Best Overall Show of the Backspacer Tour



  • dimitrispearljamdimitrispearljam Posts: 139,721
    I hit 6 shows in the US and 3 in Europe this tour -
    I'm no critic as they all had a completely different vibe going on...

    Of the shows I attended ... Cleveland has to get some recognition here...
    Wash as an opener and Indifference as a closer... In Hiding, Smile, and The Real Me in between.
    Can I get an Amen..t ;)

    Berlin was amazing... If you were not there.... you can't even comment as far as I am concerned.
    Love Boat Captain was played while we were in the behind the stage que ...sound check... gave me chills!
    It got a little tight up front as an enthusiastic GA show can be but everyone took care of one another quite nicely. There was an amazing community feeling all day long. Thank you new friends for making it special!
    love your post and really,the way all take care eachother was amazing!!!people read the letter about it,people knew when to react and honor our brothers...i think i will never again feel the same emotion in a concert as i did in Berlin..and i love the fact that wherever i look i saw friends in the venue...i was around with 30 people that i knew every single of them...and for me a special was im gonna see my friend....i pass all the time of the song waving to every corner of the venue...a friend was there....
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • nuffingmannuffingman Posts: 3,014
    I only saw the Hyde park show and despite an insane crowd it was memorable. I've downloaded Belfast, Hyde Park and Berlin but not had time to play Berlin yet.

    I want to download 3 US shows but am not sure which 3 so I need some advice, preferably not just because you were there. Good sets and good crowds... over to you.
  • why go homewhy go home Posts: 287
    wozza77 wrote:
    1. London/Berlin 2010 cant decide between either
    2. Dublin

    Didn't do the US dates but would have to have been 1 hell of a show to be anywhere close to either of these

    Wow you are the first person i've heard say London was as good as Berlin.

    Sorry i ment London 09 as it was kinda the start of the Backspacer tour :lol:
    Glasgow 00, Dublin 06, Lisbon 06, Lisbon 06, Munich 07, London 07, New York 08, New York 08, Manchester 09, London 09, Dublin 10, Belfast 10, London 10, Berlin 10, Manchester 12, Manchester 12, Berlin 12, Berlin 12, Amsterdam 14, Amsterdam 14, Berlin 14, Leeds 14,
  • wozza77wozza77 Posts: 300
    wozza77 wrote:
    1. London/Berlin 2010 cant decide between either
    2. Dublin

    Didn't do the US dates but would have to have been 1 hell of a show to be anywhere close to either of these

    Wow you are the first person i've heard say London was as good as Berlin.

    Sorry i ment London 09 as it was kinda the start of the Backspacer tour :lol:

    Ah makes sense now!

    For me London 09 & Berlin best of Europe (Shepherds Bush just behind for venue and guest stars) and based on bootlegs for US MSG 2 & 1 followed by Philly 3&4.
    Now it all comes down to numbers, now I'm glad that I have quit
    Folks these days just don't do nothing simple for the love of it
  • jbmulder9jbmulder9 Posts: 228
    of the shows i was lucky enough to attend...they'd be ranked in this order:

    1. philly 4 (the rarely played gems, the atmosphere, halloween, balloons and devo. hard not to put it first.)
    2. boston (the crowd was amazing, release, sad, undone, save you, rvm, red mosquito, pilate.)
    3. hartford (the place was old and dank and small and i absolutely loved the vibe.)
    4. buffalo (god, light years and grievance and not for you and fatal and again, top notch crowd.)
    5. philly 1 (i only went to this philly show and halloween, everyone seems to rank this as the lowest but i was blown away...such a unique song selection, the 9 songs they played mid set from faithfull to ghost are among the most random selections you'd find in '09/'10. and i got GO! and all those yesterdays! wow.)

    and from some of the other boots i've purchased, i love vancouver and LA3. from what i've read i've gotta pick up berlin '10 too...
    1994 boston II
    1996 hartford
    2003 albany
    2003 mansfield I, II, III
    2004 boston I, II
    2006 boston II
    2008 mansfield II
    2009 philadelphia I, IV
    2010 buffalo, hartford, boston
  • PeArLgOoNeRPeArLgOoNeR Posts: 1,250
    sjbrooks wrote:
    Which was better: Berlin 2009 or Berlin 2010?

    At 09 the crowd was crazy up front.. My brother lasted all of 30 seconds before getting elbowed in the stomach and having to move back :shock: I lasted the main set, then had to move back because of the combination of jumping and the heat :lol: It was like a pre roskilde crowd in a lot of ways and I loved the atmosphere :!:

    This year me and my bro were in the 2nd row Mikes side and were COMPLETELY unbothered for the entire show :o It was a really weird experience to be up front and not having to fight to maintain your balance.. The people around us were into the music but barely moving.. The singing was great from both crowds, but I'm afraid I prefer the 09 crowd a bit :twisted:

    Musically I'd say 09 had the edge through the main set by a small margin since I believe it was longer! 1st encore goes to 10 and 10 also wins the 2nd encore in a no contest since it was just one of those things words can't describe.. I was in Copenhagen 07 as well and got teary eyed a couple of times during that show, but the 2nd encore from Berlin was just beyond words.. at least for me :?

    oh and 2010 also marked the first tme I got to see/hear my all time top 3 at the same show (Long Road, Immortality, Black) :ugeek:

    In 09 though I threw my sweatband on stage and Jeff put it on and played the last 2 hours with it on :mrgreen:

    Hamburg 2000, Berlin 2006, Copenhagen 2007, Berlin 2009, Berlin 2010, Berlin 1+2 2012, Copenhagen 2012, Amsterdam 1+2 2014, Vienna 2014, Berlin 2014, Prague 2018, Krakow 2018
  • cutzcutz Posts: 11,997
    nuffingman wrote:
    I only saw the Hyde park show and despite an insane crowd it was memorable. I've downloaded Belfast, Hyde Park and Berlin but not had time to play Berlin yet.

    I want to download 3 US shows but am not sure which 3 so I need some advice, preferably not just because you were there. Good sets and good crowds... over to you.

    Here's some suggestions for 3 U.S.A. shows:

    San Diego('09)

    I was'nt at any of those shows, so i can't tell you about the crowd(though the crowd has NO factor to me, when i'm listening to bootlegs). I rate L.A.-4 & Boston as "A" shows, and San Diego a B+. I really like the set list for L.A.-4 & Boston, and kicked ass. San Diego was a REAL SOLID show. This was based on a one time listen, and i haven't heard those Boots since they came out, as i've been to busy listening to the Euro 2010 shows :lol: . By the way, i really like Belfast & Berlin so far. For wahtever thats worth :lol:
  • LenzLenz Posts: 90
    although Berlin 2010 was a very special show, somehow I prefer Berlin 2009 - it was just faster and harder, that's rather my way :twisted:
  • Gary CarterGary Carter Posts: 14,067
    Lenz wrote:
    although Berlin 2010 was a very special show, somehow I prefer Berlin 2009 - it was just faster and harder, that's rather my way :twisted:
    we didn't need to know how you are in bed



    everytime pj plays berlin the setlist always look cool to me. it's kinda like when they always play hartford.
    Ron: I just don't feel like going out tonight
    Sammi: Wanna just break up?

  • dimitrispearljamdimitrispearljam Posts: 139,721
    sjbrooks wrote:
    Which was better: Berlin 2009 or Berlin 2010?

    At 09 the crowd was crazy up front.. My brother lasted all of 30 seconds before getting elbowed in the stomach and having to move back :shock: I lasted the main set, then had to move back because of the combination of jumping and the heat :lol: It was like a pre roskilde crowd in a lot of ways and I loved the atmosphere :!:

    This year me and my bro were in the 2nd row Mikes side and were COMPLETELY unbothered for the entire show :o It was a really weird experience to be up front and not having to fight to maintain your balance.. The people around us were into the music but barely moving.. The singing was great from both crowds, but I'm afraid I prefer the 09 crowd a bit :twisted:

    Musically I'd say 09 had the edge through the main set by a small margin since I believe it was longer! 1st encore goes to 10 and 10 also wins the 2nd encore in a no contest since it was just one of those things words can't describe.. I was in Copenhagen 07 as well and got teary eyed a couple of times during that show, but the 2nd encore from Berlin was just beyond words.. at least for me :?

    oh and 2010 also marked the first tme I got to see/hear my all time top 3 at the same show (Long Road, Immortality, Black) :ugeek:

    In 09 though I threw my sweatband on stage and Jeff put it on and played the last 2 hours with it on :mrgreen:
    there is a reason 2010 the crowd was calm....2009 was dangerous,i was there when some girls pass out and nurses try to help them.. .and im happy and proud that 2010 happens this way. and all was safe..
    thats was the poinnt of this year...
    and this YEAH!!!!! from the crowd was from inside their souls...

    "Lasst uns zehntausend Lichter für unsere Freunde sein!”

    Heute vor genau 10 Jahren sind 9 junge Männer –Fans wie du und ich und alle, die heute hier sind- aus unserer Mitte gerissen worden, sie starben während des Konzerts von Pearl Jam beim Roskilde Festival im Nachbarland Dänemark.

    Wir wissen, wie sehr dies die Band beeinflusst und bewegt hat. Und wir alle wissen auch, wie leicht es jedem von uns hätte passieren können. Wir alle haben damals 9 Freunde verloren, Freunde die wie niemals mehr kennenlernen werden, vor genau 10 Jahren. Deshalb wollen wir heute Abend alle diesem Tag ehrvoll gedenken – mit einer einfachen Geste, bei der JEDER mitmachen kann.

    Folgendes ist geplant:
    In der Pause vor der ersten Zugabe bitten wir euch, macht mit, wenn wir unseren Freunden in Solidarität bestehen und gedenken wollen. Nehmt einfach euer Handy, macht es an, so dass es leuchtet, vielleicht habt ihr ja sogar eine integrierte Taschenlampe oder Dauerblitz etc.*(oder ihr benutzt einfach ganz klassisch ein Feuerzeug), und haltet das Licht in Richtung Bühne, damit die Band, wenn sie wieder zurück auf die Bühne kommt, unsere Einigkeit sehen kann – in Erinnerung an die, die wir verloren haben.

    Passt auf euch auf und auf eure Freunde!
    Viel Spaß bei der Show!!!

    “We’re ten thousand points of lights for the fallen fan”

    Ten years ago today, nine young men – fans of this band, just like all of us gathered here – were taken from us during Pearl Jam’s set at the Roskilde Festival in neighbouring Denmark.

    We know how much this event has affected the band. We know easily it could have happened to any one of us. We all lost nine friends we’ll never know 10 years ago today. And we want to mark this solemn moment tonight.

    Here’s what we’d like you to do:
    During the encore break after the main set, join us in solidarity for our lost friends. Simply take out your phone, light up the screen, and face it towards the stage,(or use a cigarete lighter if you have one) so that when the band return they will see our solidarity with them, in memory of those we lost.

    Please be safe tonight. Look out for those around you...
    And enjoy the show.

    Thank you.
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • flintstonedflintstoned Posts: 118
    sjbrooks wrote:
    Which was better: Berlin 2009 or Berlin 2010?

    At 09 the crowd was crazy up front.. My brother lasted all of 30 seconds before getting elbowed in the stomach and having to move back :shock: I lasted the main set, then had to move back because of the combination of jumping and the heat :lol: It was like a pre roskilde crowd in a lot of ways and I loved the atmosphere :!:

    This year me and my bro were in the 2nd row Mikes side and were COMPLETELY unbothered for the entire show :o It was a really weird experience to be up front and not having to fight to maintain your balance.. The people around us were into the music but barely moving.. The singing was great from both crowds, but I'm afraid I prefer the 09 crowd a bit :twisted:

    Musically I'd say 09 had the edge through the main set by a small margin since I believe it was longer! 1st encore goes to 10 and 10 also wins the 2nd encore in a no contest since it was just one of those things words can't describe.. I was in Copenhagen 07 as well and got teary eyed a couple of times during that show, but the 2nd encore from Berlin was just beyond words.. at least for me :?

    oh and 2010 also marked the first tme I got to see/hear my all time top 3 at the same show (Long Road, Immortality, Black) :ugeek:

    In 09 though I threw my sweatband on stage and Jeff put it on and played the last 2 hours with it on :mrgreen:
    This tour, I was able to pick only 2 shows and they both were in Berlin. I consider myself a lucky person, as they both were memorable. No comparison between the two of them - they had completely different vibe IMO. Setlist-wise, again - a different experience, but they both were great. '09 - Sonic Reducer, Brother, Bee Girl, Angie, 10 - Push Me, Pull Me, Public Image, Kick Out The Jams, Long Road among many others. I agree - crowd in 2009 was insane, though I was in the front rows Stone's side for the entire show(drank a gallon of water after the show), while it was amazingly peaceful this year(I also was in like second or third row Mike's side, maybe we even saw each other :P). Both shows had its emotional and rocking moments, I'd hate to choose one.
    Chorzów 2007, Berlin 2009, Berlin 2010
    AMSTERDAM 2012, BERLIN 2012 !!!
  • Bristow, VA
    Bristow, VA (5/13/10)
  • PeArLgOoNeRPeArLgOoNeR Posts: 1,250
    Khadgar wrote:
    sjbrooks wrote:
    Which was better: Berlin 2009 or Berlin 2010?

    At 09 the crowd was crazy up front.. My brother lasted all of 30 seconds before getting elbowed in the stomach and having to move back :shock: I lasted the main set, then had to move back because of the combination of jumping and the heat :lol: It was like a pre roskilde crowd in a lot of ways and I loved the atmosphere :!:

    This year me and my bro were in the 2nd row Mikes side and were COMPLETELY unbothered for the entire show :o It was a really weird experience to be up front and not having to fight to maintain your balance.. The people around us were into the music but barely moving.. The singing was great from both crowds, but I'm afraid I prefer the 09 crowd a bit :twisted:

    Musically I'd say 09 had the edge through the main set by a small margin since I believe it was longer! 1st encore goes to 10 and 10 also wins the 2nd encore in a no contest since it was just one of those things words can't describe.. I was in Copenhagen 07 as well and got teary eyed a couple of times during that show, but the 2nd encore from Berlin was just beyond words.. at least for me :?

    oh and 2010 also marked the first tme I got to see/hear my all time top 3 at the same show (Long Road, Immortality, Black) :ugeek:

    In 09 though I threw my sweatband on stage and Jeff put it on and played the last 2 hours with it on :mrgreen:
    This tour, I was able to pick only 2 shows and they both were in Berlin. I consider myself a lucky person, as they both were memorable. No comparison between the two of them - they had completely different vibe IMO. Setlist-wise, again - a different experience, but they both were great. '09 - Sonic Reducer, Brother, Bee Girl, Angie, 10 - Push Me, Pull Me, Public Image, Kick Out The Jams, Long Road among many others. I agree - crowd in 2009 was insane, though I was in the front rows Stone's side for the entire show(drank a gallon of water after the show), while it was amazingly peaceful this year(I also was in like second or third row Mike's side, maybe we even saw each other :P). Both shows had its emotional and rocking moments, I'd hate to choose one.

    I gotta say though looking at vids from the 10 show there did seem to be plenty of jumping going on in the middle.. maybe I was just "unlucky" being surrounded by people who only wanted to stand with both feet planted :D

    Hamburg 2000, Berlin 2006, Copenhagen 2007, Berlin 2009, Berlin 2010, Berlin 1+2 2012, Copenhagen 2012, Amsterdam 1+2 2014, Vienna 2014, Berlin 2014, Prague 2018, Krakow 2018
  • Red LukinRed Lukin Canada Posts: 2,994
    For me personally it was Belfast. Berlin was sure special, but there's nothing in the world better then being 2nd row at a GA Pearl Jam show! Just so much energy up front, great fans - just an amazing experience! What I wouldn't do to relive that night again.

    Besides 1 or 2 stupid fans up front the rest were amazing. I had Aussies to my right, Italians in front of me, and passionate fans pushing me from behind :?
  • flintstonedflintstoned Posts: 118

    I gotta say though looking at vids from the 10 show there did seem to be plenty of jumping going on in the middle.. maybe I was just "unlucky" being surrounded by people who only wanted to stand with both feet planted :D
    Might be it. I just remeber 2009 - when they opened with Why Go, the crowd in the front went wild. I also gotta say that Berlin 2010 was my first show as a 10C member and my first 10C tickets. It is a great comfort. I arrived at the venue minutes before the 10C gates opened, got my tix and without any problems made it to the very front. Gotta ask though - what's the deal with the soundcheck? Who gets to hear it? Heard about some numbering stuff - is that connected?
    Chorzów 2007, Berlin 2009, Berlin 2010
    AMSTERDAM 2012, BERLIN 2012 !!!
  • MG79478MG79478 Posts: 1,684
    If I ranked the shows I went to:

    1) Columbus - Oceans followed by last kiss 27 times would have been the best show of the tour.
    2) Philly 2
    3) Philly 4
    4) MSG 2
    5) Philly 3
    6) Buffalo
    7) Philly 1
    8) Toronto 2009
    9) Cleveland
  • PeArLgOoNeRPeArLgOoNeR Posts: 1,250
    Khadgar wrote:

    I gotta say though looking at vids from the 10 show there did seem to be plenty of jumping going on in the middle.. maybe I was just "unlucky" being surrounded by people who only wanted to stand with both feet planted :D
    Might be it. I just remeber 2009 - when they opened with Why Go, the crowd in the front went wild. I also gotta say that Berlin 2010 was my first show as a 10C member and my first 10C tickets. It is a great comfort. I arrived at the venue minutes before the 10C gates opened, got my tix and without any problems made it to the very front. Gotta ask though - what's the deal with the soundcheck? Who gets to hear it? Heard about some numbering stuff - is that connected?

    I believe the first people who get there (REALLY early) get a number that guarantees their spot in line to get in so they don't have to worry about leaving to go to the restroom and such.. I think maybe the first 100 or so.. No one gets to hear the soundcheck up front though as far as I know..
    In the Immagine in Cornice DVD Ed soundchecks Immortality and it's in front of an entirely empty venue!
    This was also my first time with 10c tickets btw :) It worked very smoothly!

    Hamburg 2000, Berlin 2006, Copenhagen 2007, Berlin 2009, Berlin 2010, Berlin 1+2 2012, Copenhagen 2012, Amsterdam 1+2 2014, Vienna 2014, Berlin 2014, Prague 2018, Krakow 2018
  • why go homewhy go home Posts: 287
    For Europe i would have to say Dublin or Berlin 10
    apple and oranges...believe me...cant put those 2 in the same level..

    mmm, i thought Dublin was amazing, def 1 of the better times i've seen them
    Glasgow 00, Dublin 06, Lisbon 06, Lisbon 06, Munich 07, London 07, New York 08, New York 08, Manchester 09, London 09, Dublin 10, Belfast 10, London 10, Berlin 10, Manchester 12, Manchester 12, Berlin 12, Berlin 12, Amsterdam 14, Amsterdam 14, Berlin 14, Leeds 14,
  • why go homewhy go home Posts: 287
    Khadgar wrote:

    I gotta say though looking at vids from the 10 show there did seem to be plenty of jumping going on in the middle.. maybe I was just "unlucky" being surrounded by people who only wanted to stand with both feet planted :D
    Might be it. I just remeber 2009 - when they opened with Why Go, the crowd in the front went wild. I also gotta say that Berlin 2010 was my first show as a 10C member and my first 10C tickets. It is a great comfort. I arrived at the venue minutes before the 10C gates opened, got my tix and without any problems made it to the very front. Gotta ask though - what's the deal with the soundcheck? Who gets to hear it? Heard about some numbering stuff - is that connected?

    I'll probably get a bit of stick for this, but the number system is the shits! and unless your at the barrier its pointless.
    Glasgow 00, Dublin 06, Lisbon 06, Lisbon 06, Munich 07, London 07, New York 08, New York 08, Manchester 09, London 09, Dublin 10, Belfast 10, London 10, Berlin 10, Manchester 12, Manchester 12, Berlin 12, Berlin 12, Amsterdam 14, Amsterdam 14, Berlin 14, Leeds 14,
  • dimitrispearljamdimitrispearljam Posts: 139,721
    For Europe i would have to say Dublin or Berlin 10
    apple and oranges...believe me...cant put those 2 in the same level..

    mmm, i thought Dublin was amazing, def 1 of the better times i've seen them
    was great,but...Berlin,was for another planet!!
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • nycratsnycrats Posts: 1,351
    msg2 hands sown.

    then the argument should be made for the other shows to compete for number 2.

    doesnt mean these werent great shows either, but in my eyes, msg2 is hard to beat.
    '98: Camden 1 '00: JB2 '03: MSG1 '04: Boston 1 '05: AC1
    '06: Irving Plaza, East Rutherford 1 & 2 '07: Lolla '08: Camden 2, MSG2, Beacon
    '09 :Philly 1 & 2 '10: Buffalo, Newark, MSG1, MSG2
    '11: PJ20 1 & 2 '12: Missoula '13: Wrigley, BK2, Philly 1 & 2, Hartford
    '14: Ams 1 & 2, Cincy, St Louis, Detroit, Moline '15: Central Park
    '16 Philly 1 & 2, MSG 1 & 2, Toronto 1 & 2, Fenway 1, Wrigley 1
    '17 Brooklyn hall of fame ‘18 Fenway 1 '21 Jersey Shore '22 MSG  '24: MSG1, MSG2
  • AnocasAnocas Posts: 4

  • bigbucksbigbucks Posts: 23
    Noblesville,they opened with Release
    Noblesville 6/22/03
    Noblesville 5/7/10
    Alpine Valley 9/4/11

  • ragejoeragejoe Agawam Mass Posts: 1,419
    jnaught wrote:
    Columbus! I mean, they opened with Oceans, for God sakes!

    JUST LISTENED to columbus for first time today... great energetic show... band loved the crowd right off the bat... good stuff
    1998 Tour- Hartford 9/13
    2000 Tour- Saratoga 8/27 Boston 8/29, 8/30
    2003 Tour- Albany 4/29 Boston 7/2,7/3,7/11 Philadelphia 7/5,7/6 MSG 7/8,7/9
    2004 Tour-
    Boston 9/28,9/29
    2006 Tour-
    Albany 5/12 Hartford 5/13 Boston 5/24,5/25
    2008 Tour-
    MSG 6/24,6/25 Hartford 6/27 Boston 6/28,6/30 Eddie- Boston 8/1
    2009 Tour-
    Eddie- Albany 6/9 Philly Spectrum- 10/30, 10/31
    2010 Tour-
    Hartford 5/15 MSG 5/20,5/21
    2011 Tour-
    Eddie- Hartford 6/18
    2013 Tour- Worcester,MA 10/15,10/16 Hartford 10/25
    2016 Tour- MSG 5/1,5/2 FENWAY 8/5,8/7
    2018 Tour- Fenway 9/2, 9/4 (My 40th show)!
  • ragejoeragejoe Agawam Mass Posts: 1,419
    nycrats wrote:
    msg2 hands sown.

    then the argument should be made for the other shows to compete for number 2.

    doesnt mean these werent great shows either, but in my eyes, msg2 is hard to beat.

    Ya MSG 2 was a top 20 PJ show of all time but I think the Boston show probably was also... awesome awesome shows... Hartford was great but it doesnt have the setlist power of Boston n MSG 2 i dont think...

    I def like the 2010 tour more than 08 or 09 altho the Spectrum was an amazing experience... as is every PJ show
    1998 Tour- Hartford 9/13
    2000 Tour- Saratoga 8/27 Boston 8/29, 8/30
    2003 Tour- Albany 4/29 Boston 7/2,7/3,7/11 Philadelphia 7/5,7/6 MSG 7/8,7/9
    2004 Tour-
    Boston 9/28,9/29
    2006 Tour-
    Albany 5/12 Hartford 5/13 Boston 5/24,5/25
    2008 Tour-
    MSG 6/24,6/25 Hartford 6/27 Boston 6/28,6/30 Eddie- Boston 8/1
    2009 Tour-
    Eddie- Albany 6/9 Philly Spectrum- 10/30, 10/31
    2010 Tour-
    Hartford 5/15 MSG 5/20,5/21
    2011 Tour-
    Eddie- Hartford 6/18
    2013 Tour- Worcester,MA 10/15,10/16 Hartford 10/25
    2016 Tour- MSG 5/1,5/2 FENWAY 8/5,8/7
    2018 Tour- Fenway 9/2, 9/4 (My 40th show)!
  • JimmyVJimmyV Boston's MetroWest Posts: 19,348
    The list of epic shows grows after every tour, but we'll never all be able to agree on one that was the overall best. I do think if we were to list the epic shows since Backspacer was released it would like this:


    The LA shows (particularly 3 and 4)
    The Philly shows (particularly 3and 4)


    MSG II
    Berlin (maybe more unforgettable than epic)

    This doesn't mean that other shows weren't great but to me this represents the cream of the crop.

    "...I changed by not changing at all..."
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