Planning a Seattle Pilgrimage PJ Soundgarden Nirvana, How long will I need?

Hi there
Planning a West coast trip next year that I want to start in Seattle and finish in maybe San Francisco or LA. Main question is how long would I need to put aside to visit say The Soundgarden, and several of the local Music Venues , Is there anywhere else you can think of?? Is Kurt buried in Seattle? Is the PJ warehouse easy to find? Is the Lighthouse in the Hungerstrike video easy to find?
Completely flying blind at the moment so any tips or advice is gratefully received.
Thank You
Planning a West coast trip next year that I want to start in Seattle and finish in maybe San Francisco or LA. Main question is how long would I need to put aside to visit say The Soundgarden, and several of the local Music Venues , Is there anywhere else you can think of?? Is Kurt buried in Seattle? Is the PJ warehouse easy to find? Is the Lighthouse in the Hungerstrike video easy to find?
Completely flying blind at the moment so any tips or advice is gratefully received.
Thank You
Kurt is NOT buried here. Courtney had him cremated and has the cremains (I think)
There is a park next to his old house people visit to pay respects. Go see Jimi's grave instead.
PJ warehouse is easy to find
Have not bothered to find the lighthouse-even though I've been to the park hundreds of times. It's near the water, so it shouldn't be hard to find.
The Singles apartment is really really small
If you know where anybody lives I do not recommend going there/driving by.
It's the rainy season here from October to late May/June. (it still rains in June/July, just not every day)
- Christopher McCandless
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
In fact itll take you a couple of hours tops to do all that.. then you can have some clam chowder.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Soundgarden Sculpture is at Magnuson Park
The song Black Hole Sun was inspired by the 'Black Sun' sculpture by Isamu Noguchi in Volunteer Park
- Christopher McCandless
Shit scared of heights but want to Bungee though.