help... manager talks about other employees to me.

I have a slight drama issue at work. My manager talks about each employee to the other employees working. We all know she does it, and she seems to pin point one girl the most (even telling me not to take her home after work anymore because the manager says she thinks the girl is not appreciative enough).
When it's me and this other girl working together we talk (though still doing our work and completing it) but the manager gets mad that we're talking (not mad at us actually talking, but that we're friendly) and she'll get rude with me when I'm friendly to the girl! The other night I was talking about going walking with the girl in the morning (around 6 am) so we can get in shape, the manager comes over and says to me... "you can't do that, I need you here and you'll be too tired for work if you walk that early". She does whatever she can to make sure I do not befriend this other employee.
This woman is driving me nuts but I need this job right now, any suggestions on how to handle this without going insane and killing her? :roll:
When it's me and this other girl working together we talk (though still doing our work and completing it) but the manager gets mad that we're talking (not mad at us actually talking, but that we're friendly) and she'll get rude with me when I'm friendly to the girl! The other night I was talking about going walking with the girl in the morning (around 6 am) so we can get in shape, the manager comes over and says to me... "you can't do that, I need you here and you'll be too tired for work if you walk that early". She does whatever she can to make sure I do not befriend this other employee.
This woman is driving me nuts but I need this job right now, any suggestions on how to handle this without going insane and killing her? :roll:
"I'm not present, I'm a drug that makes you dream"
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it's always good to have a friend at work. your boss has no authority to choose you friends for you. just my .02!
The girl used to be her "pet employee" until I started, now I guess it's sort of me she favors.
The manager has even gone as far as to imply that she might fire the other girl. She didn't flat out say it, but I know what she was getting at. I'm not used to drama like this in the work place... and quite honestly I wish another job would just call me so I could get out now! *though I'm also scared that this manager would give me a bad recommendation if I was to leave (daily she asks me if I plan on staying over a year! and one time i mentioned going back to school and she told me it's too expensive and I should stay there!)
i would go to HR & explain your situation before you tell your boss that you don't appreciate being pressured & hearing her gossip about other employees.
The other girl had the keys to the store when i started and since the manager has taken to me she's made the other girl give me the keys to the store... it was very awkward.
I think as long as you can separate work and home you're okay. But since she's your boss you can't really call her on it unless you're alright with the possible consequences.
I'd love to talk about the situation to HR... but I'm afraid to "stoke the fire" if you know what I mean!
Don't talk to HR...more drama, I swear. Your sucked in's hard to get out. Unless you love the job and you're rolling in your paycheques...maybe see if there's any other jobs in your area.
so you can't go to HR b/c you're worried that you may lose your job or that it may damage your friends' job status? wow. there has to be someone within the company that you can talk to about this. i understand that it's a risk....
or, you could ask to have a meeting. just the 3 of you & try to hash it out that way. (i would suggest having someone else there, btw) but a meeting might work. if it's just the 3 of you, maybe you can all come up with a solution.
how was your vacation????
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
That would definitely be beneficial with any professional...but this woman obviously isn't professional. It's a shame. With my boss, I would often wonder how on earth she made it to manager being so petty and childish.
Brandi, if there's no other job possibilities than you have to suck it up and try to keep the peace. Try to keep the topic off the other girls. If she starts, change the subject. Maybe she'll catch the hint that you don't wanna play that game.
but seriously, you are right. I guess I have deal with it and try to avoid any "employee bashing" I can. Keeping my fingers crossed I find another job soon! thanks
Well, you could...but then you'd have to hide the body......and frame the other girl...which wouldn't be to hard since we all know she hates her!
hmmmmmmm...... :twisted:
holy crap. :shock:
this is what happens when i leave a thread. scary, scary!!!
(just remember to wipe off your prints!)
Sound advice....also;
-erase all incriminating murder posts on the pit.
It was nice. Morocco was cool and Spain and Paris were awesome. Being constantly on the move and mixing some work/research with the trip (as well as getting sick somewhere in Morocco) led to a little less r&r than I generally like, but overall I had a great time.
They will be grossed out that you listen to "heavy metal" that was "in" 17 years ago
I have encountered much pettiness and backstabbing at work. Both sexes are good at it where I work.
My female managers were never nice when I worked in a great department store (it's been replaced by Macy's).
It's really sad when you are judged saying something as innocent as walking at 6 a.m. She is so stupid sounding, I guess she does not know/care that exercise increases your stamina, helps your mood, etc. Your manager may be a very unhappy person.
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
Let the air out of her tires
Call her house and hang up 5-10 times between the hours of 2am and 5am
Interesting how her lunch at work keeps vanishing everyday....mmm???
Have everyone call in sick on the same day leaving her alone to hopefully realize how important it is not to shit on your employees.
Basically make her life a living hell .......Killing her will only put a stop to the fun you can have
He did this a lot. It was usually about employees who slacked on the job. I alwaays thought to myself, "why don't you get rid of them?".
I wonder what he told other employees about me?
Oh and he was male!! Its not just a female thing!
Send her mail back as "not at this address".
Put sugar OUTSIDE her car, above the place you put gas in at. Maybe a little around the place you put it in, so she knows its there.
Call the utility companies for her home address and say you are her and you are moving and want service shut off on such and such date.
Of course, the oldies, order her pizza or any carry out, as if she ordered it.
Call and have some kind of home service done on outside of her home and ask company to bill her at home address.
Unplug her computer
write bitch on her door in permanent marker. I was thinking on her face, but you can only do that when they are asleep.
Call and offer her a job she can't refuse and set up an interview in some bad neighborhood.
Call her doctor and say you are her sister and are concerned about her coke habit.