luck locating tshirts in target?



  • WaveCameCrashinWaveCameCrashin Posts: 2,929
    edited September 2009
    I don't undeerstand why they only chose select stores to sell the shirt. ther's not one store in the state of S.C. WTF :? And who decided what stores got the shirts If you go look at the list of all the stores there are some states that have lots of stores showing. Can anyone explain this ?
    Post edited by WaveCameCrashin on
  • they had them in my local store in nj, but it was an adventure. went at 8 am when then opened. they didn't have the cds out. They told me they came out tuesday, i had to explain to them that they came out today, so the guy went in the back. asked me what size tshirt i wanted. I told him the biggest they had. he came out with a box of cds and an xl tshirt which looked like a child's size. so i didn't buy it.
  • My Targets don't have the shirt. I'd have to drive two hours to the nearest location that does. I went ahead and bought a medium size from I'm have a thin physique, so I can probably wear the medium, but I just want the shirt for a keepsake - don't really plan on wearing it.
    United Center (Chicago): 8/24/09
    Gibson Amphitheatre (Los Angeles): 10/7/09

  • They had the t-shirts at the West Des Moines (Clive) store in Iowa. I bypassed the shirt though. I finally renewed my Ten Club membership instead for the $20 I would have spent on a shirt. I don't think I've renewed my membership since '04 or '05.

    Sometimes you'll see a strange spot in the sky, a human being that was given to fly

    I know it's already been sung...can't be said enough. Love is all you need, all you need is love.
  • lol read my horror story heh.

  • wolfbearwolfbear Posts: 3,965
    Just got back from our Target and got the shirt. Also picked up an extra lp & cd. :lol: They didn't have too many though unless more were in back. They were just laying on the counter in the music section. It definitely does run small but that works in my favor. :)
    "I'd rather be with an animal." "Those that can be trusted can change their mind." "The in between is mine." "If I don't lose control, explore and not explode, a preternatural other plane with the power to maintain." "Yeh this is living." "Life is what you make it."
  • so Im confused :? you can get them on line ??
  • I live about an hour away from the only Target in Alabama that had the shirts. I looked all around for the shirts, but they were nowhere to be found. I finally walked over to electronics and asked the only guy I saw and he said that he had just found them in a box. This was at about 8:30 this morning. He stated that they had only gotten 12 in. As I was standing there, 2 other guys walked up and asked for them as well. They had "The Fixer" video playing on the Target advirtisement rotation and just a handful of Backspacer cds and The Fixer single on vinyl that were not displayed well at all. I was rather disappointed when I noticed that. I wasn't expecting a big display or anything, but I certainly wasn't expecting to find the album shoved off in the corner where it wasn't really visible either. They had none of the Rockband versions of the cd at all. Maybe I am confused by that, but I thought that was supposed to be in Target stores today as well.

    Oh, well. I got a shirt and am very happy about it, but just a little disappointed in Target. Of course, I will always think that the red carpet should be rolled out for my favorite band. They are Pearl Jam, after all.
  • prfctlefts wrote:
    I don't undeerstand why they only chose select stores to sell the shirt. ther's not one store in the state of S.C. WTF :? And who decided what stores got the shirts If you go look at the list of all the stores there are some states that have lots of stores showing. Can anyone explain this ?

    my first guess would be because not all states are the same size...and of course there are targets that vary in size as well...and perhaps the spread of stores was based on known fanbase.

    it's also a limited edition item, meaning it's not going to be available everywhere. if it was, that would defeat the purpose of scarcity.

    and you can get it online if it wasn't available near you...and i suggest buying one size larger than you normally wear.

    good luck.
    "If you love someone, set them free. If someone loves you, don't fuck up." -ev

    6/29/03 - Montreal, QC 10/1/04 - Reading, PA
    10/3/05 - Philadelphia, PA 5/12/06 - Albany, NY
    6/27/08 - Hartford, CT (FRONT ROW CENTER!)
    8/2/08 - (ev) Boston, MA 6/9/09 - (ev) Albany, NY
    8/21/09 - Toronto, ON 5/10/10 - Buffalo, NY
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    so much for that old proverb " You can get anything in NYC "

    This shirt was nowhere even remotely close to my area.

    I did , however , pick up the Target version of Backspacer.

    I like the brain window which was not on the 10C edition,
    and of course the downloads .
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • Did you pay for it? no? Then it is stealing. If you were an honest person You would go back and pay for it. You felt like somebody owed you something because you could only buy 1 shirt. Be a grown up and pay for the record

    I think everyone's being a bit harsh on the original poster. If what she says is true and the employee put the album in her bag and she didn't realize till afterwards that she didn't pay for it, then it's hard to call that stealing. Stealing implies intent, which she didn't have.

    And saying she should go back to the store and pay for it is patently ridiculous. Target made the mistake. Gas is expensive and time is even more valuable. She put the album on the conveyor intending to pay for it... she's not responsible for the store making a mistake and has no responsibility wasting time and gas going back to pay for it.
  • You felt like somebody owed you something because you could only buy 1 shirt. Be a grown up and pay for the record
    Ok, how would you know "how I felt"? Are you a mind reader? Do you know how I feel now?... That I think you're apparently not that bright because you don't know how to read the English language in my post. How about that for feelings...
    The Target associatte was the one who put it in my bag (w/ the rest of my purchase) after not scanning it and I didn't realize it until later. My intention was to pay for it, just like the rest of the items I placed on the checkout counter and paid for. I didn't feel that Target owed me anything because I could only purchase one shirt, but I also feel I shouldn't have to waste the expensive gas in my car and another 2 hour round trip of my time to correct an error that clearly wasn't my fault.

    Also, you must have never worked in a corporate retail setting before. I'm a service mngr. at Meijer (so I would know this), if I go back to Target now and tell them what happened:

    A. Not only will they not make me pay for it (lucky break for me)
    B. The mngr. that rang up my purchase will be terminated. Target's Loss/Lost Prevention Dept. (It's called Lost Prevention at my store) will go out of their way to track the tickertape in the register confirming that that album wasn't scanned, they will confront the mngr. who screwed up with the video recording of the register's transactions also confirming that she didn't scan it and then put it in my bag, and with all of that; unintentional accident or not will terminate her employment. Lost Prevention will consider this a "theft" on the mngr.'s part. Target will have to take that loss and as a consequence will fire her. Considering that most stolen items at major retail stores are done by employess themselves: the LP Dept. will consider this an "inside job". I know this because we have stupid employees at my store who have done this, accident or not. Plus, if I did go back, the store would not only definately terminate her, but could very well prosecute her for what Target would consider "stolen merchandise".

    So please, spare me the "good scruples" speech. If anything now, I'm saving this lady's job.
    You only went to target to pick up the shirts and cd (you made note thats the only reason you went) the cd was 12 bucks and the shirt is 20. The math in your head shouldve said hmmm the t shirt and cd for 20 bucks, somethings not right. Now the typical response to what im saying is "well i went and bought more than the cd and shirt" but i wont buy that for a second. You said you went to target for the sole purpose of buying the shirt, 3 of them in fact.
    Hmmm, another mind reader eh? I would like you to point out where in my posts I stated "my sole purpose" was to only purchase the album and tshirt because you're wrong. I bought a shirt, the cd, the lp, the Fixer single, a Borat dvd, tampons, deodorant, toothpaste, and a pregnancy test. I just didn't feel the need to put all this in my first post because frankly I didn't think anyone would care, but now that I know you are so interested in what I purchase; I'll be more than happy to give you a detailed PM of my upcoming grocery purchase if you wish...
  • drsluggodrsluggo Posts: 4,742
    KIElm wrote:
    if I go back to Target now and tell them what happened:

    A. Not only will they not make me pay for it (lucky break for me)
    B. The mngr. that rang up my purchase will be terminated.

    So please, spare me the "good scruples" speech. If anything now, I'm saving this lady's job.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. You're trying to say that because you knowingly got an unpaid CD you're actually the savior by not letting them know it! You really believe a manager would be fired because a $12 CD didn't get scanned among everything else WHILE YOU WERE BERATING THEM FOR NOT GIVING YOU 3X THE LIMIT ON A PRODUCT?

    Give me a break...
  • not trying to add fuel to your fire, but tampons and a pregnancy test???'d think you'd need one or the other, not both!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

    I'm totally teasing........

    And you are right that the TARGET employee would get fired for the cousin worked for TARGET for three years and she said it happened all the was the #1 sin at the store to not ring something....
    "No way to save someone who won't take the rope,and just lets go..."
  • got mine thru a friend who was at target he called me and i asked do you see the Tshirt and he said yeah he bought me one sweet ,the one Target i wen't to were all sold out ...
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
  • no one at the target in glendale (denver area), co had a clue about the shirt...the staff was really helpful in finding them...they got like 4 people involved and one remembered where the were...they got them out of the back and i got a L...the whole process took about 15 minutes, and everyone was very nice

    the shirts run small and basically tell you not to dry them....the XL was poorly made-one of the sides had the stitching curving around to the back

    i was the only one there, so maybe if you call, they can sell you one and mail it

    vedderman51 is correct on that one issue...people trying to buy as many shirts as they can so they flip them for money is simply not nice...and to not pay for something is stealing...the price of gas is an expense you choose to make and is not Target's responsibility to reimburse you for...also not only did you steal from Target, but you stole from Pearl Jam---not trying to judge, but right is right and wrong is wrong
    "...what a different life had i not found this love with you..."
    KIElm wrote:
    My husband and I split up and went to 2 different stores; the one he went to didn't have any (they had no clue), but the one I went to had a bunch. I picked up 3 and they would only let me buy 1!!! The mngr. said there was a freakin limit!! I almost got in a huge fight w/ her. I asked why there was a limit and she said because the store had limited quantity, Target was only allowing one per person. I was like why? and she said, "Well what am I supposed to tell the other customers? It's only 8:30 and other people will want to buy them." That's when I told her I was waiting since 7:45 this morning and if "other customers" wanted it so bad they should have been here early too. She even threatened to kick me out of the store w/ no shirt. What a bitch! Now my hubby doesn't get one. :( I guess it's ok though, during the arguement w/ the mngr., she forgot to ring me up for the Backspacer LP (that they didn't even have out, I had to ask; they were in the back), so I got the record for free! Screw Target!!
    Hope the rest of you get one! Good luck!

    Wow, a real class act.

    If you missed out on the shirt because there was no limit, and someone beat you to them, I bet you would have complained that there should have been a limit!
  • Since You can't drive "two hours" back to Target. Why don't you order another one here through 10C to settle up your blind thievery. Sounds fair to me. Then the store manager won't lose their job ;) I am sorry but that is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Any way to justify it in your head I guess
  • IamMineIamMine Posts: 2,743
    Shelby Township, MI 26 mile off from M-53 (new Van Dyke) has them except for the vinyls.... but the young worker (unlike some "bad" young workers mentioned here, they knew what we were asking about and knew the answers as well) there said that the vinyls would be "Target Exclusive" this Tuesday.

    I didn't ask about the game.... sorry, forgot about that. :oops:

    They have PLENTY of cds there.... I saw a lot of purchases too.....

    T-shirts also available in M, L, XL in the front.... but limited. They are folded on a shelf in the front by the check-outs.

    Beware of M-53 getting on 26 mile.... they have two turnabouts. I'd have taken the Old Van Dyke getting to 26 mile.
    JA: Why do I get the Ticketmaster question?
    EV: It's your band.
    ~Q Magazine

    "Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
  • fanofzsfanofzs NYC Posts: 509
    Yeah, couldn't find the CD in the Music Dept. Walked to the counter and these guys were folding the shirts. I said, "hey, you got an XL". They had one XL and only 4 shirts total left. They said they only received 20 shirts at that store. Are the shirts that limited? Man. And this was at like 11am. Glad I stopped by early in the day.

    BTW, the CDs were only for sale at the checkout lane (26 I think). Crazy
  • Total ordeal.

    My local Target had the CDs out, but not the shirts. Had to ask about them... took them forever, but they found the box.

    The Target folks (Carlton and Janet, thanks again) were very cool about it. The store only got one box (which they brought out with various sizes, very few XL, mostly M). Maybe twenty shirts total and that's being generous. They admitted that their location got an e-mail from corporate that the vinyl are "delayed" but there was no date.

    As for the poor planning, you have to understand, as was explained to me, most retail locations get their new music/movie things once a week. They have on person that coodinates all of this and they don't work weekends. This is one of those "fire, ready, aim" kinds of things. So please, be nice to them. Most of the folks are going to do their best to help.

    Buckley Target (Aurora, CO) and Gartrell Target (Aurora, CO) had the CDs and shirts, both were e-mailed about the vinyl.
    1995-06-20 Morrison Colorado Red Rocks
    1998-06-23 Denver Colorado Fiddler's Green Amphitheatre
    2000-10-20 Albuquerque New Mexico Mesa del Sol
    2003-04-01 Denver Colorado Pepsi Center
    2006-07-03 Denver Colorado Pepsi Center
  • bicyclejoebicyclejoe USA Posts: 1,203
    KIElm wrote:
    (Sorry for the cross post, I originally posted in the wrong thread and now it won't let me edit)

    Um, how is it "stealing" when I waited in line with my purchase and the Target clerk forgot to ring something up? I didn't realize that the album wasn't on the reciept and that I hadn't paid for it until after I left the store and got home... It's not like I hid it under my shirt or in my purse and snuck out of the store w/out paying for it. If I did that, then it would make me a thief. But that didn't happen. The store's mngr. (who rang me up) was the one who screwed up by not scanning it and still put in my bag with the rest of my purchase, not me. I'm not a thief, never was, never will be and I don't appreciate the self rightous hypocrites who say I am. Sour grapes... You mean to tell me if this happened to you that you would drive an hour back to Target to rectify a mistake that the store made in your favor? If your answer is "yes" that's BS; what a stroke...

    Furthermore, PJ won't take a loss on this, Target will, for having idiots at the cash register not ring up someones purchase correctly.

    Also, the 3 shirts were for myself, my husband, and son, not buying extras to sell... So get bent! Sounds like jealousy to me... So go ahead and bash all you want: "Tough titty said the kitty, but the milk's still good!"

    Yes, I would call the Target and at least let them know what had happened, that they had not charged you and ask if there was a way to send payment. In all likelihood, they would say, "Don't worry about it. Our mistake." It would have been the ethical thing to do. Unfortunately, you came off as a bit over the top in your narrative. In reading it, it appeared that you were bragging about giving them their just desserts by not paying for the LP, whether it was intentional or not.

    As for jealousy, I was able to go to my local indie store and pick up the vinyl this morning and then stopped in to Target to buy a shirt. If anything, I feel bad that you got what you wanted, but not without it being tainted by rage, name-calling and getting something for nothing.
    My Pearl Jam Road: 10/22/90 Seattle | 12/22/90 Seattle, Moore Theater | 9/29/92 Seattle, Magnusson Park, Drop in the Park | 9/5/93 The Gorge, with Neil Young and Blind Melon | 7/20/06 Portland, Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall with Sleater-Kinney | 7/22/06 The Gorge, 10/21/06 Mountain View, Shoreline Ampitheatre, Bridge School Benefit | 9/21/09 Seattle | 9/22/09 Seattle | 9/26/09 Portland, OR | 7/14/2011 Eddie Vedder, Portland, OR | 11/29/13 Portland, OR
  • PJ-CubsPJ-Cubs Posts: 3,329
    KIElm wrote:
    You felt like somebody owed you something because you could only buy 1 shirt. Be a grown up and pay for the record
    Ok, how would you know "how I felt"? Are you a mind reader? Do you know how I feel now?... That I think you're apparently not that bright because you don't know how to read the English language in my post. How about that for feelings...
    The Target associatte was the one who put it in my bag (w/ the rest of my purchase) after not scanning it and I didn't realize it until later. My intention was to pay for it, just like the rest of the items I placed on the checkout counter and paid for. I didn't feel that Target owed me anything because I could only purchase one shirt, but I also feel I shouldn't have to waste the expensive gas in my car and another 2 hour round trip of my time to correct an error that clearly wasn't my fault.

    Also, you must have never worked in a corporate retail setting before. I'm a service mngr. at Meijer (so I would know this), if I go back to Target now and tell them what happened:

    A. Not only will they not make me pay for it (lucky break for me)
    B. The mngr. that rang up my purchase will be terminated. Target's Loss/Lost Prevention Dept. (It's called Lost Prevention at my store) will go out of their way to track the tickertape in the register confirming that that album wasn't scanned, they will confront the mngr. who screwed up with the video recording of the register's transactions also confirming that she didn't scan it and then put it in my bag, and with all of that; unintentional accident or not will terminate her employment. Lost Prevention will consider this a "theft" on the mngr.'s part. Target will have to take that loss and as a consequence will fire her. Considering that most stolen items at major retail stores are done by employess themselves: the LP Dept. will consider this an "inside job". I know this because we have stupid employees at my store who have done this, accident or not. Plus, if I did go back, the store would not only definately terminate her, but could very well prosecute her for what Target would consider "stolen merchandise".

    So please, spare me the "good scruples" speech. If anything now, I'm saving this lady's job.
    You only went to target to pick up the shirts and cd (you made note thats the only reason you went) the cd was 12 bucks and the shirt is 20. The math in your head shouldve said hmmm the t shirt and cd for 20 bucks, somethings not right. Now the typical response to what im saying is "well i went and bought more than the cd and shirt" but i wont buy that for a second. You said you went to target for the sole purpose of buying the shirt, 3 of them in fact.
    Hmmm, another mind reader eh? I would like you to point out where in my posts I stated "my sole purpose" was to only purchase the album and tshirt because you're wrong. I bought a shirt, the cd, the lp, the Fixer single, a Borat dvd, tampons, deodorant, toothpaste, and a pregnancy test. I just didn't feel the need to put all this in my first post because frankly I didn't think anyone would care, but now that I know you are so interested in what I purchase; I'll be more than happy to give you a detailed PM of my upcoming grocery purchase if you wish...

    OK, I really need to call BS on this one. Based on your earlier posts, you went to 3 different stores to get shirts. You had multiple opportunities to point out the error that the clerk made without getting anyone fired. You could have just go into the Palatine store and told them of the error at the previous Target and more than likely no one would have been fired. I am sure that they would have not made you pay for the CD but it least you could have a clear head. Instead, you were proud of yourself for "beating the system" and getting a free CD after the store would not let you buy 3 shirts at once.

    It is really sad how ugly these "limited edition" items make people act Can't we all remember when it was just about the music and not about having a shirt that no one else had or that you could sell on ebay. I am not saying that I am perfect. I was up early to go get a shirt at Target. In hindsight, I wish I would have just stayed at home, slept in and maybe listened to the new CD again.
  • I went to my local Target at 8 AM. They did not have the shirt eventhough they were on the store list on the PJ website. The clerk had a handheld device in his hand and he was able to tell what stores had them, how many and what sizes. From what he showed me, it looks like no store got more than 5 M, 5 L and 5 XL. When I got to the store, they weren't in the Men's Dept or in the CD section. They were folded in 3 piles on a shelf near the register, where they also had the CD stocked. Good luck, they are REALLY nice. They had "The Fixer" vinyl, too!
    Gary Zoldos
  • yield2meyield2me Posts: 1,291
    KIElm wrote:
    I bought a shirt, the cd, the lp, the Fixer single, a Borat dvd, tampons, deodorant, toothpaste, and a pregnancy test. I just didn't feel the need to put all this in my first post because frankly I didn't think anyone would care, but now that I know you are so interested in what I purchase; I'll be more than happy to give you a detailed PM of my upcoming grocery purchase if you wish...

    tampons and a pregnancy test...well that explains a lot.

    /digs a hole and waits for the bombs to fall....
    “May you live to be 100 and may the last voice you hear be mine.” - Frank Sinatra
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    KIElm wrote:
    My husband and I split up and went to 2 different stores; the one he went to didn't have any (they had no clue), but the one I went to had a bunch. I picked up 3 and they would only let me buy 1!!! The mngr. said there was a freakin limit!! I almost got in a huge fight w/ her. I asked why there was a limit and she said because the store had limited quantity, Target was only allowing one per person. I was like why? and she said, "Well what am I supposed to tell the other customers? It's only 8:30 and other people will want to buy them." That's when I told her I was waiting since 7:45 this morning and if "other customers" wanted it so bad they should have been here early too. She even threatened to kick me out of the store w/ no shirt. What a bitch! Now my hubby doesn't get one. :( I guess it's ok though, during the arguement w/ the mngr., she forgot to ring me up for the Backspacer LP (that they didn't even have out, I had to ask; they were in the back), so I got the record for free! Screw Target!!
    Hope the rest of you get one! Good luck!

    i don't believe it! really?? they wouldn't give you more than 1 limited edition t-shirt because you got there first?

    yeah that manager was really a bitch huh...well at least you got some free stuff because that manager trying to do her job and thinking about the other fans that might have wanted that t-shirt...good for you!!

  • I found the shirts in the Millbury Massachusetts Target but they had NO CDs or Rockband!
    8/29/00, 7/3/03, 5/24/06,6/28/08 & 6/30/08, 10/9/09,10/28/09, 10/30/09 & 10/31/09, 5/15/10, 5/17/10, 5/18/10, 5/20/10 & 5/21/10, 10/23/10 & 10/24/10, 9/3/11, 9/4/11, 9/11/11, 9/12/11, 9/23/11, 9/22/12, 9/30/12, 7/16/13, 7/19/13
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    Russell: It's a T-shirt. (turns to Ed) Do you give a shit about a T-shirt?

    Ed: I'm just hungry, man. Let's just go out and find some barbecue or something.
  • norm wrote:
    KIElm wrote:
    My husband and I split up and went to 2 different stores; the one he went to didn't have any (they had no clue), but the one I went to had a bunch. I picked up 3 and they would only let me buy 1!!! The mngr. said there was a freakin limit!! I almost got in a huge fight w/ her. I asked why there was a limit and she said because the store had limited quantity, Target was only allowing one per person. I was like why? and she said, "Well what am I supposed to tell the other customers? It's only 8:30 and other people will want to buy them." That's when I told her I was waiting since 7:45 this morning and if "other customers" wanted it so bad they should have been here early too. She even threatened to kick me out of the store w/ no shirt. What a bitch! Now my hubby doesn't get one. :( I guess it's ok though, during the arguement w/ the mngr., she forgot to ring me up for the Backspacer LP (that they didn't even have out, I had to ask; they were in the back), so I got the record for free! Screw Target!!
    Hope the rest of you get one! Good luck!

    i don't believe it! really?? they wouldn't give you more than 1 limited edition t-shirt because you got there first?

    yeah that manager was really a bitch huh...well at least you got some free stuff because that manager trying to do her job and thinking about the other fans that might have wanted that t-shirt...good for you!!


    "Without the album covers, where do you clean your pot?" - EV
  • KIElm wrote:
    My husband and I split up and went to 2 different stores; the one he went to didn't have any (they had no clue), but the one I went to had a bunch. I picked up 3 and they would only let me buy 1!!! The mngr. said there was a freakin limit!! I almost got in a huge fight w/ her. I asked why there was a limit and she said because the store had limited quantity, Target was only allowing one per person. I was like why? and she said, "Well what am I supposed to tell the other customers? It's only 8:30 and other people will want to buy them." That's when I told her I was waiting since 7:45 this morning and if "other customers" wanted it so bad they should have been here early too. She even threatened to kick me out of the store w/ no shirt. What a bitch! Now my hubby doesn't get one. :( I guess it's ok though, during the arguement w/ the mngr., she forgot to ring me up for the Backspacer LP (that they didn't even have out, I had to ask; they were in the back), so I got the record for free! Screw Target!!
    Hope the rest of you get one! Good luck!

    You make me feel ashamed to be a Pearl jam fan. You sound like a real scum bag. Here's hoping that pregnancy test you bought was negative because the last thing we need is more of your offspring walking around screaming at Target managers over a tshirt.
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