it in two parts!! Awesone!!
NOT FOR YOU makes everyone jumps and scream again.....
Vedder sayd after that: "Yesterday (the show in the day before) were very special, also. But you are better" and most of people starts screaming!! Then he asked us to help him singing JEREMY. He also says the he and Matt did not sleep last night.... because they were so excited with the show in the night before.....
the song BLEED FOR ME from Dead Kennedys I personally did not know neighter most of the people there I think....
STATE OF LOVE AND TRUST was incredible.... I love this song since the first time I listened it on MTV Acoustic.... Vedder changed the lyrics a little in the chorus... but nothing that mess it up..... its one of my favorites!!
Stone Gossard just missed the first notes of ELDERLY WOMAN and Vedder just give him the bottle of wine..... then he could play well.... As always everyone screams as louder as possible the "HELLO!!!"
Vedder starts saying in portuguese: "The first time I've been in Brasil was
seven years ago with Ramones. The Ramones" Most of people starts saying Hey, Ho, Let's Go!! as Ed keeps reading "We miss Diddy, Joe and Jonny.... We know they loved Brazil".... Then we have the beggining of I BELIEVE IN MIRACLES.... lots of energy from the crown here!!
DO THE EVOLUTION lets everyone crazy.... Stone's riffs are perfect.....
In the first encore the crown starts singing: "I, oh, I'm still alive eh..."
and Vedder apears and said: "Yes, you are". Then he performed alone the
Beatles song YOU GOT TO HIDE YOUR LOVE AWAY. In the end, his holder (of that instrument you put on your mouth, forget its name in english) just breaks and he started laughting!!! Very funny!!
But it was in BETTER MAN that the crown sings louder than in the whole show.... everyone were singing.... it was beautiful.... As Vedder guitar is not so loud in the beginning of this song so we could hear our voices perfectly....
just perfect.....
BLACK has one of the longest end solos ever.... the crown did not stop
making the backing vocals of the end of black and Mike performed guitar
solos and then it ecoes.... and the crown didn't stop... we could see that
Vedder were touched by the people's pacion and sings with us (instead of we singing with him, WONDERFUL!!!)... the same verses.... it was a moment of delirium.... never felt like this before.....
With Mark Arm and Steve Tuner on the stage Vedder says again in portuguese while reading his paper: "I would like to present two members of the big MUDHONEY. Mister Steve Tuner... and Mister Mark Arm. Doctor Mark Arm. They would like to read something for you".... Then Mark said: "Right now..... right now, Sao Paulo.... it's time to KICK OUT THE JAMS, MOTHERSFUCKERS!!!!" and we just went insane......
Then, in the secound encore, we have the WHIPPING.... before it Vedders asked us in spanish + portuguese how many songs we still wanted.... one more, two more..... everyone scream a lot of diferent numbers!! But we could definally feel everyone wanted so much more..... all that have passed so fast......
On CRAZY MARY.... some people on the crown were saying this song name and suddenly Vedder stars playing it..... incredible.... Boom Gaspar did a beautiful solo in the end as usual!! Then Vedder said lots of "THANKS" in portuguese and Stone started the first riffs of ALIVE.... everyone were waiting for this one.... looks like we all saved some extra energy to jump like never...... It really rocks..... and when we though it was the end.... we listened the first riffs of the incredible KEEP ON ROCKIN' IN THE FREE WORLD..... I love this song... I'm a bigger fan of Neil Young work and attitute... and it was my dream to see PJ playing this music alive....... I screamed like never.... I could not even find my voice any more.....
And then they said thanks together... and had to go.... it was more than 9h30 pm..... Vedder still says: "thanks for the neighberhood for let us play loud.... thank you for being loud for let us play in the neighborhood.... we'll see you soon.... see you next year!! hahaha" then we have screams everywere.... in the last day show Vedder says PJ would come back in two or three years.... now we listened only one... incredible!!
I hope that with this review I could show you 1 of the 100 emotions I felt
that night.... I really did not though it were going to be so AMAZING.....
And I beg you... don't you loose the opportunity to be in a PJ show..... you
will never have such a good experience in your whole life.....
Even the guys who were there just because they were a famous rock band (not really fans) leaved the show amazed.... imagine us.... big and loyal fans.... who knows every PJ song.... have all DVD's and CD's..... and could finally feel the energy of their show....... I have no more word to describe..... it was perfect.... more than perfect.....
Sao Paulo, Brasil
"Life, ohhh.... like a picture on a sunny day, oh my.... Life, ohhhh...."
Anyone have a clue??
Sao Paulo, Brasil
EV has sung on his own way some verses of Modern Girl, one of the awesome songs of Woods, the latest album of Sleater-Kinney
"Modern Girl"
My baby loves me
I'm so happy
Happiness makes me
A modern girl
I took my money
And bought a TV
TV Brings me
Closer to the world
My baby loves me
I'm so hungry
Hunger makes me
A modern girl
I took my money
And bought a donut
The hole's the size of
The entire world
My baby loves me
I'm so angry
Anger makes me
A modern girl
I took my money
I couldn't buy nothin'
I'm sick of this
Brave new world
My whole life
was like a picture
of a sunny day
My whole life
looked like a picture
of a sunny day
Nadie grabo el concierto que pasaron en TV BAND EL domingo 25 de dic?????
Mi maldito sistema de cable no tiene BAND y me quize morir cuando vi por internet que el domingo a las 14 pasaron lo mejor del show en SAU PAULO que ''vai virar DVD'' filmado con no se cuantas camaras, etc. (segun
Saludos y felices fiestas!!!
TVRip from TV Bandeirantes from Brazil.
The best show ever. Must see this: 40000 people totally Insane. Eddie and the band was tottaly amazed.
Rodrigo Faria
People have to think twice before saying which concert was better. One thing is the audio capture from the bootlegs, the other is the concert itself.
Or, in clear english: The images captured by Band will be given for the band's new dvd - there'll be an oficial release for this one, or at least for a part/song of it.