**Calgary Fanviews Here**



  • Still cannot stop listening to this show...was amazing....I truely believe Edmonton was not the next night this show would have been 5-7 songs longer...truly an amazing night....
  • dammit i can't wait to get outta work and listen to it!!! I gotta say again though, I remember sensing, from all around me, this like realization during Last Exit (specifically the first 30 seconds or so)... that this band knows what the fuck they're doing, and how to truly rock. Obviously all of us here knew before-hand. But then there's those casual-types who just didn't really know what to expect. Or, maybe a friend told them that they just HAVE to see Pearl Jam, but could never really comprehend what it could be like 'cause well, they've never been to (for one, a Pearl Jam show!) a band that doesn't blow ass like Nickleback.

    I thought your comments were interesting, because they touch on some of the more abstract aspects of PJ live. I'm no expert on PJ, by any means, but what strikes me about these guys is that they are a band that really responds to the crowd. There's a lot of give and take, and the boys will amp it up with energy or a certain level of consciousness with the crowd. Its hard to explain, but they don't just show and play their gig like many bands do. They really seem into it.
  • Yeah! Absolutely. I remember talking to some friends after the Saskatoon show about it being the lamest crowd the band will probably experience the whole tour (at least it was the quietest yet) (hence the "campfire" references I think), and some of the guys who live there said it was the best crowd they probably have seen in "S'toon" yet. And then I remember thinking afterwards, "ah who cares about the crowd" and to be honest it was kinda nice being able the hear the band better without the added noise. But at the same time, the band usually DOES play more intensely when they ARE feeding off all of that crazy energy of the crowd. I think maybe for a band like Radiohead who are just always in the groove of their own little world, perhaps there's less leeway - they're always gonna be wild musically. But for a band who's music (I would argue) is a thing more that more easily translates physically... I dunno how to explain it, but for me it's not so much just something to listen to (and then fully experience it from there), but more something that makes you move and become more "alive" (har har). Anyhoo, regardless of how I ramble about it, I know for personal experience that when a group of people is more intent on what you're playing, and are seriously into it and appreciate it, it's much more easy to be into it yourself. Ok I'll shuddup. Calgary was fucking TIGHT. And I can't help but think that the surpringsly-good-for-Calgary response at least helped it from being not as tight.
    05/30/03 Van, 09/01/05 Gorge, 09/02/05 Van, 09/04/05 Cal, 09/05/05 Ed, 09/07/05 S'toon, 09/08/05 'Peg, 07/22&23/06 Gorge, 06/14/08 'Roo, 08/08/09 Cal, 09/21/11 Cal, 09/23/11 Ed, 12/02/13 Cal
  • bharQbharQ Posts: 1,201
    i remember when chili peppers came to calgary.... totally lame crowd yet one of the best shows ive ever seen. the crowd only knew the radio hits.. and only the NEW radio hits at that.. when they broke out into a 15 minute funk jam we were totally into it but you'd look down at ppl on the floor and they stood still the entire time like they didn't know what to do... anthony even said before the last song.. 'dont worry guys you can go home soon enough' talking to the ppl in the front..... pearl jam on the other hand was mainly comprised of hardcore and some casual fans and im pretty sure unless you were too wasted to digest what was going on you were witnessing a really amazing show that everybody was into
    09/04/05 - Calgary, AB
    08/02/07 - LOLLA!!!
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    ahhhh...i was just watching the fan-made touringvan dvd...and reliving a bit of the time spent at the shows, reminded me of my fervent wish: to hear oceans live...and i got it, that night in calgary! i remember hugging blue saffron as soon as it began...beautiful memory! :) what a GREAT night!
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • bharQ wrote:
    i remember when chili peppers came to calgary.... totally lame crowd yet one of the best shows ive ever seen. the crowd only knew the radio hits.. and only the NEW radio hits at that.. when they broke out into a 15 minute funk jam we were totally into it but you'd look down at ppl on the floor and they stood still the entire time like they didn't know what to do... anthony even said before the last song.. 'dont worry guys you can go home soon enough' talking to the ppl in the front..... pearl jam on the other hand was mainly comprised of hardcore and some casual fans and im pretty sure unless you were too wasted to digest what was going on you were witnessing a really amazing show that everybody was into

    I had the exact same experience with RHCP in Edmonton.. great show, but the crowd was brutal. During 'suck my kiss' in the second or third chorus, RHCP stopped dead and anthony pointed the mic at the crowd for "SUCK MY KISS" .. nothing. Just brutal. Possibly the worst crowd at a concert that I've ever seen. In contrast, Pearl Jam in Calgary was the best crowd I've ever seen for any show... 17,000 people screaming their lungs out to every word of the show. I think the band was quite taken aback by the response from some city in the middle of cowboy country in Western Canada.
    06/15/03 Fargo
    09/04/05 Calgary
    09/07/05 Saskatoon
  • Actually... maybe they tie for the crowd that was at Blue Rodeo at the Brier Patch in 2004 on the last friday of the Brier. Of course that was a much different demographic of crowd ;)
    06/15/03 Fargo
    09/04/05 Calgary
    09/07/05 Saskatoon
  • wicked time partying in calgary...........head on seats maybe tenth row, not floor........lights on version of rockin in the free world,....amazing!@!!!

    sooo fun

    paul josh nic
    Van '98, Sea I+II '00, Sea '01, Sea II '02, Van '03, Gorge, Van, Cal, Edm '05, Bos I+II, Phi I+II, DC, SF II+III, Port, Gorge I+II '06, DC, NY I+II '08, Sea I+II, Van, Ridge , LA III+IV' 09, Indy '10, Cal, Van '11, Lond, Van, Sea '13, Memphis '14, RRHOF '17, Sea I+II '18, Van I+II, Vegas I+II '24
  • TwoWays wrote:
    I had the exact same experience with RHCP in Edmonton.. great show, but the crowd was brutal. During 'suck my kiss' in the second or third chorus, RHCP stopped dead and anthony pointed the mic at the crowd for "SUCK MY KISS" .. nothing. Just brutal. Possibly the worst crowd at a concert that I've ever seen. In contrast, Pearl Jam in Calgary was the best crowd I've ever seen for any show... 17,000 people screaming their lungs out to every word of the show. I think the band was quite taken aback by the response from some city in the middle of cowboy country in Western Canada.

    I was totally taken off my guard with this crowd... Calgary I thought would be a brutal crowd considering past shows I have attended at the 'Dome...but wow did I get that thrown in my face...most amazing crowd I have ever been a part of....
  • senninsennin Posts: 2,146
    Calgary kicked ass! I wanna go back!
  • loved when the played rocking in the free world with the house lights on...and i met lisa!!!

    Van '98, Sea I+II '00, Sea '01, Sea II '02, Van '03, Gorge, Van, Cal, Edm '05, Bos I+II, Phi I+II, DC, SF II+III, Port, Gorge I+II '06, DC, NY I+II '08, Sea I+II, Van, Ridge , LA III+IV' 09, Indy '10, Cal, Van '11, Lond, Van, Sea '13, Memphis '14, RRHOF '17, Sea I+II '18, Van I+II, Vegas I+II '24
  • I just accepted a job in Banff today, I'm very excited! Does anyone want to go to a nearby show with me come tour time? 215,xxx. I'd love to head somewhere like Seattle. Does anyone want to come????
    Add your benaroya vinyl # to the list!!!
  • RockinInCanadaRockinInCanada Posts: 2,016
    Had to give some more props to this show...just so damn good...
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