JURY DUTY in L.A. doesn't pay!!

Eeek! I received a jury service summons yesterday. I was not thrilled, but I figured that at least I'd be getting a small cheque for my inconvenience. The papers I got made not mention of payment, so I asked on "Ask.com."
Most people only serve one day... and the county doesn't pay jurors until their SECOND day of service! So I will be 'volunteering' by order of law to perform slave labour!
Shit! I'm so poor these days that I scrounge pennies off the sidewalk, I dive my hand into public trashcans to collect bottles. And I can't even get the lousy $15 (plus 34 cents per mile) that jury duty is worth. Grr... I think I got $30 from the State Of Rhode Island back in '3 for spending a couple of hours in jury service.
Most people only serve one day... and the county doesn't pay jurors until their SECOND day of service! So I will be 'volunteering' by order of law to perform slave labour!
Shit! I'm so poor these days that I scrounge pennies off the sidewalk, I dive my hand into public trashcans to collect bottles. And I can't even get the lousy $15 (plus 34 cents per mile) that jury duty is worth. Grr... I think I got $30 from the State Of Rhode Island back in '3 for spending a couple of hours in jury service.
"May you live in interesting times."
Post edited by Unknown User on
Remember, if the glove does not fit, you must aquit!
Hope you find your way around the financial mess soon.
Yet you have enough money for a fan club membership and internet service.
Yes, because I make a profit from them: I work on my computer, so it brings in an income. The $20 PJ membership enabled me to sell 5 vinyls, a poster, and a CD to other members in less than a year.
Perhaps I'll get stuck on a jury for two weeks and make over $135. That would be okay. It's the first day of work for no pay that was a negative surprise. I've never heard of jury duty being compelled work for no compensation.
I love jury duty, been on it twice. Both times got on a trial and saw it through to verdict. That's the key though, get on a good case.
Not in California. Not even close. It's zero cents for the first day (Not even lunch or bus fare.)
Second day, and each day thereafter is $15 plus 34 cents for each mile that the juror lives away from the courthouse. I live about 2 miles away- so I'm guessing that if the real distance is a smidge under 2 miles, I will get 34 cents for mileage instead of 68 cents.
I was on a jury panel in 2007 at the L.A. Federal Court for a Russian Mafia murder case. I didn't get selected though. I did enjoy pizza at the underground L.A. Mall across the street.
oh....well california's broke! what did you expect?!
in the UK its like this:-
You may only claim up to the amount you normally earn, plus childcare and other expenses specifically incurred by your jury service.
well, now we have one reason to move to the uk
as do I and I think it should be mandatory for all employers to pay
I know it's not realistic for some employers, but they should be made to pay for up to a certain amount of days at least