~~~ The Other Pet thread ~~~

Ok, so dogs have there own hellla long thread and that's cool. But for those of us who have different pets; cats, birds, goldfish whatever; or just have an irrational fear of dogs this is for you post pics and whatnot if ya can.
I've never actually had any pets of my own, but I'm thinking about buying a little turtle soon enough. Check out how cool they are!
I've never actually had any pets of my own, but I'm thinking about buying a little turtle soon enough. Check out how cool they are!

I'll Ride The Wave Where It Takes Me
Post edited by Unknown User on
Hitch.. lil' aquatic turtles are cute things (had some when I was a kid) but remember that, as a reptile, they need a good habitat (large enough tank, water + rocks/out of water stuff, heating, etc.). They are good fun though!
Jen... Bubz is so cute!
There's lots of teh kitteh loverz round these parts
... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
I do love cats.
I love love love turtles, I have to caution anyone who wants one though....they live a very long time, and need large habitats with heated water, vitamin sun lamps and good diets to be healthy. I have a Asian Yellow Pond turtle that I purchased from a breeder in Florida, he will remain much smaller then a Red Ear Slider, but lives in a 50 gallon pond in my family room. If want to help a turtle in need, there are always dozens on any Craigs List. I get offered about a dozen Red Ear Sliders each year, I always say no....don't have room for a 100 gallon tank!!!
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
turtles are very cool...as are lizards...tho i've never owned either.
that said, do be cautious with turtles! that pic you posted, holding the turtles in your hands? NOT a good idea. i can't remember what disease it is, but it's serious business, and turtles carry it....and yea, uncool. so be careful.
that said, i have a few fish out in my pond, that's it for pets outside of the dog and cat variety. we used to have quite a few goldfish, 20 at one time once....and some were HUGE...but sadly, most of em eaten off by egrets or herons...or killed by disease. :( so now i try and not get so attached to em. i stopped naming them and all. right now we have about 7 smallish goldfish and they seem to be doing quite well. we also have a good tree that shades most of the pond so i think that adds protection for them from the birds, so we shall see....i may well end up naming some again yet!
i'll post a few pics of fish that have come and gone....howard was probably my biggest and oldest fish ever. had him about 7 years before a heron got him. all the fish got big, all looked very different (chose them for that reason) so i could tell them apart, etc. they were so, so beautiful...
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
He named him Cob.
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
1yr old bearded dragon, Gremlin
6 yr old Iguana, Fortesque
30Gal Cichlid tank
1.5 Gal Guppy tank(we had two but they had about 15 babies!!!!)
I'm all about the "other" pet. I was debating on getting a Boa that my friend needs to get off her hands... but I think I'm running out of tank space!
"New music, new friends. Pearl Jam."
I like our socks. I hear we make a fine sock. I always say, You might not love our records, but I think you'll like our socks. - Stone
"This record is us speaking out in class." -EV on PJ
Sweet little thing!
I used to have pet hamsters but most of them were either killed by my cat or died some other way
Seattle Key Arena 9-21-2009
Seattle Key Arena 9-22-2009
3 gerbils- Speedy, Rosie & Mickey
2 bunnies -Floppsy & Turbo
2 dogs -Jake & Charlie
2 canaries- Hershey & Sunshine
5 doves- mom & dad laid 2 eggs we had babies!
1 parakeet- Mr Smee
2 finches- Tweet & Sweet
an iguana - Spike
1 cockatiel - pumpkin
1 hermit crab- nobody remembers his name thats sad
I must have been the Mom who couldn't say no!
And I thought I was nuts. Tell me you lived on a farm or something! I live in an apartment and my beardie, iguana, 2 cats, and cichlid tank are a lot!
"New music, new friends. Pearl Jam."
I like our socks. I hear we make a fine sock. I always say, You might not love our records, but I think you'll like our socks. - Stone
"This record is us speaking out in class." -EV on PJ
My beloved Miles died today!
The smaller photo shows the cool 'tail' that he had in his first months (He had long hair on his tushie.) After I posted pics of my mice, I felt bad about not having a recent Miles pic. So I took several snaps of him a few weeks ago [larger photo.]
I rescued Miles and his brother Nicholas on 01 February 2005, in Rhode Island. Someone had dumped them at a local Petco. Looking about 12 weeks old, they were available for free adoption. Males tend to fight when they get older, so I asked if I could take just one. The staff refused, and said I had to take both or neither. I wanted to help them, but I knew that raising them separately would be stressful: I'd need two cages, each large enough for a 3 pound animal to be comfortable in. I'd have to play with them separately, let each one out for exercise separately. I'd need to buy twice as much hay, woodchips, fresh produce. I already had a family of 8 gerbils in my apartment, who lived in 3 cages. I had a pair on mice in a fourth cage. I had a frog, and a five gallon aquarium. I wanted to add exactly ONE guinea pig as my new main pet........I took both piggies anyway. They managed to get along together in one huge cage for five months. When they had to live in different cages, I started the 'separate but equal' routine: I'd give one a piece of apple, then the other. I'd pet one, then the other.
The three of us moved to California at the end of '07. I got permission from Delta airlines to take both guinea pigs inside the cabin with me. Both Miles and Nicholas were "wrong" for months after the move. Eventually Nico came out of his shell, he was happy and affectionate. Miles remained timid. Nico died on 01 February 2009, exactly four years to the day since I adopted him. With his brother gone, Miles grew in confidence. He went from sitting in one place when I took him out of his cage, to exploring the entire apartment. He found where I kept the hay. If I turned my back, he would gnaw through the bag and help himself. The front door on his wire cage folds down like a ramp. I bought a carpet square to give him traction on the ramp so that he could climb up whenever he wanted. The past few months, Miles was truly becoming happy and content with his life.
My kids when little would call them "kitty pigs". I can tell Miles was very special
Thanks, Pandora!
At various times, I called my guinea pigs "Puppy Bears" and "Wubby Rabbits" because they looked like a combination of several animals.
Next year, I think I'll rescue a nice rabbit out of the shelter. Scores of them are killed by Animal Control every year. When I look at the websites, there are literally hundreds in public shelters and private rescues.
And my two newest ladies:
Sloan, who was originally a dark chocolate merle with a tan underside. But her merle patches "roaned out" so now she is (gag me with a spoon) Sloan the Roan!!!! Eeek! I did not consciously intend to name her that!
Closest to a furred tail that I've seen in a pet mouse, with white fur at the end!
And lovely Marzipan. She is as happy and personable as my elderly mouse, Annoushka. Marz has ruby eyes.
I have a corn snake too. I made a thread on this site years ago about how cool snakes are and someone commented that he wanted my snake to die because he hates all snakes :? .
2010: Newark 5/18 MSG 5/20-21 2011: PJ20 9/3-4 2012: Made In America 9/2
2013: Brooklyn 10/18-19 Philly 10/21-22 Hartford 10/25 2014: ACL10/12
2015: NYC 9/23 2016: Tampa 4/11 Philly 4/28-29 MSG 5/1-2 Fenway 8/5+8/7
2017: RRHoF 4/7 2018: Fenway 9/2+9/4 2021: Sea Hear Now 9/18
2022: MSG 9/11 2024: MSG 9/3-4 Philly 9/7+9/9 Fenway 9/15+9/17
2025: Pittsburgh 5/16+5/18
I'm so sorry to hear about Miles. He was a lovely piggie. I've had two of them in my life and enjoyed them very much, especially those adorable sounds they make.
Check out some of the info that's out there about house rabbits. Before we had our own place and I could have multiple dogs we had rabbits. The coolest one of all was Blaze, who was fully litter box trained and would hop to the front door if the bell rang. She was so cool... when I went back to school I used to study sitting on the floor with her beside me.
Now with three dogs, including a coonhound with a very strong prey drive, we can't have any other pets.
I wish you the best of luck with your next animal companion. That will be one lucky critter to have such a great home!
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
http://www.petpress.com/wp-content/uplo ... amster.jpg
Makes me want one too!