the snowflakes landed slowly on your eyelashes
forming tears on your warm face
they ran down to our lips
as we smiled together
a sad smile
I awoke with you there for one sad moment
If I had a locket it would be made of gold
And my locket would be as good as old
They say nothing last forever
Nothing but my locket made of gold
And I would save it in my heart
For all the world to see
I would save it my heart
Just so you could see.
Come a little wendy
Come a little slow
Come a little wendy
Hold on tight
Don’t let go.
I don’t need to know the end
Or where it will come to pass
Because in my heart is a golden locket
filled with memories and a picture of you
and in my heart they will always last.
hope you don't mind Pandi but I read your piece and got lost in it.
the snowflakes landed slowly on your eyelashes
forming tears on your warm face
they ran down to our lips
as we smiled together
a sad smile
I awoke with you there for one sad moment
If I had a locket it would be made of gold
And my locket would be as good as old
They say nothing last forever
Nothing but my locket made of gold
And I would save it in my heart
For all the world to see
I would save it my heart
Just so you could see.
Come a little wendy
Come a little slow
Come a little wendy
Hold on tight
Don’t let go.
I don’t need to know the end
Or where it will come to pass
Because in my heart is a golden locket
filled with memories and a picture of you
and in my heart they will always last.
hope you don't mind Pandi but I read your piece and got lost in it.
I never mind you! ever Godfather ... you are forever welcome
and more than that I am always happy to 'see' you!
the snowflakes landed slowly on your eyelashes
forming tears on your warm face
they ran down to our lips
as we smiled together
a sad smile
I awoke with you there for one sad moment
If I had a locket it would be made of gold
And my locket would be as good as old
They say nothing last forever
Nothing but my locket made of gold
And I would save it in my heart
For all the world to see
I would save it my heart
Just so you could see.
Come a little wendy
Come a little slow
Come a little wendy
Hold on tight
Don’t let go.
I don’t need to know the end
Or where it will come to pass
Because in my heart is a golden locket
filled with memories and a picture of you
and in my heart they will always last.
the snowflakes landed slowly on your eyelashes
forming tears on your warm face
they ran down to our lips
as we smiled together
a sad smile
I awoke with you there for one sad moment
If I had a locket it would be made of gold
And my locket would be as good as old
They say nothing last forever
Nothing but my locket made of gold
And I would save it in my heart
For all the world to see
I would save it my heart
Just so you could see.
Come a little wendy
Come a little slow
Come a little wendy
Hold on tight
Don’t let go.
I don’t need to know the end
Or where it will come to pass
Because in my heart is a golden locket
filled with memories and a picture of you
and in my heart they will always last.
the snowflakes landed slowly on your eyelashes
forming tears on your warm face
they ran down to our lips
as we smiled together
a sad smile
I awoke with you there for one sad moment
If I had a locket it would be made of gold
And my locket would be as good as old
They say nothing last forever
Nothing but my locket made of gold
And I would save it in my heart
For all the world to see
I would save it my heart
Just so you could see.
Come a little wendy
Come a little slow
Come a little wendy
Hold on tight
Don’t let go.
I don’t need to know the end
Or where it will come to pass
Because in my heart is a golden locket
filled with memories and a picture of you
and in my heart they will always last.
In the dark I see the sparks from the blanket as I move to cover my chilled feet.
The room is cold, not air conditioned cold but fresh air cold, with a woodsy scent.
The breathing in the room, a peaceful sound, my pack surrounds me.
I feel safe again, protected.
I go over in my mind the flashes of pictures, words, feelings, left behind from the last dream.
Not pretty pictures this time, broken bodies, so much red.
Words that are lies.
The feelings left with me, deceit, betrayal, treachery.
This the exact opposite of where I lie now, with the faithful, my loyal love.
This contrast, when I can still feel, see and know horrible but have wonderful
edging all that away ... out of sight...
I can't help but think this is what it is like to die.
This brings more peace at 2:47 am, peace that stays with me for the day.
In the dark I see the sparks from the blanket as I move to cover my chilled feet.
The room is cold, not air conditioned cold but fresh air cold, with a woodsy scent.
The breathing in the room, a peaceful sound, my pack surrounds me.
I feel safe again, protected.
I go over in my mind the flashes of pictures, words, feelings, left behind from the last dream.
Not pretty pictures this time, broken bodies, so much red.
Words that are lies.
The feelings left with me, deceit, betrayal, treachery.
This the exact opposite of where I lie now, with the faithful, my loyal love.
This contrast, when I can still feel, see and know horrible but have wonderful
edging all that away ... out of sight...
I can't help but think this is what it is like to die.
This brings more peace at 2:47 am, peace that stays with me for the day.
Wow - this is a powerful one!
Cancel my subscription to the Ressurection
Send my credentials to the house of detention
In the dark I see the sparks from the blanket as I move to cover my chilled feet.
The room is cold, not air conditioned cold but fresh air cold, with a woodsy scent.
The breathing in the room, a peaceful sound, my pack surrounds me.
I feel safe again, protected.
I go over in my mind the flashes of pictures, words, feelings, left behind from the last dream.
Not pretty pictures this time, broken bodies, so much red.
Words that are lies.
The feelings left with me, deceit, betrayal, treachery.
This the exact opposite of where I lie now, with the faithful, my loyal love.
This contrast, when I can still feel, see and know horrible but have wonderful
edging all that away ... out of sight...
I can't help but think this is what it is like to die.
This brings more peace at 2:47 am, peace that stays with me for the day.
Beautiful, and complete
Send my credentials to the house of detention
your new avatar is far out and groovy
Yeah man
Send my credentials to the house of detention
until i won't see you again
life is like a raffle
love is too
sometimes you win
sometimes you don't
sometimes you win someone else's want
and they in turn claim what you need
sometimes you never even buy a ticket....
this your fate and the game plays on
startled awake
only minutes passed
where is it I went?
nasty not so little
stoned spider
on the patio
choosen spot to hide
in the open
flat like a rock
marbled in a two tone
nasty little stoned spider
so the battle begins
legs extended
all eyes
on me
you are quick
you can fly
I can not
I don't want to
play God
and squash you
I wouldn't want
to do that to me
but I am not a threat
to God
or am I?
Are we all?
The welt on my leg festers
I swallowed
in my morning coffee
it is stuck
in my throat....
nasty little stoned spider
is here to stay
for the day
Rumour....Table of Ten
echos in the space,
a small room, a big table
a table for Ten
whispers loud, eyes many, lips wet with lies
the stench of Rumour hangs in the air
hearts bleed red against a white tablecloth
Death by word of mouth
Injustice the final burial
Send my credentials to the house of detention
forever face the love that I feel
forever just to live behind your smile
forever just to touch the sun.
I guess it is a sleepy time of the year...
the coming of longer nights
and cool daytime naps
my waking dislikes make into my dreams
forever and ever after
thanks Godfather
yes you
It was sunny there with you
covered in sunshine
bright and warm
the snowflakes landed slowly on your eyelashes
forming tears on your warm face
they ran down to our lips
as we smiled together
a sad smile
I awoke with you there for one sad moment
If I had a locket it would be made of gold
And my locket would be as good as old
They say nothing last forever
Nothing but my locket made of gold
And I would save it in my heart
For all the world to see
I would save it my heart
Just so you could see.
Come a little wendy
Come a little slow
Come a little wendy
Hold on tight
Don’t let go.
I don’t need to know the end
Or where it will come to pass
Because in my heart is a golden locket
filled with memories and a picture of you
and in my heart they will always last.
hope you don't mind Pandi but I read your piece and got lost in it.
and more than that I am always happy to 'see' you!
your writing, this writing, is simply lovely
Thank you!
Pandora :shock:
Godfather :shock:
You guys both gave me chills.
chills are very cool
those overhead
gone ahead
rainbow sky
clouds of every color
floating quickly by
as swift
as the swiftest river
in a reflected waterfall
over the edge
on the edge
etched by sunbeams
the lining of the heart
a place to lay and wait
in the arms of a cloud
to join the clouds
I would like to be ...
blue green
you must learn to say
NO brings....
strength against takers
power against hurters
freedom against wrongs
knowledge against illusion
peace to chaos
NO allows you to enjoy saying YES
It is a lifetime's work
lay me down in a field of dreams
covered by a blanket of sweet gardenias
the roses wilt upon their vines
the petals preserved
carry my scent
sunshine warm my clay soul
and I will blow a tune
in the chimes
for you
any tears that fall for me
will never dry
they are pebbles laid upon my path
say hello
just love your writing - are you ever going to write that book of yours ??!!.
you are very good to me and I think I lack courage/confidence ...
JB is collecting what I write, maybe for my memoirs
He is very good to me too
Enjoy your weekend friend
The room is cold, not air conditioned cold but fresh air cold, with a woodsy scent.
The breathing in the room, a peaceful sound, my pack surrounds me.
I feel safe again, protected.
I go over in my mind the flashes of pictures, words, feelings, left behind from the last dream.
Not pretty pictures this time, broken bodies, so much red.
Words that are lies.
The feelings left with me, deceit, betrayal, treachery.
This the exact opposite of where I lie now, with the faithful, my loyal love.
This contrast, when I can still feel, see and know horrible but have wonderful
edging all that away ... out of sight...
I can't help but think this is what it is like to die.
This brings more peace at 2:47 am, peace that stays with me for the day.
inside a dream
inside my head
inside my other world
He came inside again
So long since I have seen
his lovely face and graying hair
even time moves in my dreams
He walked ahead I did follow
as I always do
the song it played
with words unheard
words He has not yet written
In his box were needs unmet
needs in need of me
He held my hand
we met our needs
Friends in need of a Dream
Wow - this is a powerful one!
Send my credentials to the house of detention
that edge cuts to even read it
thanks Rollings for all you do for me
a little daydream
while the wind whips up some wishes
countless chimes
chimes are the sound of wishes
brought on the wind
whistling in from somewhere
hushed weather words
a whispered background noise
it's sunny somewhere
small sleepy low barks
paws running in place
over fields
fluttering eyelashes tell of chipmunks
never captured
is that a hard rain or a gust of wind
hard to tell but for the chimes
I wish it would rain
the chimes go silent
smile and just be
in a dark subway the air is dank
one light swinging overhead casts shadows
the room is full of waiting
a small red ticket lies in my palm
a ticket to take me somewhere
I can not read it that matters not
somewhere to just be
I can't keep up with somewhere though
I missed it by a moment
left standing on the platform
so many people way too close
some they joke some they lie
some are hidden with disguise
some they seem to care
others not to trust
I see my palm is empty now
the red ticket has been spent
I know my somewhere just to be
is in this room with me
I get a lot from this - thanks
Send my credentials to the house of detention
It is really good!