Reminder: Ed solo shows taping/camera policy

Ed wants these shows to be intimate and personal experiences with everyone who attends and the open taping and camera policy allowed at Pearl Jam's shows is suspended for Ed's shows. No recording or cameras so no trading of such contraband can possibly happen because the contraband doesn't exist, right? 
Your cooperation on this is very appreciated. Please respect his wishes and you'll have a great experience with just the music and the artist...the memory will be forever in your minds.

Your cooperation on this is very appreciated. Please respect his wishes and you'll have a great experience with just the music and the artist...the memory will be forever in your minds.
Falling down,...not staying down
Post edited by Unknown User on
96 Zurich - 00 RaR - 07 Munich - 10 Berlin - 12 Berlin² - 14 Amsterdam² Berlin - 18 Berlin - 22 Zurich
Eddie Vedder 1 / 27 / 27
19 Düsseldorf
Watch my videos on YouTube
Pearl Jam/ Eddie Vedder Setlist-statistics in Google Drive-document >>>click here<<<
Watching reruns of my life
96 Zurich - 00 RaR - 07 Munich - 10 Berlin - 12 Berlin² - 14 Amsterdam² Berlin - 18 Berlin - 22 Zurich
Eddie Vedder 1 / 27 / 27
19 Düsseldorf
Watch my videos on YouTube
Pearl Jam/ Eddie Vedder Setlist-statistics in Google Drive-document >>>click here<<<
Key Arena - Nov 05, 2000
Gorge Amphitheater - Sep 01, 2005, Jul 22,23, 2006
Key Arena - Sept 21,22, 2009
Alpine Valley - Sept 3, 4 2011
And as long as there will be official bootlegs I am fine with the no taping policy. I really love to relive the concert sitting on the couch... which I just did cos the first show is already online. I had goosebumps all over again!!
Also it really put a smile on my face seeing Mirella with the tambourine during Hard Sun on YT, she really looked happy
2007 : Nijmegen
2009 : Rotterdam
2010 : Nijmegen
2012 : Amsterdam I
but, i do find it rather ironic that eddie has a policy about no taping when he was once recording(making tapes) of springsteen shows etc.
guess he recorded stealth back then :ugeek:
some things will never change and i'm thankful of that
However .. The security were really relaxed about this and nothing like we heard about from the states. Shame really
leeds 26/08/06....electric
paris 11/09/06.....crushed...but estatic
wembley 18/06/07.....oh yes
' can hear the just hold that note and you can go get a bite whilst its still going'
the legend , nigel tufnell
2006: Dublin; Leeds; Arnhem
2007: London
2009: Manchester
2012: Manchester I & II : EV Manchester : Soundgarden Shepherds Bush
2013: Brad Manchester : Soundgarden Manchester
2014: Amsterdam I & II; Berlin; Leeds; Milton Keynes
2018: Berlin; London II; Boston II
Bootleg Reviews:
This. It's more important for a lot of people to have proof of them being there than enjoying the moment.
I think PJ/Eddie should have professional photographers at the shows so you could buy some cool photos of professional quality along with your bootleg later on. Then people wouldn't have to take 20 blurry pics with their iPhones.
2000 Roskilde, 2006 Barcelona, 2007 London, Copenhagen, 2008 New York 1, New York 2, 2009 Berlin, 2010 Dublin, Belfast, 2012 Amsterdam 1, Stockholm, Oslo, Copenhagen, 2013 Brooklyn 1, Brooklyn 2, Philly 2, 2014 Milan, Trieste, Berlin, Stockholm, Milton Keynes
2012 Manchester, London 1, London 2
The security were very tight in the area I was sitting in though,many people were told to stop or they would be escorted out of the venue,it worked,people put their cameras away.Faced with being put out and missing the gig people would choose to put the cameras away.A removal policy should be de rigueur for such behaviour.
As for the set threads,I have never heard nor read anything so ridiculous and irritating.Wankers that spend all their time at the gig updating their egobook and twatters as to what is being played so that the locked out masses can 'feel' as if they are actually there all takes away from the fact it is a gig for the people that got tickets.Not for the people that didn't.
It seems no event is sacred from the pollution that is today's instant society of letting everyone know exactly what you are doing at exactly the time you are doing it.
I loved the days when a gig was a gig with bars closed during a set and no cameras being shoved in the air to gain a grainy picture,are people's memories so poor these days that they can't hold the wonder of what they saw and heard inside as treasures rather than outside as ego strokes.
But most of all the wishes of the artist shoud be respected.
I know right? It's so sad!!! So sad. At my last PJ gig I was on the rail up the front, and at one stage I let this little thing take my spot on the rail so she could see the boys, and you know what she did?? She just stood there filming with her phone (or camera, I can't remember) . . . didn't bother to put the phone away so she could actually clap eyes on the boys with her own blessed sense of sight, no she just looked at that screen the whole time!!! So sad!!!! I don't think I've ever taken a photo at a PJ concert (although fuck I wish I had for some! My outfit in '95 would have been awesome) I'm always too bloody excited and drinking it all in. When I'm really hanging to look at my heroes' faces (which yah, probably happens more than it should) there's like a gazzilion photos online, that are going to be a lot better than the crappy photos I took while waving my arm around in the dark. I can understand wanting to take a few photos of your night (especially of yourself and your mates) but I really don't get documenting the whole thing while you're there, for what? To watch later? To show to people? I'm sure there are some people with really valid reasons for filming (i.e. they promised to film as much as possible for a friend who couldn't make it, or they want to share the gig over youtube with fans who can't make it, or they're a techie-type-geek and love cameras and shit) but every second fucking person is engaging with a concert through a fucking camera these days!!! IT'S SO SAD! SO NAFF! C'mon people, live a little. You can't take your photos with you when you die, but I reckon you can probably take your experiences, and your memories ... ata_player
2010: Newark 5/18 MSG 5/20-21 2011: PJ20 9/3-4 2012: Made In America 9/2
2013: Brooklyn 10/18-19 Philly 10/21-22 Hartford 10/25 2014: ACL10/12
2015: NYC 9/23 2016: Tampa 4/11 Philly 4/28-29 MSG 5/1-2 Fenway 8/5+8/7
2017: RRHoF 4/7 2018: Fenway 9/2+9/4 2021: Sea Hear Now 9/18
2022: MSG 9/11 2024: MSG 9/3-4 Philly 9/7+9/9 Fenway 9/15+9/17
2025: Pittsburgh 5/16+5/18
35000 hits and in HD and 7 pages of comments...hmmm must be for those fans that weren't there!
how nonselfish of the filmer to share that for us all
what was your point?
He was looking the whole time at his screen, and I did see the whole time the light coming of of that screen... :evil:
That being said, I really wish Ed would release official bootlegs. Alot of fans would be willing to pay a fair price for them. I think the fact that he doesn't, it encourages people to record and trade them illegally. The best way to reduce or eliminate these sort of recording devices is is offering a better alternative, rather than double down on enforcing the policy.
Pearl Jam:
Key Arena - Seattle, WA - Sep 21, 2009
Pacific Coliseum - Vancouver, BC - Sep 25, 2011
Key Arena - Seattle, WA - Dec 6, 2013
Eddie Vedder Solo:
Benaroya Hall - Seattle, WA - Jul 15, 2011
Seeing a show is a privilege for people who pay for it. Sure, it's great to see a YouTube video but it's free. We pay to see a unique experience in person. Not to be distracted by a screen.
My comment is totally off the subject but, I saw this video you put up of the saxophone solo and I can't help but notice-->
This is an example of a solo that is note for note perfect but which is missing it's core. It kind of drags, drags, drags, because it doesn't have the emotion driving it forward. :?
I don't see the harm in capturing the audio - it can be concealed so nobody is bothered by it like they are with cameras with the lights and flashing. Not to mention you get to relive the experience and share wonderful music and that ability to recapture that show with anyone else who has been to it - plus people who haven't can revel in hearing different versions of the songs they love
It is a win-win from my perspective
9. No recording or recording devices. If you are caught ... your film, tapes, discs, smart cards, drives or any type of recording will be confiscated and you'll be escorted out of the venue.
I was at the Eddie show at 25-07, first concert ever.
Can't believe people don't respect the wish of the man who you love, adore, understand, cherish, wish for so long time.
Ofcourse it is difficult but photo's are being made in the beginning of the show by professionals with infraredflashes. Only vids and musicrecordings are not made because he doesn't want it.
If you want to see Ed live but can't get to the show, buy Water on the road..
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
Personally I was unaware that there is a totally different attitute towards taking stuff at Eddies gigs to PJ gigs.
I even waited for a number of songs to see whether there was any issue with people being asked to stop etc and there just didnt seem to be any problem with taking stuff. From what I could see from the circle absolutely no one was being stopped.
On that basis I took a few photos and I recorded one song. I have my camera on silent and flipped the screen off when filming, using the viewfinder and didnt need to hold it up so I know it didnt impact on anyone around me. I do appreciate that screens are extremely disctracting and I dont understand why people dont switch them off in particular those that arent even taking anything.
I apologise for not following the rule. It just didnt appear there was one on Saturday. I think maybe if this is really going to be policed you need the artist to appeal to the crowd. If eddie or even someone linked to him had made an announcement at the start then theres no way I would have filmed. Even if the artist doesnt want to do this themselves there needs to be some indication at the venue that its not ok. A prerecorded message even.
This is not a justification for photography on saturday but there are ways and means to take photos at gigs that dont impact on those around you. Every camera has a silent setting - the shutter sound on digital cameras is artificially put there to replicate the sound of a manual camera. Viewfinders can be used. And i have to say that I only try and take photos in the first couple of seconds of a song and then put it away as I agree, we are there for the music at the end of the day.
Given the prevalance of taking photos at gigs, I will repeat what I have said elsewhere, I personally think that there should be one song or a point at the beginning of the gig where the artist says ...snap away for this one and then please put all cameras away.......I genuinely believe 99.999999% would stick with this.
Again, I apologise for taking stuff Sat, and I hope I'm not black listed for admiting it