**The Official Star Wars Thread***

Ok, so there are some threads out there related to the new Star Wars movie coming out but I figured we can start one that covers everything Star Wars past, present and future.
Disney appears intent on driving this beloved franchise into the ground with a movie every year. Included are films about individual side characters. Now this could be awesome but it certainly feels like way too much too fast. I am having a hard time believing that this nothing more than quantity over quality.
They did hire on some of the writers from Empire Strike Back but how good can a movie per year be?
http://movies.yahoo.com/blogs/movie-tal ... 36926.html
Disney appears intent on driving this beloved franchise into the ground with a movie every year. Included are films about individual side characters. Now this could be awesome but it certainly feels like way too much too fast. I am having a hard time believing that this nothing more than quantity over quality.
They did hire on some of the writers from Empire Strike Back but how good can a movie per year be?
http://movies.yahoo.com/blogs/movie-tal ... 36926.html
Forced to endure, what I cannot forgive.
Post edited by Unknown User on
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... BhNkywMJY#!
Tom O.
"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
I think they are following the story line from episode 6 every other year, and putting out back story or side plot movies in between. They probably have huge teams of people working separately on both since they know it will be big money. I'm kinda excited. How much worse can they get from those last three?
This place is dead
"Kfsbho&$thncds" - F Me In the Brain - circa 2015
THAT WAS EPIC! Patton Oswald is brilliant. I love how Amy Poehler interjects about the movie plot.
Robot Chewbaca, make it happen.\
I liked the last 2. Episode one would have been good if the Gungans werent in it.
Episode 1 was a travesty.
I can live with 2 and 3.
Check this out though: http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/03/04/ ... odes-i-iii
"Lesson #6: We Need Heroes We Can Invest In
Ask people who their favourite character was in Episodes IV-VI, the answers will come thick and fast: Darth Vader, Han Solo, Leia, Luke, etc. Ask the same question about the prequels and watch people frown like they’re about to poop themselves."
Lesson #7: And Bad Guys Who Actually Kick Ass
With the exception of Darth Maul, who was ultra-cool but died in 0.007 microseconds, the villains of the prequel trilogy were horrible comic relief droids, elderly English gentlemen and a hunchbacked four-armed cyborg that had asthma for some reason.
The original trilogy was so good because Vader was incredibly intimidating (which told the audience that his Master, the Emperor, could only be even more badass). It was clear when Luke and Vader first fought on Bespin that the younger Skywalker was badly outmatched and that’s what made it exciting. A hero is only as good as their villain. Episode VII needs to give us villains that can be a mental and physical threat for our heroes.
I understand what you are saying about a lack of villains but these were prequels not a new story. They were about showing the rise of the Emperor and Darth Vader, not three movies about some new bad guy. I agree that the droids were ridiculous and the characters could have been made more sinister for sure. Lucas admitted to trying to make it kid friendly to get younger audiences into the series. That is where he went wrong.
That is true too. I can agree... and Ewan McGregor was really good. Hayden Christenson was a bad Anakin though. Just terrible.
I was also hoping thy would spend more time showing how strong the Jedi were, and a more gradual scary extermination, not a 5 minute montage of all of them dying (too easily, I might add).
Putting C3PO and R2D2 in there was also an enormously idiotic stretch to tie in the original trilogy. :fp:
But again, I do think these new movies will be a lot better. I have a feeling Lucas knew he blew it. I read something where we was pretty upset at all the criticism. Glad he was finally convinced that he's become out of touch.
I agree with all of that. Hayden was bad but the kid that played Anakin and his mother were worse. Dont like bashing kids but he was not good.
My 5 year old son has that underwear.
http://www.uproxx.com/tv/2013/04/harris ... ast-night/
Tom O.
"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
All that I once held as true
I stand alone without beliefs
The only truth I know is you.
Luca Brasi, Jedi Knight!
He sleeps with the Gooberfishes.
This is pretty epic. My kid does have retractable light saber, Clone Trooper mask and pistol though. Hes been bugging me for the Darth Mall double light saber for a year now. Its just too big for my little house. He would be knocking shit over left and right.
Over many millennia, dianoga migrated from Vodran by stowing away aboard garbage ships in their microscopic larval forms, and could be commonly found in trash compactors, garbage pits and sewers across the galaxy, living off any present organic matter. They were primarily scavengers, and only posed a threat to living creatures when starving or threatened. Because of their penchant for living in and feeding on organic waste, dianoga were sometimes referred to as garbage squids, sewage squids, or trash monsters.
i've never been so attracted to another man before
:oops: :( Tis True