so much for that old proverb " You can get anything in NYC "
This shirt was nowhere even remotely close to my area.
I did , however , pick up the Target version of Backspacer.
I like the brain window which was not on the 10C edition,
and of course the downloads .
it was supposed to be available in the westbury target, tho i never went. given the limited quantity and an 8 am opening time on a sunday - yikes - i didn't even bother. i am not a morning person, not a tshirt person, but would've liked one for my hubby. he's a morning type but seeing that overall it seems they weren't even displayed, theo only thing he would've come home with from target is a bad attitude from me sending him there in the first place. haha. came here today tho and saw the link for it being available online...seems like i might've gotten one of the last available, tho a medium, which now i am concerned might be too small...and i'd have bought myself a tshirt in the end in any case!
so much for that old proverb " You can get anything in NYC "
This shirt was nowhere even remotely close to my area.
I did , however , pick up the Target version of Backspacer.
I like the brain window which was not on the 10C edition,
and of course the downloads .
it was supposed to be available in the westbury target, tho i never went. given the limited quantity and an 8 am opening time on a sunday - yikes - i didn't even bother. i am not a morning person, not a tshirt person, but would've liked one for my hubby. he's a morning type but seeing that overall it seems they weren't even displayed, theo only thing he would've come home with from target is a bad attitude from me sending him there in the first place. haha. came here today tho and saw the link for it being available online...seems like i might've gotten one of the last available, tho a medium, which now i am concerned might be too small...and i'd have bought myself a tshirt in the end in any case!
so much for that old proverb " You can get anything in NYC "
This shirt was nowhere even remotely close to my area.
I did , however , pick up the Target version of Backspacer.
I like the brain window which was not on the 10C edition,
and of course the downloads .
it was supposed to be available in the westbury target, tho i never went. given the limited quantity and an 8 am opening time on a sunday - yikes - i didn't even bother. i am not a morning person, not a tshirt person, but would've liked one for my hubby. he's a morning type but seeing that overall it seems they weren't even displayed, theo only thing he would've come home with from target is a bad attitude from me sending him there in the first place. haha. came here today tho and saw the link for it being available online...seems like i might've gotten one of the last available, tho a medium, which now i am concerned might be too small...and i'd have bought myself a tshirt in the end in any case!
eh well, bummer.
my husband loves rock ts, and has quite the collection of pj ts thanks to my travel and concert habits. guess it's mine, altho it does well sound like it might even be tight on me! :?
it was supposed to be available in the westbury target, tho i never went. given the limited quantity and an 8 am opening time on a sunday - yikes - i didn't even bother. i am not a morning person, not a tshirt person, but would've liked one for my hubby. he's a morning type but seeing that overall it seems they weren't even displayed, theo only thing he would've come home with from target is a bad attitude from me sending him there in the first place.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
eh well, bummer.
my husband loves rock ts, and has quite the collection of pj ts thanks to my travel and concert habits. guess it's mine, altho it does well sound like it might even be tight on me! :?
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow