I wish.....

I wish that I could travel world visiting all of you guys and gals that I have met here over the years, using only my gifts and talents. Like a bartering system. You know start out at a home here in the States, and do work for that person to earn traveling fare to the next visit. And then eventually earn enough fare to travel visit my over seas friends. If only that would work.
What's your idea that you wish you Could pull off?
What's your idea that you wish you Could pull off?
Gotta give the wish prospect more thought, but must say that the subject line reminds me of the Stevie Wonder song.
Travel the world that way. I have quite the skill set to offer too! Lol
Tattooed Dissident!
(we love that lyric)
P.S. I'm leaving that in there, cause it's just to funny to correct! But thighs was supposed to be things.
Fuckus rules all
Poor as dirt. This is the only way I could think of to pull it off! Loo
Tattooed Dissident!
I should add this was in a city neighbourhood.
Rescue ( which was in our HOUSE) was in a neighborhood where on the corner of our block, was an AG FARM used by the middle school up the road. So because they had goats we tried to rescue three, only to find out those guy with horses and sheep were grandfathered in when our neighborhood had been built. But yeah pigs are amazingly smart. When we were Iittle and my dad worked as a counsellor for a reform
Ranch, he gave my older sister and I each a pig. I taught mine to retrieve the newspaper, at the end of a quarter mile long road. I'd tell her "Fetch the news Miss Piggy," and away she's go! My dad was really impressed. But we still are her when the time came. Broke my heart, but I learned they all have a purpose..
Behaviorist, ( such a better title than Animal Psychologist!!sounds less wacky) I get to see some pretty funny shit! It's really fun to watch the thought process go on in their heads. Animals will acclimate to whatever situation you ask them to so long as you just act like whatever is going on is normal. However, you still run into your pet having those utter WTMF moments, like with the Giant rabbit, ( yes that should be capitalized as it is part of the breed name) and the leashed pig. That is what is funny. Because the poor dog is probably wondering when it could have ingested Acid???? ( that's totally a joke, dogs do NOT have that in depth of thought process) None the less seeing them try to process what they're seeing often makes me laugh. Once while working with my sister's mini Heeler, for his service dog cert., we ran into a ( get ready for this.. Again wish there'd been pics on phones back then) Seeking Eye Minature Horse. PoorWinston just peed. He didn't know what else to do.. He kept staring at me, eyes wide, shivering.. Terrified of a horse in tennis shoes.. Which we figured out was his issue. The lady training the horse was very patient, and both animals needed the socialization in their respective training, so we worked together. Only other animal behaviorist I ever met outside of my training, or class project type stuff.
Then there was the snake we rescued that was THE most un-apex snake I have ever seen!! I never thought Apex animals could have personalities?!?! But this snake Wratchet, did. He was three feet long, Ball Pyrhon, and he went on walks.. He'd just slither along behind us.. He'd make it about half way down the block, and I'd have to sling him around my neck.. But he followed the dogs. He loved this one Pit Sandy. He'd ball up
Next to her, and she'd just lick him. ( which we had to put a stop to.. Salmonella and all) but a snake slept with a Pit Bull. Meanwhile, my previous cat Tommy the Cat had just gotten out of his 12,000 dollar recovery, and we'd learned he'd not only survived being half skinned alive, but Distemper as well; leaving him shadow blind. So he could see.. But it was shadowy blobs with no definition. But he could SMELL the snake.. And one morning, he came in all proud, and brought me my robe string, All mangled and ripped. I laughed so fuckjng hard! We just let him think he 'got the snake' for us.. So animals are a lot of fun when we throw inique things in their path, and I love that they live is enough to put up with all our wacky decisions on the other lets we choose!
Fuckus rules all
"Tree Hugger"
(performed by Kimya Dawson & Antsy Pants)
The flower said, "I wish I was a tree"
The tree said, "I wish I could be
A different kind of tree"
The cat wished that it was a bee
The turtle wished that it could fly
Really high into the sky
Over rooftops and then dive
Deep into the sea
And in the sea there is a fish
A fish that has a secret wish
A wish to be a big cactus
With a pink flower on it
And in the sea there is a fish
A fish that has a secret wish
A wish to be a big cactus
With a pink flower on it
And the flower
Would be its offering
Of love to the desert
And the desert
So dry and lonely
That the creatures all
Appreciate the effort
Et le jackalope a dit
"Je voudrais être un yeti
Pour voler dans la nuit
Et m'en aller loin d'ici"
Mais le yeti a dit
"Je voudrais être un monstre marin
Pour pouvoir rentrer dans la mer
De tous les requins"
And the rattlesnake said
"I wish I had hands so
I could hug you like a man"
And then the cactus said
"Don't you understand
My skin is covered with sharp spikes
That'll stab you like a thousand knives.
A hug would be nice
But hug my flower with your eyes"
The flower said, "I wish I was a tree"
The tree said, "I wish I could be
A different kind of tree"
The cat wished that it was a bee
The turtle wished that it could fly
Really high into the sky
Over rooftops and then dive
Deep into the sea
And in the sea there is a fish
A fish that has a secret wish
A wish to be a big cactus
With a pink flower on it
And in the sea there is a fish
A fish that has a secret wish
A wish to be a big cactus
With a pink flower on it
And the flower
Would be its offering
Of love to the desert
And the desert
So dry and lonely
That the creatures all
Appreciate the effort
Tattooed Dissident!
Rock on