
Questions for the 10C Sirius/XM radio show

HeavyHandsHeavyHands Posts: 2,130
edited January 2011 in The Porch
WHAT: The All-Encompassing Trip: Fan Roundtable Show on SIRIUS channel 17 and XM channel 39

WHEN: LIVE on Wednesdays at 5 pm, REBROADCASTS on Thursdays 3 am; Saturdays 9 am; Sundays 9 pm. (All times are East Coast U.S.)

HOW: **PERMANENT CALL IN NUMBER: 855-9-PEARLJAM (855-973-2755)** as posted here: http://forums.pearljam.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=143953&start=165#p3311223

Why did you make this thread?
After listening to the first installment of the satellite radio call in show with 10C manager Tim Bierman and PJ Radio host The Rob I thought it would be nice if we could compile a running list of pertinent questions that we as PJ fans are curious to hear answers/explanations to, or further elaborations on. With each others help we can have a running historical record of questions (and their answers) for future reference, and avoid asking the same questions over and over.

How will this thread work?
If people will post their questions in this thread, I will add them to the front page and update them with their respective answers after they are asked. If each of you who can call in would be willing to ask one of these questions, we could solve some of our biggest outstanding mysteries!

Unanswered Questions
I will add new questions to the top of the list so the newest questions are always on top.

Answered Questions
Answers to questions which have been asked will be posted, in their full, in separate posts throughout this thread. Links to the transcripts for each show will be provided next to the dates in the third post of this thread. Once a question has been answered, I will denote the date on which it was answered in parenthesis after the question.

To find the answer to the question you seek, simply locate the question in the "Answered Questions" list. See if there is a date in parenthesis after it. If there is, find the link for the transcript of that show in the third post of this thread.

    1. I
do not have Satellite radio. In order for this to work one of two conditions will be necessary:
    A. Someone will have to record and post the show somewhere for me to listen to. B. Someone will have to transcribe the questions and answers and PM me with them for me to add to the master list.

2. None of the transcripts should be considered absolutely "complete."

I occasionally "clean up" some of the questions which are asked. This is to make the intent of the question clear, concise, and easy to follow when reading. It also serves to make things easier on myself (it takes me about four hours to produce a transcript from a one hour broadcast). I hope you find this to be helpful and, more so that the content is still accurate and covers the most important portions of the conversations.

I do selectively edit some things out such as: "Ahhhh"s, "Ummmm"s, "Yeah, but"s, portions of dialogue which are overly redundant, non-topical small talk, fan gushes, and verbal mis-steps. If you would like to hear the entire show, they are available for comparison at http://www.gremmie.net for your convenience. I believe you will find that the transcripts contain the most relevant information from the shows.

3. I occasionally insert parentheticals in the text in order to clarify or specify some things which may not make sense if the item is taken out of context. They represent my interpretation of the speakers' intent. The text in parenthesis should not be considered dialogue attributed to the speaker.

Please PM me if you would be willing to help me out with this endeavor some time.

To start things off, some questions were lifted (and some slightly modified) from CJMST3K's Rumor Pit thread here: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=130159
"A lot more people are capable of being big out there that just don't give themselves a chance." -Stone Gossard
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    HeavyHandsHeavyHands Posts: 2,130
    edited January 2011
    Some of them repeat questions which are below in the UNANSWERED QUESTIONS section of this post. In the event that any of them are addressed, I will fold them back in to the ANSWERED QUESTIONS section of this post. In the event that any of them are not addressed, I will fold them back in to the UNANSWERED QUESTIONS section of this post for the future.

    1. Can you describe the experience of collaborating with Eddie on the Chicago EV 08 poster and the
    Pearl Jam 2010 Bridge poster he partially designed with you?

    27.What is the process 10C goes through to determine who wins the lottery? What are the odds of winning the lottery? Do you have a better chance if you have a high 10 club number? How many seats are available for the lottery? I know it is rows 1, 2, 9 & 10 but are the entire rows filled with lottery winners?

    26. Will your upcoming Anniversary weekend shindig be family friendly? Will there be any youth/child specific activities or areas?

    25. With the recent change in fan club membership structure and you now offering Deep magazine as a pdf how about pdf archives for all the previous Deep mags and newsletters?

    24. In 2006 at Grand Rapid, Michigan there were experiences with some fans where their fan club-purchased tickets put them in seats much further back than their "seniority" would normally have placed them. Was this an accident or an experiment before the lottery came into effect the following years?

    23.Can you explain why the US has shows with fixed seating only (with the rare exception of a festival) and Europe has GA shows?

    22. Recently (12-31-2010) there were some changes to the 10C membership structure: Cost, Content, and Type (physical/analog vs digital/download). Can you please detail how those changes were arrived at and finally decided upon? When considering what to include in the memberships what ideas were thrown around that didn't make it?

    21. Have you made a conscious decision to announce shows in blocks and sell tickets to these shows before making the entire tour schedule public, in an effort to increase 10c ticket sales?

    20. Is there a chance of the 2007 European tour getting bootleg releases?

    19. Will the reissues which are planned to come out in the future be remixed, remastered, both, or none? Listeners are concerned about the sound quality and potential over-compression of some already great sounding albums.

    18. Has Pearl Jam ever considered doing a special release for Record Store Day?

    17. Keith Richards, Johnny Cash, Patti Smith, and Henry Rollins have all put out great autobiographical books. Will you do the same?

    16. How does Kufala Recordings, a company based in California, ship out Pearl Jam Official Bootleg CD's to residents all over the world in record shipping time of only 5-7 business day's to any city in the world, while a CD bought @ the 10club store takes 6-8 plus weeks to ship just across the border (to Canada) @ the same postage/shipping cost? Could you test new delivery methods out for the new year?

    15. Can you shed some light on the mystery of the sports themed shirts from the '09 tour? They seemed very popular but not every city had that theme and then they pretty much went away. Why were the sports-themed shirts from the 2009 tour so limited? Is there any truth to a cease and desist for intellectual property violations? If not, is there any chance of them being sold through the Goods section online?

    14. What does the Kobalt Music Publishing Press Release mean in regards to goodies being released to us fans? How does this effect the band's ability to put out it's own material?

    13. Will PJ release, via digital download, unreleased songs for $1 a song where proceeds go to the Vitalogy Foundation?

    12. When will Eddie release his UKE solo album? Will we ever get an official release from EV on his solo concerts (CD and/or DVD/Blu-Ray)?

    11. For VAULT shows, instead keeping them all in an archive, and instead of stabbing in the dark wondering what show/year might be popular, how about listing 1 show per year from 1990 to 1999, and let people pre-order. Once enough orders are in to proceed, then you invest time and money in properly releasing the shows?

    10. In 1998 PJ took a poll on the Synergy site of songs that people wanted to hear. Everything from popular songs to obscure songs were mentioned and every song people mentioned was listed, and perhaps spawned some new covers for the band. Any chance of doing that again?

    9. Will you bring back the Rumor Pit, allowing us to ask band members questions?

    8. What are the chances of PJ doing a cover album? Studio version of songs they'd like to cover?

    7. Any chance of 20th Anniversary Shows with all former and present band members playing their original music, so anyone who wanted to see Jack play Who You Are, or Krusen play Once, or Abbruzzese play Leash, or Cameron play Marker can see everyone during one run-of shows? A group of 3 shows where every album is played in its entirety with its original members at that time. (partially answered on 12/8/2010)

    6. What was Big, Bold, and Free?
    (Was it supposed to be an MSG show for free? - In late 2005 they had venue on hold for early 2006, then gave up their hold, so this is just my speculation)

    5. Will the Cameron Crowe film be a live concert film or a documentary film about the band, or a combination therein?

    If it is a documentary will the band be in charge of editing out whatever they want, or will this be a documentary of the full PJ history, with 'warts and all'?

    4. Are there any plans to do a release of any audio or video from the band's past, similar (or not) to the massive Blu-Ray Vault project that Neil Young released this past year? If so, when?

    3. Mike talked about an EP in several interviews of songs left over from Backspacer. Is that still in the works or has there been a change of plans?

    2. A rumour pit a long time ago addressed the idea that PJ were "currently working on" getting Mad Season Live At The Moore released on DVD. Has that been canceled, or is still in the works? Since technology has moved forward since then, what about a blu-ray release?

    1. Why is the annual gift/single released so inconsistently with respect to release date/time? It used to show up at the end of the calendar year but has been slipping back further and further into the next year.

    48. Can you clear up a RUMOR, please? The rumor is that there was a Philadelphia Spectrum specific DVD release planned. Is this true? If so, what happened to it and will it still be released? (partially answered: 11/24/2010)

    47. How does the band decide what songs they are going to put on the Annual Fan Club 7"? What kind of process is gone through to put this together for the fan club? (12/8/2010)

    46. Can you detail how certain cities/countries are selected for tour dates? (12/8/2010)

    While the band has played festival shows in the south over the past few years, there hasn't been a full fledged tour through the south since 2003. There are rumours that it's b/c of the South's conservatism, but more reasonable thoughts are album sales and ticket sales are weaker in the South. Can you confirm/deny the rumours and comment on whether a Southern leg of a tour is reasonable in the future or not? (12/8/2010)

    Also, the band hasn't toured through Asia (with the exception of Japan) since 1995. Why not? (12/8/2010)

    45. What is the reasoning behind announcing tour dates several at a time rather than a complete schedule at once? A full schedule would make it easier to see several shows, as well as make it more affordable. (12/8/2010)

    44. I was wondering, because of Matt Cameron being their drummer, and now Soundgarden being back together have you heard anything about maybe a Temple of the Dog-type-situation? (12/8/2010)

    43. You guys put out Backspacer yourselves without having a record company backing you. I wanted to know: How was it different and what was it like? (12/8/2010)

    42. Do they (the band) have the ability to do something like that (an impromptu show broadcast) at their house now with their own (satellite radio/internet radio) channel? (12/8/2010)

    41. It's been talked about that PJ's music would be perfect for half time at the Superbowl, so has it been talked about? Is it possible? What do you say? (12/8/2010)

    40. It's kind of been rumored that Ticketmaster only gives you 10% of the venue for fan club tickets. Is that true? (12/8/2010)

    39. What's the status of the Rock Band (video game) project? (12/8/2010)

    38. How does a set list get created? I know Eddie's in charge of making the list each night and you never know what to expect from him. What goes through their mind when they make a set list? Who has all the input with that? (11/17/2010), (12/8/2010)

    37. I've been in the fan club since the mid '90's, then two years ago we were shut out of getting any tickets. Why is that? (11/17/2010), (11/24/2010), (12/8/2010)

    36. When you schedule a tour, in terms of bands that PJ plays with, whether they're opening for them, or the bands are opening for them, is there a big difference in terms of how you're planning things out or perhaps pressure that the band might feel when they're doing things like they did in Honolulu a couple of years ago with U2 versus, maybe, bands that haven't got off the ground yet or are starting to get off the ground? (12/8/2010)

    35. Why when they (the band) come to New York don't they do a smaller venue? (12/8/2010)

    34. What are the top five priorities on the rider list? (12/8/2010)

    33. How do you struggle with being PJ when you write stuff and doing what you want to do versus worrying about what might be accepted in the popular arena? (12/8/2010)

    32. Back in 2009 at the Chicago shows Ed mentioned that they tried to get those shows at Alpine Valley. And I was wondering what exactly were the hang-ups there? (12/8/2010)

    31. I've had the 'Stick guy' tattoo for a long time and I don't know the background. Can you guys elucidate the background of the 'Stick guy'? (12/8/2010)

    30. Does tension on the stage sometimes work it's way into making great music? (12/1/2010)

    29. Do you (Mike McCready) remember when that show (2000 show at Washington D.C., Merriwether Post Pavilion) started why the band seemed to be in a bad mood? Sonic Youth was supposed to open and Ed came out and announced they were not going to. (12/1/2010)

    28. There was filming at the pre-party for MSG2 on May 21,2010. Is that film going to show up somewhere? (12/1/2010)

    27. I've always loved the song Chloe Dancer and Crown of Thorns and have always thought of them as one song together. Do you have any idea why PJ doesn't play them together in concert? (12/1/2010)

    26. When do you think the new Deep magazine is going to come out? (12/1/2010)

    25. What do you think about guys like Aaron Lewis (people who cover PJ)? I just heard his version of Black and I know how he respects you guys to the fullest. You always hear about guys like him, who he looked up to, but you never hear about how you guys feel about guys like him. (12/1/2010)

    24. It's been a year since the Philly shows at the Spectrum. Those shows were really special for all the fans. How was it for you guys (the band)? (11/24/2010)

    23.In light of the question of the Philly DVD and the question of it coming out I'd just like to know what the band thinks of the fan-made DVD's and if you guys personally do any collecting of things of that nature, be it audio or video stuff? (11/24/2010)

    22. For the longest time hanging on the side of the Spectrum there was this PJ poster. We're wondering what happened to it and can we have it? (11/24/2010)

    21.Which of the four nights (of the 2009 Philadelphia spectrum stand) were your favorites and why? (11/24/2010)

    20. Where did you think that Eddie's friendship with Peter Gammons (sp?) blossomed? I know Eddie is a big sports guy. (11/24/2010)

    19. Who came up with the idea to play Whip It at Philly 4? Who had the idea to get the costumes? (11/24/2010)

    18. Will Live on Ten Legs have any songs from the Philly shows? How does the band decide on which songs to put on Live on Ten Legs? How did they whittle it down and decide which songs to take? (11/24/2010)

    17. When will the VS, Vitalogy, No Code.... and so on...Re-masters be released? (partial answer 11/24/2010)

    16. Have you ever considered maybe creating some (posters) that a woman might want to put up? (11/24/2010)

    15. What do you and the band think about the concert poster craze? Could you talk about the process of picking the artists and the reviewing of the poster designs? What is your favorite concert poster of PJ's? (11/24/2010)

    14. What's the status of the Cameron Crowe film? What is the projected release date? (partial answer 11/24/2010)
    Also see this post later on in the thread: http://community.pearljam.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=144001&start=30#p3314824

    13. Is a massive Vault release going to happen? Is it their relationship with Sony (what is holding this up from happening)? Is it going to be their retirement fund when they're done playing? What's going on with it? (11/17/2010)

    12. Why doesn't the band perform Dirty Frank? I've heard rumors why they don't. (11/17/2010)

    11. What are your (The radio show's) ratings? (11/17/2010)

    10. Have you ever considered trying to narrow your pre-sales to the area of the venue? A certain mile radius of a venue? (11/17/2010)

    The past two tours I've missed because I've been unable to get tickets in time because, I imagine the server was inundated with people trying to do the same thing I was at the same time. I was wondering if there was any plans to fix that or to revert back to the seniority first-come first-served kind of thing? (11/17/2010),(11/24/2010), (12/8/2010)

    9. How many members are there in the Fan club?. (11/17/2010)
    *Tim Bierman on newly assigned fan club numbers

    8. Will the radio show have guest DJ's. Is that something we can look for on the new show? (11/17/2010)
    *Tim Bierman on LO10L track selection
    *Tim Bierman on PJ choosing covers to perform

    7. Is there any effort either internally or externally on compiling the "best" version of each song? (11/17/2010)

    6. Is PJ planning on another tour any time soon (it is currently November, 2010) or are they getting excited about any little things they have planned? (11/17/2010)

    5. Is there ever a chance that PJ would come in to Howard Stearn and play a couple of songs? Maybe not get interviewed, but just play a couple of songs?" (11/17/2010)

    4. Have you ever had the chance to get a reflection from them (a band member) after one of those shows where the crowd-band interaction was overwhelming? (11/17/2010)

    3. Setlist wise, how do you think the band reads the crowd so well to know what direction to go in at each show? Can one crowd be "better" than another crowd? (11/17/2010)

    2. PJ has a lot of unreleased material. To tide us over until the next album we (fans) would love to see another B-side collection, another Lost Dogs... What are the odds, do you think, of something like that happening? (11/17/2010)

    1. How does 10C view fan sites around the web? Does 10C ideas based on what they see? Or does 10C look at fan sites and view them as complimentary to what 10C already offers? (11/17/2010)
    *. Tim Bierman on eV solo shows not being allowed online or for sale (11/17/2010)

    Post edited by HeavyHands on
    "A lot more people are capable of being big out there that just don't give themselves a chance." -Stone Gossard
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    HeavyHandsHeavyHands Posts: 2,130
    edited January 2011
    Show transcripts can be found in the following links.

    11/17/2010: http://forums.pearljam.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=144001&start=15#p3306447
    11/24/2010: (Guests: Zach Newman, Jeff Ament, Mike McCready) http://forums.pearljam.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=144001&start=45#p3320258
    12/1/2010: (Guests: author Jason Leung, Ed Vedder, Mike McCready) http://community.pearljam.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=144001&p=3326321#p3326321
    12/8/2010: (Guests: Kelly Curtis) http://forums.pearljam.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=144001&p=3338161#p3338111
    12/15/2010 PART I and II: (Guests: Kathy Davis, Jessica Letkemann, John Reynolds, Matt Moore) http://community.pearljam.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=144001&p=3349544#p3349544
    12/15/2010 PART III: (Guests: Kathy Davis, Jessica Letkemann, John Reynolds, Matt Moore) http://community.pearljam.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=144001&p=3355679#p3355679
    *Broadcasts between 12/22/2010 and 12/29/2010 were repeats. No new shows were aired during this time. New broadcasts return on 1/5/2011*
    1/5/2011 : (Guest: artist Brad Klausen) http://forums.pearljam.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=144001&p=3392699#p3392699
    Post edited by HeavyHands on
    "A lot more people are capable of being big out there that just don't give themselves a chance." -Stone Gossard
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    CJMST3KCJMST3K Posts: 9,722
    edited November 2010
    While listening to last night's show, I was writing down a bunch. Glad you beat me to the punch, and lift all the questions you'd like off of my Rumor Pit thread! :D

    -What was Big, Bold and Free?
    (Was it supposed to be an MSG show for free? - In late 2005 they had venue on hold for early 2006, then gave up their hold, so this is just my speculation)

    -Any chance of 20th Anniversary Shows with all former and present band members playing their original music, so anyone who wanted to see Jack play Who You Are, or Krusen play Once, or Abbruzzese play Leash, or Cameron play Marker can see everyone during one run-of shows. A group of 3 shows where every album is played in its entirety with its original members at that time. Eg: this idea: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=98508

    -Will VS, Vitalogy, No Code.... and so on... be Re-mastered/Re-released?

    -What are the chances of PJ doing a cover album? Studio version of songs they'd like to cover?

    -Will you bring back the Rumor Pit, allowing us to ask band members questions?

    -In 1998 PJ took a poll on the Synergy site of songs that people wanted to hear. Everything from popular songs to obscure songs were mentioned and every song people mentioned was listed, and perhaps spawned some new covers for the band. Any chance of doing that again?

    -For VAULT shows, instead keeping them all in an archive, and instead of stabbing in the dark wondering what show/year might be popular, how about listing 1 show per year from 1990 to 1999, and let people pre-order. Once enough orders are in to proceed, then you invest time and money in properly releasing the shows?
    Post edited by CJMST3K on
    ADD 5,200 to the post count you see, thank you. :)
    *NYC 9/28/96 *NYC 9/29/96 *NJ 9/8/98 (front row "may i play drums with you")
    *MSG 9/10/98 (backstage) *MSG 9/11/98 (backstage)
    *Jones Beach 8/23/00 *Jones Beach 8/24/00 *Jones Beach 8/25/00
    *Mansfield 8/29/00 *Mansfield 8/30/00 *Nassau 4/30/03 *Nissan VA 7/1/03
    *Borgata 10/1/05 *Camden 5/27/06 *Camden 5/28/06 *DC 5/30/06
    *VA Beach 6/17/08 *DC 6/22/08 *MSG 6/24/08 (backstage) *MSG 6/25/08
    *EV DC 8/17/08 *EV Baltimore 6/15/09 *Philly 10/31/09
    *Bristow VA 5/13/10 *MSG 5/20/10 *MSG 5/21/10
  • Options
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    SpokenSpoken Posts: 1,451
    Does anyone know when the next PJ radio show will be?
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    marcosmarcos Posts: 2,111
    How do we record from Sirius to MP3?
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    elwayvedderelwayvedder South Jersey Posts: 9,075
    Will EV release his UKE solo album? Will we ever get an official release from EV on his solo concerts (CD and/or DVD)?

    Will PJ release via digital download, unreleased songs for $1 a song where proceeds go to the Vitalogy Foundation?

    and what does this news mean in regards to goodies being released to us fans!?: http://www.kobaltmusic.com/news_press_r ... php?id=181
  • Options
    joe2468joe2468 Posts: 3,049
    Will EV release his UKE solo album? Will we ever get an official release from EV on his solo concerts (CD and/or DVD)?

    Will PJ release via digital download, unreleased songs for $1 a song where proceeds go to the Vitalogy Foundation?

    and what does this news mean in regards to goodies being released to us fans!?: http://www.kobaltmusic.com/news_press_r ... php?id=181
    have you seen the colors of my fathers eyes
  • Options
    dimitrispearljamdimitrispearljam NINUNINOPRO Posts: 139,458
    Will EV release his UKE solo album? Will we ever get an official release from EV on his solo concerts (CD and/or DVD)?

    Will PJ release via digital download, unreleased songs for $1 a song where proceeds go to the Vitalogy Foundation?

    and what does this news mean in regards to goodies being released to us fans!?: http://www.kobaltmusic.com/news_press_r ... php?id=181
    :o thats fuckin great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    and thanks my friend for the thread!!!!!!! :)
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • Options
    CJMST3KCJMST3K Posts: 9,722
    Will EV release his UKE solo album? Will we ever get an official release from EV on his solo concerts (CD and/or DVD)?

    Will PJ release via digital download, unreleased songs for $1 a song where proceeds go to the Vitalogy Foundation?

    and what does this news mean in regards to goodies being released to us fans!?: http://www.kobaltmusic.com/news_press_r ... php?id=181

    Holy shit! Nice! ...lots of references to new stuff, not to mention "Also planned in 2011 are re−packaged, re−issues of vs. and Vitalogy. "
    ADD 5,200 to the post count you see, thank you. :)
    *NYC 9/28/96 *NYC 9/29/96 *NJ 9/8/98 (front row "may i play drums with you")
    *MSG 9/10/98 (backstage) *MSG 9/11/98 (backstage)
    *Jones Beach 8/23/00 *Jones Beach 8/24/00 *Jones Beach 8/25/00
    *Mansfield 8/29/00 *Mansfield 8/30/00 *Nassau 4/30/03 *Nissan VA 7/1/03
    *Borgata 10/1/05 *Camden 5/27/06 *Camden 5/28/06 *DC 5/30/06
    *VA Beach 6/17/08 *DC 6/22/08 *MSG 6/24/08 (backstage) *MSG 6/25/08
    *EV DC 8/17/08 *EV Baltimore 6/15/09 *Philly 10/31/09
    *Bristow VA 5/13/10 *MSG 5/20/10 *MSG 5/21/10
  • Options
    HeavyHandsHeavyHands Posts: 2,130
    I updated the third post on the front page with transcripts from this weeks show.

    Additionally, the second post on the front page is a running list of unanswered questions for people to consider asking.
    "A lot more people are capable of being big out there that just don't give themselves a chance." -Stone Gossard
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    dimitrispearljamdimitrispearljam NINUNINOPRO Posts: 139,458
    Thanks buddy :)
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • Options
    Thank you guys for putting this together! I think it's a briliant idea. If callers can agree to this we can get more questions answered/no repeats/no verbal diarreha/etc...

    My question (not my most burning one and perhaps this has been answered already so let me know):

    Can you shed some light on the mystery of the sports themed shirts from the '09 tour? They seemed very popular but not every city had that theme and then they pretty much went away. Is there any truth to a cease and desist for intellectual property violations?
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    mfc2006mfc2006 HTOWN Posts: 37,393
    Spoken wrote:
    Does anyone know when the next PJ radio show will be?

    next Wednesday i think.
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    kj1nyrkj1nyr Posts: 837
    Thank you for this thread! :clap:
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    tremorstremors Posts: 8,051
    Really good work. Is great to have the complete transcript too.
    Cancel my subscription to the Ressurection
    Send my credentials to the house of detention

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    HeavyHandsHeavyHands Posts: 2,130
    edited December 2010
    Audio for this week is available thanks to gremmiedotnet here: http://www.gremmie.net/?p=2316

    1. How does 10C view fan sites around the web? Does 10C base ideas on what they see? Or does 10C look at fan sites and view them as complimentary to what 10C already offers?

    Tim Bierman(TB): "I think it's kind of both. It's one that we don't really address very often because, first of all, as far as the landscape goes...they're all great. Even little one page sites that just have lyrics to a song. That's all important to us, so we appreciate everything that you guys are doing and we indeed do follow what is going on on fan sites to get input and look at how we can make our experience better.

    "But we don't want to get too involved with what you guys do. As everyone knows we have a really limited... We're really hamstrung a lot on what we can talk about and what we can announce but the fans can kind of talk about whatever they want and so we're not going to go out and feed information to fan sites and we're not going to endorse what fan sites are saying because we'd rather let you guys talk about it. That way we don't have to take a position on anything or confirm some sort of rumor or something like that.

    "We don't even really see a line (between fan sites and 10C -ed)at all. It's really just one big thing, you know? What we want, our goal is for people to be talking about Pearl Jam on the internet. If it's bad it's bad. If it's good it's good. As long as people are talking about it, that's the main thing. That's how we view it."

    On eV solo shows not being allowed online or for sale:
    TB:"He's not trying to keep music from people, he just want's to do it right when it's right... He'll get to it."

    2. PJ has a lot of unreleased material. To tide us over until the next album we (fans) would love to see another B-side collection, another Lost Dogs... What are the odds, do you think, of something like that happening?

    TB:"Your comment is that PJ has a lot of B-Sides laying around and that, really, that's kind of a misconception. There are things that you guys know about that exist out there that might be considered B-sides or outtakes or things that didn't make the cut or whatever, but really, some of those things they still might have a life somewhere other than on a compilation like that.

    "We go through these tapes from the vault, from studio sessions and there's not a lot of stuff and PJ's not the kind of band that going to go in and take a ten minute studio jam and edit it down and try to make that a track, you know? It's got to be good. So it's not like there's a whole record full of Lost Dogs laying around right now. All the Dogs are kind of found and happily resting on the corner on their bed."

    On Of The Earth from the European leg of the 2010 tour:
    TB:"I don't think that anybody in this building thinks that that is a B-Side."

    The Rob(TR): "For the record I've heard from a band member that that is Backspacer material."

    TB: "I think it may have been around before that, but band guys kind of know... I think that that track is still being worked on a little bit."

    3. Setlist wise, how do you think the band reads the crowd so well to know what direction to go in at each show? How much do you think an MSG crowd, going crazy singing every word from note one, can make the show different than say Miami?

    TB: "They (the band) definitely do (read the crowd). The band, and particularly Eddie, everything he pours himself in to, everything he does, every little aspect of the live show, he gives his complete self to. Including creating the setlists and including creating the encore setlists so you're right, that's a huge factor. He knows that if there's a rowdy crowd, if it's outdoors, that you can do things with the setlists to control the crowd. And he's aware of that and having said that, his main intention is to create the best possible scenario for that particular crowd, that particular show, that particular day, whatever it is.

    "Ed will make sure that he is aware of all of the things that are going on locally with any kind of issues or trends, sports things, just so he knows. Every city he goes to he knows what's going on there so if he's got soemthing he wants to address or if he's got a particular song or a particular series of songs that might relate to that scenario then he's going to go for it.

    "It's one of the cooler things, I think, out there in music is the creation of the setlist."

    TR: "I can add this too. I didn't know this until talking with Jeff recently. That Eddie actually looks at every setlist played when he's in a city. Looks at what has been played in that city through all the years before and takes that in to account as well as any current events that are going on, any local activity, stuff like that. That's why you can go on tour and see every show."

    TB: "There are people on the touring staff that will go get the setlists from that city. All of them that they've ever played. And they'll print them up. Actually they'll have the original setlists because there'll be notes on them and stuff. They're in a binder."

    4. Have you ever had the chance to get a reflection from them (a band member) after one of those shows where the crowd-band interaction was overwhelming?

    TB: "Yeah. I've been at countless number of those shows...and have had at least one interaction with one band member after a show. Eddie, his tendency is to absorb what just happened by himself or with someone, maybe there's a special guest there that night that he wants to hang out with. The last guy he wants to see probably is me. Or you (The Rob). I have been around Ed after some cool shows and I've spent a lot of time with Jeff directly after shows.

    "What I can say is that I've been within vibration distance of those guys after some pretty incredible moments and there doesn't really need to be any talking or communication other than just eye contact or even just being there to feel those guys bringing your energy off that stage back into a fluorescent lit, kind of lifeless hallway somewhere. For them to be able to transcend that barrier and still will feel a little bit of what they just went through.

    "It's hard for us to imagine because we don't do that for a living, but they don't just get up there and go "Oh yeah. We're just gonna rock the Garden again." That affects them. Believe me. It is not something they take lightly. It affects them."

    5. Is there ever a chance that PJ would come in to Howard Stearn and play a couple of songs? Maybe not get interviewed, but just play a couple of songs?"

    TB: "Well... you never say never, but frankly it's a difficult situation for a band like PJ. They are so focused on playing a live show in front of more than just a couple of producers in a studio. They value their time very much because they would rather be playing the Garden than Howard's show because it's just more important to them. So, I'm not trying to poo-poo radio, or Howard, or your tastes or whatever, but it seems highly unlikely. but like I said, one can always hope. You never know."

    6. Is PJ planning on another tour any time soon (it is currently November, 2010) or are they getting excited about any little things they have planned?

    TB: "Now would be a good time to talk about this. We're not going to come on the show and announce tours, just so you know. But I will say, as you guys know, we're celebrating the 20th anniversary of the band so needless to say there's going to be some activity in the coming year. We don't know what that is. We don't even really have a plan at all. So as soon as it's all solid and ready to go we'll let everybody know for sure."

    7. Is there any effort either internally or externally on compiling the best version of each song?

    "The guys in the band have their opinions and our sound engineers have their opinions and the fans have their opinions and they're are going to be some times when they kind of cross but for the most part it's kind of like arguing about art. It doesn't really make sense to crown one version."

    TR: "That's the beauty of it too. It's so subjective... We all have our great versions and great memories and great things that happened to us..."

    TB: "Here's the point though that I want to make from this whole thing is you've been listening to them for 20 years and you just kind of now discovered this song on your lunch hour. I would much rather have people discover songs on their lunch hour that take them to another place than to sit down and pour over and define 'the best one' and have your criteria set. I'm not saying it's a bad idea, I'm just saying that your argument for doing it gave me some cool ideas..."

    8. I think it's funny that all these boys are calling in trying to one-up each other over who's the biggest super fan. It's cracking me up. We ladies just say 'We love PJ.' We don't have to say how many shows we've been to or quote the exact show. I just think it's funny.

    *laughter from hosts*

    TB: "I'm with you Heather."

    Caller (named Heather): Will the radio show have guest DJ's. Is that something we can look for on the new show?

    TR: "You can definitely look for it. You can expect it. We've got the big Wishlist. And we already have one in the works with Kelly Slater."

    TB: "That's news to me."

    On LO10L:
    TB: "At first we were just going to put Public Image on there. We were talking about the track listing and they were deciding how the running order would be and I actually mentioned to Ed that I was a big Joe Strummer fan and... I really miss Joe. Kind of more than all the other musicians who have left us to early, and he was kind of like 'Yeah, you know we really enjoyed playing that song. We don't have to have just one cover, you know? Lets look at it and see if we can get that on there too.' So as it turns out that's the opening track for the new live record coming out in January.

    On PJ choosing covers to perform:
    TB: "They're always exploring new covers and new songs... There's a ton of consideration put into it. It's not just 'Oh, hey! I can play that guitar part so lets work it in.'"

    9. A lot of people speculate about how many active 10C members are there right now.

    *amused laughter*

    TR: "If Tim told you we'd have to come to Lansing and do something about you."

    TB: "It's one of those things that we keep really close to our vest here. We're not gonna ballpark it. We don't want to have to say that 10C has X amount of members and DMB has X amount of members and U2 has x amount of members because we feel like it's apples and oranges and I know that your intention is one of purely "What are my tickets going to be like?" but if that number starts to get out there in the world it starts to become more a business thing and a marketing thing and a really gross kind-of way of looking at you guys. If I were to say that there were 20 zillion members of 10C then somebody would come along and say "Hmmm. There's 20 zillion pieces of meat that I can't wait to put on my skewer."

    "I'm not saying that we're doing it to protect you guys by any means, but it feels gross to look at it like that. But I fully understand your line of questioning because it really does matter to you guys and where you sit at the shows.

    On newly assigned fan club numbers:
    TB: "Those numbers are not very indicative of the number of people in the fan club."

    10. Have you ever considered trying to narrow your pre-sales to the area of the venue? A certain mile radius of a venue?

    TB: "I've been approached. Since I've been here in '98 that's what we talk about all the time: 'How can we make this better?' 'Is there a way to make it better by doing something local?' The fact of the matter is... There is no way to make it a perfect system. If I could, dude I would do it in a second because I would sleep better at night, I would make more money, I would have a happy happy everything."

    11. (The show) What are your ratings?

    TR: "They're through the roof. In another week they can't afford us."


    12. Why doesn't the band perform Dirty Frank? I've heard rumors why they don't.

    TB: "What are the rumors?"

    Caller: "Well I've heard rumors about an ex-band member being part of the song and the band doesn't want to play it because it would put money in his pocket."

    TB: *laughter* "Ahhh... that's funny. There's a lot of money going in to a lot of pockets that I'm sure people would rather not... but I'm not just talking about band members.... All joking aside, it's kind of not that serious of a song. I think it's kind of one of those songs that comes up once in a while and then it's like 'Are we gonna do that? Are we gonna do insert incredible song here?' and I think it just kind of gets left in the dust. It's kind of a (Red Hot) Chili Peppers kind of tribute but it's also about some scary guy who could be profiled as a murderer.

    "If they played it every night then people would be sick of it. People would be asking 'Why do they keep playing that song?'"

    13. Is a massive Vault release going to happen? Is it their relationship with Sony (what is holding this up from happening)? Is it going to be their retirement fund when they're done playing? What's going on with it?

    TB: "That's a good question. The easiest way to answer it is... It's not like we can just go down there and open the door and let it out. Everything exists in various states of tidiness and documentation and all of those shows need some serious attention whether it's trying to compile them together to make sure the entire show is there, everything has to be mixed, everything has to be mastered.

    "The band's not going to say 'Okay, let's just put it out like it is.' The soundboard tape from a DAT. That's just not the kind of quality that they're interested in putting out there. It's not like an easy undertaking. It's something that needs to be planned out and carried out with a lot of care and time...

    "The band concentrates on today and tomorrow. Yesterday doesn't really come up that often and there's only so many hours in the day, there's only so much creative energy, and there's only so many resources to put all this stuff together and usually the band's looking forward to 'What are we going to do next? What are we going to do for our fans on the tour? What are we going to do for our fans on the record? They are aware that everybody would like that stuff, but it doesnt' always take the front seat in the priority department. When we do it we want to do it right. And we will (do it). Eventually those things will start to come out.

    Caller: It' seemed that they were going in that direction... and then all of a sudden it kind of disappeared. Can you shead any light on whether it was in the works at one time and then, for whatever reason they just backed off of it."

    TB: "No. No. That was the plan. Put out a couple of little things and that's as far as we got. It was never like 'Okay. Lets put out the vault.' because everyone here knows that that is just not something we can do. It's not a (realistic) thing. It's not just a turn-a-switch thing. There was a point where someone, probably me, said 'We can always dig out one of these old shows and tidy it up and get it ready.' And of course the guys were like "Okay, but we've got to look at it. We've got to listen to it. We've got to listen to a couple of different mixes. We've got to try a couple different people mixing it and get it mastered...' And you start to look at that (the process) times however many shows there are down there... I think it's pretty cumbersome."
    Post edited by HeavyHands on
    "A lot more people are capable of being big out there that just don't give themselves a chance." -Stone Gossard
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    ChazzChazz Somerset, UK Posts: 1,097
    This is a great thread - thanks for the efforts :D

    looking forward to the next installment
    Dublin, Reading 06
    London, Copenhagen 07
    MSG 08
    SBE, Manchester, London 09
    Dublin, Belfast, London 10
    Manchester, Berlin 12
    Amsterdam, Milton Keynes 14
    London 18
    London 22
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    HeavyHandsHeavyHands Posts: 2,130
    Thanks for the bump. Also looking forward to the next show. Hope someone can record and host it again!
    "A lot more people are capable of being big out there that just don't give themselves a chance." -Stone Gossard
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    PSUS2HPSUS2H USA Posts: 2,049
    The Pearl Jam station is pretty cool! You can always get a simple Sirius subscription online (great for work) for about $7/mo and its well worth it, and will probably help in the process.
    Pittsburgh, PA September 28, 2005 || Washington, DC June 22, 2008 || Barstow, VA May 13, 2010 || Seattle, WA  August 10, 2018 || Dana Point, CA September 29, 2018 (EV) || Dana Point, CA September 28, 2019 (EV) || Dana Point, CA September 25, 2021 (EV) || Dana Point, CA October 1, 2021 || Dana Point, CA October 2, 2021 
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    weekapaug19weekapaug19 Posts: 2,279
    as far as the Howard Stern reply and how they would rather play the garden, it should be brought up that Howard has millions of listeners every day, not just a couple of producers in the studio, which is much more people than would be in the Garden on any particular night. Howard is also a PJ fan.
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    HeavyHandsHeavyHands Posts: 2,130
    as far as the Howard Stern reply and how they would rather play the garden, it should be brought up that Howard has millions of listeners every day, not just a couple of producers in the studio, which is much more people than would be in the Garden on any particular night. Howard is also a PJ fan.

    As far as the Stern question is concerned, I obviously don't know what the band or their management or their fan club employees really, truly think of Stern's show, but to me the answer reads something like this:

    Stern's type/form/subject matter of entertainment are inconsistent with how PJ choose to conduct themselves in the public eye. Specifically, I'm focusing on the fact that Stern's show is pretty racy and raunchy. Not all the time, but if you look at his broadcast history of having porn actresses do things like pleasure themselves on the air, the ribald discussions of drug habits, etc..., the question comes to mind "Why would they choose to go on that show?" "Why would they want to publicly associate themselves with that stuff?" That stuff just isn't everyone's cup of tea.

    In my opinion the band has not really been about doing things for popularity because it's seen as an industry standard to do so. Many entertainers know that Stern gets great ratings, has a rabid fan base, and view his show as an opportunity to stay in the public eye. It's a good visibility platform for them and their products so they go on. I don't really think of PJ as entertainers per-se though. Sure they put on a great live show, but my suspicion is that they would rather be known as musicians and artists rather than entertainers.

    The band's method of operation seems to be to work on projects (like their DVD's, live albums and packages, hotel packages, fan club singles, deluxe vinyl releases, etc...) which they themselves would think were cool if they were a fan, and then to just kind of... release them out into the world, mass approval-be-damned. They've stepped it up on their last two albums with promotional efforts, but they continue to do things without, and please don't take this personally, lowering their standards.

    Personally, I think Mr. Bierman was very diplomatic in how he handled this question, if, in fact, my reasoning is correct. But I am willing to acknowledge that is a pretty big "if."
    "A lot more people are capable of being big out there that just don't give themselves a chance." -Stone Gossard
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    weekapaug19weekapaug19 Posts: 2,279
    I can see your point, but if you heard the billy joel interview last week, you would want PJ in that studio. Basically Billy came in and they brought in a Steingard (spelling?) grand piano for him, and they just talked about songs, where they came from, what they mean, what was going on in Billy's life when he wrote them, etc, and then he would play the piano for them... and it was awesome. But I don't ever see them going in that studio, I just think playing in front of a couple producers is kind of a lame excuse for that question.
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    HeavyHandsHeavyHands Posts: 2,130
    ...but if you heard the billy joel interview last week,...

    Yeah. you have me at a disadvantage here. I've read a few comments from Stern listeners about what a great interview that was, but I've not heard it myself.
    But I don't ever see them going in that studio, I just think playing in front of a couple producers is kind of a lame excuse for that question.

    We agree on both of your observations. But you have to admit the decline of interest was put very nicely. ;)
    "A lot more people are capable of being big out there that just don't give themselves a chance." -Stone Gossard
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    weekapaug19weekapaug19 Posts: 2,279
    HeavyHands wrote:
    ...but if you heard the billy joel interview last week,...

    Yeah. you have me at a disadvantage here. I've read a few comments from Stern listeners about what a great interview that was, but I've not heard it myself.
    But I don't ever see them going in that studio, I just think playing in front of a couple producers is kind of a lame excuse for that question.

    We agree on both of your observations. But you have to admit the decline of interest was put very nicely. ;)

    yes, yes it was
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    pjhawkspjhawks Posts: 12,261
    I can see your point, but if you heard the billy joel interview last week, you would want PJ in that studio. Basically Billy came in and they brought in a Steingard (spelling?) grand piano for him, and they just talked about songs, where they came from, what they mean, what was going on in Billy's life when he wrote them, etc, and then he would play the piano for them... and it was awesome. But I don't ever see them going in that studio, I just think playing in front of a couple producers is kind of a lame excuse for that question.

    what is he supposed to say though - that PJ would never do the howard stern show because he is a scumbag? anyone who knows anything about PJ and Ed especially knows they would never go on a show that at times treats people the way howard does, especially objectifying women. whether you agree or not that is at least the perception of howard's show.
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    Back during the "Kerry vs Bush" election campaign, Howard (or his people) wanted to get Ed on to badmouth Bush and maybe do a song or two. The story goes that Pearl Jam's people wanted to send either Stone or Mike (forget which one) and Howard wanted Ed. Because Ed (or Pearl Jam, or Pearl Jam's people, whoever) was unwilling to send Ed, the deal fell through.

    This is just what I heard. I can't verify it, but it makes for a nice story.

    We also need to remember that Pearl Jam is the group who would rather do pirate radio broadcasts, sues big corporations like TicketBastard, and would rather play a live show in front of 2,500 people in an intimate venue. (Yeah, they did the Target thing, but that was the obvious exception.) Why would Pearl Jam go on a national radio show when they can do Monkeywrench instead?
    Presidential Advice from President-Elect Mike McCready: "Are you getting something out of this all encompassing trip?"
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    UpSideDownUpSideDown Posts: 1,966
    So I assume the first caller today will be asking for some info on the Tweet?
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    edwhoedwho Posts: 811
    asshole losers…

    reprimand or pay raise?

    Three Fish

    July 1996 San Francisco

    June 1999 Chicago

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    Great thread Heavy Hands one ? you could ask other than Da Queet would be show Merchandise especially show peticulars ala Chicago cubs shirts last year why they r so limited and if the every plan on selling them via the mercs store after the tour is over
    Let's Go Yanks!
    96)Randalls Island I,II
    98)NJ,MSG I,II
    00) Virginia Beach Jones Beach I,II,III Saratoga Springs Seattle I
    03)Nassau Camden I MSG I,II NJ
    04)Boston I,II Reading
    05)Montreal Ottawa Toronto Borgata I,II Philly
    06) Irving plaza Albany Hartford Camden I,II NJ I,II LA I,II Gorge I,II
    08)Roo Camden I,II MSG I,II Hartford Beacon
    09)Chicago I,II Philly II,III,IV
    10)Hartford Newark MSG I,II
    11)PJ20 I,II
    13)Wrigley Brooklyn I,II Hartford
    15)Central Park
    16)MSG I,II
    17)Wrigley I,II
    18)Wrigley I,II
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