Turntable help for upgrading
in Lost Dogs
OK. I am going to purchase a turntable and have been reading tons of info on them. What I haven't found is which entry level TT is easily upgradeable?
I'm looking for an automatic.
I want to be able to change out the tone arm and upgrade.
Be able to change out the platter.
Not sure how difficult changing speeds on a belt driven TT from 33-45 is?
The cartridge can be debated for a long time but I will listen to that too.
I'm planning on getting an older tuner with a phono input.
Not sure about an amp. I'd like to do away with the pre amp though.
Speakers I was thinking older too. I'm sure there are deals to be had out there.
I've looked at the Rega RP1, MMF 2.2, Pro-ject carbon.
I'm comfortable with spending 1g for a TT as long as I can do the above.
All comments welcome.
I'm looking for an automatic.
I want to be able to change out the tone arm and upgrade.
Be able to change out the platter.
Not sure how difficult changing speeds on a belt driven TT from 33-45 is?
The cartridge can be debated for a long time but I will listen to that too.
I'm planning on getting an older tuner with a phono input.
Not sure about an amp. I'd like to do away with the pre amp though.
Speakers I was thinking older too. I'm sure there are deals to be had out there.
I've looked at the Rega RP1, MMF 2.2, Pro-ject carbon.
I'm comfortable with spending 1g for a TT as long as I can do the above.
All comments welcome.
All I have heard is depending on how anal you are, that over time the automatic TT can throw off your balancing etc...
I don't know that from experience cause none of my TT are automatic, just what I heard.
Have fun.
Pro-ject Acrylic platter
Q-up (this allows you to have automatic lift on a manual table, and this will work with just about any manual table)
Project Speed Box S (this allows you to switch speed automatically between 33 and 45 without switching the belt, this also would work with other tables)
I'd also recommend a record clamp, check needle doctor you can get a bunch
For cartridge I'm looking between the Ortofon 2M Blue or 2M Bronze depending on how much I can swing
If you're worried about sound I'd probably skip automatic and just get a manual with Q-up, if the amp you get has a good phono input you probably shouldn't need a pre-amp IMHO. Anyways best of luck!
I'd start there and spend the bulk of the money on a tube pre-amp, decent speaker, and receiver.
I found a good working vintage Sansui from the 80's, upgraded the cartridge, calibrated it and it sounds awesome.
This, is good advice.
Definitely direct drive one IMO.
I picked up an awesome vintage technics direct drive for 30 buckaroos!
Used amp, tuner and speakers are very easy to come by. It's the use or not of a pre amp that throws me.
I still am curious to what turntable is easiest to upgrade? Example. If I get a RP1 can it be turned into an RP6? Can an MMF 2.2 be upgraded to an 11.1?
A turntable seems to be like a Harley, it's never finished...
In terms of upgrading you can buy add'l features for the MMF 2.2 (like a new platter, better cartridge, tonearm, etc. etc.) however you can't make it to a 5.1 or an 11.1 as they use a different plinth design to the table. So it's kind of a yes and no, you can upgrade the 2.2 but the 5.1 and up have distinct design differences that you can't upgrade up to. I"m not sure on the Rega or Projects but I would assume it's likely the same.
I have a Technics SU-V98 receiver pushing a pair of Epi M-100's and the sound is incredible. And I spent $70 on the lot!
Considering that you want automatic and you will be using vintage other equipment, I really think you should consider a vintage TT. Save the money for the cartridge and good headphones and/or speakers.