My opinion is this, the boys fucked up with the 3 signs. Had they kept it to the one with the daughter drop off it wouldn't have been as blatantly fucked up. I don't worry about the ones who do shit like this when it comes to my daughters. I worry about the ones who quietly are plotting. The ones who will sell themselves off as 'nice guys' just waiting to take advantage or drop something in a drink.
Tom Brady & Donald Trump, BFF's Fuckus rules all Rob Seattle
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,820
Did you not know God can use people who are in no way on his side to get the point across to the ones that are on his side by working in mysterious ways and using idiots to say stupid offensive things that may be inappropiate but still get the message across to those who are open minded enough to see it and be put off or in their case warned off..either way its offensive and informative and like i said if thats what is takes to change a decision so be it bc the sign in all honesty wasnt stating full blown lies even if it were offensive if i saw it my reaction would be my children are not going there to me its God sent even if idiots were used the offensiveness was interpreted on their own stupidity not Gods
This sounds more like the devil working in mysterious ways. But really, isn't it just stupid human behavior we're talking about here?
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
Question for the ladies, if it was hanging in front of a sororiety with it saying drop your sons of here would you be as offended? Answer honestly
To be 100% honest, and yes, i know it makes me a hypocrite, if it were a sign on a sorority saying "drop your sons off here (and dad too)" I'd actually be pissed instead of just disgusted. At this point the original sign is something I guess I'm used to or have come to expect (or at least not be surprised by) but if it were a sorority I'd be actively pissed off. Cuz that's not just offensive and in poor taste, it's making my gender look bad. And I mean it would be like "wtf is wrong with you? The MRAs don't make up enough shit you gotta HAND THEM this kind of ammunition?!"
Again, I know it's hypocritical. Whatever I ain't perfect, but I'm honest.
As always, well-said.
We're all hypocritical to varying degrees. Give me honesty any day - I appreciate it.
Did you not know God can use people who are in no way on his side to get the point across to the ones that are on his side by working in mysterious ways and using idiots to say stupid offensive things that may be inappropiate but still get the message across to those who are open minded enough to see it and be put off or in their case warned off..either way its offensive and informative and like i said if thats what is takes to change a decision so be it bc the sign in all honesty wasnt stating full blown lies even if it were offensive if i saw it my reaction would be my children are not going there to me its God sent even if idiots were used the offensiveness was interpreted on their own stupidity not Gods
I get it, and actually JW makes a good point - regardless of what those guys were thinking of when they hung those signs - they've undoubtedly succeeded in broadcasting to the entire community that they're a bunch of dingbats who ought to be avoided, potentially sparing a number of young women from unpleasant encounters with them. Think of it as the silver lining.
My opinion is this, the boys fucked up with the 3 signs. Had they kept it to the one with the daughter drop off it wouldn't have been as blatantly fucked up. I don't worry about the ones who do shit like this when it comes to my daughters. I worry about the ones who quietly are plotting. The ones who will sell themselves off as 'nice guys' just waiting to take advantage or drop something in a drink.
Good point and ties into Ident's comment up there too.
Have to liken it to any others who show their true colors for all else to see, whether in this realm, homophobia, freedom of choice, etc.
Fuckus rules all
This place is dead
"Kfsbho&$thncds" - F Me In the Brain - circa 2015
Have to liken it to any others who show their true colors for all else to see, whether in this realm, homophobia, freedom of choice, etc.
Empty, I'm guessing a few but sure hope not.