**The Official Star Wars Thread***



  • BinauralJamBinauralJam Posts: 14,158
  • AnnafalkAnnafalk Posts: 4,004
    I love Harrison Ford as Han Solo the chemistry between him and Princess Leia..I love it :D
    C3PO is so fun also..someone shut me down :lol:
  • eeriepadaveeeriepadave West Chester, PA Posts: 41,772
    Episode IV: A New Hope in 60 seconds :lol: :thumbup:

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... Ux2ypHQJO0
    8/28/98- Camden, NJ
    10/31/09- Philly
    5/21/10- NYC
    9/2/12- Philly, PA
    7/19/13- Wrigley
    10/19/13- Brooklyn, NY
    10/21/13- Philly, PA
    10/22/13- Philly, PA
    10/27/13- Baltimore, MD
    4/28/16- Philly, PA
    4/29/16- Philly, PA
    5/1/16- NYC
    5/2/16- NYC
    9/2/18- Boston, MA
    9/4/18- Boston, MA
    9/14/22- Camden, NJ
    9/7/24- Philly, PA
    9/9/24- Philly, PA
    Tres Mts.- 3/23/11- Philly. PA
    Eddie Vedder- 6/25/11- Philly, PA
    RNDM- 3/9/16- Philly, PA
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    Ok, so there are some threads out there related to the new Star Wars movie coming out but I figured we can start one that covers everything Star Wars past, present and future.

    Disney appears intent on driving this beloved franchise into the ground with a movie every year. Included are films about individual side characters. Now this could be awesome but it certainly feels like way too much too fast. I am having a hard time believing that this nothing more than quantity over quality.

    They did hire on some of the writers from Empire Strike Back but how good can a movie per year be?

    http://movies.yahoo.com/blogs/movie-tal ... 36926.html

    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • Jason PJason P Posts: 19,138

    Ha! Get ready ...

  • Jason PJason P Posts: 19,138

  • rearviewrossrearviewross Posts: 3,055
    Jason P wrote:


    I will burn all Star Wars items that belong to me and my kids if The Rock is in anything. :nono:
    Forced to endure, what I cannot forgive.
  • rearviewrossrearviewross Posts: 3,055
    Jason P wrote:

    That was awesome. I love how they flash what the tie fighter pilots look like.
    Forced to endure, what I cannot forgive.
  • Jason PJason P Posts: 19,138
    Jason P wrote:


    I will burn all Star Wars items that belong to me and my kids if The Rock is in anything. :nono:
    Obi-Wan Jabroni

  • BinauralJamBinauralJam Posts: 14,158
    Jason P wrote:
    Jason P wrote:


    I will burn all Star Wars items that belong to me and my kids if The Rock is in anything. :nono:
    Obi-Wan Jabroni


    :lol::lol::lol: there's the payoff!
  • rearviewrossrearviewross Posts: 3,055
    Jason P wrote:
    Jason P wrote:


    I will burn all Star Wars items that belong to me and my kids if The Rock is in anything. :nono:
    Obi-Wan Jabroni


    :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Brilliant.
    Forced to endure, what I cannot forgive.
  • BinauralJamBinauralJam Posts: 14,158
    http://io9.com/how-star-wars-proves-chi ... -506694061

    How Star Wars proves children are morons

    I know there is much consensus over the fact that Star Wars IV-VI is the better trilogy and that I-III is at best mediocre and at worst ridiculous, but I was wondering if that wasn't due to nostalgia? I have devised an experiment to conduct on my children (if I should ever have any) in order to find out empirically. I make one child watch Star Wars in the order most of us have seen them ( IV-VI and I-III) and the other child will watch them chronologically (I-VI. Do you think this will yield viable results? I'm curious if the special effects superiority of the latter movies will win out over Han, Luke and Leia, or if the unbelievably boring Episode II will sway my potential progeny in favor of the earlier films. Thoughts?

    That’s the argument, isn’t it? Whether a generation’s love of the original trilogy and hatred of the prequels is because the prequels are actually worse, or just because we’re older, wiser, and bitterer? I’m a huge Star Wars fan, and I can certainly admit that nostalgia is clouding my judgment somewhat — the dialogue in A New Hope isn’t much better than The Phantom Menace, honestly.

    But I also think that the fans’ dislike of the prequels is somewhat proof of their lesser quality, because — and I speak from personal experience here — no one wanted the prequels to be good more than Star Wars fans. I spent months trying to convince myself that The Phantom Menace was even decent, and later did the same thing with Attack of the Clones. Honestly, I think fans would have been the most forgiving of the prequels, but they were so bad we couldn’t lie to ourselves. And we tried! So, so hard! I don’t think that’s nostalgia, I think that’s because the original trilogy didn’t include a 10-year-old protagonist, poop jokes, bad puns, romantic scenes directed by George Lucas, aliens with comical accents, dialogue about sand, the heroine falling in love with the hero after he slaughters a bunch of Sand People babies, etc.

    As for your experiment — well, I’m always in favor of forcing your children to be your own personal guinea pigs, but I don’t think it will work. The original trilogy just doesn’t visually match up to what kids see nowadays on TV or in movies, and when you’re young things like storytelling, dialogue and characterization don’t matter as much. Almost any kid nowadays will choose the whizz-bang graphics of the pod race over the speederbikes. That’s not wrong, per se; one of the main reasons we all fell in love with Star Wars was because it visually blew our minds back in 1977. All kids are dumb like that. Incidentally, that’s where our nostalgia kicks in, when we believe that the original trilogy is just as visually exciting as the prequels.

    On the other hand, I think the reason there are so many old (and bitter) Star Wars fans out there is because the original trilogy had that great storytelling, dialogue and characterization, and that's why we've stayed fans for so long. The kids who grew up with the prequels? In 20 years, I sincerely doubt they’ll be Star Wars fans any more. And that’s why when any child says they like the prequels better than the original trilogy, you are still allowed to beat them.
  • JonnyPistachioJonnyPistachio Posts: 10,217
    I did try to convince myself that the new trilogy was better than it was... for years. They're not bad, but I cant even watch them. And thats something too -- rewatchability.

    I did the same thing with the newest Indian jones too. ugh.
    Pick up my debut novel here on amazon: Jonny Bails Floatin (in paperback) (also available on Kindle for $2.99)
  • BinauralJamBinauralJam Posts: 14,158
    I did try to convince myself that the new trilogy was better than it was... for years. They're not bad, but I cant even watch them. And thats something too -- rewatchability.

    I did the same thing with the newest Indian jones too. ugh.

    About 15 minutes into Attack of the Clones my wife looks at me, and i got that face :| , she says "I'm sorry baby". me: sigh

    The crystal skull movie does not exist in this dojo.
  • JonnyPistachioJonnyPistachio Posts: 10,217
    I did try to convince myself that the new trilogy was better than it was... for years. They're not bad, but I cant even watch them. And thats something too -- rewatchability.

    I did the same thing with the newest Indian jones too. ugh.

    About 15 minutes into Attack of the Clones my wife looks at me, and i got that face :| , she says "I'm sorry baby". me: sigh

    The crystal skull movie does not exist in this dojo.

    :lol::lol: I dont want to laugh, but I have to.
    in attack of the clones when R2 D2 starts flying all over, I thought I was watching a video game. Then that creature jumps up and hacks off Natalie portmans lower part of her shirt while she's on that pillar. Nice touch George. Way to get your leading lady in a belly shirt. :lol: I think her intestines should've poured out and we shouldve seen what kind of galactic pizza toppings there are available. :P
    Pick up my debut novel here on amazon: Jonny Bails Floatin (in paperback) (also available on Kindle for $2.99)
  • rearviewrossrearviewross Posts: 3,055

    Key quote from this article. "I think Star Wars Rebels will capture the look, feel and fun that both kids and their parents love about Star Wars."

    Key word, fun. Get ready for campy, corny Star Wars. They want to build a new generation of fans,which means kids. Bring on the next Jar Jar. I just feel like Disney is going to royally fuck this whole thing up.
    Forced to endure, what I cannot forgive.
  • Jason PJason P Posts: 19,138
    I just feel like Disney is going to royally fuck this whole thing up.
    There is a 50 / 50 chance ... but remember, Disney bought Marvel in 2009 and that franchise seems to be doing very well as of late.
  • rearviewrossrearviewross Posts: 3,055
    Jason P wrote:
    I just feel like Disney is going to royally fuck this whole thing up.
    There is a 50 / 50 chance ... but remember, Disney bought Marvel in 2009 and that franchise seems to be doing very well as of late.

    The biggest reason for my worry is the amount of money they paid for it. They will be desperate to get their money back. I hope you are right.
    Forced to endure, what I cannot forgive.
  • BinauralJamBinauralJam Posts: 14,158
    Jason P wrote:
    I just feel like Disney is going to royally fuck this whole thing up.
    There is a 50 / 50 chance ... but remember, Disney bought Marvel in 2009 and that franchise seems to be doing very well as of late.

    The biggest reason for my worry is the amount of money they paid for it. They will be desperate to get their money back. I hope you are right.

    Disney will exploit it and has already stared with Marvel, There's going to be a Marvels Phineas & Ferb Summer Special.

    But as long as they separate the kids stuff from the adult entertainment it'll be fine, people feared the same thing when Disney bought Pixar, but they haven't ruined them, they also own Miramax which produces some Hard R movies. I think they have learned to walk the line recently, so that's my hope, not to say your fears aren't unfounded.
  • Jason PJason P Posts: 19,138
    Disney will exploit it and has already stared with Marvel, There's going to be a Marvels Phineas & Ferb Summer Special.
    Does anyone remember Life Day?

    Exploited Star Wars is better then no Star Wars. The Jar Jar Binks bar has already been set and Lucas said he wasn't making any more movies.
  • http://www.smartplanet.com/blog/bulleti ... ag=nl.e660

    Building Death Stars is impractical, but lightsabers are no longer out of the question. U.S. scientists have happened upon how to make the venerable Star Wars weapon.

    The Guardian’s Ben Child yesterday uncovered an article in the journal Nature, published in May, which outlines a way to bind photons together into a new form. That’s what is needed to make devices that behave like lightsabers a reality. Scientists from Harvard, MIT, and other U.S. universities collaborated on the study.

    “What we have done is create a special type of medium in which photons interact with each other so strongly that they act as though they have mass, and bind together to form molecules,” Harvard university physics professor Mikhail Lukin told the Guardian. “It’s not an in-apt analogy to compare this to lightsabers. When these photons interact with each other, they’re pushing against and deflect each other. The physics of what’s happening in these molecules is similar to what we see in the movies.”

    Last year, a U.S. military device called the Metal Vapor Torch created the appearance of a lightsaber with a fiery blade that can cut through metal. The device was more of a torch that produced a “flame” that travels 1,600 miles a second at 2,700 degrees Celsius and above. It only operates for a few seconds using a fuel pack.

    Other scientists have also made inroads at producing technologies from the Star Trek universe. In 2011, physicists in China figured out how to draw objects closer with a laser powered “tractor beam.” They published a paper describing how objects can be pulled on a “wind of light” by deploying specialized lasers called Bessel beams.

    Efforts to research a tractor beam-like effect date back to the 1960’s. Fringe physics theories have involved directing “anti-gravitational force” toward or away from an object, gravity beams, and floating objects above electromagnetically levitated superconducting disks.

    23rd century technology functions very differently. In Star Trek, a starship’s tractor beam utilizes so-called attenuated linear graviton beam to move around other sub-warp objects such as asteroids or enemy vessels.

    This may all sound fantastic, but science fiction has a tendency to become reality.

    :corn: :corn:
    Pick up my debut novel here on amazon: Jonny Bails Floatin (in paperback) (also available on Kindle for $2.99)
  • Jason PJason P Posts: 19,138
    At the very least, we should be able to pull off building an AT-AT. We just need to cut foriegn aid to Egypt and Israel in half and I bet we can have the sucker built by 2020. We just need to build a defense system that can stop steel cables and we can dominate the world.

  • Jason PJason P Posts: 19,138
    Daniel Day-Lewis is rumored to be in the new Star Wars series! :shock:

    He would be the perfect Chewbacca. And seeing him method act in that role on a four month shoot would be more then awesome.

  • BinauralJamBinauralJam Posts: 14,158
    Jason P wrote:
    Daniel Day-Lewis is rumored to be in the new Star Wars series! :shock:

    He would be the perfect Chewbacca. And seeing him method act in that role on a four month shoot would be more then awesome.


    Seriously? He'd make the Greatest Sith
  • Jason PJason P Posts: 19,138
    Jason P wrote:
    Daniel Day-Lewis is rumored to be in the new Star Wars series! :shock:

    He would be the perfect Chewbacca. And seeing him method act in that role on a four month shoot would be more then awesome.


    Seriously? He'd make the Greatest Sith
    He could use his Bill the Butcher outfit. Just need to make a light-butcher-knife for him. :think:

    Or maybe he could live-act a Gungan role :P
  • Jason PJason P Posts: 19,138
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