Donate to OYR and Go to TOTD Philly 2.

in Lost Dogs
I would love to go to all the shows, but painting the town red with a long-lost military friend from Hawai'i takes priority and we are gonna be doing that instead on Saturday. Therefore, I am donating my single ticket to OYR. Donate $110 to OYR and you get the ticket. - that's bellow face. Left Loge, Row FF, hard copy ticket. PM me for details on how to make the donation. 1st to PM and complete the donation gets it. This is NOT an electronic ticket so I'm going to have to mail it or do local pick-up in South Jersey (preferred method). Once @elwayvedder verifies the receipt of the donation, I will send the ticket on its way asap.
I know most of us know who OYR is but if you don't, here's the site for info:
Thank you for looking!
I know most of us know who OYR is but if you don't, here's the site for info:
Thank you for looking!