Hey fellow Pearl Jam fans.



  • So cool finding other young Pearl Jam fans! I'm 17 and have been listening to Pearl Jam almost my entire life. My parents have always been huge fans, and now I am a bigger fan than even they are. :) They've always been one of my absolute favorite bands and I've been wanting to join the Pit for a while, but only just recently had time. It's certainly refreshing to find more people my age that are into PJ
  • Hey there, welcome to the message pit!

    My story is similar to yours, dad was big fan when they came out... so I've been listening to them since the beginning pretty much, I'm just a few years older than you - 19. I also happen to like Ten the best with Vs. at a very close second, but I love them all.

    Yeah tens always been of my favorites but no codes pretty high up there too.
    =] have u seem them live?
    I haven't yet but im gonna go to their next show :)
    Seattle Key Arena 9-21-2009
    Seattle Key Arena 9-22-2009
  • SENROCKSENROCK Posts: 10,736
    Yo! My names Sierra I'm fifteen and I've been listening to Pearl Jam since I was a toddler (my parents were huge fans). I used to listen to their song "Bugs" all the time when I was really little hahah. Whenever I listen to wishlist I remember being a little kid, sitting on the porch of my Seattle home listening to PJ on the stereo, ahh, simple times with no highschool stress or anything.
    Pearl Jam means a lot to me, they were the first music I heard, and they really inspired my musical style as a musician today (bass and guitar). They are by far my favorite band, I think they are the best band of all time really.
    I have all their albums! The live in new york @ the garden one is awesome i love their cover of crazy mary.
    Anyways, introduce yourself to me I'm new to the message boards and the ten club. Whats your favorite Pj stuff?

    Welcome to THE PIT sierra! Im SEN! and if you need something, i'll be around!!!! :D
    ~~~~~~ALWAYS HAVE A GOOD TIME~~~~~~
    Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!

    "Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95

    It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
  • PJamGrunge10PJamGrunge10 California Posts: 596
    Yeah tens always been of my favorites but no codes pretty high up there too.
    =] have u seem them live?
    I haven't yet but im gonna go to their next show :)

    I have not seen them live unfortunately... but it's on my mandatory to-do list next time they come around!
    Stone Gossard...riffmeister extraordinaire!

    I am a man, I am advanced.....I am the first man to borrow Stone's leather pants!
  • SENROCK! wrote:
    Welcome to THE PIT sierra! Im SEN! and if you need something, i'll be around!!!! :D

    cool, thanks sen!
    p.s. cool name.
    Seattle Key Arena 9-21-2009
    Seattle Key Arena 9-22-2009
  • CitizenRickCitizenRick Posts: 1,079
    Congratulations on finding your way through the muck! Your parents are to be congratulated as well. I have a 22 year old sister and she waves her PJ flag proudly as well.

    Vitalogy is simply a masterpiece! I'm glad you didn't skip bugs...every track on that album is essential to the story to being told.

    There isn't a bad album in the catalogue. Welcome to the promised land of music.
    "Had my eyes peeled both wide open, and I got a glimpse...of my innocense, got back my inner sence, baby got it...still got it"
  • Welcome:)
  • Welcome to the Message Pit!

    You mentioned Crazy Mary in your original post and I just wanted to mention that my favorite version is the one off the "Sweet Relief" CD from 1993.

    Check it out!
  • Welcome! Always good to have another youngster on board :D

    Pull up a chair and get yourself comfy, promise we don't bite ;)

    My name is Sian and I started listening to PJ at about the same age you are now (Sheesh! that was about 10 years ago :o). The album I always reach for first is Yield and my favourite song by the boys is Better Man. I first saw them in 2006 (shoddy, I know :rolleyes: ) at the Reading festival.

    I think it's awesome that your folks put you onto PJ so early, you're one lucky Jammer :)
    Been to this many PJ shows: Reading 2006 London 2007 Manchester & London 2009 Dublin, Belfast, London, Nijmegen & Berlin 2010 Manchester 1 & Manchester 2 2012...

    ... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
  • w00t w00t! welcome!!
    I'm old school, but love Pearl Jam just the same :D
    "I heard some people up here pointing out the ukelele...it's a mandolin, you uncultured bastards!" EV

    If nothing is everything, I'll have it all

    Hard to Imagine: http://lightyourpillow.blogspot.com
  • My name is ilovesing/Epiphany,and I am on the AET and Other Music places most,but you will see me around here from time to time.
    To Someone Who Needed To Move Their Car:"Congratulations! You win,you get towed!"-E.V.

    ilovesinging-The crazy lady that you catch in detention. Yeah,you can talk to me.
    I am me-I would love to keep it that way.
  • writersuwritersu Posts: 1,867
    Yo! My names Sierra I'm fifteen and I've been listening to Pearl Jam since I was a toddler (my parents were huge fans). I used to listen to their song "Bugs" all the time when I was really little hahah. Whenever I listen to wishlist I remember being a little kid, sitting on the porch of my Seattle home listening to PJ on the stereo, ahh, simple times with no highschool stress or anything.
    Pearl Jam means a lot to me, they were the first music I heard, and they really inspired my musical style as a musician today (bass and guitar). They are by far my favorite band, I think they are the best band of all time really.
    I have all their albums! The live in new york @ the garden one is awesome i love their cover of crazy mary.
    Anyways, introduce yourself to me I'm new to the message boards and the ten club. Whats your favorite Pj stuff?

    welcome little one!

    (just kidding............I have kids all around your age; so I was TRYING to be FUNNY)............

    well, that is awesome that your parents got you into PJ and you also like them still now that you can choose your own music. cool, really. And I have this image in my head that all Seattle people get to go to the local Starbucks and see Eddie Vedder...........(see, age doesn't prove reason.....)

    I think I like a lot of different PJ stuff because a lot of it came out at such different times of my life that I can relate something that happened as it was happening. That is true for me with other bands , like Led Zeppelin for example, but since I have listened to Pearl Jam a lot of my adult life, I guess I think of them differently.
    I love RearViewMirror because it is such an awesome victory f--u song, and I also love Porch because to me it kind of says like here they all were about to become HUGE and it just speaks that to me....
    But as an older fan as well, and hearing LifeWasted and knowing just little bits and pieces of what was in the Rolling Stone about when Eddie was friends with Joey Ramone and then hearing the words, were a song to me about wisdom and age, and that was really cool too.

    I guess that is what makes them so good. They write music that so many people can identify with one way or another and that is really what a band that is as talented and famous as they are are all about.

    welcome again......

    see you around here I am sure..........
    Baby, You Wouldn't Last a Minute on The Creek......

    Together we will float like angels.........

    In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
  • Congratulations on finding your way through the muck! Your parents are to be congratulated as well. I have a 22 year old sister and she waves her PJ flag proudly as well.

    Vitalogy is simply a masterpiece! I'm glad you didn't skip bugs...every track on that album is essential to the story to being told.

    There isn't a bad album in the catalogue. Welcome to the promised land of music.

    Haha yah bugs is awesome. Immortality is probably my favorite track on vitalogy, whether its about kurt cobain or not.
    Seattle Key Arena 9-21-2009
    Seattle Key Arena 9-22-2009
  • writersu wrote:
    welcome little one!

    (just kidding............I have kids all around your age; so I was TRYING to be FUNNY)............

    well, that is awesome that your parents got you into PJ and you also like them still now that you can choose your own music. cool, really. And I have this image in my head that all Seattle people get to go to the local Starbucks and see Eddie Vedder...........(see, age doesn't prove reason.....)

    I think I like a lot of different PJ stuff because a lot of it came out at such different times of my life that I can relate something that happened as it was happening. That is true for me with other bands , like Led Zeppelin for example, but since I have listened to Pearl Jam a lot of my adult life, I guess I think of them differently.
    I love RearViewMirror because it is such an awesome victory f--u song, and I also love Porch because to me it kind of says like here they all were about to become HUGE and it just speaks that to me....
    But as an older fan as well, and hearing LifeWasted and knowing just little bits and pieces of what was in the Rolling Stone about when Eddie was friends with Joey Ramone and then hearing the words, were a song to me about wisdom and age, and that was really cool too.

    I guess that is what makes them so good. They write music that so many people can identify with one way or another and that is really what a band that is as talented and famous as they are are all about.

    welcome again......

    see you around here I am sure..........

    sweet! thanks for the awesome/long/intriguing reply :)
    Seattle Key Arena 9-21-2009
    Seattle Key Arena 9-22-2009
  • Welcome to the Message Pit!

    You mentioned Crazy Mary in your original post and I just wanted to mention that my favorite version is the one off the "Sweet Relief" CD from 1993.

    Check it out!

    Duude i heard that the other day for the first time, i love it! now i cant decide which version is my favorite =/ haha.
    Seattle Key Arena 9-21-2009
    Seattle Key Arena 9-22-2009
  • Born.Mine.DieBorn.Mine.Die Vancouver Posts: 225
    This is really refreshing to hear! I am so happy are have been enlightened...
    9/1/05, 9/2/05, 9/4/05, 9/5/05, 5/24/06, 5/25/06, 5/27/06, 5/30/06, 7/16/06, 7/18/06, 7/20/06, 7/22/06,7/23/06, 6/22/08, 6/24/08, 6/25/08, 9/21/09, 9/22/09, 9/25/09,10/06/09,10/07/09, 05/07/10, 09/25/11, 07/16/13,12/04/13,12/06/13, 10/14/14, 4/7/17, 08/08/18, 08/10/18, 05/04/24

    EV 04/02/08, 04/03/08, 07/16/11
  • T C HT C H Posts: 85
    Hey Sierra,
    Just wanted to say great post. Good on ya! Keep listening to Pearl Jam and having fun.
    I've got a Gibson without a case, but I can't get that even tanned look on my face...
  • mfc2006mfc2006 HTOWN Posts: 37,484
    welcome to the Pit!!

    it truly is amazing to think of how diverse their fanbase is! again, welcome!
  • Murderers.Murderers. Posts: 1,382

    Im 17. If you need to chat about PJ, then Im always around!
    What the fuck is this world?
  • coachchriscoachchris Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada Posts: 749
    This site was sent to me when I first joined the board and I was able to find all the gems people were referring to! http://www.pearljamlive.com Has pretty much every show I think....enjoy and welcome to the board ;)
    Adolescence in essence is all about trust.
    Leaving is for the answering machine.
  • SOLAT319 wrote:
    Not trying to diss you or anything but people in Seattle absolutely despise Starbucks. I am pretty sure Vedder wouldn't want to be seen drinking Starbucks coffee.

    Really? Ive never met anyone down here who hates starbucks, everyone i know loves it!
    Seattle Key Arena 9-21-2009
    Seattle Key Arena 9-22-2009
  • writersuwritersu Posts: 1,867
    SOLAT319 wrote:
    Not trying to diss you or anything but people in Seattle absolutely despise Starbucks. I am pretty sure Vedder wouldn't want to be seen drinking Starbucks coffee.

    see, that is because we Chicago people work on a less evolved plain than Seattle folks.............

    you know, "da Bears!"............(but I don't speak like that..........oh, well. thanks for the enlightenment. I have gotten so educated here.........sad part is I mean it.)
    Baby, You Wouldn't Last a Minute on The Creek......

    Together we will float like angels.........

    In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
  • welcome to the jammer world Sierra!!!:)
    "You're the eve of my destruction in the garden of fears"
  • That's awesome! You have chosen a great band to be a part of! Also some really cool fans.
  • halszka123halszka123 Posts: 1,109
    Welcome, Sierra:)
    It's fantastic You've posted.
    I hope for 15 years later we will write here as we do it now:)
    Greetings from Poland, my friend
    Not 10c member? Have sth to say? write to me - I'll put it on the forum
  • AnonAnon Posts: 11,175
    welcome aboard!
    i'm fairly new as well (only started in june), and i'm 16 (actually turning 16 in a few days, but whatever...)- YAY for young pj fans
    this pit is just great, and everybody's super nice (well, most people.. haha)
    anyways, hello there!
  • josevolutionjosevolution Posts: 30,595
    don't you guys have home work to do or something :eek: wellcome to the pit ...
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
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