I see the major networks are covering the hearing today and aren't showing the bafoon's rally... people are done with this clown and nobody gives a shit what he has to say anymore
Can't hide behind twitter like a coward forever, my little orange snowflake
The problem is ... it's going to take a Republican Congress to actually remove him from office and that ain't happening.
The longer he stays the better... he is a massive albatross for the current republican agenda and the 2018 and 2020 elections...
My only concern is that he may be crazy enough to escalate the North Korean issue to distract and save his ass... especially if it's really bad... which it just might be
Are people still pushing the albatross theory?
Nixon had a 29% approval rating when he resigned... so that shows us the craziest of the crazy supporters will always hang on to the bitter end... Trump has been in a few weeks and is already at 40% on his best day... I don't know what planet you live on, but on planet earth he has already lost the moderate/independent/swing voter... kiss Wisconsin goodbye... kiss Michigan goodbye... kiss Pennsylvania goodbye... not to mention how toxic he is going to be in plenty of districts in 2018
You're on the wrong side of history my friend... unfortunately you're folks couldn't prevent the spray tan dipshit from winning the nomination they were lined up to win the white house almost no matter who was on the ballot... Kasich would have beat Hillary and you're dream agenda would be going much smoother right now
Your folks blew it. LOL
Already at 40? He's always been at 40. He was at 40 through the bulk of the campaign when you guaranteed that he would be an albatross then. The dream agenda appears to be moving forward. While you have all been looking at the squirrel Gorsuch just took his first step towards confirmation. History is being written by those in the present.
The cornerstone of that "dream agenda" -- repealing and replacing Obamacare -- currently has about a zero percent chance of passing the House as written. Part of the reason -- though not the whole reason -- is that President Trump has exhausted all of his scant political capital on stupid shit.
The house bill as currently written will likely pass the house but might not pass the senate. Failure will have zero to do with Trump however and it will lay bare that the GOP was never serious about repeal and replace in the first place. There will never be 60 GOP votes for a clean repeal so for those who are calling for that are being disingenuous. If the bill passes though...well...that will demonstrate that the art of the deal is alive and well.
You're right, but make no mistake: A strong president enjoying broad support can tend to strong-arm these things through. Trump is not that.
Last I checked, the bill was still several votes short in the House. I guess they have until Thursday to shore them up.
NBC is doing it's own whip count and I heard tonight there were 17 confirmed "nays" on the GOP side. 22 kills it.
It could easily fail at this stage but I am still not sure where the fallout lands. Trump is definitely expending his personal capital but he ran against both parties anyways so he can continue to do the same come 2020. My personal feeling is that failure hurts GOP house and senate members more (specifically Paul Ryan) but come 2018 Obamacare will still be the law of the land and it will also be on the edge of collapse. Will that collapse make a favourable 2018 landscape for republicans less favourable? Will red state democratic senators be more secure following this collapse? Ryan/McConnel/Trump believe that failure to change the law will be seen as neglectful inaction while Paul/Freedom Caucus believe letting Obamacare collapse under it's own weight will improve their ability to pass a more conservative bill. Personally I'm not so sure...I just don't see how the hardcore conservatives which I empathize with get to 60 votes. I'm loving the fight though...ideological bloodletting is what politics is all about.
NBC is now counting 26 and Breitbart claims many more. Right now Ryan just wants it to get out the House so he can blame the Senate for failure (zero chance over there). But my guess is that after the whip count on Thursday, he pulls the bill to avoid the embarrassment to both he and the POTUS.
It sounds like the bill is going to fail because it doesn't screw over enough people.
In some respects you are not wrong. What is crazier is that it is mainly the Tea Party republicans that are voting to maintain Obamacare!
Crazy, isn't it. This "freedom caucus" is ruining the GOP like we all knew it would since Tea Party appeared 8 years ago and now magically disappeared. Ted Cruz keeps saying he's going to put out a repeal bill and deal with replacement later. What?! Of everything to "deal with later" it's MILLIONS of citizens access to health insurance. Fuck the freedom caucus and anyone who supports what Cruz is proposing.
I'm not sure that they are "ruining" the GOP just yet but this is why I don't think failure necessarily blows back to hurt Trump. Trump beat Cruz et al before and will look like the moderate who tried to "fix" Obamacare before the collapse. To be accurate though I don't think Cruz is a definite "no" vote at the moment. Rand Paul seems to be leading the charge from the right while Collins is hitting the bill from the left.
Cruz has no moral center. He will vote to his personal political advantage, however badly he misreads the moment. Rand Paul, as much as I disagree with most of his governing philosophy (starting with his first name), has proven to be pretty well principled. I hope he doesn't disappoint me.
I can't imagine Paul becoming a yes vote but he doesn't have to be. The senate can write their own bill and both houses can work out something different in conference. Paul can then be a yes for a bill more to his liking provided reconciliation allows for this. Again I just don't get how Paul thinks he can get a perfect bill...a clean repeal can't happen without 60 votes. He seems to think that letting Obamacare collapse will allow for some future more conservative repeal and replace. That's a massive gamble.
And I don't see a Senate bill that gets through the conservative wing of the House.
Btw, I believe they can do this through budget reconciliation, so the hurdle is lower. But the moderate senators are a problem for the House.
It's hilarious watching the republicans twist in the wind on this. They still have no plan that's even remotely palatable to a majority of their own party, a party with control of all three branches. Why? Because Trump is so far out of his element and lacks any type of leadership. Paul Ryan, while earnest and adept at rolling up his sleeves and using PowerPoint, is also way out of his element. What these guys don't seem to understand is that this shit is hard, insert Trump's first week quote here, and that having a plan that's been thought through and formulated and vetted by EXPERTS in the field, prior to making it a campaign slogan, is the way to lead. Criticize the ACA all you want but give Obama and Clinton before him credit for at least being an adult about the prospect of the legislation and being serious about what they were trying to accomplish. Trump and his ilk? Not so much. Good fucking luck if you don't have health insurance or were able to get it via the ACA. Or, don't get sick. Brilliance at its finest.
It's hilarious watching the republicans twist in the wind on this. They still have no plan that's even remotely palatable to a majority of their own party, a party with control of all three branches. Why? Because Trump is so far out of his element and lacks any type of leadership. Paul Ryan, while earnest and adept at rolling up his sleeves and using PowerPoint, is also way out of his element. What these guys don't seem to understand is that this shit is hard, insert Trump's first week quote here, and that having a plan that's been thought through and formulated and vetted by EXPERTS in the field, prior to making it a campaign slogan, is the way to lead. Criticize the ACA all you want but give Obama and Clinton before him credit for at least being an adult about the prospect of the legislation and being serious about what they were trying to accomplish. Trump and his ilk? Not so much. Good fucking luck if you don't have health insurance or were able to get it via the ACA. Or, don't get sick. Brilliance at its finest.
Ha. It must be alien for you to witness an intra-party argument over ideological principals. Obama gets credit for having 60 votes in the senate at the time as well as a party that was willing to walk lock step to their electoral grave under the banner of "if you like your plan you can keep it"...that's about it. The Obamacare collapse is coming...it is only a matter of when and as to who gets the blame. Other then your EXPERTS of course.
It's hilarious watching the republicans twist in the wind on this. They still have no plan that's even remotely palatable to a majority of their own party, a party with control of all three branches. Why? Because Trump is so far out of his element and lacks any type of leadership. Paul Ryan, while earnest and adept at rolling up his sleeves and using PowerPoint, is also way out of his element. What these guys don't seem to understand is that this shit is hard, insert Trump's first week quote here, and that having a plan that's been thought through and formulated and vetted by EXPERTS in the field, prior to making it a campaign slogan, is the way to lead. Criticize the ACA all you want but give Obama and Clinton before him credit for at least being an adult about the prospect of the legislation and being serious about what they were trying to accomplish. Trump and his ilk? Not so much. Good fucking luck if you don't have health insurance or were able to get it via the ACA. Or, don't get sick. Brilliance at its finest.
Ha. It must be alien for you to witness an intra-party argument over ideological principals. Obama gets credit for having 60 votes in the senate at the time as well as a party that was willing to walk lock step to their electoral grave under the banner of "if you like your plan you can keep it"...that's about it. The Obamacare collapse is coming...it is only a matter of when and as to who gets the blame. Other then your EXPERTS of course.
Fake news. What is this imminent collapse that you speak of? Southern states' refusal to expand Medicare? Corporate healthcare being allowed to pull out of markets a la "let the markets decide?" Ever hear of Romneycare? Seems to work really well but Obama put his black Muslim socialist Kenyan name on it and white nationalists ran for the hills. But you, residing in a country with socialized medicine, peers down your nose and wishes the free markets would decide instead. Brilliant in its hillariousness. What is even more hilarious though is that you think Trump and his ilk have even given the replacement an iota of serious thought. You, professor, are wrong yet again. But spin baby spin. Has anyone asked Sister Sarah her opinion? You know, death panels and all?
It's hilarious watching the republicans twist in the wind on this. They still have no plan that's even remotely palatable to a majority of their own party, a party with control of all three branches. Why? Because Trump is so far out of his element and lacks any type of leadership. Paul Ryan, while earnest and adept at rolling up his sleeves and using PowerPoint, is also way out of his element. What these guys don't seem to understand is that this shit is hard, insert Trump's first week quote here, and that having a plan that's been thought through and formulated and vetted by EXPERTS in the field, prior to making it a campaign slogan, is the way to lead. Criticize the ACA all you want but give Obama and Clinton before him credit for at least being an adult about the prospect of the legislation and being serious about what they were trying to accomplish. Trump and his ilk? Not so much. Good fucking luck if you don't have health insurance or were able to get it via the ACA. Or, don't get sick. Brilliance at its finest.
Ha. It must be alien for you to witness an intra-party argument over ideological principals. Obama gets credit for having 60 votes in the senate at the time as well as a party that was willing to walk lock step to their electoral grave under the banner of "if you like your plan you can keep it"...that's about it. The Obamacare collapse is coming...it is only a matter of when and as to who gets the blame. Other then your EXPERTS of course.
20 million more Americans with health care under ACA versus Trump's plan of 26 million more without by 2026. Brilliant.
It's hilarious watching the republicans twist in the wind on this. They still have no plan that's even remotely palatable to a majority of their own party, a party with control of all three branches. Why? Because Trump is so far out of his element and lacks any type of leadership. Paul Ryan, while earnest and adept at rolling up his sleeves and using PowerPoint, is also way out of his element. What these guys don't seem to understand is that this shit is hard, insert Trump's first week quote here, and that having a plan that's been thought through and formulated and vetted by EXPERTS in the field, prior to making it a campaign slogan, is the way to lead. Criticize the ACA all you want but give Obama and Clinton before him credit for at least being an adult about the prospect of the legislation and being serious about what they were trying to accomplish. Trump and his ilk? Not so much. Good fucking luck if you don't have health insurance or were able to get it via the ACA. Or, don't get sick. Brilliance at its finest.
Ha. It must be alien for you to witness an intra-party argument over ideological principals. Obama gets credit for having 60 votes in the senate at the time as well as a party that was willing to walk lock step to their electoral grave under the banner of "if you like your plan you can keep it"...that's about it. The Obamacare collapse is coming...it is only a matter of when and as to who gets the blame. Other then your EXPERTS of course.
Upheld by a republican dominated Supreme Court by the way, professor.
It's hilarious watching the republicans twist in the wind on this. They still have no plan that's even remotely palatable to a majority of their own party, a party with control of all three branches. Why? Because Trump is so far out of his element and lacks any type of leadership. Paul Ryan, while earnest and adept at rolling up his sleeves and using PowerPoint, is also way out of his element. What these guys don't seem to understand is that this shit is hard, insert Trump's first week quote here, and that having a plan that's been thought through and formulated and vetted by EXPERTS in the field, prior to making it a campaign slogan, is the way to lead. Criticize the ACA all you want but give Obama and Clinton before him credit for at least being an adult about the prospect of the legislation and being serious about what they were trying to accomplish. Trump and his ilk? Not so much. Good fucking luck if you don't have health insurance or were able to get it via the ACA. Or, don't get sick. Brilliance at its finest.
Ha. It must be alien for you to witness an intra-party argument over ideological principals. Obama gets credit for having 60 votes in the senate at the time as well as a party that was willing to walk lock step to their electoral grave under the banner of "if you like your plan you can keep it"...that's about it. The Obamacare collapse is coming...it is only a matter of when and as to who gets the blame. Other then your EXPERTS of course.
Yea, because Trump has experts advising his administration. Like Rick Perry at DOE? Or Rex baby at State? Or Ivanka? Didn't the CBO come out with ACA projections preserving Medicare/Medicaid? Because you know, the future beyond the next election cycle MIGHT matter.
It's hilarious watching the republicans twist in the wind on this. They still have no plan that's even remotely palatable to a majority of their own party, a party with control of all three branches. Why? Because Trump is so far out of his element and lacks any type of leadership. Paul Ryan, while earnest and adept at rolling up his sleeves and using PowerPoint, is also way out of his element. What these guys don't seem to understand is that this shit is hard, insert Trump's first week quote here, and that having a plan that's been thought through and formulated and vetted by EXPERTS in the field, prior to making it a campaign slogan, is the way to lead. Criticize the ACA all you want but give Obama and Clinton before him credit for at least being an adult about the prospect of the legislation and being serious about what they were trying to accomplish. Trump and his ilk? Not so much. Good fucking luck if you don't have health insurance or were able to get it via the ACA. Or, don't get sick. Brilliance at its finest.
Ha. It must be alien for you to witness an intra-party argument over ideological principals. Obama gets credit for having 60 votes in the senate at the time as well as a party that was willing to walk lock step to their electoral grave under the banner of "if you like your plan you can keep it"...that's about it. The Obamacare collapse is coming...it is only a matter of when and as to who gets the blame. Other then your EXPERTS of course.
Yea, because Trump has experts advising his administration. Like Rick Perry at DOE? Or Rex baby at State? Or Ivanka? Didn't the CBO come out with ACA projections preserving Medicare/Medicaid? Because you know, the future beyond the next election cycle MIGHT matter.
Next election cycle? I don't think the brain surgeons (other then Doctor Ben Carson...he's only invited to events where black people are) in the OF's administration literally consider anything past 3 days into the future. Maybe less.
"WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump's former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, secretly worked for a Russian billionaire to advance the interests of Russian President Vladimir Putin a decade ago and proposed an ambitious political strategy to undermine anti-Russian opposition across former Soviet republics, The Associated Press has learned. The work appears to contradict assertions by the Trump administration and Manafort himself that he never worked for Russian interests.
Manafort proposed in a confidential strategy plan as early as June 2005 that he would influence politics, business dealings and news coverage inside the United States, Europe and the former Soviet republics to benefit the Putin government, even as U.S.-Russia relations under Republican President George W. Bush grew worse. Manafort pitched the plans to Russian aluminum magnate Oleg Deripaska, a close Putin ally with whom Manafort eventually signed a $10 million annual contract beginning in 2006, according to interviews with several people familiar with payments to Manafort and business records obtained by the AP. Manafort and Deripaska maintained a business relationship until at least 2009, according to one person familiar with the work."
It's hilarious watching the republicans twist in the wind on this. They still have no plan that's even remotely palatable to a majority of their own party, a party with control of all three branches. Why? Because Trump is so far out of his element and lacks any type of leadership. Paul Ryan, while earnest and adept at rolling up his sleeves and using PowerPoint, is also way out of his element. What these guys don't seem to understand is that this shit is hard, insert Trump's first week quote here, and that having a plan that's been thought through and formulated and vetted by EXPERTS in the field, prior to making it a campaign slogan, is the way to lead. Criticize the ACA all you want but give Obama and Clinton before him credit for at least being an adult about the prospect of the legislation and being serious about what they were trying to accomplish. Trump and his ilk? Not so much. Good fucking luck if you don't have health insurance or were able to get it via the ACA. Or, don't get sick. Brilliance at its finest.
Ha. It must be alien for you to witness an intra-party argument over ideological principals. Obama gets credit for having 60 votes in the senate at the time as well as a party that was willing to walk lock step to their electoral grave under the banner of "if you like your plan you can keep it"...that's about it. The Obamacare collapse is coming...it is only a matter of when and as to who gets the blame. Other then your EXPERTS of course.
Yea, because Trump has experts advising his administration. Like Rick Perry at DOE? Or Rex baby at State? Or Ivanka? Didn't the CBO come out with ACA projections preserving Medicare/Medicaid? Because you know, the future beyond the next election cycle MIGHT matter.
Next election cycle? I don't think the brain surgeons (other then Doctor Ben Carson...he's only invited to events where black people are) in the OF's administration literally consider anything past 3 days into the future. Maybe less.
The next election cycle is ALL they think about, on both sides.
It's hilarious watching the republicans twist in the wind on this. They still have no plan that's even remotely palatable to a majority of their own party, a party with control of all three branches. Why? Because Trump is so far out of his element and lacks any type of leadership. Paul Ryan, while earnest and adept at rolling up his sleeves and using PowerPoint, is also way out of his element. What these guys don't seem to understand is that this shit is hard, insert Trump's first week quote here, and that having a plan that's been thought through and formulated and vetted by EXPERTS in the field, prior to making it a campaign slogan, is the way to lead. Criticize the ACA all you want but give Obama and Clinton before him credit for at least being an adult about the prospect of the legislation and being serious about what they were trying to accomplish. Trump and his ilk? Not so much. Good fucking luck if you don't have health insurance or were able to get it via the ACA. Or, don't get sick. Brilliance at its finest.
Ha. It must be alien for you to witness an intra-party argument over ideological principals. Obama gets credit for having 60 votes in the senate at the time as well as a party that was willing to walk lock step to their electoral grave under the banner of "if you like your plan you can keep it"...that's about it. The Obamacare collapse is coming...it is only a matter of when and as to who gets the blame. Other then your EXPERTS of course.
Yea, because Trump has experts advising his administration. Like Rick Perry at DOE? Or Rex baby at State? Or Ivanka? Didn't the CBO come out with ACA projections preserving Medicare/Medicaid? Because you know, the future beyond the next election cycle MIGHT matter.
Next election cycle? I don't think the brain surgeons (other then Doctor Ben Carson...he's only invited to events where black people are) in the OF's administration literally consider anything past 3 days into the future. Maybe less.
The next election cycle is ALL they think about, on both sides.
Most politicians are cowards, not leaders
Cowards who enjoy power or even worse enjoy being around power.
"WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump's former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, secretly worked for a Russian billionaire to advance the interests of Russian President Vladimir Putin a decade ago and proposed an ambitious political strategy to undermine anti-Russian opposition across former Soviet republics, The Associated Press has learned. The work appears to contradict assertions by the Trump administration and Manafort himself that he never worked for Russian interests.
Manafort proposed in a confidential strategy plan as early as June 2005 that he would influence politics, business dealings and news coverage inside the United States, Europe and the former Soviet republics to benefit the Putin government, even as U.S.-Russia relations under Republican President George W. Bush grew worse. Manafort pitched the plans to Russian aluminum magnate Oleg Deripaska, a close Putin ally with whom Manafort eventually signed a $10 million annual contract beginning in 2006, according to interviews with several people familiar with payments to Manafort and business records obtained by the AP. Manafort and Deripaska maintained a business relationship until at least 2009, according to one person familiar with the work."
We keep waiting for the wooden stake, the silver bullet, the one thing that's going to bring this President down. Is this it? I see $$ and I see RUSSIA .
Our man at State, Tillerson, is up to his nutsac in big money big oil Russian ties, too.
Care to list all the press agencies that cover Spicer's fake news press conferences? Seeing how he raised the issue yesterday? And it's in the WaPo website today?
Holy crap.. are you saying that the national news isn't reporting on a local rape story? Why that is SO biased. I mean every other rape and sexual assault is the lead on NBC Nightly News. In fact, Walter Cronkite used to read the names of all rape victims of the previous 24 hours to lead the newscast. Fucking liberal media.
Holy crap.. are you saying that the national news isn't reporting on a local rape story? Why that is SO biased. I mean every other rape and sexual assault is the lead on NBC Nightly News. In fact, Walter Cronkite used to read the names of all rape victims of the previous 24 hours to lead the newscast. Fucking liberal media.
Btw, I believe they can do this through budget reconciliation, so the hurdle is lower. But the moderate senators are a problem for the House.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
for the least they could possibly do
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
I'm sure it's all just a coincidence though.
"WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump's former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, secretly worked for a Russian billionaire to advance the interests of Russian President Vladimir Putin a decade ago and proposed an ambitious political strategy to undermine anti-Russian opposition across former Soviet republics, The Associated Press has learned. The work appears to contradict assertions by the Trump administration and Manafort himself that he never worked for Russian interests.
Manafort proposed in a confidential strategy plan as early as June 2005 that he would influence politics, business dealings and news coverage inside the United States, Europe and the former Soviet republics to benefit the Putin government, even as U.S.-Russia relations under Republican President George W. Bush grew worse. Manafort pitched the plans to Russian aluminum magnate Oleg Deripaska, a close Putin ally with whom Manafort eventually signed a $10 million annual contract beginning in 2006, according to interviews with several people familiar with payments to Manafort and business records obtained by the AP. Manafort and Deripaska maintained a business relationship until at least 2009, according to one person familiar with the work."
Most politicians are cowards, not leaders
Just one of many...
Is this it? I see $$ and I see RUSSIA .
Our man at State, Tillerson, is up to his nutsac in big money big oil Russian ties, too.
popcorn futures! lol
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, Y tus violadores sucios también
don't look for this story on msnbc, abc, or cbs
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
In other news, it's funny to hear how insignificant Manafort was for the Trump campaign. Newt was singing a different tune last year.
"Nobody should underestimate how much Paul Manafort did to get this campaign to where it is right now."
It's too funny to see the lemmings going to bat for the GOP, present company included.
It's also shameful.