*** Noblesville Fanviews Here 5/7/10 ***



  • CosmoCramerCosmoCramer Posts: 572
    AM61733 wrote:
    What pissed me off most was when I took my daughter down closer so she could see the band with her own eyes there were HUGE lots of VIP rows sitting empty. The venue was at capacity and there sat all those awesome seats empty. I wanted to take my kid and park our asses in those seats!


    The VIP Seats were right next to me and yes, out of the 12, there were only 4 of the 4 seat boxes occupied.
    Indy 2000
    St. Louis 2000
    Champaign 2003
    Indy 2003
    St. Louis 2004
    Cincinnati 2006
    Indy 2010
    Hampton 2016
    Lexington 2016
    EV Bourbon and Beyond 2017
    Chicago N1 2018
    Chicago N2 2018
    Nashville 2022
    St Louis 2022
    Oklahoma City 2022
    Denver 2022
    Chicago N1 2023
    Chicago N2 2023
    Noblesville 2024
    Chicago N1 2024
    Chicago N2 2024
    Baltimore 2024
    Boston N1 2024
    Boston N2 2024
  • maugellimaugelli Posts: 3
    bamajam wrote:
    I don't post a whole lot, but my two cents from last night...

    WOW. The show was amazing! Thank you again Pearl Jam for rocking our fucking socks off!! My only regret is that we didn't make it in time for the pre-party. :( I was so looking forward to meeting some fellow fans! But, driving up from AL, not timing things exactly right...we just couldn't make it happen... Got to the venue a little after six and were able to pick up 10C tix with very little wait and get inside. I hate that everyone that got there just a little later than us had so many issues...

    But the show was awesome! My 8th show (last one was two years ago in SC), and just what the doctor ordered for me after a total shit year...thank you Ed, Stone, Mike, Jeff and Matt...you NEVER disappoint!! Highlights for me were Release, In My Tree, Down, Why Go, Unthought Known (I can't put into words what this one has meant to me since Backspacer came out), Off He Goes, and Garden. Hell, they were all highlights! I'd also like to thank the crowd...the energy was GREAT, and that goes such a long way in the whole experience.

    And yeah; the traffic sucked, the weather sucked, the restroom lines sucked...but come on, those inconveniences are not what I'm taking away from Noblesville!! Thank you Indiana, Alabama appreciates you! :)

    And one more note...every saying Chicago folks are assholes? An adorable couple from Chicago sat next to us in Section D and could not have been nicer and more fun to share the experience with! So let's not make such generalizations... Sorry, that just bugs me...

    Thanks again PJ for a great show! I'm just sad it's the only one I'll see this year. Hope everyone has equally incredible experiences for the rest of the tour!!
    Thanks for sticking up for us! It was a pleasure meeting you and your friend, I hope the drive back to Alabama was a good one! Great show and great people!!!
  • DiscopijDiscopij Posts: 479
    9th show but first time seeing them outside a 'PJ hub' city (Chicago, Boston, Philly for the other 8) so I wasn't sure what to expect. Show was great, setlist was great as previous people have mentioned - but for me the story was the crowd. Probably the best crowd i've seen at a show - i was pumped to see so many people bouncing around to every tune, new or old, rare or standard.

    Also, just want to give a huge thumbs up to all the fans that made the best of what could have been a really bad situation. The traffic getting in was horrible and yet i didnt see any assholes trying to cut through the lines. Same goes for the ten club line - we got there an hour later than planned and even though the line was way too long, people were being surprisingly patient (at least as patient as you could expect). Props to PJ too for waiting all that extra time so we could get in. By the time the show started it could have been a rough crowd, but man was it a great atmosphere from start to finish.

    On a side note, i drove back to chicago the morning after the show since i had tickets to Joel Mchale at the Chicago Theater. It was great to see he has good taste in music, as the music playing overhead pre-show was none other than the complete Vs album... i heard all the way from Go to Rearviewmirror ... good times. Then to top it off, his entrance and exit music was Last Exit. Made for a bit of an extended PJ weekend, and there's nothing at all wrong with that.

    One more thing - to the people who find it necessary to stereotype based on geography - just cut the crap becuase we're all tired of it. I'm from Boston and have lived in Chicago for years, so to some that automatically makes me a double asshole, and my wife is from Indiana so apparently that makes her a lame hick with no taste in music. If you actually believe that crap, you are the asshole and we don't want you on this board or at PJ shows. I'm so tired of the posts the have some form of "People from [location different from you] are [negative phrase used only to piss people off]".
  • RedMosquito608RedMosquito608 Posts: 64
    edited May 2010
    It's been 36 hours since my concert day ended. I am finally home and have read through the other posts and am ready to respond with my fanviews.

    WHAT A GREAT CONCERT! I got to see Pearl Jam. They played 29 songs, over 2 1/2 hours. I definitely got my money's worth, my face rocked, my blood pumping, my pogo going, and got to wrap my arms around my wife a few times.

    This was my 8th time seeing them and my wife's 5th time. All of her's have been with me. She says she loves seeing me in "Pearl Jam Mode".

    We left the Madison, Wisconsin area about 8:30 AM (Central Time) on Friday, driving. Luckily our directions had us take the 294 through Chicago and missed most of the traffic and kept moving the whole way. It got a little slow hitting the 65 in Indiana. We stopped a couple of times for food and bathroom and gas. Then we hit Indy and then the 69 and Fishers/Noblesville around 4:00 pm (Eastern Time). That's when the roads got backed up and slowed. down. We checked into our hotel in Fishers about 5:00 pm.

    My biggest concern was the tornado watch and possible thunderstorms. The skies were cloudy but the weather was warm and dry. My worst fear was the entire concert would be canceled.

    My wife got cleaned up at the hotel and I hit up a couple of locals for tricks on how to get to the venue. I checked google, too, and found the backroads. We did NOT hit any traffic until we turned to enter the venue, even then we were luckily to get into line and get right in. No messing around in the parking lot (which was covered in grass, no mud like Alpine Valley), it was already almost 6 and I wanted to know where my 10c seats were.

    There was a small line at the ticket windows. Appeared to be 2 open. Someone said they are also giving out 10c tickets at 3 and 4 and we went over there, waited on 2 people and got our tickets.

    Section H, Row E. Ten Club # 217xxx

    We grabbed a couple of 24 oz, $9 Coors Lights and went past the merch booth. Way backed up there. Looked at t-shirt prices, $35 and moved on.

    Finally we moved on to our seats. The Pavilion was still pretty empty. We found our seats. They were in the 2nd section back on Stone's side, about 4th row in that section, just back from the sign language people.

    Then the announcement came. We were welcome to go back to our cars. A storm was coming and they would tell us over the radio when it was safe to return. We were covered, we were staying put. Which was a good idea. We stayed dry and waited it out. Had another beer. found the bathrooms, 3 rows deep of places to go, WOW, much better than Alpine Valley. Hung out, had some food, looked for other beer. Didn't look hard enough.

    It must have been 7:30 when they started taking the plastic off of things on stage and announced Band of Horses would play and we would still get a full Pearl Jam set. We talked to the couple next to us from Bloomington.

    BOH was okay.

    Then it was wait for Pearl Jam. I had told some friends I would try to Skype with them at 9:30 pm (8:30 pm, Central Time). My iPhone battery was dying and my ability to get data was slow. Thanks Verizon. When the show started at 9:30, i found out I can't skype over 3g.

    Release was a great opener. I was very happy to hear In My Tree. It's one of my favorites and Matt played awesome on the drums. The sound was good, not great, but you're at a concert, not sitting listening at home. It's to be expected. Unknown Thought was great to hear. So was Daughter, my wife's favorite song. Then, THEN, they f***'ing played RATS. I love that song and was jumping up and down listening to it. I told my wife in the car on the way there that it would be great to hear.

    Frst encore. Given to Fly. LUKIN. And then the crowd sounded great on Better Man. Then another fave, DTE.

    Between encores I'm telling the drunk guy behind me in the Miller shirt that I think they'll close with YL. Another guy says no, they just did that. I say they should play Baba.

    Then we get Baba, into Yellow Ledbetter, followed by the Star Spangled Banner. HOLY SH**. What a show. What a close. What a night.

    As we exited our seats, to go to the bathroom, we pass the beer stand and see empty boxes of Fat Tire. Oops. Then we get to the bathroom and I go right in and to the back and don't have to wait to pee. My wife comes out and said she only had to wait once all night.

    Then we plod like cattle towards our car. All of us through one small exit, Then across one small bridge. We get to our car and just decide to sit and wait and we do for probably 45 minutes. Out on the roads, hit a backroad, turn from the crowd in front of us, and miss the traffic. Back to the hotel at 1:00 AM. and ask to have our check out extended to Noon. Thank you Hampton.

    Overall, a great experience. Not my best. Not much beats Red Rocks night 2 in '95 or on the rail at Lollapalooza in 2007. The weather was nicer than the Ice Bowl at Alpine in 2000, if you were there you can talk about being cold at a concert. And Alpine '03 was a great show.

    Thank you Pearl Jam, Thank you Ten Club, Thank you.
    Post edited by RedMosquito608 on
    formerly jamestr - I took my profile picture at Alpine Valley during the RATM concert on 08/24/2007
  • acutejamacutejam Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2010
    So I flew out to Indy to see my good buddy, Ten! Release, Jeremy, Even Flow, Alive, Why Go, Garden!

    Awesome to hear Release, Garden, Rats, Whipping and Supersonic. I forgot about Wishlist, Down. Insignificance, In My Tree ... (Drunk Dude, I like these songs, could you turn around and shut up please?!)

    Gotta say Rats I think had a really funky jam going. Few points over the night, I kinda caught myself going, "Whoa, they are trippin' right now!" Some pretty good jams in spots. Whipping was a frenzy, like Lukin. As I roamed about, lots of folks knew these deeper cuts. Can't wait to hear the boots, but I'm a bit worried about wind noise....

    The weather was such a factor, was like a mystical force during Band of Horses building and fading with the movements of the songs. So windy, the acoustics absolutely sucked up on the grass, really squelched the sound. Not as bad up close of course. I had to roam about. Sat in the Upper Pavilion center, but roamed down to the first for the encore, and up to the grass for a bit. HAD to leave my seats....

    You're friendly, but you are drunk and talking to me during too many songs. And stop touching me, that crosses a line. Like your cigarette in the wind letting embers fly into your neighbors face. You suck!

    But Upper Pavilion in Sec F Rows L thru P were festive, lots of friends greeting each other, awesome vibe, the fun of 10C seats! Folks switching seats getting groups together and chatting with neighbors. I'll say this, much more neighborly than the West Coast shows I've been too. So many aloof attitudes out west. The midwest hospitality can't be beat!

    All you Red Wings fan, just jerkin yer chain, we all know the Sharks will choke (hehehe, NOT!)

    Flying out from Cali, we were all belted in for the last hour to Chicago, seriously ... the air cabin crew were zipped in too ... lightning flashin all around the plane. Sat on the tarmac for 20 minutes cause the ground crew couldn't go out and hook up the jetway! Thank god I had extended my layover to Indy an hour later than airline dot com wanted me to.

    And then it's a freakin BEAUTIFUL day in Indy, got up to about 84 or so, but then the wind kicked in later. Driving back out to the 10C party at 5pm, i hear, "And all you fans headed out to Pearl Jam, be advised that a Tornado Warning is in effect until 11 pm." Whoo hoo!

    And then, we had our own Boston Puker, Sec F Row M, Seat (should I do it? I know exactly which seat you were in!) You f'n mofo!!! Just let loose and this river of puke flowing down 8-10 rows. And he wasn't gonna leave or do nuthin', just sittin there holding his head. So we made sure medical hauled his ass away and finally threw some absorbent shit down on it.

    Again, weather prolly to blame, too long waiting ... too much drinking. Which I guess also calls for Security tighter than a freakin Raiders Game! Have not had the full body pat down in quite a while, geez!

    But the wide open skies, and clouds whipping by at high speeds, again, just freakin mystical in a way, roll with it! The set list was fantastic, folks for the most part were awesome. What a blast!

    Heya Dude from Oakland in the Sharks Hat outside the line, Nice Chatting! As well as you two from South Bend as we waited for Merch, may your PJ shows sometimes catch your 80+ Boss shows! At the pre-party, dude who flew in from Denver cause his buddy lived 10 mins away and hadn't seen 'em yet, good call! And now it's like tradition, fly out to a show and meet up with Philly man -- just wasn't sure it was you in your Temple shirt! Chicago folks behind me in the seats, fun shit, glad you made it up close, bummed you left with only the aroma left behind!

    Best was the awesome couple from Noblesville, she's the fan but he came along for the fun. You all freakin rock! Hope your photos turned out ok! So the setlist and the local hospitality more than made up for all the utter lameness around (incl 45 mins from parking lot to freeway post-show)! Great show! Great fun!
    Post edited by acutejam on
    [sic] happens
  • PJFaninIndyPJFaninIndy Westfield, IN Posts: 93
    Thought that this was a great set list and had a blast at the show.

    Just kind of surprised at where my seats were. I'm not complaining, but it seemed like I was around people not in the 10C...people just standing, not knowing the words to songs, etc... I don't have the lowest # around (342xxx, joined in '03), but I was in Section E row K. Kind of bummed about being near the back of the pavilion, but the show was amazing!

    Met some great people at Mo's before the show (Joel, and 2 guys I can't remember the names of...1 from Balitmore and 1 from NC...too many Jack and Diets I suppose).

    Here's to hoping that its not another 7 years until they visit again!
    6/22/03 – Noblesville, IN
    10/3/04 – Grand Rapids, MI
    9/11/05 – Kitchener, ON Canada
    9/12/05 – London, ON Canada
    5/22/06 – Auburn Hills, MI
    6/24/06 – Cincinnati, OH
    8/23/09 – Chicago, IL
    5/7/10 – Noblesville, IN
    7/19/13 – Wrigley Field
    10/1/14 – Cincinnati, OH
    10/20/14 – Milwaukee, WI
    4/26/16 – Lexington, KY
    8/20/16 – Wrigley Field
    8/22/16 – Wrigley Field
    8/18/18 - Wrigley Field
    8/20/18 - Wrigley Field
    9/6/22 - Hamilton, ON Canada
    9/17/22 - Bourbon & Beyond, Louisville, KY
    9/18/22 - St. Louis. MO
    9/5/23 - Chicago, IL
    9/7/23 - Chicago, IL
  • bnc620bnc620 Posts: 6
    Loved it!! My first Pearl Jam show ever, and I was blown away!! I am ready to tour with them. :D Thankfully, my brother explained some background info to me on the way over, and I was able to think about the songs' meanings and hear the emotion in Eddie's voice. Just beautiful! Can't wait to see them again.
  • CosmoCramerCosmoCramer Posts: 572
    Got to the Venue around 5:00 pm, left the house at about 4:15. Parked in Blue 1 second row from the main sidewalk to the main gate. Ran up to the ticket window to get my club tickets, maybe 8 people in front of me with 2 windows open. Then bam another window opens and the line just flew, probably waited 8 mins at the most. Excited, excited, ooooohh Section H, Row D, Seats 16,17, ok not what I was hoping for but I will take it. At that time my buddy was with me who had got his tickets through TM and he had 4 in Section H, Row I.

    Get back to the van to fire up the grill and wouldnt you know it here comes the Grill Nazi's, "no grills this year". Are you serious, im freakin starvin, you cant eat raw brauts. But thankfully some guys across the way had a littly gas grill set up in the back of their SUV, so they were neighborlly and let us cook our meat. Thanks guys!

    Its 8:00 pm better get in there, I get in drop some cash on 3 shirts, $18 for 2 beers and head to my seat and get there around 8:40 and suprised to see BoH still on and the venue empty. I meet up with my wife cause we split at the main gate, she had to pee, I had to spend money. Once I got to my seats I was happy, I was 2nd row of the Upper pavillion, last 2 seats with VIP to my left and the signing lady right in front of me, no seat in front of my seat. No obstructed view at all, my wife was excited, her very 1st PJ show.

    I had been telling my wife what a great show they put on, will spin us into a frenzy for 2 1/2 hours.

    Side note: A few years ago I dropped about $300.00 for 2 tickets to go see the Dixie Chicks. I did not go, she went with her friend, wanted to make that clear. Show starts at 7:00 pm, I stay home with the kids, 10:30 pm she is already home. I was like what happened, she said nothing the show was over, I was like wow, 300 for a 60 minute set.

    9:00 she says well where are they and I am like I dont know, I didnt know anything about the postponement or anything. I am also thinking they will have to be out of there by 11:00 or so since that is the curfew for Verizon, you go past, you pay a fine.

    Finally at about 9:40 here they come with Release and you know the rest. I was suprised that the VIP practically empty.

    10:15, my friends are behind us, she goes to the restroom, 10:30 friends wife still not back, 11:00 still not back, 11:20, friend comes down, have you seen Jennifer, no dude I havent. He goes and looks for her, my wife and I stay and rock our asses off and by this time the signing lady (she had a set list) that whole section left. So my wife and move down there and we have more room to pogo and dance and fist pump with the best of them during Alive.

    12:00 get back to van and worried about Jennifer and there they are in the van. What happened I ask? Jennifer said she didnt have her ticket and they wouldnt let her back in so she had to watch from the barricades. This was her 1st PJ show, she had been bugging me for years to take her to one. Tense ride home, Jenny and Steve arguing, you should looked for me, you had your ticket, you should have come looking for me, you had your ticket. yadda yadda yadda.

    1:00 am Home

    Saturday morning - Jennifer calls, I cant find my wallet, it was in my purse. Im thinkin OMG, worse than a kid. I look all over the van, take the seats out everything.

    20 mins. later - Jenny calls, I found my wallet, it was in my coat with my ticket. Doh! Stood there the whole time with it in her coat.

    Great Show PJ, dont wait 7 years again.
    Indy 2000
    St. Louis 2000
    Champaign 2003
    Indy 2003
    St. Louis 2004
    Cincinnati 2006
    Indy 2010
    Hampton 2016
    Lexington 2016
    EV Bourbon and Beyond 2017
    Chicago N1 2018
    Chicago N2 2018
    Nashville 2022
    St Louis 2022
    Oklahoma City 2022
    Denver 2022
    Chicago N1 2023
    Chicago N2 2023
    Noblesville 2024
    Chicago N1 2024
    Chicago N2 2024
    Baltimore 2024
    Boston N1 2024
    Boston N2 2024
  • cross7806cross7806 Posts: 222
    It was my husband and my 3rd show and my sons first and it was amazing! The traffic sucked and we were stuck in the car for about 4 hours but once we got out and heard Eddie we forgot all about the traffic! My son is 7 and has listened to pj before bed for awhile now and his favorite song is Supersonic so when they started playing it he kinda freaked! he was dancing and singing with all his might....really cool! We had lawn seats and went to the top of the hill the wind was horrific but the sound, show, and fans really made it a great experience. Thank you to the awesome guy who gave me his sweatshirt when he noticed how cold i was after giving up my sweatshirt to my son...pj fans truly are the greatest! I think my son had the night of his life as everyone high-fived him and made him feel like just another fan and not a kid. Thanks for an awesome show and the slight delay....we didn't miss one song!
  • pj.uw.laurapj.uw.laura Posts: 553
    bamajam wrote:
    And one more note...every saying Chicago folks are assholes? An adorable couple from Chicago sat next to us in Section D and could not have been nicer and more fun to share the experience with! So let's not make such generalizations... Sorry, that just bugs me...

    You're definitely right...generalizing all people from Chicago as assholes is wrong. It's only the Cubs fans that are assholes.
  • Once I got to my seats I was happy, I was 2nd row of the Upper pavillion, last 2 seats with VIP to my left and the signing lady right in front of me, no seat in front of my seat. No obstructed view at all, my wife was excited, her very 1st PJ show.

    I was almost right behind you, row E. I was wearing the Citizen Dick T-shirt.
    formerly jamestr - I took my profile picture at Alpine Valley during the RATM concert on 08/24/2007
  • CosmoCramerCosmoCramer Posts: 572
    edited May 2010
    Yeah I remember you, remember the girl you showed your shirt to when you first got to your seats? She was looking at your shirt because she seen "dick" :lol:. That was Jennifer, she got to watch her firts PJ show from the sidelines. I was in a black coat and my wife went thru several costume changes, put on her shirt I bought her then my black shirt I bought for myself.
    Post edited by CosmoCramer on
    Indy 2000
    St. Louis 2000
    Champaign 2003
    Indy 2003
    St. Louis 2004
    Cincinnati 2006
    Indy 2010
    Hampton 2016
    Lexington 2016
    EV Bourbon and Beyond 2017
    Chicago N1 2018
    Chicago N2 2018
    Nashville 2022
    St Louis 2022
    Oklahoma City 2022
    Denver 2022
    Chicago N1 2023
    Chicago N2 2023
    Noblesville 2024
    Chicago N1 2024
    Chicago N2 2024
    Baltimore 2024
    Boston N1 2024
    Boston N2 2024
  • ishamaeishamae Posts: 2
    :D I had such an amazing time at the show. It has been quite a few years since I saw them live and I must say it got my blood pumping! The set was AMAZING! The people were cool! I am so thrilled I was able to be there. Although the post-show Steak n Shake line was WAAAAAYY too much! Thanks BCJ! I can't stop smiling! :D
  • CosmoCramerCosmoCramer Posts: 572
    ishamae wrote:
    :D I had such an amazing time at the show. It has been quite a few years since I saw them live and I must say it got my blood pumping! The set was AMAZING! The people were cool! I am so thrilled I was able to be there. Although the post-show Steak n Shake line was WAAAAAYY too much! Thanks BCJ! I can't stop smiling! :D

    I am so kicking myself in the ass for not going to Columbus and St. Louis, like I would have in the past. But I did just start a new job.
    Indy 2000
    St. Louis 2000
    Champaign 2003
    Indy 2003
    St. Louis 2004
    Cincinnati 2006
    Indy 2010
    Hampton 2016
    Lexington 2016
    EV Bourbon and Beyond 2017
    Chicago N1 2018
    Chicago N2 2018
    Nashville 2022
    St Louis 2022
    Oklahoma City 2022
    Denver 2022
    Chicago N1 2023
    Chicago N2 2023
    Noblesville 2024
    Chicago N1 2024
    Chicago N2 2024
    Baltimore 2024
    Boston N1 2024
    Boston N2 2024
  • My RELEASE video Good sound but a little blurry http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYmSl7Nm ... e=youtu.be
    Great show as usual but HORRIBLE venue. The lines in were ridiculous.
    will post WISHLIST video tomorrow.
  • Yeah I remember you, remember the girl you showed your shirt to when you first got to your seats? She was looking at your shirt because she seen "dick" :lol:. That was Jennifer, she got to watch her firts PJ show from the sidelines. I was in a black coat and my wife went thru several costume changes, put on her shirt I bought her then my black shirt I bought for myself.

    Very cool. I did get a couple of looks throughout the night about the shirt. Some people knew what it was about, and i think others just kind of went "huh".
    formerly jamestr - I took my profile picture at Alpine Valley during the RATM concert on 08/24/2007
  • Pry ToPry To Posts: 285
    edited May 2010
    Things were a big jumbled at the beginning. There was a bit of confusion about whether the show would even happen, but I was pretty sure it would. When they finally started letting everyone in, there was a huge cheer and a big sigh of relief.

    My 10C tickets for this show weren’t really that great. My number is high, so I’m not complaining at all, but the seats were pretty bad. I got them and decided to check TM to see if anything better was up at the last minute. I scored row S of section A -- basically third row, to the left ot Mike. I couldn’t pass them up, but it kind of sucked to have to sell my 10C tickets at a huge loss. It’s also a bummer to have such good seats available two hours before the show, and the fan club members are stuck in the very back. Whatever, I was stoked to get such good seats, even if I had to pay a premium for them.

    The great thing was that this is as close as I’ve ever been for a PJ show and it was incredible being so close. This made up for what, in my opinion, was a pretty generic playlist. There were a few gems, but they mostly stuck to the script. That said, being so close made even the “standard” songs stand out. The setlist highlights were “Release,” “Going Back to Indiana” into “Rats” (probably the highlight of the show for me). Loved “Off He Goes,” a full-blooded version of “Lukin,” “Garden,” and “Whipping.” No complaints here whatsoever. I guess I was hoping that they would take more advantage of the rain and the outdoor setting in terms of selecting the songs, but I was still happy to be part of it. This wasn't a "special" show, but definitely a really great one.

    I had a PJ newbie with me and he LOVED the show. He was blown away and I’m pretty sure I converted him. All in all, a great night. It was tough to get a sense of the crowd from where I was sitting, but the place was packed and everyone seemed to love the show. PJ were super energetic and rocking. They came to scorch the Earth, and they achieved it. A great night and another a great show from the world’s greatest band!

    A few photos from the show can be found here:

    Post edited by Pry To on
    Los Angeles - Sep 11, 1992
    Memphis - Aug 15, 2000
    Chicago - May 16, 2006
    Chicago - Aug 23-24, 2009
    Columbus - May 6, 2010
    Noblesville - May 7, 2010
    Manchester - June 20-21, 2012
    Amsterdam - June 26-27, 2012
    Berlin - July 4-5, 2012
  • Gern BlanstenGern Blansten Mar-A-Lago Posts: 21,401
    the whole VIP thing is bullshit....the venue basically sells those seats to rich assholes who try to rape everyone who wants good seats to the show

    I guess I'm glad that very few people bought their seats but it sucks that so many good seats were empty
    Remember the Thomas Nine !! (10/02/2018)
    The Golden Age is 2 months away. And guess what….. you’re gonna love it! (teskeinc 11.19.24)

    1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago
    2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy
    2013: London ON, Wrigley; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE)
    2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston
    2020: Oakland, Oakland:  2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana
    2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville
    2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana; 2025: Pitt1, Pitt2
  • glorified Kglorified K Posts: 66
    great show. great show. great show. don't care about traffic or tix or drunks or anything else. i had a blast and loved the set. also, during YL, I thought it would be a good idea to toss my cubs hat up at Ed. thankfully, it worked out well and he grabbed it and threw it on. he was also nice enough to toss it back when done. here is video that i found, but would love a couple more close up pix if anyone has any and could PM me I will give you my email.

  • Gvn2flyGvn2fly Posts: 754
    I don't have the lowest # around (342xxx, joined in '03), but I was in Section E row K. Kind of bummed about being near the back of the pavilion, but the show was amazing!

    342xxx and joined in '03??

    I joined in '03 also and am 198xxx....

    Agreed show was amazing!!
  • yellowled24yellowled24 Posts: 3,118
    I heard from a friend who went that Force of Nature was awesome 8-)

    Sounds pretty intense with the weather situation that was happening at the time.
    "....and was very surprised to see that he didnt actually have a recipe for anus-ankle soup." - Big Ed
  • Inside_Job_INInside_Job_IN Indiana Posts: 41
    The only thing that was interesting to me (and I think I will start a thread) is I had the upmost pleasure of seeing all 4 Philly shows in October and this was the first one since... I found myself trying to compare it to that and it was quite hard to do... It's tough when you luck out and probably went to the best run a band has had in a long time and try to compare something post that...

    Anybody else experience that sensation??

    Anyway, Loved it and can't wait for Hartford with son#2 to do it again :)

    Thanks Indy for a terrific time :D

    I was at the Friday and Saturday Philly shows and I know exactly how you felt, attended St. Louis, Columbus and Indy this past week and tried to compare them with Philly and just can't do it. All 3 shows last week were amazing, but Philly was a whole different experience. Friday night at Philly is by far the best concert I have ever experienced, the boys were incredible, the set list amazing, the crowd just insane and the spectrum was a true experience. Saturday night was incredible too, but it had a much different feeling than Friday, Saturday was pure entertainment, PJ made sure that the Spectrum was honored and boy did they ever put on a show. Those are two nights I will never forgot. Listening to the boots of those shows (finally :D ) on our trips to the shows this week brought back such wonderful memories. Nothing may ever top those two nights, but every PJ concert is a unique experience, one that I will continue to thrive on.

    BTW - I was sitting two rows behind you and your son, I was with my 14 year old son who was attending his first PJ concert and he is now a fan for life. He had just an amazing time and couldn't get over how great the band was and how friendly all the PJ fan were, it is a night he won't soon forget!!!!
    Philly (Spectrum 3)-2009
    Philly (Spectrum 4)-2009
    St. Louis-2010
    Columbus, OH-2010
    Indy, IN-2010
    St. Louis-2014
    Raleigh, NC-2016 (Cancelled)
    New Orleans Jazz Fest-2016
    Wrigley II-2016
  • Gvn2fly wrote:

    342xxx and joined in '03??

    I joined in '03 also and am 198xxx....

    Agreed show was amazing!!

    I joined in 1999 or 2000 and my number is 201000. Some guy sitting next to me in the back (Section D Row O)said that he joined in 2003 and that his number was 73000. I was like HUH? I guess I don't understand how they pick numbers.
    It's an art to live with pain.. mix the light into gray.
    Was it my imagination, or did Eddie flub a little bit of the lyrics at the end of garden, then Mike playfully was mocking him while playing?

    Anyways, awesome concert with an awesome setlist!
    Milwaukee, WI. - 7/9/95
    East Troy, WI. - 6/27/98
    Chicago, IL. - 7/29/98
    Chicago, IL. - 8/23/09
    Chicago, IL. - 8/24/09
    Noblesville, IN. - 5/7/10
    Newark, NJ. - 5/18/10
    East Troy, WI. - 9/3/11
    East Troy, WI. - 9/4/11
  • alabamaalabama Posts: 101
    maugelli wrote:
    Thanks for sticking up for us! It was a pleasure meeting you and your friend, I hope the drive back to Alabama was a good one! Great show and great people!!!

    It was great to meet y'all too! Not a show I will soon forget!
  • alabamaalabama Posts: 101
    ishamae wrote:
    :D I had such an amazing time at the show. It has been quite a few years since I saw them live and I must say it got my blood pumping! The set was AMAZING! The people were cool! I am so thrilled I was able to be there. Although the post-show Steak n Shake line was WAAAAAYY too much! Thanks BCJ! I can't stop smiling! :D

    Anytime!! :mrgreen:
  • I found a debit card on the ground while at this show.
    If your initials are "LC," please contact me with your full name and the bank's name to claim it and I will happily mail it back to you.

    As for my views...the show was great. PJ was great.
    The way Verizon handled the crowd...not so great.
    I won't say too much about the traffic and parking since it's been rehashed over and over.
    I will say that I found it extremely dangerous that there were only 3 exit gates open to handle a crowd that size. If someone had tripped and fallen, they would have been crushed.
    Also, more outdoor lights in the far reaches of the parking lots would have been nice. The lakes also need some sort of lighting or fencing. I can just see someone who has had too much to drink driving into a lake.

  • On the drive in, we were talking about how that new Taco Bell will pay for itself just by the end of the summer.

    Last night was my 11th show, third (and final) of this tour and the first time I've seen Pearl Jam in my "hometown". I grew up 40 minutes north of Deer Creek and now live about 30 minutes south of it. I was hoping Friday night would change my opinion of it...but it didn't. I don't like the venue at all. Traffic is ridiculous...we got there super early and came on back roads, so we avoided any ticket problems. We had VIP parking and that didn't help us at all in getting out of there quickly. Lines are just absurdly long for everything. My wife actually broke her foot in the lawn last year dealing with some drunks at a show. I said the only way I'll go to a show there again was if/when Pearl Jam came...so that was the case last night. I think people are very justified in their complaining about the box office situation. There were two Ten Club windows, but seemed to be no organization whatsoever as I walked in during the last moments of Band of Horses. I'm very glad I made the decision to pick up the tickets earlier before hanging out with friends in the lot.

    Having said that, the show was everything I’d imagined it being. I know people love to rank shows and go on and on…I can never really do that. I don’t know if it was the best show I’ve ever seen…or even if it was the best show I saw this week. All I know last night was just a perfect cap, even if I am still exhausted nearly 24 hours later.

    Thought the crowd was good, but I still think I’ve been part of better…Cincy in ’06 comes right to mind. Probably Camden in ’08, too. But, I’m hoping Eddie meant everything he said and that the patience with all the weather/ticket craziness and a little bit of Midwest hospitality yield more frequent visits. I’ll put up with the bad traffic/cramped venue/long lines if they’ll keep coming back.

    Release was everything I’d hoped it would be…it was definitely the one opener I’ve never heard that I’ve always wanted to. Force of Nature was really fun, especially considering the elements. Just a good mix and a great time. It was also special to finally share a show with so many friends. I think most of them, who sat in lawn and probably only knew a handful of songs, came away really impressed by the energy, showmanship and just overall quality of the show. I always think hearing the thoughts and reviews of those first-timers afterwards is a good time. All in my circle said they’d definitely do it all over again.

    Wow. I like to pretend Cinci never happened. I'm glad someone had a good time there :)
  • BhagavadGitaBhagavadGita Posts: 1,748
    maugelli wrote:

    Refreshing, a positive thought about the big picture in a sea of whining....thank you! :D
  • BhagavadGitaBhagavadGita Posts: 1,748
    the whole VIP thing is bullshit....the venue basically sells those seats to rich assholes who try to rape everyone who wants good seats to the show

    I guess I'm glad that very few people bought their seats but it sucks that so many good seats were empty

    To respond to this generalization...

    Maybe some people did not come out due to the weather warnings is one possibility. Not everyone in "VIP" are rich assholes. I'm on medical disablity so I'm quite the opposite from the population you spoke about. I had nice tickets because I've been in fan club so long. Not eveyone up front were rich assholes. In fact, a few children were down front along with my teenager who was attending first show! I'm grateful for my seats, but during beautiful weather, the lawn is awesome as well. Many people have earned those seats due to their seniority in the ten club. Do you belong to it? It might be something to consider, however if you never go back to the only large outdoor venue in town, I guess the point is mute. Sorry your experience was a bad one. :)

    Deer Creek has always, always been a nightmare to get into unless your clever enough to go early. Try seeing Phish or The Dead and you'll see the same thing happen.
    It is what it is.
    But I know rules changed when a large corporation sucked up the name Deer Creek and threw their stupid logo on it. Funny, it's called Verizon Wireless Music Center, but my phone never worked. I think we should point the finger at the Verizon. They stole our "Deer Creek" all for what?
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