Seeing my little boy taking his first steps
Followed shortly by his refusal to walk on cue
Followed some weeks later by his re-discovery of walking
Hearing him laugh in his sleep
Driving home in the daylight
Driving home with the windows down
When there is a good thought in my head, and there is no way I put it there . . . it's like someone is trying to talk to me.
For instance, the past week at different times all of a sudden the song Sing, sing a song, sing out loud, sing out strong. Sing of good things not bad, sing of happy not sad. Sing, sing a song, make it simple to last the whole life long. Don't worry if it's not good enough for anyone else to hear. Just sing, sing a song.
I haven't thought of that song for over 30 years, and it just popped into my head. I was walking along today, and it popped into my head while at the same time I was thinking of SOMETHING ELSE. I may be a multi-tasker, but that is a little out of my league. I thought, Whoa, Nellie, someone's trying to put me in a good mood. That's what makes me happy.
And a mocha.
There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
Things that make me happy.. :think: Where do I start?
In no particular order:
- Life
- My darling kitty
- My cutelicious boyfriend (And the perks that come with having one. Kissing, snuggling, cuddling and.. all. )
- My awesome friends and family
- Music (Sweet, sweet music!)
- Sunshine
- The wind (Not when it's blowing rain/snow/ice/sand at my face though :P )
- Being outside in -20 degrees (Celsius) and surviving it due to knowing how to dress properly
- Some customers at work
- Water (In every way, shape and form.)
- Good food (And succeeding in cooking something delicious.)
- Making other people happy
- Being able to sneak in a few sing-y notes at work when no one can hear
- Dancing
- Reading, bookstores and libraries (So.. basically books make me happy. )
- Watching a really good film
- A cup of hot tea
- Sending and receiving letters, postcards and other such items
- Pearl Jam (I know I mentioned music, but Pearl Jam is so much more than that. )
- Travelling
- Learning new things
- Writing, painting, drawing and all that artsy stuff
Maybe that's enough for now.
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
Things that make me happy.. :think: Where do I start?
Maybe that's enough for now.
Can you ever have enough of what makes you happy?
:think: I guess not. And a lot of things make me happy.
But, as I'm sure you know, I was referring to my list of things.
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
A lot of things make me happy, I'm one of those people that find happiness in the little things so it doesn't take much to put a smile on my face and give me a warm happy feeling inside. However, the first thing that comes to my mind when asked this question is my boys. I have three, ages 12, almost 10 and 8. When I get a wink from them or see them smile or when I can share their joy when they succeed at something. When they tell me they love me more. Most of my happiness comes from them and I appreciate every moment that I'm given with them.
"You think I got my eyes closed but I'm lookin' at you the whole fuckin' time..."
My son - what amazing little person is turning into. He brings a smile to my face everyday.
Being a mum - the best gifted ever bestowed on me at a very difficult time. Made me pull me head out and be responsible, and become a better person. The most rewarding and challenging job ever with remuneration with a value that money couldn't buy.
My vegie patch - nothing like getting dirty and working in the garden to bring you back to earth and destress. Love watching all the seedlings grow into beautiful vegies and herbs.
Creating things for way less than it cost to buy them from the shop. Especially when recycling my worm farm.
Pj - music is good for the mind, soul and body.
My friends, near or far away, they are part what makes me who I am, the support me when I need it and tell me to pull my head out of my arse when I am being a moron
Cooking with my son. Great bonding time, develops his skills and responsiblities and tastes so good. No matter what it is we make!
And Grand Finale.......A Very Vanilla Chiller with an extra shot from Gloria Jeans.
Finishing work early
foot rubs
my kitties
baby animals of any kind, but especially pandas
feeling like I did a good job
warm, sunny weather
the beach
a good massage
good sex
chai latte
bravo tv
dreams about Eddie
music...especially PJ
clean sheets
a clean house
no traffic
my electric blanket
not having to ask for something twice :twisted:
hot showers
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
its getting real now!
Seeing my little boy taking his first steps
Followed shortly by his refusal to walk on cue
Followed some weeks later by his re-discovery of walking
Hearing him laugh in his sleep
Driving home in the daylight
Driving home with the windows down
For instance, the past week at different times all of a sudden the song Sing, sing a song, sing out loud, sing out strong. Sing of good things not bad, sing of happy not sad. Sing, sing a song, make it simple to last the whole life long. Don't worry if it's not good enough for anyone else to hear. Just sing, sing a song.
I haven't thought of that song for over 30 years, and it just popped into my head. I was walking along today, and it popped into my head while at the same time I was thinking of SOMETHING ELSE. I may be a multi-tasker, but that is a little out of my league. I thought, Whoa, Nellie, someone's trying to put me in a good mood. That's what makes me happy.
And a mocha.
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
In no particular order:
- Life
- My darling kitty
- My cutelicious boyfriend (And the perks that come with having one. Kissing, snuggling, cuddling and.. all.
- My awesome friends and family
- Music (Sweet, sweet music!)
- Sunshine
- The wind (Not when it's blowing rain/snow/ice/sand at my face though :P )
- Being outside in -20 degrees (Celsius) and surviving it due to knowing how to dress properly
- Some customers at work
- Water (In every way, shape and form.)
- Good food (And succeeding in cooking something delicious.)
- Making other people happy
- Being able to sneak in a few sing-y notes at work when no one can hear
- Dancing
- Reading, bookstores and libraries (So.. basically books make me happy.
- Watching a really good film
- A cup of hot tea
- Sending and receiving letters, postcards and other such items
- Pearl Jam (I know I mentioned music, but Pearl Jam is so much more than that.
- Travelling
- Learning new things
- Writing, painting, drawing and all that artsy stuff
Maybe that's enough for now.
Can you ever have enough of what makes you happy?
:think: I guess not. And a lot of things make me happy.
But, as I'm sure you know, I was referring to my list of things.
My son - what amazing little person is turning into. He brings a smile to my face everyday.
Being a mum - the best gifted ever bestowed on me at a very difficult time. Made me pull me head out and be responsible, and become a better person. The most rewarding and challenging job ever with remuneration with a value that money couldn't buy.
My vegie patch - nothing like getting dirty and working in the garden to bring you back to earth and destress. Love watching all the seedlings grow into beautiful vegies and herbs.
Creating things for way less than it cost to buy them from the shop. Especially when recycling my worm farm.
Pj - music is good for the mind, soul and body.
My friends, near or far away, they are part what makes me who I am, the support me when I need it and tell me to pull my head out of my arse when I am being a moron
Cooking with my son. Great bonding time, develops his skills and responsiblities and tastes so good. No matter what it is we make!
And Grand Finale.......A Very Vanilla Chiller with an extra shot from Gloria Jeans.
foot rubs
my kitties
baby animals of any kind, but especially pandas
feeling like I did a good job
warm, sunny weather
the beach
a good massage
good sex
chai latte
bravo tv
dreams about Eddie
music...especially PJ
clean sheets
a clean house
no traffic
my electric blanket
not having to ask for something twice :twisted:
hot showers
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"