Is this what life is really about? (mid 20's crisis)...



  • Thoughts_ArriveThoughts_Arrive Melbourne, Australia Posts: 15,165
    finnannie wrote:
    To all who are in some sort of 20's crisis/existential crisis or something:

    prepare yourself for a very random stream of thoughts about life and all.. that this subject brought up in my mind... ;)

    It's hard being young.
    It's hard to let go.
    It's hard to grow wiser. It's easy to get older.
    Finding your way, finding yourself.
    In the end, you are all alone.
    The choices you've made won't matter but to you.
    So make your way, through it all, based on how you feel.
    You yourself.
    Gather wisdom, think and live by what you think is right.
    Don't let the worries of the entire world bring you down.
    Leave all those insignificant things, thoughts, in your life.. behind you.
    Be reasonable, be generous, be true. Find some meaning for your existence.
    Search for moments of happiness and all those little things in life,
    that make you feel good.
    Treat others good, what goes around comes around.
    It's not easy, never was and never will be.
    Try enjoying moments of silence.
    Get to know yourself.
    When you have peace within yourself, everything feels a bit better.
    Life - what is it? Who knows. Be who you are, do what feels right.
    Maybe you'll find answers, maybe you won't.
    Just try. Do it. Try living. See the world - see yourself.
    Peace, Love, Happiness, - try and find those in your life.
    Don't lie. Don't lie to yourself. Don't pretend. Don't hate.
    Accept everything life throws at you with open arms and deal with it the best you can.
    There is no "Good Life", there is only Your Life, do what you wish with it.
    Dreams are hard to turn into reality, you can always try, though - even if you fail,
    at least you yourself know you have tried - and you can still dream on.
    Show some mercy for yourself.
    Whatever you decide to do, never give up.

    Life goes on. ;)

    ...don't know if that "stream of thoughts" made any sense to anyone, but those are just
    some thoughts and feelings about life and how to live it... well at least how I - try - to live it.
    I don't know if I've succeeded exceptionally well.. but I have peace within myself about myself and my life - and thats pretty good so far.
    I am still a "work in progress" after all... ;) hehh.

    I'm 22. I've had my share of existential/etc crises for my age. I've been depressed, I've had worries and god knows what else.
    I still do worry, I still feel depressed from time to time. You get used to it, somehow. You learn how to cope with it.
    You just have to get to know yourself, you have to come in terms with yourself, your dreams, wants, and needs.
    Growing wiser, and older - it's a long process.. it doesn't happen overnight, you won't get
    what you want the way we are used to getting everything nowadays. Sometimes everything doesn't work out the way we thought.
    I have made mistakes, I've gone through some bad, weird phases in my life,but always gotten over them.
    I'm still weird... but I don't care ;) No one survives life alive.

    Life... we all just have to figure it out ourselves.
    Don't worry so much about "becoming something". It's the ride itself that matters... not the destination ;)

    Peace, love, happiness...
    and most of all... good luck - everyone.
    -- and if words don't feel like they're helping much... music always makes me feel better
    ... listen to this one for example:

    ..okay enough of me rambling.. :P

    Thanks for that :)
    The song is great, love the lyrics, not a Boston fan, this is the first I've heard of this song.
    I think it is so true.
    Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
  • MayDay10MayDay10 Posts: 11,787
    This 'quarter life crisis' is a very real. I got it bad at ages 23-27. It sucks. I graduated college, moved away from home, and got stuck in a lot of debt.... which took away my freedom for the most part.

    Things turned around for me when I got a great job in a better location, where they pay for me to travel home all the time.

    At the age of 30 I am still not content with what I am doing. There is about 50% of me who wants to return home and go to school for physical therapy. The other half wants to remain doing what I am doing (the pay is good and the job 'isnt that bad'.

    But the dread and depression isnt there anymore. The lack of debt allows me to do what I want for the most part. The second guessing and wondering what could have been will always be there though
  • megatronmegatron Posts: 3,420
    this post seems familiar..
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