Why Do People Have to be Haters??

lcusicklcusick Posts: 310
edited May 2012 in The Porch
Just venting. I workout twice a week with my sister and a trainer that we hired together. She is four years older than me. We like to use our IPODs when we work out. My sister has different tastes in music, so we trade off: one day my IPOD and one day hers. I usually put my IPOD on shuffle. Well, naturally since I have many PJ songs on my IPOD there may be a few PJ songs each workout. Everytime it is PJ, she puts the band down, b--atching that she cannot understand Eddie. She never tries to listen to understand. She also makes negative PJ comments other times as well. Meanwhile when it is her IPOD days, I have to hear crap like Lady GaGa. I show more class and just concentrate on my workout and try to tune out her music. Today she was so negative that it makes me want to stop working out with her at all, which makes me even more angry because I am the one who originally found this trainer. It is hard for me to understand at all how someone cannot like Pearl Jam, but more than that- it should be about just tolerating each other's differences. I posted this here because I figure no one else would understand :!:
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • 8181 Posts: 58,276
    normally i would suggest kicking her in the box, but since it's your sister......

    i suggest snagging her ipod when she isn't looking and swapping out all her music for pearl....win win.
    81 is now off the air

  • lcusicklcusick Posts: 310
    LOL- I like the idea of switching out her music to PJ. There's no way that I would take PJ off my IPOD so she just has to deal with it :lol:
  • lukins.lawyerlukins.lawyer Posts: 128
    lcusick wrote:
    Well, naturally since I have many PJ songs on my IPOD there may be a few PJ songs each workout. . . Meanwhile when it is her IPOD days, I have to hear crap like Lady GaGa. . . .

    If I ever meet a girl like you who thinks like this I'll fall blindly in love and she'll take me for everything I've got.
    No need to be void,... or save up on life...
    You got to spend it all.....

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  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    We're going to make our band an official religion. There's only one commandment......Don't be an asshole! ~E.V.
  • RedMosquito02RedMosquito02 Posts: 2,560
    81 wrote:
    normally i would suggest kicking her in the box
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    81 wrote:
    normally i would suggest kicking her in the box

    Hello RedMosquito02. Been to Mardens lately? :wave:
  • PJ Fan 1978PJ Fan 1978 Posts: 165
    Hatin' is like being an alcoholic - you can't help those who don't want to help themselves - if she doesn't want to help herself to a helping of Pearl Jam - more for you :D I'd say it's her loss

    :roll: Maybe some day her eyes and ears will open..........
  • DS1119DS1119 Posts: 33,497
    81 wrote:
    normally i would suggest kicking her in the box, but since it's your sister......

    i suggest snagging her ipod when she isn't looking and swapping out all her music for pearl....win win.

  • RedMosquito02RedMosquito02 Posts: 2,560
    OnTheEdge wrote:
    81 wrote:
    normally i would suggest kicking her in the box

    Hello RedMosquito02. Been to Mardens lately? :wave:
    Mardens Pearl Jam dude!

    Nice to finally see you on here :D

    (I make too many trips to Mardens, btw.)
  • AzWickerAzWicker Posts: 1,162
    Just reset her ipod to the original configuration and be done with it. By the time she reloads all the songs something else will be popular.
    Ed: 2011-07-09 2012-11-04
    PJ: 2011-09-03 2011-09-04
  • KlownKlown Posts: 47

    You could just grow up and accept that not everyone has to love your band. You're acting like a spoilt brat who thinks you are better because you listen to such a band. Maybe when you accept that other people have music tastes outside of yours, you might be able to help yourself more. But then again, 'they just won't get it'

    'Why Do People Have to be Haters??' Well, you're one as well. Take a look in that mirror.
  • dimitrispearljamdimitrispearljam Posts: 139,548
    thats the problem with relatives..you cant choose them..
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    Lots of people don't like PJ ...
    shocking but true

    in my life it has been the rule, one reason why I am here.
    Others don't hear what I do.

    Music is a personal thing / taste perhaps you could be an example and enjoy her music
    or let the trainer pick the music maybe you'll both like that or even better
    you pick her songs she picks yours and you please each other instead of yourselves :D
  • dislocateddislocated Posts: 599
    Klown wrote:

    You could just grow up and accept that not everyone has to love your band. You're acting like a spoilt brat who thinks you are better because you listen to such a band. Maybe when you accept that other people have music tastes outside of yours, you might be able to help yourself more. But then again, 'they just won't get it'

    'Why Do People Have to be Haters??' Well, you're one as well. Take a look in that mirror.

    Sounds like you're a GaGa fan.
  • Tboz51Tboz51 Posts: 2,808
    Why hasn't DS1119 put up that clip of that pickle singing/mimicking "haters be hatin". Or whatever that clip is of??
    "Honesty will always be construed as negative to a dumbass"
  • Jason PJason P Posts: 19,138
  • IgotshitIDIgotshitID Posts: 895
    81 wrote:
    normally i would suggest kicking her in the box,

    St.John's 9/24/2005
    St.John's 9/25/2005
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    Quebec City 5/5/2016
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  • iOnlyownMymindiOnlyownMymind Posts: 2,716
    Why don't you each just listen to your own ipods then if it bothers you both so much? :?
  • beachbellebeachbelle Posts: 95
    The real tragedy is forgetting your iPod altogether! Sux to workout to nothin' but the hum of treadmills and the slamming of weights. :cry:
    "Wind in my hair, I feel part of everywhere..."

  • PilateOfTheStormPilateOfTheStorm Posts: 4,319
    make a playlist of music you BOTH love?
  • lcusicklcusick Posts: 310
    I am not a hater of my sister. I was pointing out that when we exercise to her music, I don't say a word even though I do not like it. So, she should respect me enough to be quiet when a Pearl Jam song comes on. She knows how much I like the band and that I have gone to many of their concerts. She could just tolerate it. She just really hurt my feelings the night I posted the comment because she wouldn't let up through all of "Black" about what a horrible singer Eddie is. I do not "hate" my sister- she is just causing my workout to suck. I realize different people have different tastes in music, but if you care about someone, you do not rip their taste apart, that's all.
  • AlbertaGirl70_AlbertaGirl70_ Posts: 1,738
    lcusick wrote:
    I am not a hater of my sister. I was pointing out that when we exercise to her music, I don't say a word even though I do not like it. So, she should respect me enough to be quiet when a Pearl Jam song comes on. She knows how much I like the band and that I have gone to many of their concerts. She could just tolerate it. She just really hurt my feelings the night I posted the comment because she wouldn't let up through all of "Black" about what a horrible singer Eddie is. I do not "hate" my sister- she is just causing my workout to suck. I realize different people have different tastes in music, but if you care about someone, you do not rip their taste apart, that's all.

    I totally agree with what your saying here,and just wanted to say that if your doing 50/50 on the music,and she's hating on it like that then she's just being a bitch! No offence :lol:
    I will walk w/my hands bound
    I will walk w/my face blood
    I will walk w/my shadow flag

    Memories back when she was smooth and strong
    and waiting for the world to come along...

    Eddie solo Vegas Oct 31,Nov 1 2012
  • London BridgeLondon Bridge Posts: 4,733
    I hate this thread.
    It's such a tragedy :roll:
  • JaneNYJaneNY Posts: 4,438
    lcusick wrote:
    I am not a hater of my sister. I was pointing out that when we exercise to her music, I don't say a word even though I do not like it. So, she should respect me enough to be quiet when a Pearl Jam song comes on. She knows how much I like the band and that I have gone to many of their concerts. She could just tolerate it. She just really hurt my feelings the night I posted the comment because she wouldn't let up through all of "Black" about what a horrible singer Eddie is. I do not "hate" my sister- she is just causing my workout to suck. I realize different people have different tastes in music, but if you care about someone, you do not rip their taste apart, that's all.

    Why don't you tell her exactly what you told us? While not everyone has to like Pearl Jam, I don't see why it is necessary to put them down; I don't think you are putting down what she likes....Tell her how you feel but in a way so she doesn't get defensive.
    R.i.p. Rigoberto Alpizar.
    R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
    R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
  • helplessdancerhelplessdancer Posts: 5,272
    having a genuine respect for someone else's differing opinion is a hard thing to accept

    haters will always hate. it's a fact of life.
  • PKTrekGirlPKTrekGirl Posts: 747
    I know that you want to work out to music...but in this case, it might be necessary to work out without tunes, just to keep the peace. Workout music is just not worth this level of frustration.

    Just go running after your workout, and take your iPod full of PJ along. I have been running to PJ tunes for 20 years and never get tired of it.
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    I think any music is good to work out to...
    gets ya going!

    Can't imagine being fueled without it
  • javis el errantejavis el errante Posts: 6,136
    don't share the ipod... even more, why do you care?
    ... I am not in the business of being liked anymore ...

  • boyo79boyo79 Posts: 6,525
    don't share the ipod... even more, why do you care?
    Why don't you each just listen to your own ipods then if it bothers you both so much? :?

    Also, I would imagine she says those things because she knows how you'll react and its easy to wind you up. At the end of the day, its just a band. No need to be upset because someone doesn't like your favourite band
    2000: Manchester
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  • javis el errantejavis el errante Posts: 6,136
    boyo79 wrote:
    don't share the ipod... even more, why do you care?
    Why don't you each just listen to your own ipods then if it bothers you both so much? :?

    Also, I would imagine she says those things because she knows how you'll react and its easy to wind you up. At the end of the day, its just a band. No need to be upset because someone doesn't like your favourite band

    That,if your sis don't like PJ, she is the one who misses it, and even though we get happy one new 10C members appear here, specially if they are young, in a way we are glad that we aren't that many, otherwise, goods will be sold out even faster...
    ... I am not in the business of being liked anymore ...

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