YEAH FOR TIM BURTON. ... -genre.htm
Burton to rescue vampire genre?
By Jamie Watt
When Alice in Wonderland director Tim Burton announced his plans at Comic Con last year to helm an upcoming film adaptation of 1960s vampire TV show Dark Shadows, fans of the bloodsucker genre all over the globe breathed a collective sigh of relief.
For vampire enthusiasts fond of the many awesome and varied film, TV and literary depictions of the fanged miscreants of the night, the last few years have been a barren wasteland populated by zombie-esque teen girls, clinging desperately to copies of the various Twilight novels and moaning heatedly about the “beautiful Edward Cullen”. Thank Christ there’s a traditionally dark, gore-filled vampire flick on the horizon.
Twilight is giving vampires a bad name. There, we said it. The vampire myth is one of the most time-tested and beloved legends in pop culture history, and while we’ll allow for cool examples of experimentation with said myth (Blade was a human-vampire hybrid who waged war on his own kind, Daybreakers depicted a future where vampires were the majority and humans the minority), we won’t stand for the liberties Twilight has taken with it.
At no point were vampires intended to be used as a platform for sexually repressed religious drivel. No, they can’t walk around during the day and no, their skin doesn’t sparkle like a diamond when exposed to the sun. At least Twilight got the vampires’ traditional rivalry with werewolves right, but since when were all lycanthropes perennially shirtless goons who look like they just stepped out of an informercial for the Ab King Pro?
With the announcement of his upcoming project, Tim Burton has thrown bloodsucker fans a buoy to rescue them from this sea of vampire mediocrity. Dark Shadows was an eerily gothic vampire yarn and the unhinged Burton is just the man to bring it to the big screen. With mostly-successful collaborator Johnny Depp on board too, this could finally be the stake through Twilight’s heart we’ve been waiting for. ... -genre.htm
Burton to rescue vampire genre?
By Jamie Watt
When Alice in Wonderland director Tim Burton announced his plans at Comic Con last year to helm an upcoming film adaptation of 1960s vampire TV show Dark Shadows, fans of the bloodsucker genre all over the globe breathed a collective sigh of relief.
For vampire enthusiasts fond of the many awesome and varied film, TV and literary depictions of the fanged miscreants of the night, the last few years have been a barren wasteland populated by zombie-esque teen girls, clinging desperately to copies of the various Twilight novels and moaning heatedly about the “beautiful Edward Cullen”. Thank Christ there’s a traditionally dark, gore-filled vampire flick on the horizon.
Twilight is giving vampires a bad name. There, we said it. The vampire myth is one of the most time-tested and beloved legends in pop culture history, and while we’ll allow for cool examples of experimentation with said myth (Blade was a human-vampire hybrid who waged war on his own kind, Daybreakers depicted a future where vampires were the majority and humans the minority), we won’t stand for the liberties Twilight has taken with it.
At no point were vampires intended to be used as a platform for sexually repressed religious drivel. No, they can’t walk around during the day and no, their skin doesn’t sparkle like a diamond when exposed to the sun. At least Twilight got the vampires’ traditional rivalry with werewolves right, but since when were all lycanthropes perennially shirtless goons who look like they just stepped out of an informercial for the Ab King Pro?
With the announcement of his upcoming project, Tim Burton has thrown bloodsucker fans a buoy to rescue them from this sea of vampire mediocrity. Dark Shadows was an eerily gothic vampire yarn and the unhinged Burton is just the man to bring it to the big screen. With mostly-successful collaborator Johnny Depp on board too, this could finally be the stake through Twilight’s heart we’ve been waiting for.
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Post edited by Unknown User on
To be honest, in regards to most Vampire related movies, I'd rather read about them than watch them on the screen. There is something much more intimate in having to use your imagination as opposed to having someone's interpretation of a story on the screen. Having said that, I really liked Let the Right One In.
+1 that's a freaky little movie, there doing an american remake with Hitgirl from Kickass, well see.
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That's probably why I like LtROI, it's NOT a Hollywood production
There are other Vamp movies that I have enjoyed, such as the Underworld series, but usually I am terribly disappointed. After all these years, I still haven't sat all the way through Interview with a Vampire because I was so angry/disappointed with Cruise being cast as Lestat :oops: :?
What other Vamp movies/series do you guys recommend? I have Buffy, Angel and Supernatural (with some Vamp aspects) on DVD.
I was too, but now i've seen the movie so many times, i actually hear tom cruises voice when i reread the books. maybe your better off not watching it.
but had outstanding soundtrack.
You'll have probably watched Trueblood, I really like that one, although without satellite tv I'm way behind on that one so am reading the books instead.
I also really like Being Human a series BBC3 have done, there's been 2 series so far and I'm hoping for more. Quite funny at times, but also sad at times too. Anyway it's about a vampire, werewolf and ghost sharing a house and trying to live in the 'normal' world. Worth a go.
NIght watch and its sequel Day watch is a great example of how a vampire (ish) movie can be done.
It's russian but there is a dubbed version on the dvd (of course subtitles are much better)
get a room you two
they're worse than twilight
Queen of the Damned was atrocious, but Interview was funny in a lot of places - I thought Cruise did a decent job with the character, in terms of the irreverent and inappropriate humor that was part of Lestat's personality. Brad Pitt as Louis I hard a harder time with.
If anyone hasn't read the original Dracula, I highly recommend it.
But Burton, Dark Shadows, that sounds decent.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
I was gona say Atrocious, but i didn't know to spell it.
just a small example of the awesomeness of the QueenOFTD soundtrack
once again jeags you thought wrong.
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Tahnk Your Stephanie Meyer's
considering how sexless the books are i dont understand it either.
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take a good look
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Off beat for a horror flick with a lot of humor thrown in. A group of white trash vampires traveling around the Midwest.
Great now its 12:15 at night and i'm all into this movie, is Mae ,Paullette from Grease 2? i used to be in love w/that girl.
What the hell happened to him. Its been all downhill since his amazing cameo in "Singles".
well then i stand corrected. i thought i remembered you and pam being excited about them at the other place.
And someone buy Tim Burton a beer for this. May he set the vampire genre back on course. Someone has to.
BOS-9/28/04,9/29/04,6/28/08,6/30/08, 9/5/16, 9/7/16, 9/2/18
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ATX-10/4/09, 10/12/14
Bridge School-10/23/2010,10/24/2010
Just found this today- 10 Director/Actor Pairings Who Need a Break
No. 10 Helena Bonham Carter and Tim Burton
Helena Bonham Carter, believe it or not, used to be a distinguished actress who was nominated for an Oscar for her performance in The Wings Of A Dove. Since with Burton, however, she only seems to find work in his films slumming around in creepy makeup. Apart from some appearances in the Harry Potter series, the actress hasn’t made a notable splash outside the Burtonverse since 1999’s Fight Club and it seems like there is no slowing down this husband/wife movie making duo. Burton has three projects slated for production that will likely feature the quirky actress.
No. 1 Johnny Depp and Tim Burton
It’s hard to argue with success (their most recent film, Alice in Wonderland, has garnered their highest box office) but Tim Burton’s reliance on Depp has reached a level of near parody. Their collaborative efforts have become more and more predictable and the once exciting duo has been reduced to a bland mix of dayglow hot topic merchandise. Their last truly great film together was Ed Wood in 1994 and found both at their career best. It is possible for them to reclaim this glory but Burton is going to need to cast Depp more appropriately instead of dressing him up in garish make up and wigs and letting him run on autopilot.
as i said.
though i have to admit i found the scenery very thrilling and the best thing about the films so far. michael sheen as aro deserves a mention too.
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