
PJ and vegetarianism?



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    Kilgore_TroutKilgore_Trout Posts: 7,334
    gobrowns19 wrote:
    I just woke up from an extremely long nap and read almost every single post as "Eddie is a virgin" and just couldn't think straight, lol.
    i always thought olivia looked more like stone :p
    "Senza speme vivemo in disio"

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    CorduroyboyCorduroyboy Posts: 1,253
    Where do I begin with this. I come from an Italian family that ate everything under the sun. If you ever heard a word start with v-e-g it was meant vegatables, which of course Italians love. Along with pork, and sausage, and veal, and chicken, and steaks, and every red meat you can imagine. I grew up on this stuff. Meat was part of the daily intake. On both sides of my family for that fact. My moms side, oh man, bratwurst, sauerbraten, beef beef beef, oh and vegetables.

    I'm in my mid 20s and decide to move to California from NY and found a whole new cuisine out here. No longer am I surrounded by the meat eating Italians, and Polish, and Germans, but now a whole new area of eating that I've never explored before. I was pretty narrow minded when I moved out here when it came to food. There was no way I was trying anything new and what I couldn't get out here, I'd make myself the way I learned at home.

    I'm my late 20's I met the girl I ultimately married. She, vegetarian/vegan as they come. No meat, no dairy, some grains, some fish, no big bowl of macaroni with meatballs and bracciole like I'm used to back in NY. Everything is organic, bland, healthy, and in my eyes, tasted like shit.

    Now, my eyes are open. I eat a lot healthier and I actually read what is in the ingredients of the garbage we buy. I eat at vegetarian restaurants with her all and don't complain anymore. The food is surprisingly good. Granted I have to find the nearest pizzeria, or In N Out Burger after we finish so I can really eat, but I've opened my eyes to the fact that this... people are different. People choose to eat what they want, because they want. I'm sure some of it is partly because of trends and it's the new thing to do, but if it is, what they eat does not affect me. I don't expect everyone to eat like I do, nor do I expect to eat like everyone else does. My wife also likes Eddie all the more now that she knows he's a vegetarian. Me, I could give a rats ass.
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    dcfaithfuldcfaithful Posts: 13,076
    i love threads like this....reading these arguments crack me the fuck up!
    7/2/06 - Denver, CO
    6/12/08 - Tampa, FL
    8/23/09 - Chicago, IL
    9/28/09 - Salt Lake City, UT (11 years too long!!!)
    9/03/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 1
    9/04/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 2
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    weenieweenie Posts: 1,623
    bird jam wrote:
    Mike's "health issues" are that he has Crohn's Disease, and from what I have read, Crohn's sufferers are generally recommended to eat a healthy diet that includes meat.

    If true, then you are better educated on Crohn's than I am, thus the word "might" in the post I submitted.
    ~I want to realize brotherhood or identity not merely with the beings called human, but I want to realize identity with all life, even with such things as crawl upon earth.~
    Mohandas K. Gandhi

    ~I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment, while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance than I should have been by any epaulette I could have worn.~
    Henry David Thoreau
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    A tour rider from 2003 is here:


    You can read it for free here... or pay money from some *%@# on ebay for it... Cant believe what some people will do to make money off the backs of PJ!!

    See also plane tickets, badly made t-shirts, eddie vedder pillow case...

    (my rant over)
    OH: You need to stop buying Pearl Jam stuff, we have no room
    Me: How about we just get a bigger house?

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    halvhalv Posts: 692
    My mom has crohns and she was recommended a vegetarian diet, vegan preferably. She's doing much better on it. I had IBS for practically my whole life. When I went vegetarian it vanished. I didn't even notice for a few months until one day I realised I hadn't been lying on the floor with cramps in awhile.
    As for the comment that said cows need to be milked....most people I meet don't know that cows need to be kept in a constant state of pregnancy to give milk. They lactate just like a female human. It's this very reson that the veal industry exists. The mother cows are impregnated, give birth, if it's a male calf they take it away at just a couple days old and chain it up away from it's mother and then it's killed for veal. The mother cow is then milked and eventually impregnated again. This is so hard on dairy cows bodies they live an average of 3 years before being slaughtered. A cows normal life span is over 20 years.
    I know alot of vegans and vegetarians and none of them (except for one arrogant guy) think they are any better then anyone else. They, and I, just recognize that killing other living beings is wrong. We don't need meat to survive. It's a form of oppression and violence and takes advantage of those who can't defend themselves. I don't want to be a part of that. Not to mention how bad it is on the enviroment. I ate meat for along time. I took awhile to recognize this.
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    McCready00 wrote:
    Eddie is vegan.. or he was for sure..

    You should find a lot of informations about it through the internet.

    keep searching !

    Ed isn't vegan now. He wears leather and he asked for cheddar on his egg white and tomato omelet in Vancouver. He may still be vegetarian though ( I hope he is any way).
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    Is anyone else reading this and starting to fancy a bacon sandwich?
    OH: You need to stop buying Pearl Jam stuff, we have no room
    Me: How about we just get a bigger house?

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    halvhalv Posts: 692
    Ya....a veggie bacon sandwich. I love those!
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    catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    halv wrote:
    ....I know alot of vegans and vegetarians and none of them (except for one arrogant guy) think they are any better then anyone else. They, and I, just recognize that killing other living beings is wrong. We don't need meat to survive. It's a form of oppression and violence and takes advantage of those who can't defend themselves. I don't want to be a part of that. Not to mention how bad it is on the enviroment. I ate meat for along time. I took awhile to recognize this.

    i just don't eat meat cause it's icky. and it used to make me feel icky too. i can't even touch it anymore.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
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    they might go in and out of veggism or are "mostly" vegetarian. that's how I am- I was veg but for health reasons I really can't be all the time anymore- I need more protein than I was getting from tofu and legumes (I was eating way too large quantities of tofu) and I can't have *any* simple carbs, so in situations where I'm not in control of the menu and the "vegetarian" option is white pasta in fatty white sauce, well that's just not going to work. For some people, eating a steak is just better for their body than a bowl of white pasta. unfortunately for the environment, I am one of those people.
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    SmartypantsSmartypants Posts: 114
    sgossard3 wrote:
    cows NEED to be milked!


    halv wrote:
    As for the comment that said cows need to be milked....most people I meet don't know that cows need to be kept in a constant state of pregnancy to give milk. They lactate just like a female human. It's this very reson that the veal industry exists. The mother cows are impregnated, give birth, if it's a male calf they take it away at just a couple days old and chain it up away from it's mother and then it's killed for veal. The mother cow is then milked and eventually impregnated again. This is so hard on dairy cows bodies they live an average of 3 years before being slaughtered. A cows normal life span is over 20 years.

    Thank you for explaining that so well.

    power to the peaceful
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    pjtaperpjtaper Posts: 3,020
    I'm a vegan... but I'll wear leather shoes, sit on a leather seat, etc... I just don't want to eat a dead animal...
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    sgossard3 wrote:
    if they werent so cool id hold it against them...

    vegetarians / vegans bother me...

    going to art school i am SURROUNDED by them! not one of them can give me a reasonable reason for why they choose to do it... its like having an eating disorder or enduring the pain of hanging from the ceiling by fishhooks... people do it just to brag about their own self control... i tried finding a place to go to lunch with 2 vegetarian friends today and it was a pain in the ass...

    unless you have some sort of religious reason or are into farm animal beastiality i see nothing wrong with eating meat... its DELICIOUS!

    and vegans are even worse... not eating dairy?? cows NEED to be milked!


    (rant over... dont mean to offend anyone)

    that's funny that you think that actually. I'm vegetarian because I just don't like meat and I don't like that meat makes me feel too full and gross. It's not a political statement or anything. I just prefer vegetables and I love tofu. It's also a healthier and I like feeling healthier.
    "Music could provide the light you cannot resist" -R.E.M., "I'm Gonna DJ"

    "My relationship with the band began as a love affair on the phone with Jeff." -Eddie Vedder, Rolling Stone, 10/28/93
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    that's funny that you think that actually. I'm vegetarian because I just don't like meat and I don't like that meat makes me feel too full and gross. It's not a political statement or anything. I just prefer vegetables and I love tofu. It's also a healthier and I like feeling healthier.

    that was basically it for me too. I only like certain meat that was too hard to buy and prepare, and I think chicken is boring to eat, so I just stopped eating it altogether.
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