Bruce Fan Club?

in Other Music
Does or did Bruce have a fan club? Can't find anything, but I thought I remember him having one and is part of the reason PJ switched from seating in front to GA. Thanks!
So basically it's not 10c just the people that are big enough fans to know the process and show up early to grab a number. The last show I saw in Vancouver everyone who wanted to got in the front section.
New Mexico Pearl Jam Fans (New Mexico, USA) on Facebook!
It's a good system. By making people show up early and grab a number your weeding out most of the casual fans from getting up front (as they won't know about this process, or take time off work to go grab a number). Unlike previous U2 or Pearl Jam tours, it's completely random who gets in the front pit section, so there's zero point in waiting in line all day. You go grab your number, then find a pub to have a few beers at, then come back at 5pm for the draw (at which point your stuck in the line until doors open).
What Zod said earlier is correct. You purchase GA tix and then the venue sets a specific location and time frame for handing out lottery numbers. The lottery starts at #1 and goes up to however many they hand out before the deadline. After the deadline passes, venue staff organizes everyone into lines according to their lottery numbers. They select one number through a random drawing and that number is the first to go into the front GA pit. Then everyone follows in after according to their number until the front GA pit is filled to capacity. Anyone left gets put into a second GA area behind the front GA pit.
In Dallas, I drew number 400 something and the number drawn was 500 something so I didn't get in. In Albany, the number drawn was 200 something and I think I was in the 300-400 range so I did get in.
There was definitely room to have your space in the front GA pit unless you wanted to be right up against the stage. Great experience overall. Especially when Bruce was directly in front of me on a platform at the back of the GA pit performing a song and all of sudden leaned back and started to crowd surf over me back to the main stage. So basically, Bruce Springsteen crowd surfed over me as I held him up!
New Mexico Pearl Jam Fans (New Mexico, USA) on Facebook!
I would check the ticketmaster page for the specific concert. They should say on there whether or not it's paperless.