Unfortunately, I'm too poor for that.. ( but not poor enough for food stamps.. WTF??)
Can you go in with a friend on a side of beef? It might be expensive up front, but in the long run way cheaper than buying here and there.
Very true. I've researching on farmers' Co-ops out here. I mean, there's two deep freezers here, that we had put more than one dressed deer or elk or turkeys in!! Lol so we could keep a FEW sides of beef! Lol
I just think humans need to quit being do fucking lazy and greedy, in all respects.. I had to shop for meat for the first time in like 15 years the other day.. And it made me sick., mass produced beef, pork, and chicken.. In heaps and piles.. And not neat enough people buying it.. All Those animals, whose lives are wasted, so we can pick and choose..
you do realize that grocery stores throw away 40% of the fresh produce, dairy and meats because we are so worried about not having enough, that we over produce all those foods.
that was what I was trying to say.. I just wanted to buy it all.. But I just went home and cried instead.. I've been really messed up with all these changes in my Life.. And seeing that made me so mad.. It just made me remember the kill lines at Tyson.. And I felt so sick.. And mad.. And sad at the same time..
It is sad...I watched Food Inc...I already knew most of it, and how horrible and evil Monsanto is. I still eat meat, but I try to buy local raised meats and dairy.
Unfortunately, I'm too poor for that.. ( but not poor enough for food stamps.. WTF??)
Yeah, that's how this world works, it's totally messed up right...We're too poor for that but not poor enough for help either...it's ridiculous...
Music is my Religion and Pearl Jam, my Savior! Tattooed Dissident!
That's the only reason I don't oppose hunting. Too many people who do it the responsible way, only killing what they're gonna eat and eating what they kill. I have a friend who's started keeping chickens (too far for me to benefit from) and while it looks like too much work for my lazy ass, I would love to have fresh eggs and meat. Somehow I don't think the city would let me have a couple chickens on my fire escape lol.
There's a weekend farmer's market on my corner, I'm not a morning person so I usually don't get down there in time to get any of the real good stuff. A few years ago I bought some fishy from them and I swear to you it was worse than the Shit you get at the store. I love the idea of the small farm, locally sourced real food, food - but my skeptical instinct is too strong. I think most of the people around here claiming their shit is organic and free range are just repackaging crap they got at Costco.
^^^ usually, you cannot eat chickens after they pass their egg-laying prime. They lay eggs for something like 3-4 years, but can live for 7-10 years. We eat them at 1-2 years old. You can however use them for making chicken stock. Its one of the reasons why I don't want to get chickens 'just for the eggs'...I would get all attached and not want to slaughter them for chicken stock...I don't think I could slaughter them either.
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
^^^ usually, you cannot eat chickens after they pass their egg-laying prime. They lay eggs for something like 3-4 years, but can live for 7-10 years. We eat them at 1-2 years old. You can however use them for making chicken stock. Its one of the reasons why I don't want to get chickens 'just for the eggs'...I would get all attached and not want to slaughter them for chicken stock...I don't think I could slaughter them either.
Yeah I Made the mistake of getting attached to a chicken once.. It gave hugs!! And it ride with me on a horse!! And it ate a chicken tender ince from KFC.. Which is how she got her name.. She was a really cute, and sweet chicken.. But then when she quit laying eggs, it was too late.. I loved her.. After that.. I got hard ass and kept them Strictly as food source. But regardless, I always felt bad killing them.. Especially cause ghey're tranced when you do it ( if done right). That just seemed unfair.. But we have to eat, right? I'm going to miss the honesty and dignity in hunting. :-(. I am just not having much of an easy time adjusting to not providing my own food anymore. I fuckjngnHATE the greed I see in the grocery store.. I really need to find a better source for meats..
Tattooed Dissident!
There's a weekend farmer's market on my corner, I'm not a morning person so I usually don't get down there in time to get any of the real good stuff. A few years ago I bought some fishy from them and I swear to you it was worse than the Shit you get at the store. I love the idea of the small farm, locally sourced real food, food - but my skeptical instinct is too strong. I think most of the people around here claiming their shit is organic and free range are just repackaging crap they got at Costco.
You can however use them for making chicken stock. Its one of the reasons why I don't want to get chickens 'just for the eggs'...I would get all attached and not want to slaughter them for chicken stock...I don't think I could slaughter them either.
- Christopher McCandless
Made the mistake of getting attached to a chicken once.. It gave hugs!! And it ride with me on a horse!! And it ate a chicken tender ince from KFC.. Which is how she got her name.. She was a really cute, and sweet chicken.. But then when she quit laying eggs, it was too late.. I loved her..
After that.. I got hard ass and kept them
Strictly as food source. But regardless, I always felt bad killing them.. Especially cause ghey're tranced when you do it ( if done right). That just seemed unfair.. But we have to eat, right?
I'm going to miss the honesty and dignity in hunting. :-(. I am just not having much of an easy time adjusting to not providing my own food anymore. I fuckjngnHATE the greed I see in the grocery store.. I really need to find a better source for meats..