Have you ever been on a multi-day cycling/camping trip?

So exactly three months today I'll be heading off on a 4 day/5 night cycling trip with my daughter and two of her friends. They are working on the Duke of Edinburgh Award silver level (for the Americans, this is an award program available in the Commonwealth countries) and have to do something nerdishly called the Adventurous Journey. Last year I led the same group on a 3 day hiking trip to complete their bronze level award. I've done a lot of back country hiking and I'm completely comfortable with it; in fact, I can plan, pack, and lead a hiking trip with my eyes closed and one hand tied behind my back. This year they chose to do a cycling trip along the Kettle Valley trail, which is a multi-use trail developed on an old rail line in the southern part of BC, and the problem is I've never even done a long distance cycling trip. I think this is an instance of "you don't know what you don't know", so I'm hoping people here will help me - what do I need to know? How do I pack for a cycling trip? How comparable is packing 2 x 35 L paniers to packing a backpack? Three teenagers are going to be relying on me in an area that will often be out of cell phone range so I need to be ready.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
Post edited by oftenreading on
Oh, and bring a bag to cover your seat when you aren't riding it. A wet seat is a bummer, especially if it is the absorbing gel type of seat.
Post pictures! Excited to see your trip in photos! Kind of envious.
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
If I ever get around to figuring out how to post pictures I'll definitely post some.