Freedom = Privacy

I watched the movie citizenfour and at some .point a guy whole talking to european hearings about the whole watching recordings phonecall and email of citizens he said
"What people used to call Freedom and Liberty, we now call Privacy
And we say ..that privacy is dead"
"What people used to call Freedom and Liberty, we now call Privacy
And we say ..that privacy is dead"
"...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
I have neither the need nor desire to be on social media - this site is the only one I post on, and am a fairly private person in general.
True we can control some aspects of our information but realistically, whether or not we choose, most everything is trackable.
As i said and do all those year i share in social media only pj part of me
No photos of family.of my place of .my work.of my friends ...not sharing my trips...who im with.who in slepping.who im in relationship with.who is my ex..and which theater i went where i eat.whit who went for dinner.which bar i had a drink..when i went shopping.what i bought.if i have pets.what they did or photo of them
What i think about politics.who i vote..what i pay for look my bike..which beach i went.what drink i order..i doint even have my real last name in any of social medoa profiles...and so many other things people have the need to share to everyone..
Its my life..i dont need an audience and its for me and i want people to know what i want them to know
I use social media for pj and music
Pj community knows about my pj part of my self...they dont need to know anything else of my private life..thats mine and its private and only my family and a few close friends have access to it..
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
And if I had children, I definitely wouldn't be posting their photos on facebook, because I do see that as a risk to their personal safety. There are a lot of sickos out there and I wouldn't be willing to put my kids' out there on the internet. But I'm an adult who understand how things work, how directed marketing is used, and know where the real risks are.
All that said, I completely understand why others are more protective about this kind of thing.
The side that concerns me more is the targeted advertising, which PJ_Soul mentioned. Something about it gets under my skin & I will be looking into adblockers soon. I also won't give
skynetGoogle access to my location history - I know they already have it, but idont consent to their data collection.LIVEFOOTSTEPS.ORG/USER/?USR=435
I do know from experience that at the very least lawyers can get access to your posts even if your profile is private. A very good friend with a private profile in his own name had his Facebook posts handed in as evidence against his insurance claim when he was injured in a car accident.
1st i dont get the need for sharing everything i do in public to facebook i said i donr share anything than pj stuff and music
I donr need audience of what i do all life is not a reality show
2.i think sharing is for close friends
For me the whole share all in is the need of people to have their own "celebrity style of life"
A woman carry a baby..why need the 850 facebook friends of her , has to see the photos of her belly all 9 months??
Why when she goes shopping need to share to all the 7 pair of shoes she wear before she buys one??..
Im ok with people sharing what ever they want...its their business..i juat choose for me is something i dont want to do
..i always go to pj pages at facebook..i barely goes to news fee to see people status..
I must to be too bored to see news of people status..the one i want to communicate i pm them...and we have a conversation in private
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
For example, I have a buttload of photos on fb/Instagram from last year when I was traveling. I go through them all the time. It's like a digital reference or library. I know I could just keep them in Dropbox or something & it'd serve similar function but I like Instagram, the benefit of sharing in real time to that 10% of people who care vs the 90% who don't makes it worth it to me. I know people sometimes use group messages or whatsapp or something to share photos but no one I know uses those things and I prefer the passive method of "sharing" via Instagram vs the more aggressive method of sending someone directly your photos like "look at meeeeeeee I demand acknowledgement/response cuz I'm sending it to you personally". Anyway.
The emails from trip advisor are the worst though.
In 2015, this is simply how computing works. Consumers expect smart recommendations and continually improving services. We expect computers — all computers — to be able to answer any question at any time. In return, companies get constant access to your computer for data collection, automatic updates, and offboard processing. This isn't an option anymore; it's the default. And anyone who doesn't like the deal is going to have a very hard time using today's computers.
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”