
Rolling Stones top 500 Songs



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    wow, my recollection of the top 3-4 was way off....my apologies. Imagine is a GREAT choice, definitely worthy of top 3, if not top 1-2. And Johnny B. Goode WAS above SLTS...I am an ass...

    I also didn't mention any Springsteen in my previous incoherent rambling. He definitely should be top 10 somewhere...

    Anyway, I still stand by my the rest of my comments about the songs themselves. I understand that Smells Like Teen Spirit was huge, but without PJ, Soundgarden, AIC, etc., would Nirvana have even had a second single? I'm sorry, and I know I'm going to get beat up for this, but Kurt's legacy got blown way out of proportion when he passed away. I appreciate what they did and the great music they created, but I think their significance is hugely over-rated. People were sick of Hair Bands and whichever of those groups had the first single was going to catch Lightning in a Bottle. That's all I'm going to write because I don't want anyone to think I am hating on Nirvana or Kurt.

    And I think Hey Jude is boring and Can't Get No Satisfaction has the worst lyrics in the RS repertoire, with the possible exception of Jumpin' Jack Flash. Of course, I also loathe Jeremy, so maybe I just have some weird mental disorder. No, I definitely have a weird mental disorder, but maybe I have an additional one that causes me to hate band's most popular songs. :oops: :)
    "The goal of a coach is to take a guy who has beaten down by his parents, by religion, by society, to take that guy and build him back up to find his spirit to go out and fight" Joe Lewis
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    hopethatuchokehopethatuchoke Posts: 2,930
    Hope that u choke...

    You haven't spoken the truth. Once again, you've spouted your opinion. You don't seriously expect people on this message board to even remotely acknowledge your opinions that are 'less than flattering' for one of their favourite bands do you?

    I'm all for a good argument, but there's not even a semblance of one here. You have been demolished in this thread. Go seek support for your assertion that "Pearl Jam is not relevant" on some other artist's website. You and some popped-collar dude can snicker with each other in agreement.

    In the event you are not really Bill Cosby and just a sad person that is merely seeking some form of attention... fair enough- you succeeded. If not, scuttle away. Seriously.

    How did I not speak the truth? People on here have a tendency to freak out when someone says something bad about Pearl Jam (ie YOU right now). People have also agreed with my opinions before. I don't expect anyone to appreciate someone insulting their favorite band but the manor in which some people here react is hilarious in my opinion. Are they my favorite band? Yes. But do I kick and scream and insult when someone or a magazine gives them a bad review? No. Not saying the OP here did that but people in the past have. There is no room for middle ground or other opinions with certain people.

    And i'm sorry to say....they really just aren't that relevant anymore. They haven't had a huge album in over a decade, they have trouble selling out non-east coast shows, you don't hear too many younger bands citing them as an influence and outside of the major cities and they hardly get any radio airplay but that's ok, i'm fine with that. I am fortunate to live in Philly where 3 stations have them in rotation but rarely is anything later than Betterman played. I really have no desire to convince people here on a fan site that they are relevant or irrelevant but I guess you just coerced me to. I don't even know which song or songs I would include in the Top 500. I love so many of their songs and they are certainly my favorites but which would be deserving of being the top 500 of all time? Jeremy? Black? Betterman? All great songs but I don't know that I could call them among the tops of all time. Sweet Lew however? Top 10!

    And this was all light hearted and in good fun until you called me a collar popper. Ew :D
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    hopethatuchokehopethatuchoke Posts: 2,930

    Anyway, I still stand by my the rest of my comments about the songs themselves. I understand that Smells Like Teen Spirit was huge, but without PJ, Soundgarden, AIC, etc., would Nirvana have even had a second single? I'm sorry, and I know I'm going to get beat up for this, but Kurt's legacy got blown way out of proportion when he passed away. I appreciate what they did and the great music they created, but I think their significance is hugely over-rated. People were sick of Hair Bands and whichever of those groups had the first single was going to catch Lightning in a Bottle. That's all I'm going to write because I don't want anyone to think I am hating on Nirvana or Kurt.

    I agree with this. I don't think Nirvana would be even 1/10th as relevant as they are today had Kurt not died. Kurt probably would have kicked the others out of the band and went solo and would be doing successful solo tours. Teen Spirit definitely deserves to be on the list but the legacy is questionable.
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    BlahBlah Posts: 469
    I'm sorry, and I know I'm going to get beat up for this, but Kurt's legacy got blown way out of proportion when he passed away. I appreciate what they did and the great music they created, but I think their significance is hugely over-rated.

    Don't be sorry it's true. Cocain killed himself and now they are considered amazing when the truth is they were a limited band who stole a couple songs from some obscure bands and made millions and downed everyone else for doing exactly what they were doing by 10 folds. Cobain is actually a really bad guitar played, thats why they brought in a ringer guitar player in Pat Smear (I call him pap smear) yet he is on every top 5 greatest guitar player list. Nirvana was done and over, Ghrol was leaving already had his Foo Fighters demos out and Cobain knew it was over, that was part of his depression. He also knew by killing himself he would become what he did....it worked....who cares. The guys in Pearl Jam don't need a greatest list, they are living amazing lives with loving families.......I think they win any battle people want to put them against Nirvana because they are still here playing music, making music and making a difference in the world and living great happy lives. Greatest list that mother fuckers!
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    megatronmegatron Posts: 3,420
    WOW. So much hate for me! Particularly telling me to choke myself. :D All for simply speaking the truth. I love playing devils advocate around here. Was I literally waiting for someone to say something? Of course not. But once I saw there was a list coming out, I knew heads would roll around here. Any time a journalist, magazine, midget or TV show says anything remotely negative about our favorite band...a mutiny happens around here. It's one of my least favorite things about this place. There is somewhat of a self-inflicted brainwash on some people. I like making note of it. Just as you shouldn't let an article get you bent out of shape, you sure as heck shouldn't let a wiseass like me get you bent out of shape. I included a :lol: in my post clearly indicating I wasn't losing sleep over this. I'm not necessarily negative...just a wise ass.

    As for the songs....as much as I HATE to say it...those shitty songs that were specifically mentioned...Stan, R.Kelly's shit, Rhianna....unfortunately those songs are much much more vital and influential to the people outside of this board. They sell albums, they get radio play, they sell out shows nationwide. Pearl Jam just isn't that relevant anymore. Also unfortunately those things are taken into account when a national music publication complies a list of best songs. It's not right but that is how it is. Take comfort in the fact that RS's best and most respected critic, David Fricke, is a huge Pearl Jam fan and always has a good thing to say.

    it's a pj fan site so when they don't make a list of 500 songs it's going to be brought up.
    weren't they the biggest band in the world at one point? just seems someone would remember this and put one song from ten. or STBC or something.
    i find it strange they didn't make it.
    and yes it bothers me because i am a nerd...but not brainwashed
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    Last one for me. OP never kicked and screamed. He pointed out RS's lack of respect for any of PJ's songs (all- apparently- unworthy of the top 500 list which they endorsed). It is quite fair for him to respond on PJ's fan site with his distaste for the omission.

    I have found myself at odds with your point of view on a few occasions and have not bothered to respond. Today, for whatever reason, I didn't like what you were getting at. If PJ is your favourite band (10 Club since '03 might support what you've said), show them more respect.

    You made an obnoxious post suggesting PJ fans were crybabies whenever they disagreed with someone's opposing point of view. I would suggest they are more passionate than volatile. Your statement made people defend the integrity of their favourite band on their home field. I crossed the line with the popped collar statement.

    There is a great discussion going on about Nirvana between these petty arguments. Who would have 'thunk' that Grohl was a musical genius and that he would become the musician he has (have you ever heard him speak when he was the drummer for Nirvana?)?

    I need to learn how to quote in that brown outline that prefaces posts.
    "My brain's a good brain!"
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    brainofebrainofe Posts: 263
    i don't need no magazine telling me what's good or ain't
    Down in the hole, Jesus tries to crack a smile beneath another shovel load.
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    megatronmegatron Posts: 3,420
    brainofe wrote:
    i don't need no magazine telling me what's good or ain't

    what skit is your avatar from? never seen it
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    brainofebrainofe Posts: 263
    jones wrote:
    brainofe wrote:
    i don't need no magazine telling me what's good or ain't

    what skit is your avatar from? never seen it

    it's from SNL, the skit was celebrities singing songs for a cartoon movie called "bunny business." Bill Hader also imitated Ed on another skit where they did an updated version of "we are the world."
    Down in the hole, Jesus tries to crack a smile beneath another shovel load.
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    RiotZactRiotZact Posts: 6,217
    hope... you say you were speaking the truth yet in your first post you said something about us complaining because RS didn't "worship" PJ. it's a list of the TOP FUCKING 500!!!. Thats "WORSHIPING" it they put 1 (or even 5) songs on the list, you DO play devils advocate and you DO enjoy making fun of people who in reality arn't half as obsessive as you are.

    I sometimes wonder what it would be like if it was eddie instead of kurt, sure it would be bad for us that are currntly fans but what about the millions of others that don't know who PJ is that would love them if they only knew?

    P.S. Stan is a great song, eminem is truely a great rapper and the only one I've liked i the past 10 years, still at least 100 PJ songs I like better though.
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    fox_mulderXfox_mulderX Posts: 1,134
    PJam82 wrote:
    I was waiting for this post....hahahaha. Time for the semi-annual bashing of Rolling Stone magazine because they don't worship your favorite band! :lol:

    It's not about worship, but you are going to tell me that Stan from Eminem and Ignition from R Kelly, are better songs?

    edit: then anything that the boys have done.

    Stan is an incredible song with the shifting narrator tackling quite a few topics and perspectives. Not many people can do this as effectively as Eminem did. It's a GREAT accomplishment, even if you don't enjoy it.

    stan is shit
    he switches perspectives once and the only topic every tackled is murder.
    eminem is the most overrated pop icon of the past 25 years. it blows me away the people actually listen to him and think "man, this guy is so talented". if eminem was black, he would not be where he is today. he's a white man in a black mans world and that's why he gets attention.
    eminem has had the same shtick since 1998. he's a poser and needs to fade away.
    now, as for the list... who cares if pearl jam isn't on it? they are still the same band that they were before the list was made.
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    The JugglerThe Juggler Behind that bush over there. Posts: 47,446
    beat it dummy.

    How original. Take care. Bye

    i did it!!!
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    The JugglerThe Juggler Behind that bush over there. Posts: 47,446
    bottom line: out of 500 fucking songs, at least 1 or 2 pj tunes should have been on there. this was the biggest band of the 90's we're talking about here. fucking joke.
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    hopethatuchokehopethatuchoke Posts: 2,930
    beat it dummy.

    How original. Take care. Bye

    i did it!!!

    False alarm. I was just impersonating the old you ;)

    I agree...out of 500 songs....at least throw 1 Pearl Jam in there. Any Radiohead? Knowing Rolling Stone they will throw something from Kid A on there when it really should be something from OK.
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    hopethatuchokehopethatuchoke Posts: 2,930

    Last one for me. OP never kicked and screamed. He pointed out RS's lack of respect for any of PJ's songs (all- apparently- unworthy of the top 500 list which they endorsed). It is quite fair for him to respond on PJ's fan site with his distaste for the omission.

    I have found myself at odds with your point of view on a few occasions and have not bothered to respond. Today, for whatever reason, I didn't like what you were getting at. If PJ is your favourite band (10 Club since '03 might support what you've said), show them more respect.

    You made an obnoxious post suggesting PJ fans were crybabies whenever they disagreed with someone's opposing point of view. I would suggest they are more passionate than volatile. Your statement made people defend the integrity of their favourite band on their home field. I crossed the line with the popped collar statement.

    There is a great discussion going on about Nirvana between these petty arguments. Who would have 'thunk' that Grohl was a musical genius and that he would become the musician he has (have you ever heard him speak when he was the drummer for Nirvana?)?

    I need to learn how to quote in that brown outline that prefaces posts.

    When you see a post you want to quote....on the top right of that post box you will see a button that says "Quote". Just click that and it will automatically include the message in brown above what you respond with. :mrgreen:
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    The JugglerThe Juggler Behind that bush over there. Posts: 47,446

    False alarm. I was just impersonating the old you ;)

    I agree...out of 500 songs....at least throw 1 Pearl Jam in there. .

    okay. :problem:

    so....then..... you have no beef with the point of this thread. you just enjoy trying to annoy people apparently.

    atta guy :roll: :lol::lol::lol:
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