What (other) bootlegs are you listening to right now?

in Other Music
In the vein of (what I assume is) the Pearl Jam-centric bootleg thread (and so as not to step on any toes there, lol), I thought it would be interesting to see who's listening to what (true, lol?) non-PJ bootlegs others are listening to (should it maybe be broadened to include live albums, lol?). Also a good time to acknowledge just how spoiled we are as Pearl Jam fans when it comes to recordings of live shows.
Right now I'm listening to Led Zeppelin at Spokane, Washington, 1968-12-30 (man, is this one rough, lol).
Right now I'm listening to Led Zeppelin at Spokane, Washington, 1968-12-30 (man, is this one rough, lol).
"The world is full of idiots and I am but one of them."
10-30-1991 Toronto, Toronto 1 & 2 2016, Toronto 2022
10-30-1991 Toronto, Toronto 1 & 2 2016, Toronto 2022
As a sidenote, I've long said Led Zeppelin was my favourite band ever (even though I'm too young to have experienced them directly, lol). I'm realizing that that might no longer be true, they may be number 2 to Pearl Jam, lol.
10-30-1991 Toronto, Toronto 1 & 2 2016, Toronto 2022
Listened to Warrensville Heights, USA, 1969-07-20 (still the Zep, lol), decent but unremarkable, unfortunately hindered by it pretty much only coming through the left headphone, lol.
Also listened to Lewisville, USA, 1969-08-31, this one sounds like it might be a soundboard recording, excellent sound, and some blazing performances on this one.
Finally, also listened to Vancouver, Canada, 1970-03-31, good performance and decent sound.
So far, Lewisville's the best of the bunch, 12 more Zeppelin shows to go in the collection, lol, however a friend gave me a gift card I used to buy the Boston Experiment, so it's back to PJ for a bit for me, lol.
10-30-1991 Toronto, Toronto 1 & 2 2016, Toronto 2022
Up next is Tokyo, 1971-09-24.
10-30-1991 Toronto, Toronto 1 & 2 2016, Toronto 2022
Now on to Osaka, 1971-09-29, pretty decent so far. One interesting thing with these Japan shows is (like the concert from the BBC Sessions) hearing songs from the fourth album before that album's release. Crowds seem to be universally stunned on hearing the then-unfamiliar Stairway To Heaven, lol.
I've been posting so much since I'm doing "quality control" on my mp3s, specifically the boots I've downloaded over the years.
10-30-1991 Toronto, Toronto 1 & 2 2016, Toronto 2022
Missed posting a few (still Zep, lol). Adelaide, Australia (1972-02-19) and Liverpool, England (1973-01-14), neither of which were particularly remarkable.
New Orleans (1973-05-14, also known as The Drag Queen) was near-soundboard audio, good performance as well.
Chicago (1973-07-06) was pretty decent with some excellent performances. Only hindered by mid-song dropoffs (to be somewhat expected, but here they don't resume the song), as well as the first (vinyl) side seems to be played as last (so far the mp3s are each performance as a single mp3, except Vancouver).
Dallas (1975-03-04) was again possibly soundboard, with an excellent set list and performances.
Now I'm into the Live Aid set they did (1985-07-13). I've already seen it, so I know it's not their best performance, lol, but the audio on this copy is awful, obviously off a much played tape on a vcr, lol.
Next up will be The Zeppelin Express Physical Rocket (1975-05-25).
10-30-1991 Toronto, Toronto 1 & 2 2016, Toronto 2022
1996: Ft Lauderdale
1998: Birmingham
2000: Charlotte, Tampa
2003: Tampa, Atlanta, Phoenix
2004: Kissimmee
2008: West Palm Beach, Bonnaroo, Columbia
2010: MSG2
2012: Music Midtown
2014: Memphis
2018: Wrigley 1, Fenway 1
2022: Nashville
2023: Ft. Worth II
2024: Baltimore
Upcoming: 2025 Hollywood, FL Night 2
Pretty fun show as all GBV shows seem to be. Features covers of Baba, as well as parts of I Am The Walrus and Wild Horses.
Those are on the backburner for now though, since Live At The Gorge just arrived in the mail today, so I'll be listening to that the next couple days, lol.
10-30-1991 Toronto, Toronto 1 & 2 2016, Toronto 2022
One thing all this bootleg listening I've been doing recently has "inspired" me to do is go through all my music files and give all my boots a listen. I know I've got a few Pumpkins shows, some of which I've not yet listened to, lol. Got a couple Dead shows as well as some Rage Against The Machine too. After Live At The Gorge, of course, lol (listening to the third show right now).
Then I'll start going through my official live albums, lol.
10-30-1991 Toronto, Toronto 1 & 2 2016, Toronto 2022
10-30-1991 Toronto, Toronto 1 & 2 2016, Toronto 2022
Currently enjoying Rage Against The Machine, 11-06-99 (comes up as The Palace Of Exile), hard-hitting performance with good sound quality, only downside is my copy has annoying almost 1 second breaks between each song. Worth the listen all the same, lol.
Expect to listen to a Cypress Hill show from 27 October 2007 later this evening.
10-30-1991 Toronto, Toronto 1 & 2 2016, Toronto 2022
Before that I was listening to a playlist I have of Zeppelin stuff. Mainly official stuff: Song Remains The Same, BBC Sessions, etc. But it does have some "Listen To This Eddie". Which is the only Zeppelin bootleg I have, but I've been meaning to check out more.
Cypress Hill was a decent quality, high energy show that covered their whole output well. It did remind me how behind I am on Cypress, last album I've got is Stoned Raiders (2004ish?).
Now onto a 3-cd compilation I made of various acts that performed at the several Live 8 concerts from 2 June 2005. Not sure of the sourcing, but it's at least near-soundboard.
Edit: My bad, Live 8 was July 2nd, 2005, not June. Finishing off that set listening to the Pink Floyd reunion set.
10-30-1991 Toronto, Toronto 1 & 2 2016, Toronto 2022
One of the high points of Badgeholders is that Keith Moon sits in on Moby Dick as well as Rock & Roll.
10-30-1991 Toronto, Toronto 1 & 2 2016, Toronto 2022
10-30-1991 Toronto, Toronto 1 & 2 2016, Toronto 2022
10-30-1991 Toronto, Toronto 1 & 2 2016, Toronto 2022
10-30-1991 Toronto, Toronto 1 & 2 2016, Toronto 2022