
Anniversary Downloads - Studio Albums 'Live'



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    Latest Download: Break the Sky: Pearl Jam Live
    (March 11th 2011)

    http://dp-rearviewmirror.blogspot.com/2 ... -live.html



    With help from other board members, Cameron4President, myra, electricxlovex and I have been putting some time into compiling a series of MP3 collections that pull together 'Live' versions of a Pearl Jam studio album. The challenge has been to select some great live performances which capture the mood or sound of an era, whilst also working well together and flowing as a single 'album'. We are very pleased with the albums we have put together so far; and we have been working on them here on the message board as a kind of 'long-distance' online collaborative project.

    I think Cameron4President deserves some serious credit for leading on this - making the general idea a reality, putting in a lot of time, gathering together and selecting a lot of alternative live versions, creating artwork, uploading them, and hosting them on his bootlegs blog:


    He has produced some great collections we can all listen to, share, discuss and enjoy.

    Having just completed 'Ten Live: Then and Now', I thought it would be good to present you with the download links all in one place – for those who are interested in listening. This concept may not appeal to everyone, but we think it works well. No doubt there are better versions which would have worked great together and produced something different, so if you are interested in a making suggestions on future projects, feel free to participate – since we have been making the decisions together here online, based on the feedback posted on the board.


    Here are the links to the projects so far:

    'Mixed Metaphor: Backspacer Live'


    http://dp-rearviewmirror.blogspot.com/2 ... pacer.html

    (Our first collaborative project – we tried to find strong performances which captured the raw energy of the recent tour, and include some cracking versions of some of the Backspacer songs which may not be so popular amongst Backspacer doubters. Have a listen and see what you think of this alternative version of the album. A different show for each song, some choice covers as bonus material to round things off. Dedicated to Dr Stip Zoidberg off of Red Mosquito!)

    'Turpentine and Nepotism: Vs. live'


    http://dp-rearviewmirror.blogspot.com/2 ... -live.html

    (A difficult project to work on, particularly due to the strength of the famous 'Fox' Atlanta broadcast. We took the Fox as the core of the project, and added performances from the Vs era which we thought sounded good, captured the times, and still work together as a listenable album. A barnstorming collection! Vs-era covers as bonus tracks.)

    'Ten Live: Then and Now'


    Disc 1 ('Then')

    http://dp-rearviewmirror.blogspot.com/2 ... isc-1.html

    Disc 2 ('Now')

    http://dp-rearviewmirror.blogspot.com/2 ... isc-2.html

    (Cameron4President's idea to put side by side performances from the Ten era, with those from the recent backspacer tour. It's interesting to hear how far we've come. Disc one is a 'Live Ten' from the Ten era, with Dave A on drums, Disc two is today's lineup, with Matt Cameron showing his qualities, and drawing from the 2009 / 2010 Backspacer shows. Two very different listening experiences...... Intense!!)

    'The Theory of Vitalogy'


    http://dp-rearviewmirror.blogspot.com/2 ... alogy.html

    (Given that it was never going to be possible to recreate the studio album 'live' due to certain tracks never having played live, we followed Cameron4President's lead, and compiled a Vitalogy era collection known as 'The Theory of Vitalogy' which took some sounds, style and some atmosphere from the Self Pollution Radio broadcast (and those times). Kicking off with some swearing and an early 'Jack Irons' Chant – this collection takes the studio album tracklist as its backbone but messes it up a bit, draws heavily on live performances which showcase Jack Irons' memorable playing, and some key performances from the Self Pollution show. With a lot of input and help from other forum members, Myra joined the core team, and after much agonising about tracklist and songs, we have produced our favourite collection yet. A notable omission has been nothingman :( which partly bit the dust due to inferior sound quality in the performances from the selected era, and partly because we wanted to upset people! (joke!). Hope you enjoy!)

    Warning: Features explicit content on several occasions. ;)

    The Kids Are Alright: The Songs of The Who


    http://dp-rearviewmirror.blogspot.com/2 ... f-who.html

    (Keeping things short and snappy - just like the Who - This 14 song collection takes us on a tour of Who 'covers', sequenced in the order in which songs were written (Who said rock and roll can't be educational?). Another favourite of ours.... the sound quality is high, the performances are tight, the mood is good. This is a little different from some of the other PJ Who compilations floating around out there - we didn't want to duplicate those, and tried to come up with something a bit special, drawing on the help and suggestions from the message board. These versions feature no musicians other than the members of Pearl Jam. Another rocking slice of of music to download in time for Xmas!! Enjoy!)

    Light Becomes Stars: Binaural Live


    http://dp-rearviewmirror.blogspot.com/2 ... aural.html

    Looking at the Binaural tour of 2000, we wanted to do something in honour of the victims and survivors of the Roskilde tragedy. It was a difficult project to work on, not always easy listening or easy decisions to take, but working on this compilation was probably the most fulfilling project to date. We had excellent input, choices and contributions from a wide range of board members, and a constructive and supportive atmosphere to work in.

    We had chosen to draw as much as possible from the European shows in 2000 and the official Euro bootlegs, and for the most part we used a different show for each song. We rounded off the collection following the format which has worked for other projects, taking some of the memorable covers and improvs from that part of the tour. The only exception was Parting Ways, which was not played in Europe, which we took from the last show of the 2000 tour in Seattle.

    We hope you enjoy this collection. It can be quite demanding to listen to in places, but we are pleased with the job we have done, and the way forum members contributed so much, and I think we all agree that whilst there were many other song selections which could have been made from this part of the tour, the collection we have ended up with contains some truly outstanding music, and a lot of emotion. With love and peace to Pearl Jam fans everywhere.

    http://dp-rearviewmirror.blogspot.com/2 ... aural.html

    Static Echoes: Yield Live


    http://dp-rearviewmirror.blogspot.com/2 ... -live.html

    Yield is one of Pearl Jam's best loved albums, and we hope we have come up with a collection which will please Yield lovers, and keep the momentum going as we work through the studio albums 'live' with these projects. With Static Echoes: Yield Live, we had to depart from our formula of featuring performances mostly drawn from Soundboard sources. There are relatively few pure soundboard recordings from the 98 tour – and so instead we drew quite heavily on some of the excellent audience boots that are circulating, and those from a hybrid of mono soundboard feeds and audience recording. This gives a different feel and listening experience from the Soundboard projects, and a nice flavour of the 'good old days' of lapping up audience recorded tapes and unofficial bootlegs of the band.

    We are very pleased with the results – with a grittier sound, and nice versions of key tracks which hopefully give a flavour of the era, the tour, and also show different sides to some of the songs on the album. Balancing and selecting the different audience sources next to each other was a challenge in itself, with a smaller pool to choose from after our last project, from the Binaural tour, where we were spoilt by having the official boots to choose from.

    Yield live sounds great, and is often easy to forget you aren't listening to Soundboard recordings (The only Yield tracks that don't include audience sources are Brain of J and Faithfull)

    The collection finishes with bonus tracks: - a sweet 'Improv', and Leatherman, and closes with Fuckin' Up – which featured prominently in the '98 tour.

    Hope you Enjoy!

    http://dp-rearviewmirror.blogspot.com/2 ... -live.html

    The Whispers of War: Riot Act Live


    http://dp-rearviewmirror.blogspot.com/2 ... -live.html

    The Whispers of War: Riot Act Live was another great project to work on – helped by some excellent contributions from the Message Pit, and the luxury of having A LOT of official bootlegs to draw on from the 2003 tour. We are all very pleased with the results – with a really strong collection of Riot Act tracks and a unique ending of 6(!) bonus tracks all with a strong message, which hopefully succeeds in meeting one of our wider aims for these projects – capturing the spirit of a tour. The bonus tracks are a powerful set of numbers with a lot of strong feeling coming from Eddie and the band.

    Highlights of the Riot Act section for us include You Are, Help Help, Thumbing My Way (the only 'electric' version of the tour), All Or None, and Ghost, with a large number of songs really benefiting from the live treatment. Selecting the final version of I am Mine caused some headaches..... with Myra attempting to listen to 27 versions straight at one point!! :) . We found that it was going to be hard to match the majesty of the studio version with I am Mine live, but we think we have chosen one of the strongest versions, to keep the mood of the album rolling along well. This collection is another favourite of ours!

    Overall a project which we have greatly enjoyed working on and listening to, and one we hope you will enjoy listening to as well!

    http://dp-rearviewmirror.blogspot.com/2 ... -live.html

    Break the Sky: Pearl Jam Live


    http://dp-rearviewmirror.blogspot.com/2 ... -live.html

    For this 'Avocado' Live project we had some great contributions from the board, and in particular Dazzler and stateoflove79 worked really hard on the song selection and discussions about how to make this album the best it could be. The result is a first rate sounding collection, drawing on the official tour bootlegs of 2006. The music is very high energy, passionate and loud, and seems to bring the best out of the studio album by showcasing it in the live setting. There are a lot of highlights to be found here! The album is rounded off by some equally passionate bonus tracks from the tour. A lengthy discussion about the relative merits of different performances of 'Gone' led us to settle in the end on Brisbane, which we thought worked really well amongst the rest of the tracks. Working on these projects is always an eye opener to the sheer quality of Pearl Jam as a live outfit, and the incredibly different versions of Gone we got to hear was a real reminder of how so many songs get a unique live performance every time they are played – with tremendous variations in the mood and effect of the song. Everyone working on 'Break the Sky' agreed that this is another of our best sounding collections, and another which we think rivals the studio album. We hope you enjoy it!

    http://dp-rearviewmirror.blogspot.com/2 ... -live.html
    I am the artist formally known as "Cameron4President"....
    1998: Va Beach VA
    2000: Va Beach VA, Columbia MD
    2003: Raleigh NC, Bristow VA
    2008: Washington DC
    2009: Philly 3
    2010: Bristow VA
    2013: Baltimore MD, Charlottesville VA, Charlotte NC
    2014: Cincinnati, OH
    2016: Hampton, VA, Raleigh, NC
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    Latest Download: Break the Sky: Pearl Jam Live
    (March 11th 2011)

    http://dp-rearviewmirror.blogspot.com/2 ... -live.html



    With help from other board members, Cameron4President, myra, electricxlovex and I have been putting some time into compiling a series of MP3 collections that pull together 'Live' versions of a Pearl Jam studio album. The challenge has been to select some great live performances which capture the mood or sound of an era, whilst also working well together and flowing as a single 'album'. We are very pleased with the albums we have put together so far; and we have been working on them here on the message board as a kind of 'long-distance' online collaborative project.

    I think Cameron4President deserves some serious credit for leading on this - making the general idea a reality, putting in a lot of time, gathering together and selecting a lot of alternative live versions, creating artwork, uploading them, and hosting them on his bootlegs blog:


    He has produced some great collections we can all listen to, share, discuss and enjoy.

    Having just completed 'Ten Live: Then and Now', I thought it would be good to present you with the download links all in one place – for those who are interested in listening. This concept may not appeal to everyone, but we think it works well. No doubt there are better versions which would have worked great together and produced something different, so if you are interested in a making suggestions on future projects, feel free to participate – since we have been making the decisions together here online, based on the feedback posted on the board.


    Here are the links to the projects so far:

    'Mixed Metaphor: Backspacer Live'


    http://dp-rearviewmirror.blogspot.com/2 ... pacer.html

    (Our first collaborative project – we tried to find strong performances which captured the raw energy of the recent tour, and include some cracking versions of some of the Backspacer songs which may not be so popular amongst Backspacer doubters. Have a listen and see what you think of this alternative version of the album. A different show for each song, some choice covers as bonus material to round things off. Dedicated to Dr Stip Zoidberg off of Red Mosquito!)

    'Turpentine and Nepotism: Vs. live'


    http://dp-rearviewmirror.blogspot.com/2 ... -live.html

    (A difficult project to work on, particularly due to the strength of the famous 'Fox' Atlanta broadcast. We took the Fox as the core of the project, and added performances from the Vs era which we thought sounded good, captured the times, and still work together as a listenable album. A barnstorming collection! Vs-era covers as bonus tracks.)

    'Ten Live: Then and Now'


    Disc 1 ('Then')

    http://dp-rearviewmirror.blogspot.com/2 ... isc-1.html

    Disc 2 ('Now')

    http://dp-rearviewmirror.blogspot.com/2 ... isc-2.html

    (Cameron4President's idea to put side by side performances from the Ten era, with those from the recent backspacer tour. It's interesting to hear how far we've come. Disc one is a 'Live Ten' from the Ten era, with Dave A on drums, Disc two is today's lineup, with Matt Cameron showing his qualities, and drawing from the 2009 / 2010 Backspacer shows. Two very different listening experiences...... Intense!!)

    'The Theory of Vitalogy'


    http://dp-rearviewmirror.blogspot.com/2 ... alogy.html

    (Given that it was never going to be possible to recreate the studio album 'live' due to certain tracks never having played live, we followed Cameron4President's lead, and compiled a Vitalogy era collection known as 'The Theory of Vitalogy' which took some sounds, style and some atmosphere from the Self Pollution Radio broadcast (and those times). Kicking off with some swearing and an early 'Jack Irons' Chant – this collection takes the studio album tracklist as its backbone but messes it up a bit, draws heavily on live performances which showcase Jack Irons' memorable playing, and some key performances from the Self Pollution show. With a lot of input and help from other forum members, Myra joined the core team, and after much agonising about tracklist and songs, we have produced our favourite collection yet. A notable omission has been nothingman :( which partly bit the dust due to inferior sound quality in the performances from the selected era, and partly because we wanted to upset people! (joke!). Hope you enjoy!)

    Warning: Features explicit content on several occasions. ;)

    The Kids Are Alright: The Songs of The Who


    http://dp-rearviewmirror.blogspot.com/2 ... f-who.html

    (Keeping things short and snappy - just like the Who - This 14 song collection takes us on a tour of Who 'covers', sequenced in the order in which songs were written (Who said rock and roll can't be educational?). Another favourite of ours.... the sound quality is high, the performances are tight, the mood is good. This is a little different from some of the other PJ Who compilations floating around out there - we didn't want to duplicate those, and tried to come up with something a bit special, drawing on the help and suggestions from the message board. These versions feature no musicians other than the members of Pearl Jam. Another rocking slice of of music to download in time for Xmas!! Enjoy!)

    Light Becomes Stars: Binaural Live


    http://dp-rearviewmirror.blogspot.com/2 ... aural.html

    Looking at the Binaural tour of 2000, we wanted to do something in honour of the victims and survivors of the Roskilde tragedy. It was a difficult project to work on, not always easy listening or easy decisions to take, but working on this compilation was probably the most fulfilling project to date. We had excellent input, choices and contributions from a wide range of board members, and a constructive and supportive atmosphere to work in.

    We had chosen to draw as much as possible from the European shows in 2000 and the official Euro bootlegs, and for the most part we used a different show for each song. We rounded off the collection following the format which has worked for other projects, taking some of the memorable covers and improvs from that part of the tour. The only exception was Parting Ways, which was not played in Europe, which we took from the last show of the 2000 tour in Seattle.

    We hope you enjoy this collection. It can be quite demanding to listen to in places, but we are pleased with the job we have done, and the way forum members contributed so much, and I think we all agree that whilst there were many other song selections which could have been made from this part of the tour, the collection we have ended up with contains some truly outstanding music, and a lot of emotion. With love and peace to Pearl Jam fans everywhere.

    http://dp-rearviewmirror.blogspot.com/2 ... aural.html

    Static Echoes: Yield Live


    http://dp-rearviewmirror.blogspot.com/2 ... -live.html

    Yield is one of Pearl Jam's best loved albums, and we hope we have come up with a collection which will please Yield lovers, and keep the momentum going as we work through the studio albums 'live' with these projects. With Static Echoes: Yield Live, we had to depart from our formula of featuring performances mostly drawn from Soundboard sources. There are relatively few pure soundboard recordings from the 98 tour – and so instead we drew quite heavily on some of the excellent audience boots that are circulating, and those from a hybrid of mono soundboard feeds and audience recording. This gives a different feel and listening experience from the Soundboard projects, and a nice flavour of the 'good old days' of lapping up audience recorded tapes and unofficial bootlegs of the band.

    We are very pleased with the results – with a grittier sound, and nice versions of key tracks which hopefully give a flavour of the era, the tour, and also show different sides to some of the songs on the album. Balancing and selecting the different audience sources next to each other was a challenge in itself, with a smaller pool to choose from after our last project, from the Binaural tour, where we were spoilt by having the official boots to choose from.

    Yield live sounds great, and is often easy to forget you aren't listening to Soundboard recordings (The only Yield tracks that don't include audience sources are Brain of J and Faithfull)

    The collection finishes with bonus tracks: - a sweet 'Improv', and Leatherman, and closes with Fuckin' Up – which featured prominently in the '98 tour.

    Hope you Enjoy!

    http://dp-rearviewmirror.blogspot.com/2 ... -live.html

    The Whispers of War: Riot Act Live


    http://dp-rearviewmirror.blogspot.com/2 ... -live.html

    The Whispers of War: Riot Act Live was another great project to work on – helped by some excellent contributions from the Message Pit, and the luxury of having A LOT of official bootlegs to draw on from the 2003 tour. We are all very pleased with the results – with a really strong collection of Riot Act tracks and a unique ending of 6(!) bonus tracks all with a strong message, which hopefully succeeds in meeting one of our wider aims for these projects – capturing the spirit of a tour. The bonus tracks are a powerful set of numbers with a lot of strong feeling coming from Eddie and the band.

    Highlights of the Riot Act section for us include You Are, Help Help, Thumbing My Way (the only 'electric' version of the tour), All Or None, and Ghost, with a large number of songs really benefiting from the live treatment. Selecting the final version of I am Mine caused some headaches..... with Myra attempting to listen to 27 versions straight at one point!! :) . We found that it was going to be hard to match the majesty of the studio version with I am Mine live, but we think we have chosen one of the strongest versions, to keep the mood of the album rolling along well. This collection is another favourite of ours!

    Overall a project which we have greatly enjoyed working on and listening to, and one we hope you will enjoy listening to as well!

    http://dp-rearviewmirror.blogspot.com/2 ... -live.html

    Break the Sky: Pearl Jam Live


    http://dp-rearviewmirror.blogspot.com/2 ... -live.html

    For this 'Avocado' Live project we had some great contributions from the board, and in particular Dazzler and stateoflove79 worked really hard on the song selection and discussions about how to make this album the best it could be. The result is a first rate sounding collection, drawing on the official tour bootlegs of 2006. The music is very high energy, passionate and loud, and seems to bring the best out of the studio album by showcasing it in the live setting. There are a lot of highlights to be found here! The album is rounded off by some equally passionate bonus tracks from the tour. A lengthy discussion about the relative merits of different performances of 'Gone' led us to settle in the end on Brisbane, which we thought worked really well amongst the rest of the tracks. Working on these projects is always an eye opener to the sheer quality of Pearl Jam as a live outfit, and the incredibly different versions of Gone we got to hear was a real reminder of how so many songs get a unique live performance every time they are played – with tremendous variations in the mood and effect of the song. Everyone working on 'Break the Sky' agreed that this is another of our best sounding collections, and another which we think rivals the studio album. We hope you enjoy it!

    http://dp-rearviewmirror.blogspot.com/2 ... -live.html

    Sunday Bump!!
    I am the artist formally known as "Cameron4President"....
    1998: Va Beach VA
    2000: Va Beach VA, Columbia MD
    2003: Raleigh NC, Bristow VA
    2008: Washington DC
    2009: Philly 3
    2010: Bristow VA
    2013: Baltimore MD, Charlottesville VA, Charlotte NC
    2014: Cincinnati, OH
    2016: Hampton, VA, Raleigh, NC
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    myramyra Posts: 1,257

    Sunday Bump!!

    Less than one week left :-D
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    myra wrote:

    Sunday Bump!!

    Less than one week left :-D

    It's Here, Project #10 has begun:

    I am the artist formally known as "Cameron4President"....
    1998: Va Beach VA
    2000: Va Beach VA, Columbia MD
    2003: Raleigh NC, Bristow VA
    2008: Washington DC
    2009: Philly 3
    2010: Bristow VA
    2013: Baltimore MD, Charlottesville VA, Charlotte NC
    2014: Cincinnati, OH
    2016: Hampton, VA, Raleigh, NC
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    tremorstremors Posts: 8,051
    The Ascending Road Ahead: No Code Live


    http://dp-rearviewmirror.blogspot.com/2 ... -code.html

    With The Ascending Road Ahead: No Code Live, we have completed the 'Live' treatment of all of Pearl Jam's studio albums!!! For this project we again drew quite heavily on audience sourced recordings, but the sound quality is actually very high. The Ascending Road ahead delivers the good ole 'Live' treatment to one of our favourite studio albums, drawing exclusively from the 1996 tour – with the collection capturing a lot of the live sound of that era, featuring Jack Irons' memorable drumming style, and some storming live versions of the fantastic songs on this album. A great listen when you need to hear No Code, with a 'twist'.

    With this project we wanted to prioritise the best sounding cuts, above the 'show diversity' we have sometimes gone for in previous projects (particularly the Official Bootleg projects). As a result No Code Live features a strong showing from the Hartford and Berlin – as well as drawing more widely from the best sounding bootlegs and the best sounding songs we could find.

    The bonus section includes an improvisation, a short but sweet rendition of the Doors' Roadhouse Blues, and closes with a rockin Leaving Here. The project team identified a lot of highlights within this collection – with one member or another highlighting almost every single song in the project as a highlight. Highlights include the Bridge School numbers, which have a great mood, which often comes at the Bridge, Red Mosquito and In My Tree amongst others, but there are some great great live performances throughout the collection – including I'm Open, which we had to cull from a Soundcheck! ;)

    We hope you enjoy listening to The Ascending Road Ahead: No Code Live

    http://dp-rearviewmirror.blogspot.com/2 ... -code.html
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    tremorstremors Posts: 8,051

    So! we have now completed all the Studio albums, and I thought I would take this opportunity to say a little about this. Over the last 6 months or so we have worked very hard on these projects, and received tremendous help, encouragement and positive feedback from the Message Pit. I think it's a big achievement to have tackled the entire studio catalogue, and work on them in this collaborative way, and it has been a lot of fun. Whilst other Pearl Jam websites and blogs etc have often produced some great live compilations, I don't think any of them have approached the challenge in the way we have – as a group - with online discussion, collective reviewing of tracks, long distance online communication – and a lot of late nights!! So, everyone involved in contributing to the projects should be very proud of what we've achieved – something substantial which will stand as a unique collection of live Pearl Jam material, and a damn good listening experience! We have one more treat in store for you, before we take a deserved break – so watch this space over the coming weeks!!

    Finally, I'd like to repeat what I said back at the beginning of this challenge – Maximum Kudos to Cameron4President for his lead - pulling these projects together, keeping us all on track, producing some great artwork, providing all the downloads and mp3 editing, and, through a lot of hard work – making these projects a reality. Many thanks Dan!!

    Hope you enjoy the music!

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    tremors wrote:

    So! we have now completed all the Studio albums, and I thought I would take this opportunity to say a little about this. Over the last 6 months or so we have worked very hard on these projects, and received tremendous help, encouragement and positive feedback from the Message Pit. I think it's a big achievement to have tackled the entire studio catalogue, and work on them in this collaborative way, and it has been a lot of fun. Whilst other Pearl Jam websites and blogs etc have often produced some great live compilations, I don't think any of them have approached the challenge in the way we have – as a group - with online discussion, collective reviewing of tracks, long distance online communication – and a lot of late nights!! So, everyone involved in contributing to the projects should be very proud of what we've achieved – something substantial which will stand as a unique collection of live Pearl Jam material, and a damn good listening experience! We have one more treat in store for you, before we take a deserved break – so watch this space over the coming weeks!!

    Finally, I'd like to repeat what I said back at the beginning of this challenge – Maximum Kudos to Cameron4President for his lead - pulling these projects together, keeping us all on track, producing some great artwork, providing all the downloads and mp3 editing, and, through a lot of hard work – making these projects a reality. Many thanks Dan!!

    Hope you enjoy the music!


    Excellent words as usual Tremors. Thanks for giving me (and others) this opportunity to discuss, produce, and enjoy these projects over the past 6 months. It's been a fun ride.

    Thank you Myra and Electricxlovex for jumping in and joining this group of Pearl Jam bootleg nuts. These projects would have never gotten to the point or have been as good as they are without your help and assistance.

    Lastly, I would like to thank our newest cohorts/"partners in crime" Dazzler and Stateoflove79, you guys took these projects to the next level. I hope that you will be back with us next fall.
    tremors wrote:
    We have one more treat in store for you, before we take a deserved break
    :thumbup: I am working on this as I type this message :D
    I am the artist formally known as "Cameron4President"....
    1998: Va Beach VA
    2000: Va Beach VA, Columbia MD
    2003: Raleigh NC, Bristow VA
    2008: Washington DC
    2009: Philly 3
    2010: Bristow VA
    2013: Baltimore MD, Charlottesville VA, Charlotte NC
    2014: Cincinnati, OH
    2016: Hampton, VA, Raleigh, NC
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    Weekend bump.
    I am the artist formally known as "Cameron4President"....
    1998: Va Beach VA
    2000: Va Beach VA, Columbia MD
    2003: Raleigh NC, Bristow VA
    2008: Washington DC
    2009: Philly 3
    2010: Bristow VA
    2013: Baltimore MD, Charlottesville VA, Charlotte NC
    2014: Cincinnati, OH
    2016: Hampton, VA, Raleigh, NC
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    easter sunday bump :D

    happy easter everyone

    enjoy it with these egg-cellent projects :)
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    Leezestarr313Leezestarr313 Temple of the cat Posts: 14,346
    Thank you, guys, this looks very, very good :thumbup: I'm downloading it right now and will give it a listen very soon 8-) Since the Berlin '96 gig was my first PJ gig, this era is somewhat special to me, so I'm really curious and excited :D
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    tremorstremors Posts: 8,051
    Leeze wrote:
    Thank you, guys, this looks very, very good :thumbup: I'm downloading it right now and will give it a listen very soon 8-) Since the Berlin '96 gig was my first PJ gig, this era is somewhat special to me, so I'm really curious and excited :D

    Great Lisa - hope you enjoy! Let us know what you think :D
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    tremors wrote:
    Leeze wrote:
    Thank you, guys, this looks very, very good :thumbup: I'm downloading it right now and will give it a listen very soon 8-) Since the Berlin '96 gig was my first PJ gig, this era is somewhat special to me, so I'm really curious and excited :D

    Great Lisa - hope you enjoy! Let us know what you think :D

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    myramyra Posts: 1,257
    Leeze wrote:
    Thank you, guys, this looks very, very good :thumbup: I'm downloading it right now and will give it a listen very soon 8-) Since the Berlin '96 gig was my first PJ gig, this era is somewhat special to me, so I'm really curious and excited :D

    Oh my God Leeze, I can't believe you were at this show !!! I'm officially jealous :) . How awesome to have Berlin '96 as a first show !!
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    Leezestarr313Leezestarr313 Temple of the cat Posts: 14,346
    myra wrote:
    Leeze wrote:
    Thank you, guys, this looks very, very good :thumbup: I'm downloading it right now and will give it a listen very soon 8-) Since the Berlin '96 gig was my first PJ gig, this era is somewhat special to me, so I'm really curious and excited :D

    Oh my God Leeze, I can't believe you were at this show !!! I'm officially jealous :) . How awesome to have Berlin '96 as a first show !!


    Ok, listening to it now ...
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    Leezestarr313Leezestarr313 Temple of the cat Posts: 14,346
    I'm finished now and I must say that you put together a GREAT compilation! I listened to it with very good headphones and I absolutely love the overall sound quality. You made some really good choices on that one. I especially liked the Who you are-In my tree-Smile-Off he goes quadruple. The Red mosquito version was new to me - I'm also a big fan of the Berlin version, obviously, but this one had a very cool tight touch :thumbup:. Lukin was superb in this kind of midi tempo, Present Tense was BEAUTIFUL, the Improv was lovely as well and I appreciated the fact that you closed the compilation with Leaving here - I love this song!

    You did a great job again, thank you :clap::clap::clap::D
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    myramyra Posts: 1,257
    Leeze wrote:
    I'm finished now and I must say that you put together a GREAT compilation! I listened to it with very good headphones and I absolutely love the overall sound quality. You made some really good choices on that one. I especially liked the Who you are-In my tree-Smile-Off he goes quadruple. The Red mosquito version was new to me - I'm also a big fan of the Berlin version, obviously, but this one had a very cool tight touch :thumbup:. Lukin was superb in this kind of midi tempo, Present Tense was BEAUTIFUL, the Improv was lovely as well and I appreciated the fact that you closed the compilation with Leaving here - I love this song!

    You did a great job again, thank you :clap::clap::clap::D


    Thanks a lot ! Glad you like it !
  • Options
    Leeze wrote:
    I'm finished now and I must say that you put together a GREAT compilation! I listened to it with very good headphones and I absolutely love the overall sound quality. You made some really good choices on that one. I especially liked the Who you are-In my tree-Smile-Off he goes quadruple. The Red mosquito version was new to me - I'm also a big fan of the Berlin version, obviously, but this one had a very cool tight touch :thumbup:. Lukin was superb in this kind of midi tempo, Present Tense was BEAUTIFUL, the Improv was lovely as well and I appreciated the fact that you closed the compilation with Leaving here - I love this song!

    You did a great job again, thank you :clap::clap::clap::D

    it's great that you liked it! :D glad that you liked in my tree and smile - two of the trickier songs to pick

    present tense is definitely beautiful

    thanks for the feedback :D
  • Options
    Dead Man WalkingDead Man Walking Toronto-ish Posts: 2,762
    I just started listening to all of these (just started with Backspacer) and I wanted to say two things...

    1) Thanks a lot for doing this
    2) The woman yelling during The End should be ashamed of herself...
  • Options
    tremorstremors Posts: 8,051
    I just started listening to all of these (just started with Backspacer) and I wanted to say two things...

    1) Thanks a lot for doing this
    2) The woman yelling during The End should be ashamed of herself...

    Yeah, that version of The End is a bit of a battle between singer and audience.... :!:

    Let us know what you think of them, if you are working through! Thanks :D
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    tremorstremors Posts: 8,051
    Leeze wrote:
    I'm finished now and I must say that you put together a GREAT compilation! I listened to it with very good headphones and I absolutely love the overall sound quality. You made some really good choices on that one. I especially liked the Who you are-In my tree-Smile-Off he goes quadruple. The Red mosquito version was new to me - I'm also a big fan of the Berlin version, obviously, but this one had a very cool tight touch :thumbup:. Lukin was superb in this kind of midi tempo, Present Tense was BEAUTIFUL, the Improv was lovely as well and I appreciated the fact that you closed the compilation with Leaving here - I love this song!

    You did a great job again, thank you :clap::clap::clap::D

    Thanks for the review Lisa! Glad you liked it :D
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    fatpowerfatpower Posts: 1
    Great Job. :shock: ;)
    Congratulations !!!!
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    HeavyHandsHeavyHands Posts: 2,130
    Downloading the latest now. Can't wait to give it a listen! Thanks all, for your time and effort!
    "A lot more people are capable of being big out there that just don't give themselves a chance." -Stone Gossard
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    fatpower wrote:
    Great Job. :shock: ;)
    Congratulations !!!!
    HeavyHands wrote:
    Downloading the latest now. Can't wait to give it a listen! Thanks all, for your time and effort!

    thank you both :)

    hope you enjoy them as much as I do :D it was lots of fun to help make them with the others :)
  • Options
    myramyra Posts: 1,257
    fatpower wrote:
    Great Job. :shock: ;)
    Congratulations !!!!
    HeavyHands wrote:
    Downloading the latest now. Can't wait to give it a listen! Thanks all, for your time and effort!

    thank you both :)

    hope you enjoy them as much as I do :D it was lots of fun to help make them with the others :)


    Nice first post, Fatpower ;)
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    TheRealDanPatchTheRealDanPatch Posts: 1,854
    A big thank you to everybody that has helped with these projects. It has been a tremendous amount of fun and I have personally enjoyed helping to create these compilations and having the opportunity to talk with so many of you. As a way to cap all of these projects off and finish strong, we have decided to put all of these compilations in one giant box. The Projects Box Set comprises all of the live studio album projects, plus a bonus tenth disc of rarities that was compiled by Myra and myself with the help of stateoflove79 and Dazzler over the past couple of weeks. Both "Ten Live" and "Vs Live" have bonus track added as well. We hope you will enjoy this and that you have enjoyed the previous projects.



    http://dp-rearviewmirror.blogspot.com/2 ... x-set.html
    I am the artist formally known as "Cameron4President"....
    1998: Va Beach VA
    2000: Va Beach VA, Columbia MD
    2003: Raleigh NC, Bristow VA
    2008: Washington DC
    2009: Philly 3
    2010: Bristow VA
    2013: Baltimore MD, Charlottesville VA, Charlotte NC
    2014: Cincinnati, OH
    2016: Hampton, VA, Raleigh, NC
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    Leezestarr313Leezestarr313 Temple of the cat Posts: 14,346
    A big thank you to everybody that has helped with these projects. It has been a tremendous amount of fun and I have personally enjoyed helping to create these compilations and having the opportunity to talk with so many of you. As a way to cap all of these projects off and finish strong, we have decided to put all of these compilations in one giant box. The Projects Box Set comprises all of the live studio album projects, plus a bonus tenth disc of rarities that was compiled by Myra and myself with the help of stateoflove79 and Dazzler over the past couple of weeks. Both "Ten Live" and "Vs Live" have bonus track added as well. We hope you will enjoy this and that you have enjoyed the previous projects.



    http://dp-rearviewmirror.blogspot.com/2 ... x-set.html

    Wow! Thanks a lot to all of you who have been doing this! I appreaciate your work and the efforts you put in it a lot :clap::clap:
  • Options
    TheRealDanPatchTheRealDanPatch Posts: 1,854
    Leeze wrote:
    A big thank you to everybody that has helped with these projects. It has been a tremendous amount of fun and I have personally enjoyed helping to create these compilations and having the opportunity to talk with so many of you. As a way to cap all of these projects off and finish strong, we have decided to put all of these compilations in one giant box. The Projects Box Set comprises all of the live studio album projects, plus a bonus tenth disc of rarities that was compiled by Myra and myself with the help of stateoflove79 and Dazzler over the past couple of weeks. Both "Ten Live" and "Vs Live" have bonus track added as well. We hope you will enjoy this and that you have enjoyed the previous projects.



    http://dp-rearviewmirror.blogspot.com/2 ... x-set.html

    Wow! Thanks a lot to all of you who have been doing this! I appreaciate your work and the efforts you put in it a lot :clap::clap:

    You are very welcome. I hope that you enjoy this one. It's been a lot of fun and I know that as a group we love to get nice comments like this. Thanks.
    I am the artist formally known as "Cameron4President"....
    1998: Va Beach VA
    2000: Va Beach VA, Columbia MD
    2003: Raleigh NC, Bristow VA
    2008: Washington DC
    2009: Philly 3
    2010: Bristow VA
    2013: Baltimore MD, Charlottesville VA, Charlotte NC
    2014: Cincinnati, OH
    2016: Hampton, VA, Raleigh, NC
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    SatansFutonSatansFuton Posts: 5,399
    What concert has some woman yelling during "The End"? I don't have these Live Studio Albums, but I have all the bootlegs and I was just curious as to which show this was.
    "See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
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    myramyra Posts: 1,257
    Leeze wrote:
    A big thank you to everybody that has helped with these projects. It has been a tremendous amount of fun and I have personally enjoyed helping to create these compilations and having the opportunity to talk with so many of you. As a way to cap all of these projects off and finish strong, we have decided to put all of these compilations in one giant box. The Projects Box Set comprises all of the live studio album projects, plus a bonus tenth disc of rarities that was compiled by Myra and myself with the help of stateoflove79 and Dazzler over the past couple of weeks. Both "Ten Live" and "Vs Live" have bonus track added as well. We hope you will enjoy this and that you have enjoyed the previous projects.



    http://dp-rearviewmirror.blogspot.com/2 ... x-set.html

    Wow! Thanks a lot to all of you who have been doing this! I appreaciate your work and the efforts you put in it a lot :clap::clap:

    You are very welcome. I hope that you enjoy this one. It's been a lot of fun and I know that as a group we love to get nice comments like this. Thanks.

    Yeah, this was so much fun !! It's really cool to read that people enjoy what came out of it ! :D
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    TheRealDanPatchTheRealDanPatch Posts: 1,854
    What concert has some woman yelling during "The End"? I don't have these Live Studio Albums, but I have all the bootlegs and I was just curious as to which show this was.

    I think it was from the Brisbane, Australia (November 15, 2009) show.
    I am the artist formally known as "Cameron4President"....
    1998: Va Beach VA
    2000: Va Beach VA, Columbia MD
    2003: Raleigh NC, Bristow VA
    2008: Washington DC
    2009: Philly 3
    2010: Bristow VA
    2013: Baltimore MD, Charlottesville VA, Charlotte NC
    2014: Cincinnati, OH
    2016: Hampton, VA, Raleigh, NC
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